160 – Lost Lamb (08)


A generic term for people with similar characteristics to me.

In fact, even that name is said to have been arbitrarily given by a nun.

Beings with exceptional sensitivity to the holy power of gods, being able to contain an absurd amount of holy power without going through the process of making their bodies into vessels of the gods, and beings who are also capable of unknowingly absorbing the holy power dwelling in the bodies of others.

Humans with such a heterogeneous temperament wouldn’t be common enough to describe the liturgy, so it was no big deal that the nun had a hard time researching the data.

Even with the nun’s information network, which has full knowledge of the identities of priests across the system, only 15 of them were able to identify them.

He said that I was the only one who could even call him in good shape, so he didn’t need to hear any more explanations about how rare the singularity was.

Possession of basic divine power.

Her hair turned white in the aftermath of absorbing the surrounding holy power.

A second-dimensional memory that comes to mind periodically.

When I found out that all of these are characteristics that only manifest in the singularity, I was speechless for a while in bewilderment.

The memories of my previous life that had popped up in my head so far weren’t completely mine.

Even now, to be honest, I couldn’t say that I had accepted all of that reason.

It was unknown why such strange phenomena followed the Singularity.

As a well-informed Dauna, since her body is easily affected by the divine dimension, she hypothesized that her soul could easily respond to herself in another dimension, but since there was no concrete evidence, it was only speculation.

My mind was complicated.

If Dauna’s hypothesis is correct, it means that what I have firmly believed to be the memories of my previous life are just another memory of myself in a parallel world.

Well, now that I think about it, it was very strange.

I remember trivial things like manga and anime, but nothing specific like my real name or family ties came to mind.


With even breathing, he brushed off all the thoughts accumulated in his chest.

Who am I? What does that mean now?

A saint who looks down on someone in need. An adult who oversees life.

These are the words that define me now.

”Then I’ll start healing now.”

”Gee, really!? Ji, can you get better right now!?”

Mr. Darby, who suddenly widened his eyes at the words I hinted at, made a fuss over and over again.

From the bustling behavior that showed no trace of leisure until now, there was a clear sign of bewilderment.

Come to think of it, Simbo said that he had been plagued by nasty pseudo-clerics.

Apparently, she was still dubious about whether I really had the ability to heal her father.

In fact, the suspicion was valid and visible.

If her father was not a singularity, but suffering from a normal mental illness, even as a quasi-first-class priest, I had no choice.

”Could you free your father’s one hand? I need it for treatment.”

”uh? uh, uh! that, yes! okay!”

As soon as my words were spoken, Mr. Darby hurriedly hurriedly untied his father’s hand from the bed.

A bony hand reminiscent of a withered mummy.

I placed my hands on it carefully.

”May God smile upon you…”

For a while, the solemn prayers leaking from my lips mixed with the dismal silence of the shabby cabin.

It was around the time I was about to whisper something to Mr. Darby, who had crept up to me, as if he couldn’t bear to bear the ominous feelings after the pick-up and drop-off.

”Hey, over there… What the hell now…”

It was then.

Loud breathing was heard from the man who was so quiet that it would be more appropriate to call him a doll with a pulse rather than a living life.


”Ah, Dad!?”

Darby, who was about to run towards his father, was firmly blocked with one arm.

Seeing my father, who was immovable by any stimulus, get up as if in a seizure not long after I folded my hands, I fully understood her concern about it.

But I couldn’t just let a man who couldn’t be sure that he’d come back to his senses just come into contact with Mr. Darby.

”This, this! Are you okay!? Are you okay? Could something be wrong!?”

” Healing smoothly. Please stay for a moment.”

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Keeping my right hand on the man’s hand, I sternly restrained Mr. Darby from questioning me harshly.

In fact, I wasn’t doing anything right now.

Not only did he not recite a prayer, but he didn’t even show signs of drawing out his divine power.

I just put my hand up.

But this is it.

Because the proper action to be taken on this man right now was not to impose holy power, but to take away the holy power.


Mr. Darby’s voice, which had been trembling endlessly with tension and anxiety, suddenly became muffled.

The reason was no different.

The man’s pure white hair, which had been discolored, as if the water had run out.

It was because the pure white hair was dyed black again from the end of the head, gradually regaining its original color.

It’s been a long time since I’ve confirmed in advance through Sister’s data that even if it’s the same singularity, there are extreme differences between individuals.

And, compared to others, I naturally kept in mind that the upper limit of how much I could store my holy power in my body was infinite.

Even though I was exposed to a level of holy power that would not be strange even if a normal person became a crippled person, I have never lost my self.

Moreover, these folk remedies were like a peaceful daily life between me and the saintess, so there was no hesitation in absorbing his holy power.

I’ve heard the sarcasm of being an empty person many times, but I never thought the day would come when my empty side would be helpful in this way.

A smile leaked out of nowhere, but I couldn’t laugh openly in front of a person who was wandering between life and death.

It was difficult to maintain the calm expression unique to the saint looking after the sick.

”Whoa. That’s Okay·····. With this, my father will soon be able to come to his senses…”


Since all of the holy power dwelling in his body had been removed, all of the measures I could take were finished.

Could it be because of the past days of unconsciously absorbing the holy woman’s holy power?

I was able to sense the extent of the holy power dwelling in his body.

Furthermore, I realized again and again how absurd the amount of holy power the saintess possessed was.

If the holy power dwelling in this man’s soul is the size of a small swimming pool, then the holy woman’s holy power is vast. It deserves to be called the bottomless bottom of the sea located inside.

Even that has diminished a bit thanks to the time spent with me.

How much time would I have to spend with the saintess in the future for the saintess to fully regain her self?

I was just worried about the future.

”Dad! Wake! Gwa, are you okay? can you hear me? Recognize me!?”

”Ugh, it’s rain…?”

”Ah, my father named me…!?”

Concerned about the patient’s health, he tried to stop her for a moment, but decided not to ruin the dramatic father-daughter reunion, so he just pretended not to know.

how long has it been like that

After waiting for the girl who had miraculously recovered her father to fully control her feelings, I spoke cautiously.

”Now, since I’ve completely cured my father. Now it’s your turn to listen to my request. Right?”

”yes·····. That’s how it should be… do not worry. I will definitely keep my promise…”

With her hands on my chest, she calmed down her rough breath for a while, then suddenly looked at me.

”The whereabouts of the holy sword…”

”Are you here?”


At the sharp word I said, the life in her face instantly faded.

In fact, there were many clues.

capital of the island. A small town located nearby. Isik.

This is a sacred sanctuary where there is a precedent for the emergence of holy swords in the past.

In addition to this, Mr. Darby’s father, despite being a singularity capable of possessing more than others, has become a disabled person due to excessive imposition of holy power.

And the strong holy power that prevails in this room.

The conclusion drawn from these clues is extremely concise.

This father and daughter tried to preoccupy the holy sword before the warrior party, and actually succeeded in doing so, but they couldn’t control the holy power contained in the holy sword, so this situation ended up happening.

Stealing the Holy Sword.

It was a serious crime in a world where the fate of the world depended on the hand of a hero, and the quality of the crime was so severe that it was even terrifying.

”hahahaha. You, you have a much better touch than I thought…?”

His mouth was smiling, but the depth of his expression was deep and dark beyond words.

”Mr Darby. I have a suggestion…”


At that very moment, an unusual flash of light broke through the window and flew into the room.

I felt the danger of it with my experience and intuition, which were naturally imprinted on my body as I crossed countless lines of death, and my throat rang reflexively.


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