The Happy Life of the Reborn Dad

Chapter 999: The boss is coming back (4,200 words)

Before I knew it, the day's class was over again, and when school was over in the afternoon, the parents all came to pick up their precious children.

When Xia Zekai came over, Teacher Linda was still thinking of fighting for it again, and she said to Xia Zekai with a smile on her face: "Mr. Xia, Xia Tong's physical fitness is good, her running speed, endurance, swimming and other events are now. They are all the best students in our class..."

"Thank you, Mr. Linda, for the reminder. After we return to Qicheng, if Tongtong still likes running and swimming, I will continue to cultivate her hobby. Mr. Linda, you are busy first, let's go. "Xia Zekai said with a smile.

The words did not carry the slightest vigor, but in a few sentences, she rejected Teacher Linda's proposal that she still wanted to keep.

He directly regarded these projects as Tongtong's hobbies, rather than the "career" that Teacher Linda said he was engaged in. He knew very well that once some things were restrained, they might lose their initial happiness for Tongtong.

He definitely didn't want to see Tongtong being forced to work hard for the first place and for the medal!

That made his Xia Someone's efforts meaningless.

Xia Zekai's finalized idea can actually be changed by a kindergarten teacher's words of "moving with emotion and understanding with reason"?

Teacher Linda looked at Xia Zekai who turned away with the girl and Tongtong. She knew that she could not persuade such a person, but in the end, in a responsible attitude for Tongtong, she shouted: "Mr. Xia, Xia Tong The child is indeed very talented in long-distance running and swimming. Our teachers have discussed this issue unanimously, and your family also has this condition. If we can give her a better exercise, we all believe that she will be very brilliant in the future!"

Hearing what she said, Xia Zekai stopped again, turned around and looked at Teacher Linda, who was a little overwhelmed after he finished speaking. Responsible teacher.

"Thank you, if she really likes it, I will arrange it." Xia Zekai said relaxedly: "When the time comes, I will find the best teachers from all over the country and even the world to teach her specifically."

After speaking, this time, I didn't stop there and left.

Teacher Linda looked at Xia Zekai who had gone far in a trance. She thought to herself, 'Is this the strength of the boss'?

"Looking for the best teachers from all over the world, that's the kind of person who dares to say this!" Teacher Linda said.

"Dad, what did you and Teacher Linda say? I don't understand." Both the girl and Tongtong asked suspiciously.

Xia Zekai said: "It's nothing, your teacher Linda is a good teacher, you must not forget her, if you have the opportunity to come back in the future, you must remember to see her."

"Okay, Dad, Teacher Linda is very kind to me. She often gives me delicious food." Tong Tong said happily.

The girl also nodded: "Dad, Teacher Linda also gave me something delicious!"

He raised his hand and stroked the little heads of the sisters, thinking in his heart, "This is a good teacher. I have to thank her when I leave."

Back in the villa area, Xie Xindi, their sisters' piano private teacher, had already come over and was waiting at the gate of the villa.

After the car stopped, the girl and Tongtong jumped out of the car, and Xia Zekai followed behind.

"Xiao Xie, you came so early today." Xia Zekai asked.

Xie Xindi usually arrives around six o'clock, but now it's less than half an hour, more than half an hour earlier.

Hearing Xia Zekai's inquiry, Xie Xindi said, "Mr. Xia, I have graduated. The next step is to defend my thesis and find a job. I don't need to go to class on time anymore. I have nothing else to do today, so I will come earlier."

Hearing Xie Xindi say this, Xia Zekai remembered the time when his younger brother was about to graduate, and left school more than two months early. Xie Xindi was probably the same.

He asked casually, "Xiao Xie, what are your plans for the next step? Have you found a job?"

Xie Xindi shook his head and said, "I haven't found a suitable one yet. I'm going to use the past two months to write my graduation thesis with all my strength, and I'll talk about getting the certificate first."

"In addition, I also used the two months when I was not very busy to look for a job. I also considered doing a training course, but there are too many expenses and worries in all aspects, so I will probably find a training course first to follow. Learn it."

Xia Zekai raised a thumb and said, "The idea is great. You should be steady after graduation, and don't be too blind."

Having said that, he glanced at Xie Xindi and continued: "You are talented, capable, and able to endure hardships. I think people like you can get along anywhere. Do it well!"

"Thank you!" Xie Xindi could hear that Xia Zekai was not being perfunctory or polite, he was really encouraging himself.

Xie Xindi was very proud to be recognized by such a big guy.

As usual, Xie Xindi taught the girl and Tongtong for two hours, and Xia Zekai paid 300 yuan in cash.

She took the money and thanked Xia Zekai again, and then prepared to go out.

Xia Zekai suddenly remembered something, and he asked, "Xiao Xie, wait a moment, I have something to tell you."

"Mr. Xia, please tell me!" Xie Xindi stopped and looked at Xia Zekai suspiciously, not knowing what happened to him.

Xia Zekai thought for a while, and then looked at Xie Xindi a few more times before saying, "Xiao Xie, do you know about the audition for "The Voice of China"?"

"I saw this news on the Internet. There are also registration methods. I also have classmates who have signed up, but I have been in class some time ago, and I didn't have time to come, so I didn't sign up."

Hearing what she said, Xia Zekai continued: "Yes, Xiao Xie, you just don't have to go to class now. I suggest you sign up for the audition first."

"You will eventually consider starting a piano training class yourself, right?" Xia Zekai asked her.

Seeing Xie Xindi nodded and admitted the matter, he said, "Xiao Xie, let me analyze it for you."

Having said this, Xia Zekai paused for a moment, and then said: "You are not famous now, and you do not have enough funds. I think it is irrational for you to start a piano training class at this time."

After a pause, Xia Zekai said again: "But if you go to participate in the audition for "The Voice of China", if you really have outstanding strength and can stand out from the crowd, then I believe other people can pass this result. See you are good enough!"

"If you are very talented, others will recognize you. If you are lucky enough, maybe you can get a small advertisement to make some money. You also have a better background to promote your training class. Are you right? " Xia Zekai asked her.

Xie Xindi was speechless by what Xia Zekai said.

Before Xia Zekai said this, she herself hadn't considered joining the audition and her own training class into one, treating the two as one.

But think about it carefully, as Xia Zekai said, if she is lucky, if she can get the first title in even one issue, then put such a 'honor', this 'strength' in her profile. It came naturally.

When other parents saw that she was so good, they would send their children to her piano training class with confidence.

After she figured it out, Xie Xindi was full of gratitude and joy, and she said again and again: "Thank you, Mr. Xia, I'm really grateful. Your words made me stunned."

"Haha, isn't it, I'm just spending a little bit of saliva, it's good to help you. After all, you have taught the girl and Tongtong for half a year. I know you are capable." Xia Zekai said casually.

He saw that it was already seven o'clock and it was getting dark, so he said to Xie Xindi, "Xiao Xie, it's getting late, you can go back quickly, and be careful on the road."

Xie Xindi thanked him again, then turned around and quickly ran out of the community.

She was afraid that after a little delay, she would not be able to catch the bus.

For Xia Zekai, this is just a word of advice. As for what it will be like in the end, it is Xie Xindi's own business, and he doesn't care.

As far as he is concerned, he has seen too many commercial operations, and he can come up with a commercial method that combines the two and does publicity for himself in minutes.

But there is a premise that you must have hard power, and it will only be more embarrassing to go out half-baked.

Xie Xindi was just about to come out of the campus, and had not experienced these battles yet, but it was not easy to integrate these two seemingly unrelated things into one.

Xia Zekai called his mother, and on the phone, he said to his mother Zhou Yinghong: "Mom, I will go back next month."

"Hey, come back soon, Xiyun, Qingyu, Chenchen, Jingling are all fine." Zhou Yinghong asked.

Xia Zekai said with an "um": "It's all good. Jing Ling is fat now, and he can eat more than his second sister. The little guy is more than 8 pounds."

"Oh, it's so good to grow up so fast. I eat a lot, I have strong resistance, and it's not easy to get sick." Zhou Yinghong said like this.

Xia Zekai didn't argue with her about this: "Mom, how is my grandfather now, is he used to it?"

After much persuasion, the grandfather Zhou Lin was finally brought to Qicheng. Zhou Yinghong and Xia Weicheng also moved to the small villa in the west with their old father.

The two old men, grandfather and grandfather, happened to have a conversation.

Hearing her son asking about his grandfather's condition, Zhou Yinghong smiled and said to him, "Your grandfather is fine, you don't have to hang it up, just take care of their mothers."

Xia Zekai smiled. His mother was the same as before, never letting him worry about family matters.

The girls talked about something else, and after hanging up the phone, Xia Zekai strolled in the yard for a while before entering the house.

Time slipped through my fingers without knowing it. The Phase III factory construction project of Jingtong Development Co., Ltd. purchased land and established the project in March last year. After the plan was confirmed, construction began. It has been more than a year now. During this period There have also been security incidents, there have been incidents of being blackmailed by local ruffians, and many, many other things have happened, but we still have to complete the project according to the expected time.

When Lu Hao came out of the temporary office area, he saw that the factory building had been built and the four-story office building that was being renovated not far away. He felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart.

When he first came here, he was still a little resentful. From being in charge of the management of several factories to being in charge of the construction of the third phase of the project, not to mention the lack of manpower under his hands, and he couldn't see the results even when he worked.

But with the change of the company's business focus, the change of strategic goals, the establishment of medium and long-term development goals, and the company's reconfirmation of the new organizational structure and enterprise informatization construction under the leadership of President Yan, he completely understood the third phase of the construction project. Importance to company development.

At the same time, once again accompanied by a project from scratch to the final completion, a precipitation gradually formed in his heart, and his temper became more and more calm.

He felt that even if someone told him that an economic crisis was about to occur, and that the factory had undergone major changes, he would not be at a loss.

Li Chengjie, the head of the Acme Intelligent Factory Research Institute in Qicheng, came over. He laughed and shouted, "Mr. Lu, good morning!"

"Mr. Li, good morning, how's it going, I'll catch up today and have a drink tonight." Lu Hao said with a smile.

Li Chengjie nodded: "Mr. Lu has said that, I will definitely give my life to accompany me. In terms of the construction period, I can assure President Lu that it will be completed next month."

The big things are all done, and now it's inside the processing workshop.

However, a large-scale factory built on a land of 150,000 square meters cannot be completed in a short period of time if the internal details are to be processed.

Lu Hao would not deliberately urge in this regard, so as not to cause problems with the quality of the project at the last minute.

Li Chengjie added: "Our President Jiang said that he will come over after a while to personally supervise the final engineering project."

"Come on, come on, our boss will be back next month." Lu Hao said.

Hearing what Lu Hao said, Li Chengjie moved in his heart and asked one more question: "Boss Xia is coming back too."

"Well, my boss has been gone for more than half a year, and it's time to come back. The company still can't do without him." Lu Hao sighed with emotion.

During the half year that Xia Zekai was away, they were actually not used to it.

Think about the company meeting that was just held some time ago. At the meeting, the financial manager Sun Guoqiang reported the company's sales target for the first 4 months. Their hearts were heavy.

This shows that the boss is not there, they are very incompetent, and they have failed a good company like this.

Sometimes, Lu Hao still wants to wait until June to achieve his performance goals, and his bonus is not as good as expected. This can be a heavy blow for many people.

If the boss came back at this time, even if they were scolded a few times, they would have a bottom line.

Li Chengjie didn't know what Lu Hao was thinking. He thought that he would have to call President Jiang later to tell him that Xia Zekai would be back soon.

At the same time, Wang Hongsheng, who was in the top position, also learned about Xia Zekai's upcoming return through other channels, and he was still worried about this year's dried fruit harvest.

It is also hanging on whether Jingtong Development Co., Ltd. can achieve the goal of 10 billion yuan and become another corporate benchmark in Qicheng.

When I visited Jingtong Development Co., Ltd. some time ago, I heard Vice President Yan Jinghua say that their company has formed a team that has been specializing in local procurement of dried fruit, and is always on call.

After hearing the exact news that Xia Zekai was coming back soon, he felt a lot more relieved.


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