Luo Wanyi had been besieged by these people before, and Mo Jingxi couldn't fight these people. At this moment, Yu se helped their three rooms find the field, and righteously asked Mo Jingfei to kowtow.

"I... I didn't say..." Mo Jingfei stepped back with a pale face.

Yu se ignored these people lazily, smiled and held the old lady and whispered, "grandma, you have high blood pressure. Remember to take your medicine on time in the future. Don't be angry."

Over there, Mo Jingxi didn't want to let go of Mo Jingfei and Mo Jingmei. "Mo Jingfei, you said it clearly. Everyone present heard it. Do you still want to deny it?"

"Who... Who heard?" Mo Jingfei said. Her eyes swept around coldly. She was basically saying that if anyone proved it, she wouldn't finish with anyone.

The scene suddenly quieted down.

It's quiet. It seems that even a needle can be heard clearly.

Sure enough, no one testified for Mo Jingxi, that is, for Yu se, and didn't admit that Mo Jingfei said he would kneel down and kowtow to Yu se.

Yu se had long known that this would be the result. His eyes fell on the monitoring probe a few steps away. He said in a cold voice, "this kind of person who doesn't recognize him after saying that his tutor is really 'good'."

This is not only a dark mockery of Mo Jingfei and Mo Jingmei, but also the people in the second room of the big house of Mohism who clearly heard it but didn't hear it, especially the parents of Mo Jingfei and Mo Jingmei. The family education is really not very good.

"Yu, you're a bad tutor. You don't even want your parents. Why do you say my tutor is bad?" no one testified, and Mo Jingfei became arrogant.

"Mo Jingfei, your mother doesn't know how to discipline. I Luo Wanyi taught you how to be a man. Do you think you can be arrogant if no one proves it to you? There are......" Luo Wanyi couldn't bear to open her mouth. Just Yu se raised her eyebrow to look at the line of sight of the monitoring and reminded her that the monitoring can prove it.

Before Luo Wanyi's' monitoring probe 'could be said, he saw the old lady knocking the turning battle angrily, "I can testify that Jing Fei and Jing Mei said they would recognize it. Go and kneel down to Miss Yu."

"Grandma..." Mo Jingfei and Mo Jingmei thought they had escaped kowtowing to Yu se. Unexpectedly, the old lady testified in person.

"Don't kneel down yet."

"Dad, mom..."


Mo Jingfei and Mo Jingmei begged their parents. Otherwise, so many people were present, they couldn't talk back to the old lady. In addition, they really didn't want to kneel.

"Mom, the child is not sensible, you see..." how can Xu Qingzhen be willing to kowtow to Yu Se and open her mouth to plead with Mo Jingmei.

"Qingzhen, originally I thought you were a sensible person and wanted Wanyi to be the vice president of Jingchen, which is also the acting president of Mohs group. But now look at your tutor and don't recognize what you say. Can the son taught by such a person be the president? It's better to avoid it."

Xu Qingzhen's old face turned red. "Mom, are you serious?"

The old lady glanced at Mo Jingmei, "it's not true now."

Xu Qingzhen immediately understood, "Mo Jingmei, don't you kneel down."

Yang Jialan looked at the old lady, which was obviously biased towards Yu. She remembered that the old lady had 20% of the shares of Mohs group in her hand, and immediately kicked Mo Jingfei, "don't you kneel down for Miss Yu."

Mo Jingfei is wronged. Obviously, her mother asked her to fight Yu se, but now

Yu se glanced at Mo Jingmei and Mo Jingfei lightly. "No, you two should kneel down and knock your head for grandma. Grandma was just so uncomfortable. What you should do first is to find a way to alleviate grandma's pain, not to make a fuss about me. In your eyes, humiliating me seems to be more important than grandma's health."

With that, she turned and walked into the elevator, ignoring the Mohists.

She didn't want them to kneel either. She liked the old lady. If the old lady was better, she would be fine.

A minute later, Yu se walked into Mo Jingyao's bedroom.

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