The Happy Life of the Reborn Dad

Chapter 1054: The bulletproof car has arrived (4th in the evening

The latest website: After the car arrived home, the girl said almost the same.

From what the girl said, Xia Zekai realized that what Tong Tong did was right, but it was true that the method was a little extreme.

He put his palm lightly on Tongtong's shoulder and said with certainty, "Tongtong, you did the right thing. If someone bullies your sister in the future, you will still do it."

"If someone is looking for you, just tell your father, and the rest of the fathers will stand up for you"

"Okay!" Tong Tong was happy. She glanced at her sister with provocative eyes, and seemed to say, "Look, sister, my father has praised me."

Then he said, "Dad, in fact, there is another person who was also very noisy and disturbed my sleep. I said he didn't stop, and finally let me fall to the ground."

"..." Xia Zekai opened his mouth wide, suddenly he didn't know what to say.

He was wondering if he had been too indulgent to his daughter just now.

The emotional girl hit two people on the day of school today, but she really belongs to her!

Back at home, Luo Xiyun was pushing Qingyu with a cart and the three siblings were playing in the yard. Seeing that Xia Zekai had brought the two sisters back, she quickly stood up and asked, "Girl, Tongtong, you two are in school. How are you doing?"

"Mom, I'm fine, it was fun at school, the teacher taught us a lot of things." The girl opened her hands and said with an exaggerated expression.

After Luo Xiyun heard it, he smiled and turned to ask Tong Tong again, Tong Tong said, "Mom, the school is pretty good."

The corners of Xia Zekai's mouth twitched. He thought that your concept of 'good' might be different from others'.

"Mom, I'm hungry, is there anything to eat at home?" Before Luo Xiyun could ask them if they had homework, Tong Tong shouted that he was hungry first.

When Luo Xiyun heard it, he quickly said: "Yes, dinner is already ready. You come and wash your hands and faces first. I will ask your Aunt Jiang to bring you something to eat."

"Mom, okay!" Tong Tong ran away, and she went to the house to wash her face.

The girl wasn't hungry yet, so she sat down beside her mother and chatted with her mother about the school.

Very excited to say.

Hearing the girl said that Tong Tong had beaten two people in the school, Luo Xiyun panicked, and quickly asked the reason, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

Then she asked her about her life in school, such as how she ate at lunch, did she drink milk, eat fruit, etc.

Hearing that the girl said that they were eating pork ribs stewed with winter melon at noon, but there was only a little meat on the ribs, and only two small pieces of ribs were given, the expression on Luo Xiyun's face was not good.

She asked Xia Zekai, "Zekai, can they come back for dinner at noon?"

"It should be possible," Xia Zekai said.

"Then come back and eat, or make a meal and send it to them so that they can eat better, or else there is no oil or water at all, how can you grow a body." Luo Xiyun muttered.

Xia Zekai nodded: "Then bring them back, and get a good night's sleep at home."

"What do you think in school? It's when you're growing up, why don't you give your children more meat?" Luo Xiyun was still angry.

Xia Zekai said with a smile: "Daughter-in-law, you can do it, it's a school, not a charity union. Even if they don't make a profit, at least they make sure they don't lose money. The tuition and meals are only that much money, how much do you think they can make? it is good."

"Unless they charge more."

"I thought there were quite a few public schools over there, so it couldn't be too bad, but who knew they would dare to play like this." Luo Xiyun said.

Xia Zekai said, "There are at least two spare ribs left. I'm afraid that they will make a living because of the first day of school today, and maybe there will be no spare ribs later."


Although Luo Xiyun felt that what her husband said was a bit too arbitrary, but after thinking about it carefully, it seems that it is not impossible!

When the meal was over, Luo Xiyun only remembered one thing. She asked her husband, "Zekai, didn't that person from Brabus call you and say they want to bring the car over, why hasn't it arrived yet?"

Xia Zekai thought how would I know.

His mobile phone has been very quiet, there is no movement at all, it seems that the other party hasn't arrived in Qicheng yet.

But Xia Zekai didn't know that Guo Enli and Polly had already arrived in Qicheng. The two of them found a hotel to stay and ate a barbecue with local Qicheng characteristics.

Polly also asked Guo Enli if he wanted to give Xia Zekai a call, but Guo Enli thought about waiting for the car to arrive.

At this time, on the expressway from Beijing to Qicheng, a special car consignment truck was driving at a constant speed. Look at that speed, it was about 80 miles.

Running to Qicheng at such a speed would take more than ten hours without eating or drinking.

Fortunately, the three of them took turns driving, and they didn't feel tired on the road.

When pedestrians passing by on the road saw two cars covered with camouflage tarpaulins, they also wondered what car was under the tarpaulins. It looked tall, big and mysterious.

It was already late at night after they got off the expressway from the Qicheng Expressway intersection safely and smoothly along the way.

I called Guo Enli, Guo Enli and Polly had already rested in the hotel, but after hearing the news, they were still not sleepy.

The car finally arrived.

The two of them put on their clothes and quickly took a taxi to the meeting place.

After arriving at the place, I saw a consignment truck parked on the side of the road. The two vehicles covered by the camouflage tarpaulin were still the same as they were, and there was no sign that they had been opened.

Polly checked it carefully and made sure that nothing happened, so he was relieved.


At about six in the morning, Xia Zekai's cell phone rang. He took it out and saw the words of Dr. Ba Guo on the screen. He knew that this was Guo Enli.

Just after getting through the phone, Xia Zekai then said, "Mr. Guo, are you here?"

"Just arrived, we just came down from the intersection of Qicheng Expressway, Mr. Xia, where do you think we should send it to you?" Guo Enli said this, he opened his eyes and said nonsense.

It was a coincidence that Xia Zekai thought about it, but he really didn't think about other aspects.

Xia Zekai then gave Guo Enli the company's address and asked them to go there directly, and the remaining balance was also traded directly from the company.

These two cars are linked to the company's account and can save some tax money.

"Mr. Xia, let's see you later." Guo Enli said.

Knowing that Xia Zekai didn't go early, they didn't rush over there. They found a place nearby and drank a bowl of mutton soup. One person served with two pieces of fire and a plate of pickles.

Meimei ate breakfast before continuing to drive to Jingtong Development Co., Ltd.

On the side of Jingtong Development Co., Ltd., the security guard on duty at the door was also very puzzled after discovering this consignment car, but when he asked carefully, Guo Enli said that Boss Xia asked them to come here. The consignment van is released.

Guo Enli and the others were not in a hurry. While waiting for Xia Zekai to come over, they also took a look at the factory and wanted to see what the top 700 richest people on the global Forbes Rich List look like. What is his factory like? .

At the Ziyu Garden Villa area, after Xia Zekai hung up the phone, he returned to the bedroom and told his wife that the car had arrived in Qicheng.

Luo Xiyun was sleeping, but after hearing the news from her husband, she immediately woke up.

"Zekai, the car is really here!" she asked again.

Xia Zekai nodded: "Really, why am I lying to you?"

"Then where are they, let's hurry up and have a look."

She said, "It's been three months, so slow!"

Xia Zekai was not in a hurry at all, he said: "Daughter-in-law, it's fast, I'll let them go to my company first, so as to save the trouble of parking outside, and also have to pay them the final payment, then just go directly to my company's account. already."

Hearing him say Luo Xiyun is not in a hurry anymore, she said, "That's fine, I'll wash my face and eat some food first, let's go over there."

This weekend, the girl and Tongtong don't have to go to school, which saves trouble.

Jiang Ningning made breakfast, and after Xia Zekai and Luo Xiyun had breakfast together, they were ready to leave.

When the girl asked her parents to see the car, she had to follow whatever she said.

"Then follow along, eat quickly, and I'll get you something." Xia Zekai said.

Xia Zekai called his mother Zhou Yinghong and asked her to come over to help take care of the three little guys.

Wang Yi had already driven over, Xia Zekai carried the girl and Tong Tong into the car, and then said to his wife, "Let's go, let's go back early."

This time, Liu Changzheng and Wu Jialei were also there, and they were driving later.


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