The Happy Life of the Reborn Dad

Chapter 1069: The old 2 suddenly killed (Thirty-three/Forty-three)

After a sumptuous dinner at Hanshansi, they returned to the temporary accommodation at Atour Meiying Hotel together.

In the room belonging to Huang Shuangshuang and Li Mumu, Huang Shuangshuang said to her husband, "Lao Li, I have decided. After I go back, I will sign up for a training class to learn some new knowledge."

"Uh!" Li Mumu was a little surprised, his eyes fell on his wife, as if he had re-acquainted with the woman who had accompanied him for 40 years. This decision was beyond his expectations.

He asked, "Why do you think you're going to do it again?"

It feels incredible.

"It's nothing, just watching you chat today, I can't get in."

Huang Shuangshuang was a little depressed, she said, "I didn't understand what you said."

Li Mumu felt a little uncomfortable: "Just because of this, you have to go to study, isn't it great? If it's a big deal, it's fine if you don't participate in this later. You can buy things, go shopping, and live a comfortable and practical life. How wonderful!"

"Lao Li, to tell the truth, I never thought that you have done so well in the past few years. You are no longer the you you used to be. Except for the expensive clothes and cosmetics, I have not changed much in the past few years. "

"I'm very worried that the two of us will continue to walk like this. In the end, our eyes will be speechless, and we won't know what will happen by then!" Huang Shuangshuang expressed her concern.

Between husband and wife, it is more communication.

But suddenly one day I found out that the other party did not understand the content of the communication at all...

Li Mumu felt a little sad when he heard it. He said, "Wife, let me tell you, your thoughts are completely superfluous."

He said, "We have been together for more than 20 years. Besides, our son has gone to college, and you and I have reached this age. What can I do?"

"That's not necessarily true, you are the vice president of Jingtong Development Co., Ltd., under one person, the monthly income is so high, the contacts are many, and the temptation is great, in case any shameless vixen falls in love with you My wallet, I have to seduce you in a low-key manner, I am an old pearl, and I will definitely not be able to beat others."

"The more you talk, the more outrageous you are. I'll tell you something. I don't think that way at all." Li Mumu looked a little angry. His wife thought him too badly.


After a night of silence, the next morning, Xia Zekai and the others went to the hotel's own restaurant to eat a buffet breakfast, which was very different from the breakfast in Jidong, but Xia Zekai was away from home and didn't pay attention to this.

Xia Anchen and Jin Lei went to the 80,000-person stadium to watch the scene, and they also watched others adjust the equipment.

It was a live broadcast at night, and they didn't dare to be careless in the slightest.

If something really happens at that time, it will be a shame in front of the people all over the country.

If that were the case, Xia Anchen wouldn't be able to bear it.

The live broadcast only starts at night, and there is nothing else to do during this time.

Xia Zekai was concerned about buying a remote-controlled plane for her daughter. He told Yan Jinghua and the others that everyone was free to move around, and they had to come back before 5 p.m. to go to the 80,000-person stadium together.

After finishing speaking, he took Wang Yi and Wu Jialei away, preparing to go shopping in the nearby shopping mall.

But it's not just shopping for his daughter.

His wife, parents, grandfather, and grandfather are all indispensable. If you think about it, he has a lot to do!

Lu Hao, Yan Jinghua and Huang Ying also left together.

Lu Hao used to work in the China branch of IBM Global Consulting Company in Modu City. Relatively speaking, he is more familiar with this place than others.

After coming out of the Atour Beauty Hotel, he took the two directly to other places.

Li Mumu and Huang Shuangshuang miss their son, so they will not get involved in this matter. Let the old Li and his wife go to the school to meet their son.

In other words, before Lao Li came, he didn't call his son to say a word, and he didn't know whether his son was in school or not.

Or go somewhere else?

Li Mumu has experienced a lot, he can hold his breath,

But his wife Huang Shuangshuang couldn't hold back her anger. She said, "Lao Li, you said you hope he is not at school. Let's not run away."

There was a bit of anticipation on her face, and a bit of a contradictory expression.

Li Mumu said: "It's okay, I'll call my son and ask him where he is. If he's not at school today, I'll tell the boss, we'll stay here for a few more days, and we can always wait for him."

After speaking, Li Mumu started to call.

I didn't get through the first time, and then I called for the second time. This time, it got through. Li Mumu was still a little sleepy when he heard his son's response. Is he still awake?

"Hope, where are you now?" Li Mumu asked.

Then he heard his son say, "Dad, I'm sleeping in the school dormitory!"

Hearing what his son said, Li Mumu frowned, and he said, "Son, don't look at what time it is now, the sun is drying your ass, you are still sleeping."

"Dad, don't mention it, I took a job in the past two days, I went to the 80,000-person stadium to do errands, and I stayed up until after twelve o'clock last night before I came back to sleep." Li Hope muttered, revealing a bit of a chorus inside and outside the words. tired.

This statement made Li Mumu stunned.

Never thought it would be like this.

He hasn't spoken yet, son

Zi Li hoped and said excitedly: "Dad, the "Voice of China" that your company advertised, they will be broadcast live at the 80,000-person stadium tonight, I just do the odd jobs for them, 300 yuan a day money."

"Dad, when it's night, let's keep in touch with our mobile phone QQ. I will try to take a few more pictures for you at the front, so that you and my mother can also see the big stars, the real big stars."

"What Liu Huan, Yu Chengqing, Na Ying, I've always liked it." Li Hope is still looking forward to it.

Li Mumu quickly asked, "Why are you doing that? Didn't you tell me to be a tutor?"

For fear that his son would "go astray", he was very nervous.

Li hoped that he would wake up a lot now, he said, "Dad, now that the National Day is over, people are taking their children out to play. Who is still struggling at home? It's good if I can find this errand job. In conclusion, the salary is not low, and I am also idle when I am idle, so I will just do it.”

Suddenly I felt that what my son said made sense, but Li Mumu didn't expect his son to do odd jobs in the 80,000-person stadium tonight.

And the two of them are sitting in the stadium with the best view to watch the live broadcast. Is this a family of three meeting each other at a distance? It's really 'destiny'!

"I hope, I won't talk nonsense with you anymore. Me and you are in the magic capital now. We will take a taxi to find you now, and you will pick us up at the school gate later." Li Mumu didn't make any detours this time. , he said directly.

After listening to him, Li Hope was stunned.

"Dad, it's true or false, don't play with me." Li hoped to say.

In his memory, his parents had never done such a sudden 'romantic and surprising' thing.

The next moment, I heard a **** voice: "Son, your dad and I have called Yixing for a taxi now. We are going to Fudan University. The driver said that we can get there in half an hour. Come and wait for us at the door."

Hearing what his mother said, Li hoped to be sure, he was no longer sleepy, and quickly got up from the bed to put on clothes and wash as quickly as possible.

Then he shouted at the other two occupied beds in the dormitory: "I said you two lazy people, hurry up and clean up, my parents and they are here, they will be there in half an hour."

"Damn it, Lao Li, you are not an authentic grandson. Why did your parents come here without a word? Isn't this intentional to make us embarrassed?" One of them, Zhang Shuo, made a strange cry, and quickly got up to look for it. clothing.

Another person named Li Huichao also shouted: "I'm still naked, where are my clothes, where did I throw them away."

Because of a piece of news, the dormitory instantly became a jerk.


Li Mumu and Huang Shuangshuang arrived at Fudan University more than half an hour later. The driver of 'Yi Travel Taxi' told them what the location was, and asked them to explain the place to their son, and then help to take the suitcase After getting off, the driver left.

"Lao Li, it's here, I'm out, why don't I feel right? I'm not familiar with it at all."

Huang Shuangshuang's face was full of worry, she asked, "Lao Li, do you think the two of us have been deceived?"

Li Mumu didn't know what to say anymore, he said weakly: "Wife, this is the first time we are here. You have to be familiar with it before it's over."

"Bah, you don't know. I watched TV and looked for photos of Fudan University online. I have been here many times in my dreams, and I am more familiar than you." Huang Shuangshuang muttered.

For a few seconds, the expression on Li Mumu's face immediately froze his hands, and then he realized how much his wife missed her son.

He said, "Wife, if I can't control it later, you have to give me a hand, or I'm really afraid that I will lose hope's leg."

"Dare you, I'll give you two courage, if it really discounts, I'll never finish with you." Huang Shuangshuang's calf-protecting attributes have attacked again, and Li Mumu is not allowed to do it at all.

At this time, in the dormitory where Li hoped to live, he took advantage of the half hour before his parents arrived, and quickly cleaned up the bedroom together with two other roommates, Zhang Shuo and Li Huichao.

Anything that can't be cleaned up in time, put it in a bag and throw it in the garbage. If you really don't want to throw it away, hide it under the bed first. In short, you can't let your parents see their sloppy appearance.

"Old Li, it's almost time, I guess uncle and aunt are coming soon, you can call again and ask." Zhang Shuo urged him.

Li Hope nodded: "I almost forgot if you didn't mention it, I'll make a call first."

Only after this call did Li hope to know that his parents had already arrived at the school gate and were waiting for him to pick him up.

"Dad, wait a little longer with my mother, I'm already on the way, and I'll be at the door soon." Li Hope shouted loudly, then hung up the phone quickly and said to the two roommates in the dormitory: " You guys keep cleaning and mopping the ground, don't mind the big footprints everywhere, I'll pick up my parents first, and I'll come over in a while."

Before he could finish speaking, he ran out.

Zhang Shuo and Li Huichao, who were still in the dormitory, said, "Huichao, what do you want his parents to be like?"

"How do I know, but it should be a big man. You didn't listen to Lao Li himself. His father is the vice president of the Jingtong Food Factory. I guess he belongs to that kind of big man."

In less than ten minutes, Li Hope ran to the south gate of the school out of breath, thinking of making a phone call to inquire.

No matter where his parents were, before he had time to dial the number, he heard someone calling him: "Hope, hope, I'm here."

This is his mother's voice. After many midnight dreams, Li Hope can't forget his mother's voice telling him over and over again every time he goes out.

"Mom!" Li Hope couldn't help but shouted.

"Oh, son!" When Huang Shuangshuang heard her son's cry, she had already forgotten what happened last night.

At this time, I feel that what to learn, it is better to save time to serve a good son, wait for him to get married, give birth to a grandson and a granddaughter, and become a grandmother, what else is there to pay attention to!

"Son, why do I watch you lose weight, it seems to be a lot darker, Lao Li, come and see if your son is really thin." Huang Shuangshuang shouted.

Li Mumu watched the picture of the mother and son embracing next to him. He waited silently, and he really wanted to hug his son and say a few words.

The family of three talked for a while at the gate of the school, and then Li Hope remembered to take his parents to his dormitory to have a look.

"Dad, Mom, how do you remember coming to the Devil's Capital today?" Li Hope held his parents' hands one by one, he was very curious.

Li Mumu dragged the suitcase with one hand and said, "You mentioned it on the phone just now, why have you forgotten it now?"

Waiting for Li Hope to widen his eyes and say, "But that "The Voice of China"?"

"Yes, they invited our boss to come and play, and they gave us a lot of places, and the boss called us a few more..."

Li Mumu introduced to his son all the things that happened here, and Li Hope was dumbfounded.

"Dad, Mom, so you're going to watch the show tonight at the 80,000-person stadium? Or the best seats in the audience?"

Li Mumu said: "I don't know very well, since we came, we haven't gone to the scene to take a Unconsciously, we have arrived at the door of his son's dormitory.

Li Hope's two roommates, Zhang Shuo and Li Huichao, were waiting in the dormitory.

Seeing that Li Hope came in with two middle-aged men and women, they knew who was coming.

"Uncle, auntie, how are you, I'm a good brother in Lao Litong's dormitory." Zhang Shuo said.

Then Li Huichao also made a self-introduction.

Li Mumu and his wife only had time to take a look at the situation in the dormitory now.

So clean!

But there is still a lot of water on the ground that hasn't dried up, so the act of cramming is too obvious!

Having said that, boys, don't expect too much!

"Xiao Zhang, hurry up and eat some souvenirs I brought from my hometown."

"And Xiao Li, we both have the same surname. Don't give me guests. Eat more food to grow strong." Li Mumu babbled.

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