"You go to find Nie Yang?" Hear the person Mu snow sighed one breath to say.

Although Nie Yang is annoying, he still needs to deal with some things.

After a while, Nie Yang came up. He first looked at the documents left by the two policemen, then asked about the course of the matter, and then said directly, "I can handle this matter well."

"What are you going to do with it?"

"Don't worry about these. In a word, our company will run normally tomorrow. We guarantee that no one will come to us for trouble. You just need to treat this as if it didn't happen." Nie Yang sells Guan Zi to say.

What muxue dislikes most is his attitude, as if he can do everything well. But this time, after all, it was her own request. Since Nie Yang didn't say it, she couldn't continue to ask.

"Are you sure you can handle this?"

"Of course, but I have one condition?" Nie Yang said with a smile.

Wenren muxue didn't ask him what the conditions were. Instead, she said, "although I'm the president of Wenren group, it doesn't mean that this company is mine, your family is also a shareholder, and you still work here. Do you still have to talk about the conditions when you work for the company?"

"So to speak, but this matter was originally handed over to you, so after all, I'll do it for you?"

Nie Yang is not a fool, and he has been thinking about this condition for a long time, and has not found a suitable opportunity to open his mouth to Mu Xue.

"You say, as long as it's not too outrageous, I will agree?" Hear people Mu Xue said.

"I want you to be my girlfriend."

Hearing this, Yue Yunfei almost didn't rush up to kick him. This shameless guy is just taking advantage of the fire.

"I need to have a good talk with your father. Maybe I can leave this matter to your father. After all, your father said that I can consult him whenever I don't know anything."

"Do you answer or not?"

Nie Yang doesn't care so much at all. It's no secret that he likes to hear people's Moxue in their home. And the most important thing is that his parents are very satisfied with hearing people's Moxue. He believes that his father is willing to cooperate with him, so it's a big mistake for hearing people's Moxue to press him with his father.

"Nie Yang, do you know that women are all chasers. Only those women who work in nightclubs can get them in exchange. If you really like me, why don't you help me deal with this matter? Maybe you'll catch me."

Although the smell of snow in the heart of nausea, but also dare not directly refuse Nie Yang.

At this time, one side of Yue Yunfei timely said: "on this kind of immature little boy, how can he know that girls are chasing? I'm afraid he thought he could cheat them with a lollipop!"

"Yue Yunfei, get out of here. When is it your turn to interrupt our conversation? I warned you last time. Since you don't listen, all the bonus of this month will be deducted." It's a curse to hear people's admiration for snow toward Yue Yunfei.

Her anger suddenly made Nie Yang very happy. And Yue Yunfei is not a fool, immediately understand her intention, he pretended to hum and rushed out of the office.

"I'm too simple to understand a woman's heart. In that case, I wonder if you can reserve your time for me tomorrow night first. " Nie Yang said with a smile.

"If there's no big deal in the company, I'd be happy to have dinner with you." Hearing that, Mu Xue smiles and thinks that Nie Yang has taken the bait.

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