153 – The Lost Lamb (01)

Time flies.

Two weeks have already passed since that day.

Aside from the introduction, the matter about the personal safety of the saintess ended with her joining the warriors’ party as requested by the Holy See.

There were some twists and turns due to the hero’s evil opposition, but thanks to the victor’s desperate dissuade and a decision that sacrificed my dignity, I was able to calm the situation safely without shedding a single drop of blood.

In exchange for that peaceful solution, handing over the right to wish once a day to the hero was a rather painful sacrifice, but it was nothing special.

As long as the hero’s protection, which should have gone to the hero, came to me, it was indispensable to accompany the saintess until I found a way to pass this blessing back to the hero.

Fortunately, among the misfortunes, the heads of the Holy See had never dreamed that I had the protection of a warrior.

It was their judgment that the reason why the divine protection was not given to the hero in the proper form was because the saintess was still immature in handling her holy power.

”Well I don’t know anything.”

Perhaps this time, the saintess, who avoided my gaze on a rare occasion, continued to rant.

Thanks to the years she had spent with the saintess, it was now possible to see clearly what kind of emotional state she was in right now, just with this subtle change in her expression.

This is just my speculation, but maybe the time when the saintess hit me with the protection of the hero wasn’t recently, but relatively ago?

For example, the time when I was knocked out for the first time by pouring divine protection.

”Priest Rage. Wow, I think the saintess has reflected herself enough. That’s what scolding is about…”

The nun stopped me from having an untimely snowball fight with the saintess sitting on her lap.

Let alone scolding, she hadn’t even uttered the slightest dislike, but the look of deep anxiety was evident on the face of the nun who took turns examining the faces of the saintess and me.

It is a fact that even I, who grew up as an orphan all my life, knew that the way to carelessly wrap around a child in such a way is not good for a child’s emotions, although the heart that values one’s only flesh and blood family is worthy of praise.

”Sister… If you go overboard like this every time, you’ll get into a bad habit for the saintess. It stings more at times like this…”

”There’s a point in saying that, but the saintess might have thoughts too…”

Although I think I get a little tired every time this kind of haggling comes and goes, I still think that it was a good decision to bring the nun as the person who will take care of the saintess.

During the rugged journey outside, there were no talented people in our party who could support the saintess whose mental age had just entered puberty.

Because the current nun, who had a history of being accused of trying to erase all of her holy power, was discovered by the heretic inquisitor, could not be left alone in the monastery.

Now that the nun who was in charge of the overall affairs of the monastery disappeared, I was a bit worried about the situation of the monastery, which had become a ship that lost its sails, but I cleared my mind that it would be okay.

”If anyone sees it, they’ll know that you’re raising a baby among yourselves…”

”Ah, Apis! What are you talking about!?”


The nun was frightened by Apis’ one annoying word and raised her voice.

On the outside, Apis has a mean attitude, but in fact, the saint and the nun were able to enter our party safely thanks to Apis.

The truth about baptisms. The relationship between the nun and the saint. The reason why the nun tried to put the saint and me together.

I was able to dare to assert that there was no lie in the declaration of Apis, who immediately believed in the absurd story and then stabbed arrows into the heads of the top officials of the Vatican.

Such outrage continued until the nun said that everyone who was directly or indirectly involved in the baptismal ceremony had already ceased to be a person of this world due to an accidental or natural death of unknown cause.

I could guess why Apis reacted with such excitement.

Perhaps because of the past of being banished from her hometown and wandering aimlessly for decades, Apis used to show a particularly weak side to anything that could make her feel a sense of belonging, like family or colleagues.

This was a fact that could easily be known just by looking at the way Apis treated the hero.

A dishonest older sister who grumbles and takes care of her troublesome younger sister.

The memory of being beaten in the pit of the stomach by Apis, whose face was flushed red, was still vivid.

”Hey, stop biting and washing and get your clothes together quickly. A warrior is coming soon.”

”Mu, biting and sucking!”

”apis. Please hide your words…”

Listen by chance, the saintess hurriedly covered her ears.

Aside from such vulgar language, she would be a woman who was flawless in every aspect, both in appearance and surprisingly in a family manner.

There were so many advantages, but seeing one big disadvantage swallowing them up, I felt uncomfortable.

”apis. please please Please don’t say such misunderstandings… Biting and sucking… If anyone hears it, they won’t know that we’re having an affair…”

”Ah, Apis! As I explained before, the current saintess had to stick with Rage’s priest for more than a certain amount of time a day…”

”Ah, if the bastards who came out when they came out and entered when they entered are rubbing their bodies, they’re biting and sucking!”


It was very difficult to explain to my colleagues the reason why the saintess and I had to stay close to each other for a certain amount of time.

In particular, the opposition of Downa and the warrior who had a crush on me was very extreme.

Honestly, it was worth it.

To think that I have a special power to absorb the saintess’s holy power.

Even if it were me, if I was in the position to listen, I would have treated it like crazy.

However, the confident tone of the nun and the experiences she had with her so far gave the absurd theory a weighty truth.

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Just by being with me, the saintess might be able to regain her ego, which has been discolored by her wrathful holy power.

I wonder if it’s a stranger on the other side of the globe.

It was impossible, at least for me, to pretend I didn’t see it, as long as I had someone right in front of me who I could help and no one else to help.

Therefore, after desperate persuasion, if there were any witnesses other than the nuns, it was possible to secure time to be with the saintess for about an hour a day.

”Now then, saintess. Then I’ll just go. I’ll be back soon. Please be nice and wait at the accommodation with the nun. Did you know?”

”yes. okay. Well, I’ll be nice. I won’t bother anyone and I’ll listen to my sister.”

”Good idea.”

He patted his head with a feeling of admiration.

The saintess’ struggling, which was the biggest concern, was also harmonious to the point of fainting thanks to the saintess’ attitude, which was noticeably more submissive than before.

No, since that day, there has never been a single case in which the saintess has had a major accident.

Even when I had my last fight with the hero, maybe she had listened to my request not to injure people recklessly, because the saintess was only focused on passive defense.

It seems like just yesterday that I started using them in groups if my request wasn’t met.

The remarkable growth was nothing short of impressive.

Is this how you raise your child?

”Then I’ll see the warrior’s condition for a while. Please, the saintess. Sister.”

”Yeah. Have a safe trip. Rage’s priest. May God smile on you. Come on, lady. You should say hello to the priest.”

”brother. Bye bye.”

”Whoops. That’s right, not even the saintess…”

”What newlyweds are you? Never say hello in front of a warrior like that. I get stabbed again.”


Pretending not to hear Apis’ sharp criticism, she calmly tidied up her clothes.

”By the way Apis. How was it today? Have you made any progress?”

”No, I searched the whole city like crazy, but this time it was also a waste.”


As I descended the stairs, I had a brief conversation with Apis.

Although we entered the body of an Amon person and abandoned it, there was only one task left for us who had succeeded in receiving the blessing of the saintess.

Another half-god of the hero who is indispensable to subjugate the demon lord along with the hero’s protection. holy sword.

Reappearing with the birth of the current generation of heroes, all you have to do is find that lazy relic sleeping somewhere in this system.

But over the past two weeks, I’ve searched all over the island, but I haven’t come up with any significant income yet.

According to tradition, it is said that the holy woman’s protection naturally leads the hero to the place where the holy sword is enshrined.

It was because I couldn’t hear any news from the protection of the hero who crash landed on my shoulder.

”How about the hero’s side…”

”Still. In search of clues to the Holy Sword, he is running around the city.”

The answer came back as expected, but the nervousness in my breathing was still there.

Because the most important question was from now on.

”That… How does the hero feel?”

Apis suddenly fell silent for a moment at my question filled with anxiety.

After recruiting the saintess into the party, the warrior’s mood tended to be jagged, to the point of being manic-depressive.

My skinship with the saintess is a relief activity.

The appeal that it was like artificial respiration did not work, and the hero’s fierce riot that followed whenever the saintess tried to cling to me became like an annual event within the party.

Since such an incarnation of jealousy held the right to do as I pleased, one day at a time, there was no way that my weak heart would ever have a good day.


The saliva leaked.

If the hero is in the best mood right now, he should be able to go beyond a hug or a lap pillow.

However, if not, it was clear that I would be brutally forced to do things I couldn’t bear to say to others today.

His expression was as bright as always, but these days, to be honest, that was more scary.


It was then.

Apis let out an annoyed sigh and raised both index fingers to his head, raising them like animal horns.

Tricky, fidgety.

Around the time when her dainty fingers were about to bend two or three times, I asked her just in case.

”Do you mean that you’ve become as calm as a cowardly goat?”

”An angry cow.”

My hope circuit, which I had worked so hard to turn, was shattered.

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