156 – Lost Lamb (04)

The way people deal with anger is different from person to person.

If there is a type like Apis that does not contain a single moment and expresses it from time to time.

There are also types, like Victim and Downa, who store it for a while and gradually relieve it as a hobby when they can afford it.

For your reference, I belong to the group of foolish people who only keep things in them but can hardly bring them out, and only end up dying inside.

However, the warrior who was overly upright in everything, both in a good and bad way, was very clumsy in handling his own anger.

”I’m sorry I’m late. warrior. You waited a long time, right?”

”Fine! Father! I just arrived!”

When I cautiously spoke with a tone of uneasiness, a bright smile greeted me.

that you just arrived It was a bony lie that even a first-timer could easily see through, but I decided to just skip it for now.

At first glance, an innocent appearance that seems to be no different from usual.

However, I could clearly see the twilight lingering faintly in that sunny face.

I forcibly stretched the corners of my mouth, which were about to stiffen with tension, and looked around for a moment.

Then, the alien sight of birds flying in the sky, insects crawling on the ground, and even leaves carried by the wind, avoiding the hero’s surroundings penetrated into my retinas.

”hahahaha! Unfortunately, all of this investigation was in vain! Even though I used the secret warrior search and searched the city like a tooth! Can’t even find a clue! The hero’s name will cry! If there is a hole, I want to hide it!”

”That, that…”

After seeing the warrior walking towards me with a single smile painted on his lips, I resolutely corrected my posture.

It was not a preliminary preparation to run away, but a desperate defense in preparation for a fierce charge that would soon come towards my waist.

It was a struggle to live.

”Hero… What’s the point of talking in the middle of a street like this? Let’s look for a nearby restaurant for now—!”


The words I had spat out hadn’t even come to an end, but my body, which had received a strong shock, tilted nicely.

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Just the fact that I didn’t fall to the floor like before was a great improvement, but the relief I tried to rise up was fading away because of the unreasonable movement that dug into the inside of my collar without hesitation.

”Warrior. wait a minute! Wait! Wait a minute!”

A sense of perplexity spread through his thoughts to the extent that his quiet voice turned into a roaring roar.

I struggled with all my might, but when I came to my senses, my wrists were already caught in her hands.

Driven up to the nearest wall in an instant, my body was completely buried in her soft body before long.

”Yo, warrior! me later! You can do whatever you like later at the inn! now! What about now!?”

Hoping that her reason would come back, I fervently cried out that name, but the warrior, who was sequentially unbuttoning my coat buttons with her teeth, noticed that my mournful pleas were not being heard at all.

I moved my head with difficulty to examine her complexion, and the blue eyes reminiscent of gracious sapphires were wide open like the pupils of a beast.


Without saying a word, the fleshly figure of him pointing his nose to every corner of my body made me feel like I was watching a hound looking for a wild mouse hidden in the ground, giving me goosebumps all over.

”Two women and two men… The former would be the woman and the nun, but… The other two are smells that I don’t remember… Are they the people of this village? It smells strongly of blood, but it doesn’t seem to belong to the priest…”

From those dry sentences, I didn’t feel the warmth that a person should have at all.

The hero’s obsession with me was originally unusual, but starting with the saintess’ party, her temperament deteriorated to a rather serious level.

Unlike the saintess, who was able to suppress her murderous intent against the hero to some extent just by wanting to be with me.

Because the hero was in a position that he could never tolerate an impurity called her entering his harmonious party.

If it had not been for the bargaining under the pretext of the right to wish, it was clear that our party would still not have been able to step out of the capital.

Furthermore, the fact that I, as the official priest of the hero’s party, made my name known to all citizens of the system had a significant impact on the hero’s anxiety.

When I saw the people of the Islands, who didn’t even know that the priest was a member of the warrior’s party, idolizing the rumor that a shadowy hero named Rage’s Rowville was supporting their adventures in the shadows, I was speechless. .

Since even the montage has already spread, unlike before, where it was rare to attract anyone’s attention, now, without a necklace of cognitive impairment, you can comfortably roam a city of a certain size because of the flood of onlookers. It has become an impossible situation.

When a love letter from an unknown person was found in my pocket, the hero’s outrage while holding a knife while going out on a moonlit night was only able to be stopped when all party members rushed in.

It was definitely around that time that the warrior-sama began sniffing my body from time to time and questioning the gender of the people I had encountered.

”Sup, haa… Sup, haa…”

How long did that embarrassing silence, in which only the sticky breath fluttered, lasted?

The breath that had been discriminating the smells clinging to me began to renew itself little by little with the breath inhaling my natural body odor.

This was an unspoken signal that the warrior’s reason, which had temporarily evaporated, was gradually returning.

He used to joke a few times that he was like a golden retriever who followed people, but the recent behavior of the warrior was that of a large dog with separation anxiety.

”Hut! Sin, sorry! Father! I apologize again!”

I could see a clear reason dwelling in the eyes of the hero who suddenly raised his head.

I thought it was now, but now I was just grateful that I came to my senses even belatedly.

”Warrior. because i’m fine Can you take it away from me for now?”

”Ah! Yeah! All right!”

As if shaking off heavy lingering feelings, the warrior-nim gradually widened his distance from me.

As if he had fallen into the water, he flung his hands in place and, leaving behind the panicked hero, he recklessly fastened the buttons on his outerwear, one by one.

”Ugh. The male side is not shy. The woman’s side is pushing me to eat it. Take off the chilli!”

”no way! opened! opened! Let’s go guys!”

”yes? But didn’t you just say what about the hero? What kind of role play are you doing? Is it because he’s wearing priestly clothes?”

The booing from the onlookers who had gathered like a cloud was quite harsh, so I just wanted to avoid this place as soon as possible.

It was then.


The warrior who suddenly grabbed the sleeves of my clothes looked at me with eyes filled with anxiety.

”Yo, hero…?”

As I looked at her face with a curious mind, the hero rang in a tone that couldn’t be more cautious.

”Ho, are you angry? Father·····.”

The weak vibration that came from the hand gripping the sleeve gave me a good idea of the size of the anxiety the hero was feeling right now.

If I had known things would turn out like this, I wouldn’t have been scared out of the blue like that then.

Desperate regret passed through his thoughts for a moment, but it was obvious that he was chewing on remorse for what had already passed.

”I’m not angry. Have I ever been angry with the hero even once?”

”Yeah, but… Gee, last time…”

”I’ve told you several times that I wasn’t angry, I just raised my voice. You can swear to God. As long as the former hero doesn’t go the wrong way, he’ll never get angry.”


I stroked the hair of the warrior who was about to burst into tears right now, and comforted her for a while.

The saintess entered the party. My fame skyrocketed out of nowhere.

But the thing that disturbed the hero’s emotions the most was the threatening threat I made to stop the hero from arguing with the saintess.

”What do you want to do today? As I said before, I’ll do anything, as long as it doesn’t violate the doctrine and ask for the saintess to be kicked out of the party.”

”Yeah, but… Today I haven’t even fulfilled my role of finding clues to the holy sword…”

”it’s okay·····. Because Hero-nim deserves an award just for his achievements so far… And it’s because I just want to do it…”

”Well then, it’s a candy kiss I saw in a book a while ago…”

It was then.

”Hey, are you guys looking for clues about the holy sword?”

Someone’s voice heard from outside the consciousness drowned out the warrior’s fluttering voice.

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