The Happy Life of the Reborn Dad

Chapter 1065: Old 5 and 2 sisters fight, who is more powerful? (five thousand words)…

After Xia Zekai came out of elementary school, he went straight to the company after calling his wife.

While still in the car, Xia Zekai called Zhang Xu and asked him to go to his office later.

Half an hour later, the car stopped in front of the company's office building. As soon as Xia Zekai went up to the third floor, he saw Zhang Xu standing in front of his office at the east end of the corridor.

"Xiao Zhang, why are you here so early?" Xia Zekai pushed open the door and let him in together.

Zhang Xu smiled honestly and said: "Boss, I don't have anything important for the time being. Currently, I am mainly in charge of organizing the 'Jingtong Cup' youth football competition, which has not yet started. The remaining chores can't be done in a day or two. When it's finished, things on your side must be more urgent."

"Haha, okay, don't learn from those old guys, just do your job well," Xia Zekai said.

Zhang Xu nodded again and again, indicating that he has been working hard.

"Xiao Zhang, I called you here because there is something for you to go for a run." Xia Zekai said.

"Boss, you can just say it." Zhang Xu quickly stood up.

Xia Zekai said: "When I went to send my daughter to elementary school just now, I talked to the principal of their school. I contracted the canteen restaurant of their school. You can help me register another catering company, and then recruit all the people. Then let them take over the restaurant of the municipal primary school."

Zhang Xu was fine at first, but as Xia Zekai explained this issue in depth, he was dumbfounded on the spot. Is the boss going to enter the catering industry?

"Boss, this is quite troublesome, and the school restaurant needs to consider a lot of issues, it is very difficult to do, and there are still a lot of inspections to be dealt with. Besides, I think it is difficult to make a profit..."

Before Zhang Xu could finish speaking, Xia Zekai intercepted his words: "Yes, I didn't talk about profit. My plan is to subsidize 2 million in it every year, so let the children eat as much as possible."

one_one Zhang Xu heard Xia Zekai say that, his eyes widened directly, what does it mean?

Zhang Xu didn't directly understand what kind of divine operation the boss belonged to.

He stood still and decided to ask better.

Xia Zekai added: "I didn't tell you just now, our girl and Tongtong go to this primary school, and they told me that the food in their school was too bad, and the amount was not enough. It doesn't matter if they're not there, but they're both there and I have to figure out a way to fix this."

Zhang Xu wanted to give himself a slap in the face, but he heard the boss's words just now, but he didn't think about it in that regard, and now he understands it completely.

"Oh, boss, you said that these schools are really unscrupulous. They treat children with clear soup and little water. How can they grow without meat." Zhang Xu immediately began to criticize.

Xia Zekai listened to what he said, and the smile on his face remained unchanged: "Okay, I will entrust this matter to you, hurry up and do it!"

"After registering the catering company, go to sign a restaurant contract with Wei Zhong, the principal of the primary school directly under the municipal government, and take over as soon as possible, the sooner the better." Xia Zekai said solemnly.

Otherwise, his daughter still thinks the food is unpalatable. If he doesn't have this ability, it's fine, but now that he has this ability, he can't see it.

After Zhang Xu came out of Xia Zekai's office, he was still thinking about a sentence, it turned out that the saying "you can do whatever you want with money" is true.

In the past, when others told him this, he did not have such a strong concept.

Even when the boss's luxury car was bought one after another, Zhang Xu didn't feel that way.

But in the boss's office just now, I heard him say that because my daughter thought the food was not delicious, she was willing to spend 2 million to contract the restaurant every year. Zhang Xu dared to say that this was the first in his cognitive career. It's weird, maybe it's the only one.

"The boss is the boss!" Zhang Xu hurried to do this with this emotion.

Xia Zekai didn't pay attention to the details of this matter anymore. He left it to Zhang Xu to handle it, and he was relieved.

When Xia Zekai was around the company, his wife and children, and his parents and elders every day, Zhang Yiming in Beijing also started to raise the B round of financing of "Today's Toutiao".

The product of ‘Today’s Toutiao’ is already a piece of fat on many capital plan boards.

Its model is not very new, but its vertical search engine technology is very mature, Zhang Yiming is a good expert in this way, and its personalized recommendation is to the netizens who have retained Enduo, plus 'Today's Toutiao' has passed through these 21 Monthly operation, market share, and daily active users are really high, and it has become a sweet pastry in the eyes of capitalists.

After Zhang Yiming released the news of the "Today's Toutiao" Series B financing, many capital parties immediately called him.

This included Wang Qiong from Haina Asia. She then called Zhang Yiming without saying anything else, just opened her mouth and said: "Yiming, how much money do you still need, tell me the number, and arrange for someone to do it right away. You turn around."

She refused to talk about how many shares you gave me.

It was so neat and tidy that Zhang Yiming was dumbfounded.

He then explained it to Wang Qiong, and Wang Qiong could understand his mood, so he dispelled the thought of covering the funding gap of the B round to all.

When "Today's Toutiao" began to stir up the storm in the capital market, the "Alibaba" far away in Hangzhou recently

Not idle either.

Lao Ma has been worrying about getting back his equity recently.

Taking back these shares is not the most fundamental reason for Lao Ma. What he wants to do most is to package all the businesses of 'Alibaba' except Alipay, and take it to the US Emperor to ring the bell for listing.

For this matter, Lao Ma has been running frequently to the US Emperor recently. He didn't even care about Alibaba's Double Eleven this year, so he gave it to Zhang Yong to do it.

He is now thinking about making the listing a reality as soon as possible.

To this end, he plans to start the asset integration of the nine sub-sections of "Alibaba".

This is not to mention Alipay, a large piece of financial business.

Compared with the B round financing of Toutiao, there are also many capital parties who are more interested in the thriving "Alibaba".

They all know in their hearts that at this critical moment, Alibaba's size is there, it has a more complete profit model, and its probability of going public in the United States is higher.

For many capitalists, this is the fat that is really delivered to the mouth. In this case, who doesn't want to eat a bite.

Xia Zekai, who holds a 2% stake in Taobao Mall and a 3% stake in Tmall Mall, which was just listed last year, has also become a favorite in the eyes of many capitalists.

Simply put, if there is a big capital party who wants to buy these shares he holds, it is still a 200% premium.

But Xia Zekai rejected the other party on the spot. He remembered that after Alibaba went public, the increase was very gratifying. At this time, he only paid twice the premium and thought about buying the shares from him. Isn't this a robbery?

Xia Zekai felt that the capitalist who called him was too abhorrent. Did he think he was too poor and had never seen money?

After rejecting the other party, Xia Zekai specifically called Lao Ma, chatted with him for a while, and asked about the plan of 'Alibaba' to be packaged and listed as a whole.

The old horse didn't hide it from him, and talked about the current preparations.

This includes integrating Alibaba's current resources, completely stripping off Alipay, and integrating the rest. In this way, the value of the integrated Alibaba and the 'Alibaba B2B' business sector previously listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange will be lost. any comparability.

"Old Ma, how are you preparing, and how long will it take to complete it?" Xia Zekai asked him.

The old horse said directly: "If it is fast, it will be completed next year, and if it is slow, it will not exceed the year after."

"Okay, if there is anything difficult to solve, you can tell me." Xia Zekai said.

The old horse was not polite. He said, "I will definitely look for you at the critical moment."

In September 2012, at the beginning of the month, it was very easy, but from the middle of the year, Xia Zekai suddenly started to work hard.

Today's headline B round of financing, Alibaba's listing, the development of 'Jingtong Industrial Park', the development of the company's sinking market, the closing invitation of "The Voice of China", and the restaurant contracting plan of his daughter's school, Xia Zekai thinks about everything They were all important, and they left him no time to think about more things.

In the midst of his busy schedule, Xia Zekai felt like he was working overtime yesterday, so why did it arrive at the end of the day?

"Zekai, you are watching the three of them at home today, and I will go to the company." Luo Xiyun told him this morning.

After entering September, she hadn't been to the company very much, but there were a lot of things accumulated during this time, and she had to go there.

It is also necessary to prepare some money in advance to participate in the B round financing meeting of “Today’s Toutiao”.

Xia Zekai rubbed his swollen temples and said, "Okay, you can go, I just have a day off at home."

"I haven't had a good rest during this time, and I have a headache." Xia Zekai said casually.

Luo Xiyun felt a little distressed, but she said, "Zekai, you're thinking too much, you really can't rest at home."

"Also, Qingyu and Jingling can climb a few steps now, you have to be careful, don't let them knock, or I'll come back and finish with you." Luo Xiyun urged.

Xia Zekai also knew about this. He thought that the first one to learn to crawl was the fifth Jingling, but the third one, Qingyu, came later, and now the fourth fourth Chenchen is still working **** lying on his stomach, exercising his hands and legs. strength.

When Luo Xiyun asked Geng Yuqin to drive her Paramila away, she also brought the girl and Tongtong along by the way. This was the first time she came over to send her two girls to school except on the first day of school on September 1.

Seeing that so many parents were sending their children off at the school gate, she felt a little guilty and said, "Girl, Tongtong, you should listen carefully in class, and eat more when you eat. If you still can't eat well, I will come to pick you up in the afternoon. Tell me when you are."

"Mom, I'm full now, and the food cooked in school is delicious," Tongtong said.

Luo Xiyun knew in his mind that the school changed after her husband found the principal, but the real change will have to wait for her husband to contract the restaurant.

"Okay, if the food is delicious, you can eat more, remember!" Luo Xiyun urged again and again.

"Okay, goodbye mom!" Tongtong waved and said.

The girl also shouted: "Goodbye Mom, slow down on the road, Mom."

After watching the girl and Tongtong enter the school, Luo Xiyun also got in the car and went to the school.

Kaiyun Investment Co., Ltd.

In the villa of Xia Zekai in the Ziyu Garden Villa District, there is a high-density sponge pad in the yard.

Xia Zekai was teasing the three little fellows, Qingyu, their sister and brother, on the mat.

He was holding three dinosaurs, Peppa Pig, and Sun Wukong's hydrogen balloons in his hands, and the three siblings raised their hands to grab the hydrogen balloons.

But he couldn't hold it, his arms swayed back and forth.

Xia Zekai teased them for a while, and when he saw that the third and fourth were about to cry, he put the ropes tied to the hydrogen balloons into their hands one by one.

The end of the rope is also tied with a silicone hand-held pendant, which is quite heavy, just enough to allow the hydrogen balloon to float, but it cannot float away.

The three brothers and sisters swayed their small arms up and down, and the hydrogen balloon floating in the air also floated up and down with the extension and contraction of the rope.

The three of them were so happy to play, and from time to time they made a happy cry of 'ahhh'.

The three little guys had peaceful smiles on their faces. This smile was so pure that it melted Xia Zekai's heart.

"Ah ah!" Old Wu Jingling shouted, his little hands grabbed the rope tied with the hydrogen balloon and dragged to play, feeling that this was not enough, he simply rolled around like a lazy donkey, flicked his right calf, and his body followed suit. It flipped over, lay on his back and then turned into a prone position.

He has practiced this movement very proficiently. After Xia Zekai saw it, he would feel a feeling of "the youngest is really amazing".

He looked at the youngest who moved so quickly, and an idea would pop into his mind unconsciously.

The youngest has a clear skeleton and is also a good seedling suitable for practicing martial arts. I don't know if he also goes to practice kung fu, and then fights with the second sister Tongtong, who is more powerful between the two?

"Well, I'll be a little older in two years, then I can let Wang Yi teach him, and put some pressure on Tong Tong by the way." Xia Zekai had a very wicked thought in his heart.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that his idea was simply too perfect!

I was secretly laughing in my heart, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw that the third child, Qingyu, also turned over and lay on the mat.

Not only that, she also crawled forward two steps with very difficult hands and feet, trying to find the youngest to play, but the next moment she couldn't hold it, her hands slid forward, and her whole body lay on the mat.

She didn't cry, maybe she thought it was funny, and she laughed out loud on the spot.

The old fourth Chenchen was a little tired.

After he turned over, he lay on the ground and didn't dare to move, and it was obvious that his arms were weak and had already begun to tremble.

After a while, Chenchen couldn't hold it anymore. His hands were already shaking. Before Xia Zekai could help him, Chenchen stretched out his hands and fell on the mat with a 'pop'. , and then burst into tears.

"I..." Xia Zekai had a headache. Compared with his elder sister and younger brother, the fourth child was not a little bit worse.

Looking at the youngest again, he also climbed a few steps, but when he couldn't hold it any longer, he lay down on the mat, flipped his legs, and lay down on the mat again, giggling and giggling, not ordinary.

Seeing Chenchen crying, Xia Zekai couldn't take care of the third and youngest, so he hurriedly picked up the fourth and went to coax him away.

Otherwise, let the three of them stay together for a long time, and the other two will definitely cry.

Playing until noon, the three siblings finished drinking milk, and after a while, they fell asleep together.

Xia Zekai breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the three little guys lying on the bed and snoring. He rubbed his waist that he had bent all morning. He felt the pain in the back was so severe that he was about to die.

It's more tiring than work.

At noon, Xia Zekai took advantage of the fact that the three little guys fell asleep. After hurriedly eating, Xia Zekai also went to sleep for a while.

But before I slept for an hour, I was woken up by the ringing of the phone again. I felt a little irritable and really wanted to curse.

He took the phone and saw that it was his wife's call. The next moment, a smile appeared on Xia Zekai's face: "Daughter-in-law, something is wrong."

"Zekai, how are the three of them? Don't make a fuss!" Luo Xiyun asked on the phone.

That's right, it was Luo Xiyun who called.

Xia Zekai said, "No, the three of them are so cute. I played with them all morning. I drank the milk and fell asleep just now, and I'm still asleep now!"

"That's good, how about you, see if they are more tired than you at work?" Luo Xiyun also deliberately asked again.

Xia Zekai always felt that his wife was giving him eye drops.

He said, "It's alright."

"Well, remember to cook more in the evening, my mother just called to say she'll be there in the afternoon." Luo Xiyun mentioned.

When Xia Zekai heard that his mother-in-law was coming over, he responded, "Okay, I'll go prepare dinner later, daughter-in-law, how are you doing over there?"

"It's alright, I'm busy. I'll go back at four o'clock in the afternoon, and then I'll pick up the girl and Tongtong."

After speaking, Luo Xiyun hung up the phone, Xia Zekai didn't sleep anymore, got up from the bed, and went to dinner ahead of time.

There are still many good things in the refrigerator and freezer, enough to eat for a while, but he doesn't need to go out to buy them.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, when Qingyu and the three siblings hadn't woken up, their mother-in-law Liu Chunhua came over.

"Mom, is Xiaojing okay?" Xia Zekai asked.

Liu Chunhua nodded, and she said, "It's much better now, I don't need to wait on me all the time."

"Then you can stay with me for a few more days. Now Qingyu and Jingling will both climb. It's hard to see if there are fewer people." Xia Zekai said politely.

But Liu Chunhua refused: "I have to go over there to cook and clean up."

"Besides, your brother thinks that the food stall he works is okay, but it's too tiring to work at night, and he doesn't earn much. This time he's going to quit his job and rent a place to work on it. I think he must be too busy by himself. , I'll go over and help him when the time comes." Liu Chunhua said.

Hearing what his mother-in-law said, Xia Zekai could only sigh with emotion, it's not easy being a parent.

Written at the beginning, the official platform has recently given the anti-theft, the average subscription of Simba's book is 1245, but you know, the 24-hour follow-up subscription has also risen to 1100, almost equal to the average subscription!

Ouch, I am so excited in my heart that I can't express it in words. I am really grateful to every friend who subscribes genuinely.

If I can't write it well, if there is any problem, just point it out. I usually squat in the background and read the comments -_-||

In addition, I work hard to write more, and I will never disappoint all my subscribed friends!

Maybe because of the subject matter or other reasons, there is no hope for a high-quality book, but I don't look at that result anymore. Up to now, the average of 10,000 words per day throughout the year should be able to represent my sincerity!


Xia Zekai didn't think too much about what his mother-in-law said.

Food stalls, if done, really make money.

You don't need to lease a storefront, which saves a lot of money and reduces costs.

Those who go to eat food stalls must pay cash, and the return is fast. As my mother-in-law just said, the advantages and disadvantages are that they are tired.

But then again, this year's avatar earns money, so why don't you get tired!

"Xincheng resigned to do this, Xiaojing works in the factory, and it's good to buy insurance," Xia Zekai said.

But mother-in-law Liu Chunhua said: "I thought it was good at first. Xiaojing has insurance, at least she can worry about it, but they don't think so. If your brother resigns, Xiaojing also wants to resign."

"..." Xia Zekai was silent.

Good guy, are all the young people now so loving and never parted for a moment?

Whatever you do, you have to be a husband and wife!

"If this is the case, this matter is still hasty." Xia Zekai said casually.

The salary and benefits of Qicheng Aideli Co., Ltd. are still good for Qicheng. If his brother-in-law and his wife really have any great skills, they will leave it up, but Xia Zekai doesn't think so.

When Liu Chunhua heard what her son-in-law said, she also nodded: "Who said no, I thought your brother was older and married, so he should be more prudent, but neither of them makes you worry."

"Mom, they are still young, let them break if they want to break through, but don't pay them, let them work as hard as they can, or they will be happy if they do it, and if they can't do it, they can stop in the future. Come on, if you give him 108,000 yuan, he won't recognize himself even if he pays off." Xia Zekai said.

Liu Chunhua gave an "um", she nodded and said, "I know all about it."

Crying came from upstairs, and Liu Chunhua quickly said, "Oh, who is crying? I'll go up and see the three of them."

Xia Zekai just cut the meat, got a hand of oil, and his mother-in-law took care of him. He was relieved, and he simply didn't go up, and continued to cut the meat and chop the meat stuffing, ready to make dumplings at night.

He felt that the minced meat minced with a meat grinder was not tasty.

It didn't take long for Liu Chunhua to ask three babysitters to help put the three little guys on the trolley, and they took the elevator down together.

She said to her son-in-law who was busy in the kitchen, "the three of them are awake, and I'm thinking about getting them down to play for a while."

"Mom, it's okay, Sister Ren, take out the mat and let them lie down on the mat for a while." Xia Zekai instructed the nanny Ren Ping.

The nanny Jiang Ningning then came to help in the kitchen.

First, stew the meat that takes time in advance, or simmer it on a low heat and make soup.

The other green vegetables were cut and placed on a plate in advance, the meat was fried, and they were made in one go after a while.

Next, knead the noodles, prepare to wrap the dumplings, and eat the dumplings directly after a while.

Later, Jiang Ningning was busy, and Xia Zekai was free. He was standing here and got in the way, so he simply washed his hands and went out.

When his wife Luo Xiyun came back with the girl and Tongtong, it was already 5:30. As soon as the sisters entered the room, they saw the grandma sitting on the edge of the cushion.

The two sisters shouted 'grandma', and they all jumped on them, and they had to ask grandma to hug them.

"Grandma, let me tell you, I'm a math class representative now. I'm in charge of collecting math homework and handing out homework books. I'm amazing." Tell it to grandma Liu Chunhua.

As soon as she finished speaking, Tong Tong said: "Grandma, the elder sister is not that good, I am the squad leader and the sports committee member now, I take care of a lot of people in our class, if they don't listen to me, I will kick them. "

"Also, I'm running so fast, none of our class can catch up with me, hum, grandma, I'm amazing!" Tong Tong snorted proudly.

When Liu Chunhua heard the two granddaughters talking about these things, she also nodded in cooperation, and said, "Awesome, both of you are very good."

"Hee hee!" The sisters smiled proudly.

"Grandma, I still have homework today. I have to do my homework first, and I'll come to play with you later after I finish my homework." The girl suddenly said.

Tongtong also seemed to remember her homework, so she hurriedly followed her sister into the study on the first floor to do her homework.

Liu Chunhua was stunned, she asked, "Ze Kai, Xi Yun, are they both so self-conscious now?"

Before Xia Zekai spoke, Luo Xiyun said, "Girl is even better, Tongtong just started

When I was very unconscious, I told her a meal, and then I was honest. "

"Hey, she's still a child, you keep talking about what she does." Liu Chunhua talked about her daughter.

Luo Xiyun waved his hand and said, "Mom, you don't understand. Forget it, I won't tell you. I'll go wash and change my clothes, and I'll come down soon."

This is going to be a bit long right now, and half an hour has passed by the time she finished changing her clothes and came down from the third floor.

The girl and Tongtong had little homework today, and it was very simple. They had already finished their work, and they were getting close to their grandma to play with their younger siblings.

Seeing Luo Xiyun coming, Tong Tong also said to her: "Mom, why are you so ink when you change your clothes."

"Just your skin, I think you want to be beaten again!" Luo Xiyun said to her.

Tong Tong smiled and stopped talking.

During dinner in the evening, Liu Chunhua nags her daughter about her son Luo Xincheng again.

When Luo Xiyun heard her mother say that her brother wanted to toss again, Luo Xiyun felt a toothache.

"Mom, my brother will soon become a father. If he has any ideas, don't worry about it, just let him do it himself. It's either success or failure. It's useless to say what you say. You won't understand if you don't hit the wall a few times." Luo Xiyun said with a bit of ruthlessness.

At this point, Xia Zekai admired his wife and was cruel enough to his own people.

Liu Chunhua said, "Then I can't watch your brother pay for the hard-earned money he saved."

"Mom, is it useful for you to persuade him? Does he listen to you?" Luo Xiyun asked her mother a soulful question.

A question pointed directly to the core, leaving Liu Chunhua speechless.

Just like what her daughter just said, her son Luo Xincheng doesn't listen to her at all now.

Luo Xiyun continued: "Mom, my brother has grown up and is twenty-five. Do you think it's appropriate for you to take care of him?"

She said these words, and putting them on anyone else wouldn't work, and it would make Liu Chunhua think too much.

Xia Zekai listened to the chat between his wife and mother-in-law, and couldn't help nodding in his heart. That's the truth.

Liu Chunhua had to leave at night, but Luo Xiyun refused. She also called his brother Luo Xincheng in person: "Xincheng, my mother is staying with me tonight, and I will go to yours tomorrow."

"Sister, it's alright, Xiaojing doesn't react much now. It's okay to let my mother stay with you for a few more days." Luo Xincheng said.

Luo Xiyun snorted before saying, "I heard from my mother, you don't plan to work in Qicheng Aideli Company, and you want to resign?"

"Well, I have such an idea." Luo Xincheng didn't hide it, and admitted it generously.

He said: "Sister, I came out to set up a stall after work some time ago, and I was busy until eleven or twelve o'clock in the evening almost every day. The business was not bad. If you don’t have this energy, and you can’t rest well, it’s better to concentrate on doing a good job and talk about it.”

"Sister, you also know that if you want to raise your salary, you can only rely on the normal salary increase every year, or you can get a promotion and a salary increase, but even if you get promoted once and add 15% of the salary, it will only be a few hundred Dollars, how much can it go?"

"After waiting for Xiaojing to give birth, I did the math. My salary is not enough to buy milk powder diapers. What should I do? I can't ask my mother to ask for it again, and I can't ask you to reach out..."

Hearing her brother say this, Luo Xiyun interrupted him directly and said, "Xincheng, you think too much, if you still have the temperament of being a fool, don't expect me to lend you money, I will also give it to your brother-in-law. Say, let him not lend you money!"

"..." Luo Xincheng felt a panic in his chest. His elder sister treated his younger brother very well, and he was even called Voldemort.

But when he came to him, this routine didn't work, and his sister couldn't wait for him to beg for food.

"Sister, that's what I said, I didn't plan to ask you to borrow money!" Luo Xincheng not only had a toothache, he also felt a pain in his liver and stomach.

Luo Xiyun didn't stop her brother from wanting to do food stalls full-time, just let her brother go.

The big deal is that she really failed. With her work experience in Qicheng Aideli, her younger brother can also find a decent job.

Needless to say, the resume of a foreign company is sometimes a plus when looking for a job!

The next morning, Liu Chunhua left after having breakfast here.

Luo Xiyun was going to work and specially sent her mother back.

Xia Zekai was still at home playing with the three siblings, Qingyu and the others.

Playing with the three of them crawling on the mat, Xia Zekai counted the third and the youngest who climbed the furthest and who had the most steps. He thought this was fun.

So much so that he neglected his work.

On the Qicheng Jingtong Development Co., Ltd., Zhang Xu found a relationship, special affairs, and registered a catering company. This company only exists to contract the restaurant of the primary school of the market value authority. In terms of naming, Xia Zekai is very Feel free to call it Aisin Catering at last!

Homophonic love!

In his words, this is a piece of love for the children in primary schools directly under the municipal authority.

After the company was registered, Zhang Xu began to recruit people. This job was not difficult for him at all, and he did it very smoothly.

After all, no matter what he said, he was still in Yicheng Jingtong Food Factory.

The person who was in command.

When he started recruiting people, Zhang Xu recruited people with high salaries on the website, went to other restaurants to poach people, and even poached friends who were good cooks around him. It was really thoughtful.

After all the work was done, another four days passed. At this time, it was September 24th, and a new week began.

Xia Zekai has always remembered the invitation to go to the capital to participate in the final battle of "The Voice of China" this weekend.

Not a few days left.

Moreover, the day at the end of the month coincided with the Mid-Autumn Festival, Xia Zekai thought about spending the Mid-Autumn Festival at home with his parents, grandfather and grandfather ahead of time before leaving.

His wife is not going.

The three of them, Qingyu, were still too young to be tossed around at all. Luo Xiyun thought about it again and again, let's just stay at home.

On the other hand, the sisters, girl and Tongtong, had to follow their father Xia Zekai to play in the magic capital.

But when Luo Xiyun thought about it, it was not realistic at all. Her husband would be busy at that time, and when there was time to take care of the two of them, this matter would be over.

Before leaving, Xia Zekai called his parents, grandfather, grandfather, and his younger brother Xia Zejiang, the uncle, the eldest brother and the second brother, and had a reunion dinner together at the Ziyu Garden Villa.

They were not surprised at all when they learned that their cousin Xia Zekai was going to the capital to participate in the final battle of "The Voice of China".

When watching this program, I heard Hua Shao mentioning 'authentic good food, Jingtong Food', 'Jingtong Food, the leader of the food industry' and other similar advertisements over and over again. Isn't this an obvious thing?

The second sister-in-law, Dong Fei, wanted to watch the show on the spot, but there were a lot of things going on in her family, so the thought swept through her mind and didn't say it.

During the meal, Xia Zekai learned that his younger brother and sister Shen Jiayi was also pregnant.

It was a real joy.

Xia Zekai turned around and scolded his younger brother. They didn't leak anything about such a big thing, and Xia Zekai also said that he was not sensible at all.

Xia Zejiang sat there and scratched his head. He was a little embarrassed. He always felt that he was not ready to be a father, so why did he suddenly change roles.

"Brother, can you buy something for me when you go to the magic capital?" Xia Zejiang said.

Xia Zekai was quite puzzled and asked his brother: "What do you want, tell me directly, don't hesitate."

"You buy me some..." Xia Zejiang told his brother.

After listening to Xia Zekai, he nodded and agreed. He also said, "I thought it was such a big deal, that's all."

"Hey, I mainly don't have time to go, otherwise I definitely can't trouble you." Xia Zejiang said.

"Zekai, Zejiang, what are you two brothers whispering about? I've called you two times. Hurry up and serve the wine glass, let's have another one!" Big brother Xia Yunfei called to them.

"Brother, it's coming soon, don't rush, the wine is in your throat." Xia Zekai has consciously raised his glass. At this time, where is the big guy on the rich list who has lost that layer of skin, he is just an ordinary man people.

The second brother also said: "Brother, when you come back from the magic capital, let's find a place to drink together."

"Okay, I won't be able to run away with this meal, so I'll have a special meal on the hour." Xia Zekai said.

The uncle also said: "After the Mid-Autumn Festival is the National Day. At that time, my parents, grandpa, and grandpa will be walking around together. If you come back early, we will be together. We won't go far."

The proposal received strong support from the two cousins.

However, Qicheng Kelan Chemical will continue to work on the National Day this year. The second brother is afraid that he will not be able to walk away, and the older brother also depends on the situation.

In the next few days, Xia Zekai didn't go anywhere. After Luo Xiyun was busy with the company in those days, she didn't go out either. The couple stayed at home together to look after the children.

Seeing that the three brothers and sisters of Qingyu and the others are growing up every day, it seems that there are changes to varying degrees every time, Xia Zekai and Luo Xiyun are very happy.

"Zekai, you can see that Chenchen has started to crawl too. He knows how to move his legs. You also teach him how to crawl two steps." Luo Xiyun shouted, seeing that Xia Zekai was indifferent, she also reached out and pushed Xia Zekai.

This request is too unreasonable, how can Xia Zekai... He hurriedly knelt down and climbed twice, and he moved one step at a time. How to move his hands and feet, he will tell Chenchen again.

But you don't have to think about it to know that Chenchen must not understand these truths. Xia Zekai can only deepen his impression on him through actions over and over again.

This scene instead made Luo Xiyun laugh out loud.

Happy days are like this, they go by very fast, and it feels like the blink of an eye, and the time is gone.

"Daughter-in-law, have you noticed? After thirty, I feel that every day goes by quickly." Xia Zekai couldn't help but sigh.

Luo Xiyun ignored him, she continued to bend over to play with Chenchen, who had just learned to crawl: "Chenchen, I'm mother, hurry up and call mother."

"Are you stupid? He just shouted twice now. You still expect him to call you." Xia Zekai said unceremoniously.

The angry Luo Xiyun was annoyed, she stood up on the mat, saw Xia Zekai running away, she picked up her slippers and threw them at Xia Zekai.

"Crack!" The slippers rubbed Xia Zekai's head dangerously and flew over.

In the yard, some people are building flowers and plants, and some are exercising. Anyway, no one dares to look here.

I am also envious in my heart, look at the couple, they can make money and live a good life.

Qicheng is on duty in the primary school, the first grade and the third class. Teacher Wang Wenzhong has finished the last Chinese class and assigned all the students homework for the Mid-Autumn Festival and National Day holidays. He asked Huang Ziyan, the representative of the Chinese class, to hand out the Chinese homework workbook. After that, went out.

Then Mr. Lu Xiao, the head teacher of the third class of the first grade, came in.

As soon as she came in, she smiled and said, "Classmates, we are going to have a holiday soon. The holiday is from September 29th to October 7th, a total of nine days. Come to school on the 8th, do you remember?"

"Teacher, we remember it!" The students below said seriously.

Lu Xiao was even happier, she said: "The teacher finally said a few words to you. If you go out to play during the holiday, you must follow your parents, and you must not go out alone. When crossing the road, you must look at the traffic lights. The people who give you things, you must not ask for them.”

"Also, the homework assigned by the teacher must be completed carefully. It must be handed in after school starts. When the school starts, whoever has not finished the homework, the teacher wants to criticize the name of the store. Do you remember it?" Lu Xiao asked them.

The 28 children in the class nodded in unison: "Teacher, we all remembered it."

"Awesome!" Teacher Lu Xiao smiled very happily.

When she was with these children, she felt that her whole body was relaxed, and she didn't have to think about this and that.

She said: "There is one last thing. The principal just held a meeting for us and said that when you come back from vacation, there will be a lot of delicious food in our school cafeteria."

"Wow!" A group of young students all grinned and laughed.

"Okay, I won't say anything else, let's finish school, Xia Tong, monitor, organize the team." Teacher Lu Xiao shouted.

Tongtong had already packed her schoolbag, and when she heard Lu Xiao call her by name, Tongtong immediately threw the schoolbag and put it on her back, then walked around the study table and came to the front: "Everyone has packed their homework books, Put your schoolbag on your back, come to stand in front, and I'll beat you up if you don't obey."

She is very proficient in this set and does not need a teacher to teach her.

Teacher Lu Xiao was watching from the side. She was very satisfied with Tong Tong's sensibleness. She was relieved when she saw Tong Tong shouting slogans and dividing the 27 little classmates into two rows and walking out in an orderly manner. tone.

"How can there be such a capable child, I'm really relieved." Lu Xiao muttered.

With Tongtong's help, she doesn't have to worry about these chores.

But in some classes, that's not the case. The monitor and the sports committee can't hold back a fart for a long time, and the teachers can't do anything about them.

When going down the steps, a naughty child in the team jumped down, and when Tong Tong saw it, he ran over and raised his leg and gave him a kick: "It's up to you, right?

What to do, your mother has to cry again, and I'll kick you if you jump again. "

"Sister Tongtong, I don't dare." The naughty little boy lowered his head and hurriedly promised.

Tongtong gave an "um" and said, "A good boy is obedient."

After Lu Xiao saw this scene from behind, she held back her laughter, this scene was very interesting.

But she was also helpless.

Today's society is not what it was when they were young.

At that time, they went to school by themselves, and came back with three or five friends after school, and they never had to worry about their parents.

At that time, when they made a mistake, they were immediately beaten by their parents and teachers. It's not like now, when students make mistakes, they can't be beaten and scolded by teachers. They have to show the facts and reason to the students, but he won't listen.

In turn, the students suffered a little grievance and complained when they went home. The unreasonable parents came to the school.

Some students can't stand the scolding at all, they can't speak in a slightly serious tone, they feel a little uncomfortable, they don't go their way, and they may do things that go to extremes.

But the first grade and third class she took were different. There was a monitor who dared to do something. They were all friends of the same age. When those naughty classmates faced the monitor, they were honest.

There were really few people in the class who dared to provoke this female monitor, so she was relieved as a monitor.

"Mr. Xia will take care of the children." Teacher Lu Xiao thought to himself.

As he was thinking about it, he looked up and saw Xia Zekai standing there outside the school gate.

He was wearing ordinary clothes, a white shirt, blue trousers, and a pair of shoes with a thousand-layer sole on his feet. There was nothing out of the ordinary, but Xia Zekai looked very high-end.

She also found that while the monitor Xia Tong watched the students of the team being taken away by their parents, Xia Zekai did not urge them from beginning to end, but waited patiently on the side.

It was not until the last student was taken away by his parents that Tong Tong rushed towards Xia Zekai.

Teacher Lu Xiao also came over: "Mr. Xia, I kept you waiting for a long time."

"Hey, it's okay, Mr. Lu, it's getting late, you should get off work soon!" Xia Zekai said with a smile.

"Thank you, Mr. Xia." Lu Xiao expressed his gratitude.

Watching Xia Zekai lead the girl and Tongtong's hands to the car parked on the stone opposite the road, she was very envious.

When can she find such a good match.

In the car, Xia Zekai didn't know what Teacher Lu Xiao was thinking, he said to the girl and Tongtong: "Mom made delicious food at home, UU reading Dad will go to the magic capital tomorrow afternoon and wait for Dad. When I come back, I'll buy you something delicious and fun, okay?"

"Okay, Dad, what's the fun?" Tong Tong asked impatiently when he heard the play.

Xia Zekai said, "I'll buy you a remote control plane, one that can fly into the sky, do you want it?"

"Really, can I fly to the sky in a plane?" The girl raised her face and looked at the sky, she was envious.

Xia Zekai shook his head quickly: "That's not good, it's too dangerous for you to do this. When there is time in the future, Dad will take you to the plane."

"But it's very uncomfortable to fly." The girl pouted and shook her head. It's not that she hasn't been on a plane before, and it feels boring.

Tongtong also nodded: "Dad, come back soon!"

Xia Zekai widened his eyes: "I haven't gone yet!"

Wang Yi, who was driving in front, held back his laughter. He was always amused by the two cute little guys behind him.

He felt that the two years with Xia Zekai were the most carefree days.

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