The Happy Life of the Reborn Dad

Chapter 981: just for mother

"Mom, I also want to see my younger siblings." Tongtong yelled, causing a headache.

Luo Xiyun not only had a headache, but also had a backache. Just now, after breastfeeding her three siblings one by one, and letting them sleep, she finally found this long-lost feeling. I can't stand it.

The back pain was terrible, and I thought about finding time to buy a suitable chair, or if it continued like this, it would be useless sooner or later.

The good thing is that the three brothers and sisters are still young, and each of them has a small appetite. Luo Xiyun's breast milk can still supply more than enough.

But she also knew in her heart that in a few months, even if she secreted a lot of breast milk, she could only use breast milk and milk powder for mixed feeding.

She is human, not a cow.

After finally putting down the fourth Chenchen, Luo Xiyun covered the three of them with small blankets, and then said to Jiang Ningning next to him, "Look at it, I'll go down and call me if you have anything."

"Hey!" Jiang Ningning responded, looking at the three little guys who were sleeping peacefully, she sighed in her heart that children from big families are different after they are born.

Everything used is the best.

As soon as Luo Xiyun came downstairs, he heard the girl and Tongtong yelling below. The sisters just ran in and were clamoring to see their younger siblings when Luo Xiyun put his finger on his lips: "Shh! "

After the girl and Tongtong and the sisters saw it, they also followed Luo Xiyun to learn, put her little finger on her lips, and pouted: "Shh!"

The girl then asked in a small voice, "Mom, brother and sister, are you asleep?"

"Well, your younger brother and younger sister are both asleep. You two should speak quietly first, don't wake them up, or mom will have to go to the younger brother to coax the younger brother and sister, and then she will not be able to play with you."

"It's okay, my sister and I have grown up, and we don't have to play with my mother." Tong Tong waved his little hand, but it was quite heroic.

Luo Xiyun was angry and funny when she saw the second child like this, but to be honest, Tong Tong was indeed the one who made her worry less.

The girl didn't give up, she asked, "Mom, where are the younger brothers and sisters, I'll take a look at them, just take a look, just a while."

"I haven't seen my siblings yet!"

Seeing the girl stretched out her little finger, she said pitifully, and looked like she was eager to see the baby. Luo Xiyun was persuaded by her, reached out and ticked, and said, "Come with me, go into the house later and say goodbye. Make trouble, you know, or I'll beat you up."

"I know, mom is really annoying!" The girl's face was a little unhappy, she felt that her mother underestimated her.

Tong Tong was also jogging behind him. He ran in a hurry, and the movement became louder. After Luo Xiyun heard it, he turned his head and glared at her.

Tongtong was so frightened that she quickly stopped her feet, squinted her eyes and hummed: "Hmph, I didn't mean it!"

After she finished speaking, she followed her sister's lessons too, standing on her toes like walking on a cat's walk, and the sound was almost inaudible.

Luo Xiyun took the two of them to the second floor and pushed open the door of one of the rooms. After the three of them entered, they saw Jiang Ningning quietly guarding the bed. She didn't just play with her phone when she had nothing to do, and her professionalism was very good. .

On the bed lay three little guys sleeping side by side.

"Yeah..." The girl was very excited when she saw her younger brother and sister, and said subconsciously, but as soon as she shouted, she quickly reacted, and quickly raised her hand to cover her mouth.

Luo Xiyun subconsciously glanced at the three little guys on the bed. There was no movement. She turned around and whispered to the girl, "I won't let you come here any more."

"Mom, I'm sorry!" The girl simply admitted her mistake.

Luo Xiyun didn't hold on, and took them both in.

Jiang Ningning didn't expect Luo Xiyun to go and return, but when she saw the girl and Tongtong who followed behind, she seemed to understand, nodded with a smile, and said hello.

The girl leaned on the edge of the bed and looked at her sister and two younger brothers carefully. She whispered suspiciously, "Mom, which is the younger brother and which is the younger sister, I can't tell."

Tongtong was also full of question marks. The three little babies on the bed all had short hair close to their scalps. It was just over a month ago. They were born prematurely, and they hadn't fully opened up yet. At this time, the girl and Tongtong could tell them apart. Not as powerful as adults.

Luo Xiyun smiled and pointed to the little baby under the pink blanket and said, "This is your little sister Xia Qingyu."

"Qing Yu, Yu Yu, hee hee." The girl amused herself, she couldn't help but look at her sister several times.

Then I heard my mother point to the two next to me and say, "This is your younger brother."

"Mom, is the fat one big and the thin one small?" Tongtong asked.

The fifth is the last one to be born, but he is the one who can eat the most.

Luo Xiyun once suspected that when Dr. Qian performed a caesarean section, he went out in the wrong order.

In terms of weight, the three of them are just the other way around.

Luo Xiyun explained to the girl and Tongtong for a long time. The sisters seemed to understand, but they didn't seem to understand anything, which made Luo Xiyun very distressed.

"Hey, why aren't my younger siblings crying?" Tongtong asked, puzzled.

She stretched out her hand and wanted to touch the three of them. When Luo Xiyun saw it, she quickly stopped her little paw and patted the back of his hand: "Tongtong, if you disturb your younger brother and sister sleeping again, I will really beat you up. already."

"Hmph, what's the big deal... I'm sleeping too." Tong Tong was about to crawl onto the bed as he spoke, Luo Xiyun's face was darkened, he glared at him, stretched his arms and hugged Tong Tong, hugged her and went out.

As for the remaining girls in the room, she was automatically ignored by her.

Tongtong still wanted to struggle, but Luo Xiyun slapped her twice, and she was honest.

After a few minutes, the girl came out of the room thiefly, and when she saw her sister being beaten, she ran away.

Luo Xiyun, who was running, felt inexplicable.

Xia Zekai strolled around the community, and when he came back, seeing Tongtong so embarrassed, he wondered: "Tongtong, what happened, who bullied you."

"Dad, if your daughter-in-law beats me, you don't care about her." Tong Tong shouted and complained loudly.

Liu Chunhua was amused by the blurted sentence, and Xia Zekai couldn't help laughing and asked, "Your mother beat you, why beat you, what happened?"

"I want to touch my little brother and little sister, but my mother beats me. It's really bad!" Tong Tong felt extremely aggrieved. .

This time, she didn't make up the facts, she just stated the facts.

Luo Xiyun said from the side: "I finally coaxed Qingyu, Chenchen and Jingling to fall asleep. Tongtong has to wake them up. You say it's annoying or not."

"It's really annoying, but you don't have to hit her." Xia Zekai said.

When Tongtong heard that her father had 'justice' for her, she was very happy, and she stuck out her tongue and made faces at her mother.

"Lie Lie Lie!" Tong Tong stuck out his little tongue with his own sound effects.

Who knew that the girl smiled at this time: "Tongtong, I touched my little sister just now, her little face is so slippery!"

"-_-||" Luo Xiyun was once the most reliable one of their eldest, but who knew that she was so unreliable.

Xia Zekai was happy. He said, "It's alright, kid. What's wrong with a little movement during the day, just don't scare them at night."

"It's still my father, not my mother." Tong Tong muttered.

When Xia Zekai heard what the second child said, his face was tangled up in one piece, good guy, you are not panicking if you don't get beaten up.

Sure enough, Luo Xiyun heard Tong Tong say so, and slapped her two more slaps on her butt.

Seeing what the second child did by himself, Xia Zekai, the father, really couldn't help.

After their family had dinner, Luo Xiyun was drinking water when he suddenly heard a cry of 'wow' from upstairs. The cry was so strong that it penetrated the room directly.

The first time Luo Xiyun heard the cry, his body seemed to have a strong spring installed, he jumped up and stood up and stepped up the stairs.

The elevator is not sitting, too slow!

She pushed open the door and went in, and saw Jiang Ningning coaxing him with the crying fourth child, letting him warm the stored breast milk next to her.

Luo Xiyun said, "Sister Jiang, give me Chenchen."

She lifted the corner of her clothes and stuffed the granary into Chenchen's mouth. The little guy stopped crying immediately when he had something to eat.

But Chenchen's cry just woke up the third sister, Xia Qingyu, and the little guy started to cry.

Although Luo Xiyun had two granaries, he couldn't open his bow from left to right. Ren Ping had almost heated up the breast milk, so he slowly fed Xia Qingyu with a small spoon and drank it.

The youngest slept soundly, his lips squirmed back and forth and sucked for a while, this is drinking milk in a dream!

Then when he turned over, just when Luo Xiyun thought he was going to cry, who knew that the youngest fell asleep again.

Downstairs, when the girl and Tongtong heard their younger brother and sister cry, they both got excited and ran to the elevator.

When I entered the house, I saw that my mother was feeding Chenchen.

The girl saw that her brother was drinking very sweetly. She licked her lips and suddenly said, "Mom, my brother drinks a lot."

"Well, he's hungry!"

"Mom, I want to drink too," the girl said.

After Luo Xiyun heard it, her face darkened even more. If she hadn't been holding the fourth child, she couldn't stretch her hand away, so she would have slapped it directly.

"While you are playing, if you want to drink milk, go to your father to get pure milk." Luo Xiyun said.

The nanny Ren Ping and Jiang Ningning in the house held back their laughter.

This kid is really interesting.

But then again, breast milk is indeed very nutritious. After Ren Ping finished feeding Xia Qingyu, there was still a little bit in the small bowl. She tentatively asked the girl, "Do you drink it?"

"Drink!" The girl took the small bowl and poured it into her mouth.

There was only less than a mouthful left in the small bowl. After she poured it into her mouth, she tasted it seriously, and finally muttered, "It's not good at all."

Luo Xiyun scolded her angrily: "Get out!"

Tongtong looked at her sister and brother who fell asleep after drinking milk with great interest. Her little hand still raised her hands from time to time to touch them. Her sister said that her younger brother and sister's skin was very smooth.

Xia Zekai said something right. Luo Xiyun didn't sleep well last night. If Xia Zekai had not forced her to sleep for a while in the morning, she would never have had a good day.

After the third, fourth and youngest came back, the house was really lively, but it was also very tiring for Luo Xiyun.

Although there was a nanny to take care of her, Luo Xiyun always felt that she owed the three of them to her siblings. She wanted to do some things herself. She struggled until almost ten o'clock in the evening, and she couldn't straighten her back when she was so tired.

When Xia Zekai saw it, he was very distressed. He forced Luo Xiyun back to the bedroom and let the three nanny take a rest at night to take care of the three children.

"You should rest a little more, the days are still long, you do this, they haven't grown up yet, you will be exhausted first." Xia Zekai said.

Luo Xiyun lay on the bed, pointed at his waist, and said, "It hurts, it hurts!"

Xia Zekai was too lazy to complain about her: "You still know it hurts, I don't want to talk about you anymore, lie down, I'll give you a rub."

Xia Zekai's hand was not strong, but the pinching position was in place. When he relaxed Luo Xiyun's waist muscles, he also muttered: "Daughter-in-law, I didn't tell you, you really can't do this, you won't last a few days."

"You want to do everything by yourself, but can you watch them 24 hours a day without sleep?"

"Okay, hurry up and shut up, it's really annoying!" Luo Xiyun felt anxious when she heard her husband humming in her ear like a mosquito.

When Xia Zekai heard her say that, he raised his hand and slapped Succulent.

Luo Xiyun screamed strangely when she was beaten, but she was too tired, or else she had to get up and clean up Xia Zekai.

Xia Zekai was also very measured. Knowing that his wife had just had a caesarean section, some things must be avoided at this time, and he had no next move.

Not long after, the couple fell asleep.

Since the three siblings were discharged from the hospital, the family has been lively and joyful.

When the girl and Tongtong came back from school, they ran to the room where their younger siblings slept, did nothing, and stood by the side.

During that time, the two of them even had less time to practice the piano.

Qicheng, Jingtong Development Co., Ltd.

Yan Jinghua looked at Guo Ying and Zhang Xu who were standing in front of him, and Xin Yongsheng and Sun Xiaolei, two members of the temporary legal department.

He said to the four of them with a calm look: "When we go back to Zhejiang Satellite TV, we are talking with them about the title of the program. Are you sure?"

Guo Ying and Zhang Xu looked at each other and nodded, "Yes!"

If it really doesn't work, just throw money at it. Since asking Xia Zekai for instructions, Yan Jinghua has become more and more optimistic about the entertainment program "The Voice of China".

He thinks that 30% of this show is sure to be popular, and the remaining 70% depends on the lineup, the content of the show, and the will of God!

Zhang Xu asked, "Mr. Yan, who are we going to look for this time?"

"The program's chief planner, the director, Xia Anchen, is also the director of Zhejiang Satellite TV." Yan Jinghua's expression became more and more calm.

The preliminary work has been done, and now is the time to finalize.

"I'll give you half a day, go back and pack up, we'll have dinner in the company early at noon and we'll be ready to leave." Yan Jinghua said.

His stuff is ready to be brought to the company.

Zhang Xu and Guo Ying were no longer polite, they drove back straight away, hurry up to go home and pack up their things, hurry back, and never waste time on this kind of thing.

Xin Yongsheng and Sun Xiaolei also hurry home to pack their things.

Before noon, the four of them came back separately.

After arriving at the company, he went to Yan Jinghua's office to report his arrival. Including Yan Jinghua, there were five people in total, all of them took their things, and went to the driver's cab to call the squad leader of the driver's class, Wei Xiutian, to drive away.

From Qicheng, the road is a full 900 kilometers, and it takes 9 hours to drive non-stop. Zhang Xu and driver Wei Xiutian drove backwards on the road. It was such a starry night and it was close to departure. It was almost 10 o'clock in the evening. Arrive in Hangcheng.

After getting off the expressway, Yan Jinghua said directly: "Let's find a hotel near Zhejiang Satellite TV first, then go to eat something good and get a good night's sleep, it won't be easy tomorrow."

"Mr. Yan, what you said rhymes quite a bit." Guo Ying said with a smile.

In a word, the six people in the car were amused. Yan Jinghua said, "Let's go quickly, find a better hotel, go out to talk business, and don't let others look down on us."

After turning around, they saw a Courtyard by Marriott Wulin, but the decoration at the entrance was very stylish, and there were 4 stars painted on the plaque at the entrance.

Zhang Xu also asked, "Mr. Yan, do we live here?"

"Okay, let's live here." Yan Jinghua happily agreed.

In the end, four rooms were requested. Yan Jinghua himself had one room. Guo Ying, who was a woman, also occupied one room. Zhang Xu and the driver Wei Xiutian shared a room. Xin Yongsheng and Sun Xiaolei from the Legal Department shared a room. .

The price is not cheap, but it also highlights the grade.

After finishing the room and putting down the luggage, the six of them were starving. After gathering together again, Yan Jinghua said directly, "Go, go out and taste the delicious food here."

Yan Jinghua has never been a person who has lived together, especially when it comes to eating, he has never wronged himself.

He feels that even if it exceeds the company's reimbursement standards, it doesn't matter if he pays for it himself.

"Xiao Zhang, Master Wei, you two have worked hard today. I'll treat you to dinner tonight. Let's eat something good." Yan Jinghua said.

Guo Ying shouted cheers from the side. To be honest, among the six people, except for Wei Xiutian, the monthly income of the five of them is not low.

Especially Yan Jinghua, with an annual salary of one million yuan, when he shared the performance bonus at the beginning of the year, he took a small 200,000 yuan, which is not bad!

Finally, I found a 'Xiang Zhihe Restaurant' nearby, a hotel specializing in Hunan cuisine.

I asked passers-by, this store is very popular. When they came, it was very late, but there were still a lot of people in the store.

After entering, let the waiter find them a table and sit down.

Yan Jinghua came up with the menu and ordered an old altar fish head with chopped peppers. There was a picture on the first page of the menu, and three words of signature dishes were written next to it.

Then he ordered Xiangxiang Small Fried Pork, Small Stir-fried Yellow Beef, Special Pickled Fish, Secret Roche Shrimp, and Xianglian with Dongting Lake Lotus. He handed the menu to Guo Ying and Zhang Xu and said, "Come on, little one. Guo, Xiao Zhang, Minister Xin, and Xiao Sun and Master Wei, let's see what else you want to eat, and you can order whatever you want."

------off topic-----

No nonsense today, 5 chapters and 5000 words, so that friends with a fan value of more than 500 can draw 5 times. I don't know what to draw, I wish everyone good luck!

I'm giving it my all!

Finally, ask for ticket support, recommended tickets, and monthly tickets!

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