The Happy Life of the Reborn Dad

Chapter 1112: 1 Riding Juechen (4,110 words)

On the side of Jingtong Development Co., Ltd., Zhang San and the others first received a large order for a 'Carnival Premium Dried Fruit Gift Box', with a total of 10,000 copies.

According to the unit price of each 'Carnival boutique dried fruit gift box' of 598 yuan, this list is also 5.98 million.

Of course, with free shipping!

At that time, it would be fine for Jingtong Food Factory to pay for a container truck to deliver it.

After receiving the order from a salesperson named Hu Xueqi below, Zhang San was stunned on the spot. The other party's delivery address was the Tmall Headquarters Building in Binjiang Industrial Park, Hangzhou.

The beneficiary is called Tmall No. 1, and there is a mobile phone number with auspicious numbers behind it.

Zhang San went to Yan Jinghua to report this problem immediately. The order was nearly 6 million. What a mess!

Did you place the wrong order, and the customer ordered a few more zeros with a flick of his hand?

What precautions should their company take?

I had never encountered such a large single order in online sales before, and Zhang San also found it a bit tricky.

Yan Jinghua listened to him and finished the list, and then took him to Xia Zekai.

"Boss, that's the general situation. You can ask Manager Zhang to tell you more about it." After Yan Jinghua finished reporting, he made another special mention.

Knowing that there is such a thing, especially what the consignee is 'Tmall No. 1', Xia Zekai couldn't help but complain: "I said, this order should not be an order from an old horse!"

Yan Jinghua and Zhang San didn't know what to say, so they watched silently.

Xia Zekai turned the phone in his hand, he wondered if he should call Lao Ma to confirm.

"Old Yan, what do you think of this?" Xia Zekai asked him.

The expression on Yan Jinghua's face was a little weird. He said, "Boss, shouldn't it be Ma Dong who is paying for us?"

When Xia Zekai heard what he said, he burst into laughter on the spot: "It's very possible!"

"I made a phone call to ask him, what is he trying to do today, he is leaning on promotion resources and swiping orders again?" Xia Zekai began to look up the old horse's mobile phone number, and was about to give him a call to chat.

Yan Jinghua said: "Ma Dong Xingxu just wants us to break the 200 million turnover?"

Hearing Yan Jinghua's statement, Xia Zekai stopped looking for the phone number for a while, then nodded: "Old Yan, don't say it, maybe there is such a possibility!"

"I'll call and ask him!" Xia Zekai was about to dial again when his cell phone rang first. He glanced at the caller ID and smiled. He gave Yan Jinghua and Zhang San a glance at the phone page, and he said, "Look at it. , what a coincidence."

The words 'Old Ma' flashed on Xia Zekai's phone screen.

The next moment, Xia Zekai answered the phone, turned on the phone's hands-free, and the old horse's voice came along the radio signal.

"Boss Xia, you haven't slept in the middle of the night!"

"Old Ma, you gave me such a big order, and I made 6 million all of a sudden. How can I sleep." Xia Zekai didn't go around in circles, and he came up with this point.

When Ma Yun heard him say this, he stopped turning and said, "I bought so much at one time, so you won't give me some discounts?"

"..." Yan Jinghua and Zhang San suddenly heard what Ma Yun said, which caught them off guard and wanted to laugh.

Fortunately, the two of them held their breath abruptly, and didn't dare to make a move at all. If they were really heard by the boss on the opposite side, the boss would lose face and still have their good fruit to eat.

What made them even more unexpected was that the eldest man actually had such a worldly atmosphere in private. What is the rank of this skill of bargaining after the fact?

Xia Zekai didn't give in too much, he said, "I'll spare you a small fee, what do you think?"

"Give me a card number, and I'll transfer 80,000 yuan to you." Xia Zekai also brought shamelessness to the extreme.

Hearing what he said, the old horse was not happy: "Is this face worth only so much money?"

Lao Ma felt that Xia Zekai was insulting his cute face.

Xia Zekai sneered, but still said the scene: "jack, let's do it, I'll give you 10,000 boxes for free, and when the Double Eleven event is over, I'll ask the finance to give you all the money back. , I have sent this 10,000 boxes of fine carnival dried fruit gift boxes, so it's interesting enough for you!"

Hearing the love, you can say that, and directly suffocated Ma Yun, he murmured for a while.

God, finally came: "Boss Xia, you are ready to invite me to dinner next time!"

This means that the money is not needed, but the next meal will definitely not be cheap.

After saying that, he hung up the phone!

Xia Zekai listened to the blind tone from the phone, he laughed, and the smile on his face became brighter, he said: "Have you seen it, if you want to make money, you have to be shameless. You are a little bit more careful than him, and you want to be proud. , the money is yellow."

"Boss, why?" Zhang San didn't understand, and was not ashamed to ask.

Xia Zekai said: "Believe it or not, if you were in my position just now, you would say that, the custody of the surnamed Ma took the money back."

"But it's me who is talking to him now, is he embarrassed!" Xia Zekai was very confident.

They are all at the same level, and they value each other's face more.

But what the old horse didn't expect was that Xia Zekai had brought shamelessness to the extreme!

He was caught off guard and didn't know Xia Zekai well enough, so he was directly defeated.

With Jack Ma's 5.98 million dried fruit gift box order, and Tmall and Taobao Mall finally gave Jingtong Baby Tmall flagship store the biggest promotion resources, there is no suspense in the final result, 'Jingtong Baby Tmall Flagship The store's total turnover exceeded 200 million yuan on the day of the Double Eleven event!

The total turnover of Tmall and Taobao malls reached 19.5 billion yuan, leaving only 500 million yuan away from the 20 billion yuan mark.

But when Zhang Yong reported to Ma Yun, the old horse thought again and again, but he still gritted his teeth and said to Zhang Yong: "You report 20.1 billion yuan to the outside world, and whoever doubts it, let him come to me."

Hearing Lao Ma's domineering declaration, none of the people present dared to refute it.

Besides, the difference is really too small. In the last hour, I worked hard and even won a transaction of 500 million yuan. If I had known this earlier...

It's a pity, nothing is known earlier, it's past one o'clock in the middle of the night.

Zhang Yong held the 2012 Tmall and Taobao Double Eleven press conference overnight. At the press conference, he solemnly said: "The total turnover of Tmall and Taobao malls is locked at 20.1 billion yuan. In the promotional activities, there are 4 stores with a total turnover of more than 100 million yuan, they are Jingtong Baby Tmall flagship store, Jack Jones Tmall flagship store, Camel Tmall flagship store, and Quanyou Home Tmall flagship store."

"The total turnover of Jingtong Baby's Tmall flagship store exceeded 200 million yuan, which is the largest single-day turnover of the entire platform!"

"In addition, in this Double Eleven event, the total turnover of Tmall Mall was 14.2 billion yuan, and the total turnover of Taobao Mall was 5.9 billion yuan, both of which exceeded the total turnover of Tmall and Taobao Mall last year."

"This also means that even in the emerging sales channel of e-commerce, branded products still occupy an absolute dominant position in the market."

This night, no one cared that Zhang Yong exaggerated the total transaction volume of the platform by 600 million yuan. Compared with the total transaction volume of Tmall and Taobao malls of 20 billion in a single day, the transaction volume only increased by 600 million yuan. Be a bird.

This evening, I can't hide the edge of the 'Jingtong Baby Tmall Flagship Store'!

This result was unexpected by no one. It heralded the madness of e-commerce at the beginning of its development, and also heralded the fact that traditional trade commerce would no longer want to face it, and had to admit that it would be further squeezed by a new trade system. .

If you can't face up to this new market at this time, so as to adapt to it, the future results will be difficult!

The night was getting deeper, and I ignored the people outside who couldn't believe the result and were going hysterical.

Although Xia Zekai hadn't slept all day and night, he was still in high spirits. He paced down from the office on the third floor. He went directly to the office area of ​​the online sales department. Zhang San and his team of more than 30 people did not sleep. Yan Jinghua I'm having a meeting with them here.

These people want to celebrate the victory of the Double Eleven event yesterday.

The total turnover in a single day has exceeded 200 million yuan, and this total turnover is still so bright that people cannot look directly at it.

"Boss, we succeeded, really succeeded!" Yan Jinghua couldn't help but get excited when she saw Xia Zekai.

Zhang San and the others couldn't find it either. They couldn't control his body swinging because he was too excited, and looked at Xia Zekai with expectant eyes.

Xia Zekai stretched out his hands and shook hands with Xia Zekai, Zhang San, and more than 30 sales and customer service staff present.

He shook hands and told them

Said: "Thank you, you are all good!"

This detail is easily overlooked, but no one has forgotten it. Yan Jinghua responded very quickly. He took out a digital camera the size of a cigarette case from his body, and seriously recorded this perfect moment with the digital camera in his hand.

"Okay everyone, everyone who is tired will go to bed next. If you want to go home overnight, tell President Yan, and President Yan will arrange a car to take you back."

"But I suggest that you don't run back and forth. You won't wake up before you get home. At dawn, you have to come over with your backpack to collect the bonus!" Xia Zekai said.

The big guy didn't want to go back. Someone in the crowd shouted: "Boss, don't we celebrate such a big happy event?"

"How to celebrate, tell me!" Xia Zekai turned his head and locked onto a young man in the staff.

The young man was very nervous when he saw the boss staring at him, but he still bit the bullet and said, "Why don't we have a drink!"

"No problem!" Xia Zekai nodded in agreement, he said, "It's too late now, let's go to the Oasis Ecological Park to have a big meal after dawn, and come back to collect the bonus when we're full, no problem! "

There must be no problem. Nearly half of the more than 30 employees have their eyes lit up. Since last night, they have been staring at the computer screen, communicating with customers more, and trying to get more orders.

But it is undeniable that after more than 20 hours of tossing, everyone present is sleepy, and even if they go out to find a place to eat at this moment, they have no appetite.

Better to wait until dawn.

After explaining these things, Xia Zekai said, "I have to go to bed, and you should rest earlier."

"Boss, you should rest early too. We'll talk about what activities we have tomorrow." Yan

Jinghua said.

Xia Zekai had no objection. He said: "You can arrange it according to the situation. Call me when the time comes."

After speaking, he went upstairs to sleep again.

Yan Jinghua also instructed these people who had been busy since the night before to rest early, so that they would stop making noises in the middle of the night. After watching the scene become quiet, he went to his office.

But that night, it was doomed that many people couldn't calm down, no matter how tired and sleepy they were, they couldn't sleep.

Xia Zekai had a good dream that night. In his dream, he dreamed that 'Jingtong Development Co., Ltd.' had become a world-class company, and their products were sold all over the world!

In the field of food industry, Jingtong Development Co., Ltd. has become a well-deserved no.1.

It's a pity that this one was broken.

Waking up with a knock on the door in the morning, Xia Zekai ushered in a new week a little irritably.

He rubbed his eyes, rubbed his waist and legs, but he didn't want to get up, and with a little irritability about getting up, he asked, "Who is it?"

"Boss, I'm Yan Jinghua, it's time to get up for breakfast." Yan Jinghua's voice came.

Xia Zekai looked at the time, it was almost seven o'clock, he couldn't sleep anymore, he got up quickly.

He was too sleepy last night. If it were normal days, he wouldn't have slept for so long.

"Where to eat?" Xia Zekai asked him.

Yan Jinghua said, "Boss, let's go to the village to the west to find something to eat first."

Xia Zekai didn't object, and he didn't have a habit of cleanliness. He went to wash his face and called Yan Jinghua to leave.

As soon as he left the factory, Xia Zekai remembered something and asked, "Mr. Yan, who are Zhang San and his team?"

"Boss, I just went over and took a look. They are still sleeping in the big office area. I didn't let others disturb them." Yan Jinghua said deliberately.

He said: "They are all too tired and dizzy. It's time to take a nap to supplement their experience, and then call them to eat at noon."

Xia Zekai nodded with satisfaction and said, "Okay, let's do it like this, let's go!"

The two had a delicious breakfast in the village west of the factory.

The patterns are much more than those in the factory restaurant.

Occasionally changing the taste and adjusting your appetite is also quite good.

When the two finished breakfast and returned to the company, there were more and more people in the factory.

The Double Eleven shopping event has finally passed, and many people in the company are relieved and feel that they can be lazy for a while.

But the fact is that they think too much, and there are still annual goals that have not been achieved. When everyone reaches this point, they are very unwilling and do not want to give up the upcoming bonus!

Moreover, the boss promised at the beginning that if the annual target of 16 billion yuan is achieved by the end of the year, then they will not only get the performance target bonus for the whole year, but also get back half of the bonus that was not paid in the first half of the year. That's not a small amount of money from anyone above and below!

After Xia Zekai returned to the office, he called Sun Guoqiang over and told him to finish the accounting and prepare the money.

Online sales, offline sales, and channel sales must be posted!

From the beginning to the end, Xia Zekai made so many people work hard for him, and his routine was very simple.

The first is to be willing to give money!

No matter when it was first operated in a garage, or later moved to a small two-story building along the street at the entrance of Lin'ao Community, or later when leasing a workshop along the street on Xinhua Road and Nanyun Road, etc., and even now Self-built factories and acquisitions of other factories, Xia Zekai is the way to make money.

The second is about humanistic care.

Just giving money is not enough, you have to talk about feelings!

I can’t say too much about illusory things. It’s okay to realize it. If it can’t be realized when it expires, it’s easy to break trust.

But today, no need to say anything, just throw money!

On the afternoon of the first day after Double Eleven, Xia Zekai fulfilled his promise and gave 50,000 yuan to the five online salesmen and five channel salesmen who performed the best in the Double Eleven promotion this time. , 40,000 yuan ... 10,000 yuan in cash bonus.

When stacks of red and bright bills are placed in front of them, there is no need to say other nonsense, and there is no need for Xia Zekai to go up and fight chicken blood again, this thing itself is the best catalyst.

The rest is not staring, each person has a cash incentive prize of 5,000 yuan, which is properly arranged!

When I arrived at the ten offline 'Jingtong Baby' directly-operated stores, because some stores were too far away, Xia Zekai didn't want to do it in batches. .

In this wave, Jingtong Development Co., Ltd. has distributed tens of millions of bonuses, but seeing the atmosphere in the company is unprecedentedly high, it can pierce the sky, and seeing the joy on everyone's faces is beyond words, Xia Zekai felt in his heart. The head is also happy.

His vision is never the present, but the future. If Xia Zekai wants Jingtong Development Co., Ltd. to develop for a long time and get better and better, he needs a group of people who can work hard for him.

If you don't show your sincerity, there are no fools these days!

Yan Jinghua, a senior executive who joined Jingtong Development Co., Ltd. half way, holds the bonus that has just been distributed, not much.

I was also very emotional, no matter how much the bonus is, but the boss is really fulfilling his promise, which many bragging bosses can't do!

"It's really worth it!" Yan Jinghua sighed.

Li Mumu, Huang Ying, and Lu Gao stood beside him, listening to him sigh, the three of them were used to it, and they didn't discuss anything about stocks, options, or the company going public.

For them, the boss pays nearly one million salary and bonuses to their bank card every year, this thing is more real than anything!

Those so-called stocks and options can only be cashed in a small part, and you can't see more of them being lost.

And a bunch of poor people with paper wealth may only have 10,000 yuan a month to live, and they are self-conscious.

"Mr. Yan, I believe there will be more harvests in two months, but it's time for you." Lu Gao said with a smile.

After hearing this, Li Mumu and Huang Ying nodded frequently, and they also agreed with what President Lu said.

Yan Jinghua laughed "haha".

"Everyone, have a meal together tonight and celebrate!" Yan Jinghua suggested.

The three of them responded almost simultaneously: "No problem, I just don't know if the boss is free."

Xia Zekai must be free today, but he also called his wife to ask for leave first, telling his wife that he was done with his work today and would officially return to the family tomorrow.

Luo Xiyun is not a woman who is obsessed with the lake all day long and doesn't know the general situation, and told him to drink less alcohol and drink more water.

"Daughter-in-law, don't worry, who would dare to drink me!" Xia Zekai didn't care at all.

Immediately afterwards, another voice came from the phone: "Dad, don't brag, you're drunk every time you say that, I'll remember it for you!"

"That's right, dad talks like that... Sister, what did mom say?"

This is the girl and Tongtong

The voices of their sisters.

The sisters have not seen their father for two days, and they are still a little emotional.

Hearing Dad's words at this moment, the sisters couldn't wait to have a few more chats with him.

The girl shouted: "what did my mother say, why can't I remember it?"

Tongtong suddenly remembered, and she muttered: "Dad, mom said it, you talk like a fart, stinky, it's not allowed at all!"

"Haha, haha..." Tong Tong couldn't help laughing after finishing speaking.

The girl also laughed, and she repeated: "Yes, yes, I also heard what my mother said. Dad talks like a fart, hehe."

Xia Zekai clearly heard that there was another person laughing on the other end of the phone. He sketched the familiar outline in his mind within a second, and an idea came into his mind, and then said: "Mom doesn't teach you, I will go back. Pack her up."

"Bah, dad, try it, I'll beat you up!" Tongtong's voice came: "I'm really good now. Today, a third-year sister came to make trouble in our class, and I beat him out too."

"-_-||" Xia Zekai had nothing to say, her daughter was going further and further on the road to dominate the whole school.

I just hope that no one will come to the house to complain in the future, saying that Tongtong bullies their children!

"Okay, girl, Tongtong, Dad is busy, so I won't talk to you any more. Tomorrow Dad will take you to play when he gets home." Xia Zekai coaxed the two sisters.

At the end, he also said: "You two also help your mother to take care of your younger siblings. They are small and ignorant. You two must take good care of the three of them, you know."

"Got it, Dad, you're so annoying." The girl muttered.

"Dad, I still have a lot of homework. I won't talk to you anymore." The girl lost her voice.

Tongtong also said: "Dad, my sister ran away, and I'm going to get sick too. After finishing my homework, I can go out to play."

The phone finally returned to Luo Xiyun, who just said, "Zekai, you sell 200 million goods a day, it's amazing!"

"Hey, in the end, it was the old horse who paid 6 million orders, otherwise it's really hard to say." Xia Zekai told his wife about this, and Luo Xiyun was amused immediately after hearing it.

She didn't expect such an outrageous thing to happen at the last moment.

The key thing is that Jack Ma did it, which is different.

"Drink less wine and don't spoil your body." Luo Xiyun said again.

It's okay if she didn't say it. As soon as she said this, Xia Zekai remembered what her daughter said just now, and he said, "You also be careful with me, if you don't teach me well, I will give you a hard meal when I go back. "

"Go away, just sleep in your office tonight, don't come back." Luo Xiyun hung up the phone numbly after he finished speaking.

Xia Zekai listened to the voice of 'Didi' and wanted to laugh, this bitch!

The Oasis Ecological Park that I went to at night, including managers and supervisors of various departments, all the outstanding employees of various departments went there, and they had a good time.

Xia Zekai didn't drink too much, but it was almost twelve o'clock when they left, and many of the staff in the Oasis Ecological Park had already started yawning, waiting for them to clean up the messy room after they left.

After finishing the incident, Xia Zekai arranged for the car to send everyone away. He thought about it, and he didn't go home himself, so he could go back to the company and get some sleep.

But late at night, the black screen of Xia Zekai's mobile phone lit up again. He picked it up and saw that it was a message his wife had just sent him.

"It's not over yet? Or did you drink too much? You're not coming back tonight?"

Looking at the three question marks with deep concern, Xia Zekai said nothing to Wang Yi, "Xiao Wang, go, go home."

The others greeted Xia Zekai and left.

After all, Qicheng is still a small city. In addition, it has entered winter, and the early morning is the coldest time. At this time, there are not many idle pedestrians on the road except for commuters.

The car went unobstructed all the way, and even the traffic lights began to flash yellow. In less than 20 minutes, the car drove into the Ziyu Garden Villa area.

After Xia Zekai got out of the car, he still felt a little heavy while walking.

He said, "Xiao Wang, you should rest early too."

After entering the room, Xia Zekai's movements subconsciously relaxed, for fear of making some noise.

After taking a shower in the bathroom outside on the third floor and changing his clothes, Xia Zekai went to the master bedroom.

As soon as you open the door, you will find the house

The orange light was still on inside, and the bedside lamp was still on. Luo Xiyun was sitting on the bed, wearing a loose purple dress-style wrapping pajamas, playing with his mobile phone.

"You haven't slept yet?" Xia Zekai asked her.

Luo Xiyun said: "I'm not waiting for you yet! I'm not at ease if you don't come back, hurry up and rest!"

As she spoke, she turned off the phone and put it on the bedside table on her side.

Xia Zekai laughed 'hehehe' for a while, making Luo Xiyun's heart tremble.

Although it was very late when he went to bed in the early morning, Xia Zekai still got up at six o'clock in the morning, which completely explained what it meant to be refreshed.

He felt that his body was at least one or two lighter, and he was happy physically and mentally, just happy!

When I came downstairs to run for two laps, I felt that my legs and feet were sore and weak that I couldn't exert myself.

"Broken, unrestrained, retribution is coming." Xia Zekai muttered to himself.

Wang Yi and the others were exercising in the yard in the constant cold and heat.

Seeing the two dark circles on the boss's eyes, Wang Yiquan turned his head aside as if he didn't see it.

It was Geng Yuqin who sent the girl and Tongtong to school in the morning. When the two sisters left, they also pulled the hook and stamped with their father, asking their father to play with them at night, but they could not disappear.

After having breakfast at home, Xia Zekai played with Qingyu, Chenchen and Jingling who woke up for a while, and then asked his wife, "Daughter-in-law, where are the cigarettes at home."

"You don't smoke, what do you want that?" Luo Xiyun asked him.

Xia Zekai went to the wine storage room to take a look just now, but he didn't see any cigarettes.

Xia Zekai thought about it and said to her, "I'm going to see someone, an old friend."


Who, still need you to get a cigarette? "Luo Xiyun is very curious, in her impression, there are not many such people.

"Wang Deshun, do you remember?" Xia Zekai reminded his wife: "It's the old security guard at the gate of the kindergarten in Qiyun Community, who used to help me take care of the girl and Tongtong."

"We moved out of Qiyun Garden Community for several years. I met his son the other day and asked about Wang Deshun's situation, thinking about going back to see him again." Xia Zekai said.

Hearing what he said, Luo Xiyun didn't refute, and said, "I'll get it for you!"

Luo Xiyun took a piece of Yellow Crane Tower and a piece of soft China, put it in a black plastic bag, and gave him one piece: "There are others, do you want them?"

"These two items are enough." Xia Zekai patted the black convenience bag and tucked his hand under his armpit.

"I'm leaving, go back early," Xia Zekai said.

Wang Yi drove, and Xia Zekai showed him the way. It was a traffic jam at this point, and it took a lot of time. When they arrived at Qiyun Garden Community in Beicheng District, it was already 40 minutes later.

Xia Zekai asked Wang Yi to stop the car by the side of the road: "Xiao Wang, go down for a walk."

Wang Yi followed.

Xia Zekai threw two cigarettes to him and let him carry them.

Looking at the Qiyun Garden Community on the left, this is the first house he bought in Qicheng, the second homeland where he has lived for more than 20 years.

However, the house was too small, there was nothing to commemorate, and he sold it directly.

But the community is still there, and some familiar faces are still there.

Don't look at Jingtong Development Co., Ltd. It has been a great change every year in recent years, UU reading www. Xia Zekai's personal assets are also showing a triple jump in the Forbes rich list.

But for ordinary people, most of them haven't changed much in recent years.

It is nothing more than a salary increase of three or five hundred, and the possibility of changing jobs with a little skill is doubled.

As little as two or three thousand, as much as more than 10,000, if you can't make a fortune, you can live a decent life, and changing houses is only the behavior of a small number of people.

Xia Zekai didn't enter the community to say hello to the old neighbors, he went directly to the kindergarten in Qiyun Garden Community.

It's still a familiar appearance. There is a house built of boards at the door, an iron gate painted black with oil, and a three-story teaching building stands there. The crisp voices of the children come from the teaching building, which makes people feel like after listening to it. feeling good.

Xia Zekai walked to the gate and was about to find out where Old Wang was.

Without realizing it, a man came out of the security room. He was holding a steel fork with two strands in his hand. When he came out, he raised the steel fork and looked at Xia Zekai: "What are you doing, I don't know if the kindergarten will not allow it Come in!"

It's still a familiar voice, but the hair is grayer and the person looks older.

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