The Happy Life of the Reborn Dad

Chapter 1142: Tongtong has gone further and further on the crooked road (10,000 words)...

Going downstairs, Tang Lin looked at the four rows of cars parked in the parking lot downstairs, and at the constant flow of cars on the street outside, but unfortunately none of them belonged to her.

It's not that she can't afford it. The main capital is a special place. She is just an ordinary migrant worker, and it is difficult to get a license plate.

As usual, she walked to the stop sign in front of her and waited for a while. She chose a seat by the window and sat down. While in the car, Tang Lin was thinking about what to eat tonight?

"I don't eat pan mee. I eat it every so often, and I feel like throwing up when I smell it."

"Well, I don't drink sheep soup anymore. I have to get up to go to the toilet after drinking so much soup at night. It's cold and troublesome."

In order to save some money, she did not turn on the heating.

I finally thought: "Let's eat some stir-fried vegetables. It's been a long time since I've eaten stir-fried vegetables. This time, I will also order a hard fried pork."

Thinking of going to eat stir-fried vegetables at night, Tang Lin thought of another thing. She did a big job last time and got a lot of bonuses. She went to the restaurant to celebrate and ordered a dish, but who knew that she would run into a rogue Now, I also took her a quick meal.

Of course, the other party's original intention was good, and he wanted to invite her to eat.

Tang Lin looked at the high-rise buildings and colorful lights passing by outside the window, a smile appeared on her face unconsciously: "It's quite handsome, and he even let me eat his food, but there was a scumbag all over her body, I don't even know what to do."

After getting off the bus at the station, Tang Lin carried her bag and walked towards the Lu restaurant.

The station was not far from there, and it didn't take long to arrive. Tang Lin stretched out her hand to separate the curtains at the door. After entering, she found that the store was already full of people.

"Hello, welcome." A waiter saw her, came over quickly, and said with a smile.

"You guys are all full? Are there any seats left?" Tang Lin asked.

"How many are you?" the waiter asked.

Tang Lin said, "It's just me."

"Then wait a moment, that one is almost finished." The waiter pointed in one direction and said.

Tang Lin looked in the direction of her finger. There was only one person on the table over there. From the back, she was quite young and dressed upright.

She said, "Then I'll go over and ask if I can share a table with him. I just got off work and I'm really hungry."

The waiter did not refuse, she thought that if the other party agreed, we would have no problem.

Tang Lin walked over with light steps. She just opened her mouth to ask if she could get a table.

The next moment, I saw the other party looking up at her, and then with an ecstatic expression: "Hey young, it's you, I can wait until you, have you eaten yet, hurry up and hurry up!"

"..." Tang Lin was stunned!

She also recognized the other party, this is the little ruffian who caught her quickly without her permission last time.

She could see that the expression on the other person's face was not fake, but the more it was like this, the more she couldn't understand it. Are you so happy to see me?

To tell the truth, at this moment, Tang Lin was a little suspicious and a little happy. She didn't understand why it was so contradictory?

"You're still alone, then I'll sit down." Tang Lin asked again.

Because she found that there was an empty wine bottle on the table opposite Zhang Xu, and there was an empty wine bottle next to Zhang Xu. It was obvious that another person had drunk with him.

Zhang Xu's eyes brightened when he saw the beautiful woman, but he had been honed in the society for many years and had experienced various things. After calming down, Zhang Xu stood up and pointed to the opposite side. : "I'm alone, sit down."

"Tang, Tang... What's your name, I didn't have time to ask your name last time."

"I want to eat something. You paid me last time. I didn't have time to thank you. I happened to meet you today, and I asked you." Zhang Xu was a little incoherent with joy, and he said whatever he thought of.

Tang Lin suddenly laughed when she saw him like this, and the dull and depressed mood in her heart suddenly improved a lot.

She smiled and said, "You invite me?"

"Yeah, you invited me to dinner last time, so let's be friends. Do I have to return the invitation this time? I want something to eat, just order it." Zhang Xu is now in an inexplicable state. In a state of ecstasy.

He was about to leave just now, but he didn't expect to see Tang Lin again today. At this moment, Zhang Xu felt that he had eaten dinner at the Lu restaurant for almost a month, and it was worth it!

"Brother Lu, order." Zhang Xu raised his hand and called to Lu Kai at the counter.

"Come on, Brother Zhang wait a moment." Lu Kai also saw the long-haired girl sitting opposite Zhang Xu.

Could it be that she is the ponytail girl in Zhang Xu's mouth, who didn't tie a ponytail today?

Looking at Zhang Xu's red face with a shy expression, it looks like he just fell in love.

"It's really strange. Brother Zhang is so old. Could it be that they haven't been in a serious relationship yet?" Lu Kai thought to himself.

He felt that in this year, there should not be many pure people like Zhang Xu.

He took the menu and walked to Zhang Xu's table. He handed the menu to Zhang Xu, and Zhang Xu then handed it to Tang Lin: "Miss Tang, take a look at what you want, and order whatever you want."

After he finished speaking, he turned to look at Lu Kai first: "Brother Lu, make me two of the signature dishes in your store."

Just finished speaking, I remembered something, and quickly asked Tang Lin: "Miss Tang, do you have any taboos?"

Tang Lin saw his attentiveness, and her impression of this 'little ruffian' got a lot better. She said, "I don't have any taboos."

"Okay, I'll arrange for the chef to cook two special dishes right away." Lu Kai and Zhang Xu communicated on and off, and they also knew that he was not short of money, and belonged to the high-income group among ordinary people, especially at this time when the beauty was in front of him. If you have enough face, you won't be able to save money.

"Brother Zhang, how about the sweet and sour Yellow River carp, I'll give you a nine-turn large intestine, the chef's specialty dish in my shop, I guarantee that the Yellow River carp was caught in the Yellow River."

"Wild is good, get one." Zhang Xu's eyes floated to a recipe board hanging on the wall in the restaurant, and he said, "Brother Lu, give me another sea cucumber, don't make trouble for the lake, I You can see it anyway."

"Haha, Brother Zhang is joking. My shop has been in business for so many years, and it relies on the word of mouth." Lu Kai was not angry at all. Seeing that Tang Lin only ordered two vegetables, she stopped ordering it. Now, he went to the back kitchen with the menu.

"Miss Tang..."

Before Zhang Xu finished speaking, he heard Tang Lin say: "My name is Tang Lin, you can call me Tang Lin, or Lin Lin, Miss Tang is fine."

"Tang Lin, it's a nice name." Zhang Xu was happy in his heart. He seemed to have a lot to say to Tang Lin, but he didn't know how to say it for a while.

On the contrary, Tang Lin was generous and asked him, "I still don't know, what's your name?"

"Zhang Xu, Long Bow Zhang, Xu of the rising sun." Zhang Xu quickly introduced himself.

He asked, "Linlin, do you also live near here?"

At first, I was too embarrassed to call it that, but after I called it out, I felt that it was nothing.

"Well, I live in the nearby Yingchun Garden."

When Zhang Xu heard what he said, he subconsciously let out an 'ah' sound, as if he was very surprised. He said, "I also live in that community. That's a coincidence."

"But it's been so long, why haven't I seen you once?" Zhang Xu seemed to be talking to himself.

"You are also in Yingchun Garden?" Tang Lin's eyes were a little wary, and she always thought it was a coincidence.

Zhang Xu saw the vigilance in Tang Lin's eyes, he thought that the little favor that Bie Jie had just accumulated was gone in an instant, and quickly said: "I can still lie to you, I'm at Room 202, Unit 2, Building 14, Yingchun Jiayuan. The two rooms and one living room are 86 square meters, and I rented it myself, which is about 53 yuan per square meter, and the monthly rent is more than 4,500 yuan."

"If you are renting a house there, you should know the price, right?" Zhang Xu was very calm.

When Tang Lin heard what he said, she knew in her heart that what he said was right. She also rented a set by herself, but it was only 67 square meters, and the rent was also cheaper by a thousand yuan.

She doesn't like sharing a lease with someone who has no relatives and no reason. She feels that it is equivalent to exposing her privacy and secrets to other people's eyes. She feels very uncomfortable.

She said: "I go to work early, often work overtime, and come back late from get off work."

"Then you haven't seen you over for dinner since the last time," Zhang Xu said.

Tang Lin smiled and said, "I usually hold Ban Mian, or drink some mutton soup, or eat a bowl of Chaos, but I don't eat much."

It didn't take long for two green vegetables to be served, followed by sea cucumbers with scallions. Zhang Xu also ordered two dishes before, but he didn't eat much.

He originally wanted the waiter to serve the two dishes he had already eaten, but Tang Lin stopped him: "You haven't finished eating yet, what a waste to serve it."

After speaking, she seemed to prove that she didn't care, and put it in her mouth first.

"It's a bit cold, but this tofu box is the taste of my hometown, I like it very much." Tang Lin said.

Hearing her say this suddenly, Zhang Xu was stunned for a moment, and after regaining his senses, he asked, "Your home is from Qicheng?"

To put it bluntly, this Lu cuisine is mainly Qicheng Bocheng cuisine. Tang Lin said so, which made him exclaim in his heart, "It's really a fate made by God".

Tang Lin gave an "um": "What's the matter from Qicheng Bocheng? Do you know where it is?"

"My family is also from Qicheng. I live in the city. Century Garden on West Seventh Road, you know, hey, it's fate that we can meet in the capital!" Zhang Xu sighed with emotion.

He felt that this was God's eye-opening, and gave him the most perfect marriage in addition to his career.

"I'll go to Mount Tai to go up to the incense stick when I have time!" Zhang Xu muttered in his heart.

At this time, Lu Kai, the owner of Lu Cai Restaurant, came over with Jiuzhuan large intestine in person. He heard what Zhang Xu said, smiled, and said, "This girl, Brother Zhang is really good, he is just waiting for you. , he came to me to eat after work every day, it has been almost a month, and he has asked me about your situation no less than five times. He thought I knew you and had to ask me for your contact information."

"You said that there are people coming and going here, I can remember a few!" Tang Lin heard Lu Kai's words.

After Lu Kai put down the Jiuzhuan large intestine in his hand with a smile, he blinked at Zhang Xu and left.

Zhang Xu didn't know what to say, but after waiting for Lu Kai to leave, Tang Lin asked him with a serious expression: "What the boss said just now is true? You have been eating here for almost a month. dinner?"

"I'm a lazy person, and I'm too tired after working in the company for a day. I don't want to cook when I get home, so I just come here to eat, what I want to eat, I don't have to re-sample every day, and I don't have to finish washing the dishes. "Zhang Xu said with a smile.

He didn't mention it because he insisted on waiting for Tang Lin.

Tang Lin squinted at him for a while, then smiled and said, "The dishes are all here, hurry up and eat them while it's hot."

"Do you drink juice or drink?" Zhang Xu asked her.

Treating guests, you can't just drink boiled water.

Tang Lin said, "There's pumpkin juice here, bring me a glass of pumpkin juice."

"Success!" Zhang Xu waved again: "Brother Lu, have a glass of pumpkin juice and another bottle of Tsingtao beer."

"Okay!" Lu Kai was very active today.

He felt that Zhang Xu, the little brother, was quite a good person. If he could really witness the love of others, it might still be a good story.

After waiting for the pumpkin juice and beer to be delivered, Zhang Xu and Tang Lin drank slowly. They were a little nervous from the beginning and didn't know what to say. Later, they talked about their hometown Qicheng and Qicheng. several years of development.

Then I talked about the Jingtong Food Factory in Qicheng.

Tang Lin said: "This factory is really good. Our family used to grow fruit trees, but the income was not very good. Later, my parents planed the fruit trees and planted dried fruits. They said that they sold a lot of money last year, which is more than It's easy to grow fruit."

"Yeah, I've heard about this too. Over our side, in the five districts and three counties, many farmers have started to grow dried fruits. It seems that if they grow a lot, they can make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year." Zhang Xu earnestly Speaking as if he was really an outsider.

Tang Lin snorted: "Qicheng didn't have any good companies, but in the past two years, Qicheng has really caught fire because of the Jingtong Food Factory. The owner of the Jingtong Food Factory is now listed on Forbes China. It's on the rich list, and it ranks tenth in the country. It seems that he is only 31 years old, and he is only three years older than me. I really don't know how people do it?"

"This person is really angry."

"You're talking about Boss Xia. He's already 32 this year, and he's 33 years old!" Zhang Xu even corrected it.

After Tang Lin heard it, she rolled her eyes at him and felt that Zhang Xu was a little too straight. Am I discussing Boss Xia's age with you again?

I'm looking for a topic to talk about.

Zhang Xu didn't know which muscle was wrong, and he continued to talk: "I think, the twin sisters of Boss Xia's family are interesting."

"The eldest is very quiet, the second one is skinny, and she is practicing kung fu with Boss Xia's bodyguard. Even though she is not big, she is still a girl, but she is very tenacious. I remember that she has practiced kung fu with Brother Wang for more than three years. !"

When Zhang Xu mentioned the girl and Tongtong, he seemed to think of the days when the sisters were naughty, and a happy smile appeared on his face unconsciously.

Tang Lin squinted at him, and after he finished talking, she suddenly asked, "Why do I think you seem to be familiar with Boss Xia's house, what kind of work do you do?"

"Hehe, he's my boss." Zhang Xu said lightly, but his words were full of pride, which came from the heart.

"So you are working in Jingtong Food Factory now?" Tang Lin asked him.

As a result, Tang Lin's image of the 'little ruffian' disappeared silently. It turned out that she worked in a formal enterprise, and she was so familiar with the situation of the boss's family, so she should be good at it!

But Zhang Xu shook his head: "I'm still on a temporary job in the company, but I'm not working in the company for the time being."

What he said was very convoluted, Tang Lin didn't understand a little, and asked him, "What do you mean?"

If you don't do a good job, come to the capital to make a fool of yourself?

He rented a house and ate dinner at this Shandong restaurant for more than 20 days just for her?

Isn't this too immature!

Tang Lin thought so in her heart, but before she could figure it out, she heard Zhang Xu say, "My boss is working with the bosses of two big companies here in Beijing, and we have a project, and I'm just here for the boss. Looking at this new project."

"So that's the case!" Tang Lin thought to herself. Out of curiosity, she asked, "Then how do you count here? What are you mainly responsible for?"

"It's the general manager, but at the beginning of this project, many of them were re-made. Currently, I'm mainly engaged in the development and design of new products. I think I'm more like a nanny for those R&D personnel and designers, doing errands for them. "Zhang Xu couldn't help but complain.

"Ha ha!"

Tang Lin couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing when she heard him say that.

She said, "You're really interesting. I'm afraid many people can't find a way to do your job, and you're disgusting."

She thought about herself. She wakes up earlier than chickens, sleeps later than dogs, works overtime every day, and works hard to earn more than 10,000 yuan. Unlike the one in front of her, who is just busy doing chores, this general manager's A lot of salary, right?

Thinking of this, she suddenly said, "You can come over and take charge of this side. That's because your boss attaches great importance to you. You have to be responsible, but you can't be careless."

"You're right, I definitely can't let it go wrong." Zhang Xu nodded again and again, affirming Tang Lin's statement, he said, "The boss has invested a lot of money in this project, I definitely can't mess around. "

Tang Lin was smart enough not to ask how much money she invested.

The two of them ate, drank, and chatted. Through communication, the two became more familiar with each other.

At this point, Zhang Xu asked a question abruptly: "Linlin, I'm still single, where are you?"

If it's like what his brother said, Zhang Xu thinks he can give up.

Tang Lin didn't expect Zhang Xu to ask such a question, but she was quite generous and said, "I'm also single, and when I go back to my hometown during the New Year's Day holiday, my parents keep urging me to get married and ask me to go on a blind date. I'm so tired of it. It's not over yet, hurry up and come back."

"That's a coincidence, what do you think of me?" Zhang Xu showed his simple, honest and straight man side at a critical moment.

Tang Lin was stunned, she wondered how straightforward Zhang Xu asked.

Is it intentional?

This guy's routine is really deep!

Qicheng, Ziyu Garden Villa District.

After Xia Zekai and his parents came back from their hometown, it was almost nine o'clock in the evening. By this time, it was already dark. The parents were worried about their grandfather and grandfather, so they went directly back to the small villa on the west side.

When Xia Zekai entered the house, he saw Luo Xiyun waiting in the living room on the first floor.

Seeing him come in, Luo Xiyun also asked him, "Are all the relatives in my hometown gone? Where are our parents? Have you eaten?"

"They went back, daughter-in-law, do you have anything to eat, but I starved to death." Xia Zekai said while holding his stomach.

"Yes, wait a moment." Luo Xiyun couldn't even complain, she said, "Why did you go back to your hometown without having a full meal."

"It was getting dark when I came back. I was worried that you couldn't get the five of them alone, and there was no delay on the way, so I drove back in one breath." Xia Zekai said.

"Virtue!" Luo Xiyun rolled his eyes at him.

It was almost ten o'clock in the evening when Xia Zekai ate dinner and went to bed after washing up.

After taking a shower, he put on clean clothes, climbed onto the bed, and discussed with his wife where to buy toys for the girl and Tongtong tomorrow.

Luo Xiyun said, "I heard that the second phase of Yiwu Small Commodity City is open. Let's go shopping."

Xia Zekai pondered that his wife probably wanted to go shopping in Xiaoyiwu.

That is, it is winter now, and the weather is freezing cold, so it is not suitable to play anywhere, otherwise they would have found a place to play.

"Daughter-in-law, we haven't exercised for a while!" Xia Zekai said seriously.

As soon as Luo Xiyun looked at him, he knew that there was some bad water hidden in his stomach, and he slapped it on the side of his body.

But this is the goat's mouth, and the slap didn't fall on Xia Zekai in the end, instead, he didn't stabilize his side and slapped himself into it.

At night, even the moon in the sky is ashamed to see people and hides its face behind the dark clouds.

Ruowu Ruowu murmured, and after a while, it calmed down again.

The next morning, Xia Zekai got up early and ran around the road in the community against the cold wind. When he returned to the villa, Tong Tong was already up and was practicing plum blossom boxing with Wang Yi.

This little girl is very serious about her practice.

After careful calculation, she has been practicing for more than three years. In the past three years, with the growth of her body and timely supplementation of nutrients, coupled with the practice of kung fu, her height is already half a head taller than children of the same age, which makes her look It's not really like a first-year elementary school student.

Xia Zekai stopped and looked at the vigorous posture of his daughter, who was very skilled in tossing and moving. He was very pleased that Tongtong's perseverance in this area was stronger than anything else, and he was not afraid of hardship or fatigue, and he was persistent enough, which made him in Tongtong. Tong saw hope for the future.

More than 20 minutes later, Tong Tong followed Wang Yi for a walk. Two people, one big and one small, put their hands on the dantian and closed their eyes to let go of themselves. Then they slowly opened their eyes and stopped, Tong Tong. Tong also raised his hand and wiped the fine beads of sweat on his forehead with his sleeve.

Tongtong opened her eyes and saw her father, with a sweet smile on her face: "Look, Dad, was I bad just now?"

"Amazing, you are amazing, even better than your Uncle Wang!" Xia Zekai praised her.

Tongtong was serious, she glanced at her father, and asked tentatively: "Dad, it's true or false, or let's try it!"

"What to try?" Xia Zekai asked, a little confused.

Tong Tong said, "Didn't you say that I'm more powerful than Uncle Wang, but I can't beat Uncle Wang, so please accompany me to practice routines!"

Xia Zekai: "-_-||"

He quietly raised his arm and wiped the unwarranted sweat on his forehead, and said, "Nonsense, don't you look at what time it is, we have to hurry back to eat, and after breakfast, my mother and I are still there. I have to take you and your sister to buy toys, don't you want them anymore?"

"Ah, I like to buy toys." Tong Tong instantly forgot the idea of ​​practicing routines with her father, and she hurried to the house.

"Sword Comes"

Xia Zekai followed a few steps behind.

Wang Yi looked at the father and daughter from behind. He wanted to laugh in his heart, but he also envied that Tongtong really had a good father.

"Xiao Wang, hurry up and eat, and go to the Volunteer Commodity City later." Xia Zekai said.

Wang Yi nodded and hurried to eat.

After breakfast, the girl and Tongtong were both dressed, and they also asked their mother to help with the braids. Seeing that Dad was still drowning and pouring water, Tongtong was not happy: "Dad, can you pour the water quickly? Ah, you're wasting time."

"Tongtong, I think you're looking for a beating!" Xia Zekai turned around and said to her.

Tongtong hummed and said, "I don't have it."

After taking the good things, the three nannies each carried a little guy into the car.

Xia Zekai and Luo Xiyun also took the girl and Tongtong and the two sisters into a car.

Mother Zhou Yinghong got into another car and was going to go with her son to Yiwu Commodity City to buy some things for the kitchen.

Yiwu Small Commodity City Phase II is a project introduced by Qicheng Government on the basis of the original Small Commodity City Phase I.

The total investment of the second-phase project exceeds 500 million yuan, with a construction area of ​​more than 200,000 square meters. After completion, there will be more than 3,800 shops, with an average traffic of 60,000 to 100,000 people, and the planned annual turnover will exceed 2 billion.

Whether or not this goal has been achieved is hard to say.

But when Xia Zekai and the others came over, they realized that there were not many people here. In many stores, including the store owner, there were not many people at all, let alone a deal.

Having said that, since the project of Yiwu Small Commodity City was completed and put into use, it has been the fourth year, but many stores have hung up the sign of 'Jifang Sublease'.

"Zekai, why does it look so depressed here, there are not many people." Luo Xiyun also asked with great interest.

Xia Zekai babbled: "Who has the leisure to go all the way every day to buy things?"

"When I read the news, the news didn't say that." Luo Xiyun said.

"When did the news come true?" Xia Zekai said.

He continued: "Daughter-in-law, you have also overlooked one point. In the past two years, online shopping has become more and more recognized by more and more people. Buying the same product online is cheaper than in a physical store. Customers are not fools. own balance."

Luo Xiyun was thoughtful when she heard her husband say this.

When Xia Zekai turned around, he saw his mother Zhou Yinghong looking around. He asked, "Mom, what do you want to buy?"

"Buy some items for the kitchen, and then buy some toys for the girl and Tongtong." Zhou Yinghong said.

When the girl and Tongtong heard what grandma said, they jumped up happily holding grandma's hand.

The girl also said seriously: "Grandma, Dad also promised to buy me toys, and you also promised to buy me toys. In this case, I will have two new toys."

"Hey, girl, what you said is true!" Xia Zekai had nothing to say.

The girl is a bit greedy.

When Tongtong heard her sister say this, her black eyes turned very fast and said, "Dad, grandma, I want to buy a gun."

"Why did you buy a gun?" Xia Zekai asked her.

In Xia Zekai's impression, there were always unexpected words in the mouth of their second child, so Xia Zekai had nothing to do with her.

Tongtong said, "I'll play with it, I'll play with birds, and I'll play with kittens and puppies!"

"Tongtong, why are you so unique!" Xia Zekai had nothing to say.

Zhou Yinghong didn't care about anything else, she nodded and said with a smile: "Okay, grandma will buy it for you."

"There are also Qingyu, Chenchen, and Jingling. Grandma will buy you what you want." Zhou Yinghong said.

How do the three little guys know what to buy? They blinked their little eyes and looked at their grandma in confusion, not knowing what to buy?

"Mom, you don't need to buy them. There are still a lot of toys that the girl and Tongtong used to play with. I haven't thrown them away. Just let the three of them play with them first." Luo Xiyun said.

Zhou Yinghong quit: "How can it work? It's all dirty and old. Just throw away what should be thrown away and buy a new one."

When it comes to granddaughters and grandsons, her consumption outlook is different.

But if she wanted to buy something for herself and her husband, she would have to worry about a dime.

Out of the toy area on the second floor of the second phase of Yiwu Small Mall, the girl was holding a doll and a remote control car in her arms. She was very happy and very happy.

Tongtong was holding a long spear that was about the same height as her, and in the other hand was dragging a small box similar to a suitcase. She said that it was used as a bird after hitting a bird.

When Luo Xiyun heard her say that, she almost vomited blood.

No matter how she looked at it, she felt that the second child was more like the "cold-blooded killer" in the movie, and the small suitcase was like a gun that was dismantled and used for guns.

Feeling that the second child was going further and further on the road of 'big sister', Luo Xiyun was very worried, she stopped her husband Xia Zekai, pointed to Tongtong in front and said: Zekai, do you look like Tongtong? boss'. "

"Nonsense, stop thinking nonsense, look at how cute Tong Tong is." Xia Zekai refused to admit it.

Luo Xiyun rolled his eyes at him and said, "Zekai, you can get used to her, I think you will regret it sooner or later."

"You can pull it down, my own daughter, I can raise it as I like, what do I regret?" Xia Zekai shook his head, he felt that his wife was simply unfounded.

Going downstairs, Xia Zekai reported the third child, Xia Qingyu, from Ren Ping, teasing her, and asking his wife, "What else do you have to do, where to go shopping?"

"Let's go to the Qicheng mall, it's cold, let's go buy some clothes."

"Okay, let's go quickly." Xia Zekai happily agreed.

On this day, Xia Zekai wandered around with his family.

Jingcheng, Yingdu Building, the office of Jingcheng Today Toutiao Technology Co., Ltd.

Since he received US$452 million in Series B financing, or about 2.865 billion yuan, the first thing Zhang Yiming did was to rent the eighth, eleventh and third floors of Yingdu Building.

But that's it, with the rapid increase in Toutiao's business volume and the rapid increase in technical personnel and business personnel in various positions, it still feels that the office space is not enough.

Recently, Zhang Yiming arranged for Zhang Lidong to continue looking for a new office location.

Zhang Lidong already had some eyebrows, and he took a fancy to AVIC Plaza.

It was a two-story low building with a height of 14 meters and a single-story area of ​​more than 5,000 square meters. After Zhang Lidong reported this to Zhang Yiming, Zhang Yiming also agreed to the new office location and asked Zhang Lidong to negotiate quickly. They wanted to rent the entire AVIC Building is coming.

If it weren't for the lack of money, most of the financing needs to be invested in new product development and market development. Zhang Yiming thought about buying the AVIC Building directly.

Since the completion of the B round of financing, Zhang Yiming got the money. The first thing he did was to enrich the products of Toutiao, with the intention of retaining more people through various content-rich products.

At the same time, we also found a large number of business personnel to discuss advertising business with various merchants in a wide-spreading manner.

Don't say it, he really let him do it.

Under this "human sea tactic", the sales of advertising orders have increased, and the effect is obvious.

Zhang Yiming is even considering the next step to continue to increase investment in personnel, and strive to make "Today's Toutiao" able to take advantage of the traffic advantage of more than 30 million daily living to achieve the purpose of cashing, and strive to achieve profitability as soon as possible.

Xie Xin went out after reporting the growth of the advertising business. Zhang Yiming finally had a rare free time. He sat down and rubbed his temples and lay down for a while.

Thinking of the phone call from Cai Chongxin from Alibaba, Cai Chongxin told him that there will be a shareholders meeting in the near future.

According to Cai Chongxin, this is a very important shareholders meeting.

They will confirm for the last time at this meeting that you do not want to exchange shares, ask Zhang Yiming to sign and confirm, and also tell him that Alibaba will be integrated in the near future and will go public in the East US market.

This is no secret to them. Zhang Yiming also gave the other party an exact answer. He told the other party that he would rush over at the shareholders meeting.

"So Alibaba is not far from re-listing?" Zhang Yiming thought about this matter.

"At that time, it will be convenient for me to cash out." Zhang Yiming said.

When they exchanged shares with Alibaba, they wanted to make a profit. Although it seems that this exchange is a loss at present, Zhang Yiming also understands that Alibaba has more room for future development and higher value than 'Yichang'. .

"I don't know what Brother Xia is thinking?" Zhang Yiming thought about this question in his heart, but he didn't have an answer for a while.

After it got dark, Zhang Yiming called Liang Rubo and asked him if he had time.

After hearing Liang Rubo said that he had time, Zhang Yiming said that he wanted to have dinner with him at night.

It doesn't matter between the two of them. After Zhang Yiming chose a place to eat, he told Liang Rubo the address.

After the two met, while drinking green tea, Zhang Yiming told Liang Rubo that Cai Chongxin from Alibaba had informed him that a general meeting of shareholders would be held in the near future.

Liang Rubo said: "I also received a call, and it was also called by Cai Dong."

"Yiming, how many shares do you think we can lose by replacing the 1% of our shares in the whole?" Liang Rubo asked.

Zhang Yiming is not very clear, he said: "It depends on the situation. According to the current size of Taobao Mall, it is generally difficult to say, but one-third of it must be there."

The overall listing of Alibaba this time is the simultaneous integration of nine subsidiaries of Alibaba except Alipay. This is a huge volume, and the decisive role played by the previous Taobao mall in it is not so big.

In addition, Alibaba now pays more attention to Tmall Mall, which brings huge profits to Alibaba Group, and Taobao Mall, which used to be very valuable, will now be discounted, but even so, its value is still in in constant growth.

After Liang Rubo heard what he said, he nodded and said, "One third is not bad."

"When the ban is lifted, I will see if there is a high price, and I will cash out all." Liang Rubo said.

Zhang Yiming heard him say this, but didn't say anything else. In fact, he also had this thought.

"How are you doing now, have you considered the listing of Yichuan?" Zhang Yiming asked him.

Liang Rubo shook his head directly: "I have no plans for this in the last year or two. Let's take a look at it later."

"Well, Ru Bo, let me tell you first, I plan to cash out some of the "Yi Chuxing" when it goes public. UU Reading" Zhang Yiming was quite straightforward, and he didn't plan to hide it.

Liang Rubo asked him, "Are you short of money now?"

"I'm going to get married this year, and I'll have to spend money then." Zhang Yiming muttered.

Hearing him say this, Liang Rubo immediately felt heartbroken.

He dripped: "I don't know what my sister-in-law is looking for for me. How is it? How come it's been so long and there's no movement!"

"Lao Liang, I think you're just picking on your eyes. I don't know who to look for." Zhang Yiming criticized him.

Liang Rubo smiled and did not refute.

Sometimes he is also thinking about this issue, and he is also thinking about whether he is really as Zhang Yiming said, and he is dazzling!

At his current level, a proper diamond king and fifth child, he can really say that there are clouds of beauties around him, but he just can't see it.

Zhang Yiming doesn't want to talk about him anymore, this question has no solution.

He also knew that even if his sister-in-law Luo Xiyun introduced an object to Lao Liang, it might not be successful.

In the end, it still depends on Lao Liang himself.

"Lao Liang, I have a word for you about finding a wife." Zhang Yiming said solemnly.

Liang Rubo looked at him quietly: "You say it."

"No one is perfect. If you want to find someone who is excellent in all aspects, it is almost impossible. It depends on which aspect of defects you can accept." Zhang Yiming said.

After hearing it, what he said made sense, but Liang Rubo knew it was another bowl of 'poisonous chicken soup' after thinking about it carefully.

He said, "Yiming, you should get married honestly, don't worry about me, wait until I find a suitable one and get married."

Liang Rubo finally said this.

Zhang Yiming complained in his heart: "I'm afraid you can't find it, bro!"

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