The Happy Life of the Reborn Dad

Chapter 1148: Dad, I work for you, do you give me money?

"Seventh brother, give me the bottom line first, how much can you share this year?" Xia Zekai asked him.

Yang Tiande laughed and said, "I thought you wouldn't ask!"

"I can divide more than 10 million." Yang Tiande said.

"Why so many." Xia Zekai was surprised.

You must know that he only holds 30% of the shares in Kaide's home improvement.

In this case, the profit of CapitaLand's home improvement last year was not low.

Yang Tiande went on to say: "If it weren't for the investment and expansion last year, we spent a lot of money, we would have more dividends this year."

"I said Brother Xia, you are usually so busy that you don't care much about Kaide's home decoration."

At the end, Yang Tiande brought a sentence.

Xia Zekai laughed: "Isn't this the seventh brother? I believe in the seventh brother, and I may not have the seventh brother who did better in the past."

What he said is true. Not everyone can do home improvement work, and the various complicated situations are a headache for ordinary people.

"Okay, Brother Xia, prepare some wine and dishes in advance, and I'll go look for you after the general ledger is calculated the next day." Yang Tiande urged.

Tobacco and alcohol are not a problem, the two laughed and hung up the phone.

Unexpectedly, at the end of the year, when my pockets are empty, another 10 million will be made into the account. This money is really earning more and more.

"No, the company will take some out this year, and have a good year." Xia Zekai thought to himself.

Because of his investment in Bitcoin, he has basically bottomed out in his pocket, and there are not a few steel sticks left at all. Sometimes when he sees something he likes, he considers it three-pointed, and he has no money!

"Seventh brother is really my God of Wealth!" Xia Zekai thought to himself.

The annual party of Jingtong Development Co., Ltd. will be held on January 21, the tenth day of the twelfth lunar month, and it is not many days before the Chinese New Year.

Thinking that there was still more than a week left, he was already very nervous. After Yan Jinghua asked Xia Zekai for instructions, he began to arrange for someone to send an invitation letter to the outside world.

The objects of these invitations include the company's suppliers, downstream distributors, and leaders of related departments.

As for the invitation of Jingtong Development Co., Ltd., if it wasn't for a very important matter at hand, they basically agreed.

Seeing that it is not long before the annual meeting, all aspects of the company have begun the final preparations.

Xie Xindi, a popular star invited by the company, came to Qicheng a week in advance.

She wanted to feel what kind of magic power this small town has, so that such incredible characters can be born.

She also misses those two little girls a little bit. I wonder if they want to thank teacher?

The long white down jacket, the scarf, and the long-brimmed hat drooped down to cover most of her face, and she pulled the scarf up to cover the remaining half of her face.

"Well, then no one should be able to recognize it, right?" Xie Xindi thought to herself, after putting down her luggage, she went to the street with her best friend and partner Huang Bingke.

But the streets of Qicheng exceeded her expectations. The two of them walked halfway, not knowing where to play, and even took a taxi.

There are not many high-rise buildings, no pavilions, or even a few decent shopping malls.

"That's it?" Huang Bingke sat in the car and looked out. Many of the houses on both sides of the street looked quite old.

She really couldn't imagine how such a place could have such a person as Xia Zekai.

"Master, where is the most lively place here? It's okay to buy things." Huang Bingke asked the taxi driver in front.

The master didn't think about it, and said, "It must be a food street, but it's not very popular in the past two years. There are not as many people as before. Are you going there?"

"Go and have a look!" Huang Bing responded.

Xie Xindi didn't say much from the beginning to the end. The taxi driver was very curious about this girl who wrapped herself very tightly, but that was all. He had to hurry up and drive to run the next order. Nothing works.

"Xindi, look how old this place is, it's incomparable to Wangfujing." Huang Bingke said.

At the entrance to the east is Qicheng Commercial Building, and further west, it becomes a shop along the street. There are many snacks selling on the roadside, which looks very lively.

Even if it is cold today, there are quite a few people.

"Come on, go ahead and take a look." Xie Xindi said.

From the east all the way to the west, you can feel that the whole street is very popular, but most of the products sold are ordinary brands, some brands have never been heard of, and there are really few so-called famous brands on the market.

Going all the way to the end, Xie Xindi saw that many people were heading north along an oblique road. She was very curious and said to Huang Bingke, "Bingke, let's go over there too."

"Anyway, if you are idle, you are idle, let's go!" Huang Bing was also curious.

As soon as you come to this trail, you can smell all kinds of snacks.

Especially the stinky tofu, the taste is very pungent, but Huang Bing doesn't like it very much.

She pinched her nose with her hand and urged Xie Xindi to hurry up.

"Come on, it smells really bad!" Huang Bingke said.

Xie Xindi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he still took a few steps to keep up: "It's coming, what are you urging?"

The two walked to the end with the flow of people, and suddenly found that there was a large square hole coin that looked like brass on the ground in front, and a square pier in the middle was also wrapped by a metal similar to brass, with the words on it. Wangfujing three characters.

"My God, there is also Wangfujing here?" Huang Bingke shouted in surprise, as if he had discovered a new continent.

Xie Xindi said, "Bingke, what's wrong with you today? You're so surprised, why are you so ignorant."

"You don't know, I'm just curious." Huang Bingke said.

"Come on, go and see what's fun and delicious," she said.

"Zekai, when is your annual party?" Luo Xiyun asked her husband after returning home from get off work.

Without thinking about it, Xia Zekai said, "The tenth day of the twelfth lunar month, what's wrong?"

"What's the matter? Give me a few tickets. Many young people invested by Kaiyun are very curious about Xiao Xie and Mr. Liu, and want to see the stars up close." Luo Xiyun said.

Thinking what was going on, Xia Zekai waved his hand and said, "This is too simple. When the time comes, ask them to report your name and enter without a ticket."

"Nonsense, the rules still have to be followed. If you encounter a fish in troubled waters again, will something go wrong with me?" Luo Xiyun said with a smile.

Xia Zekai laughed and said, "Okay, I'll call Lao Yan later. How many tickets do you want?"

Considering the large number of people who attended this year, this annual party was finally held at Qicheng Stadium.

There is a large space in the room. The entire venue covers an area of ​​79,000 square meters and has 45,000 seats, which is enough for them.

"Give me thirty, are you still enough?" Luo Xiyun asked him.

Xia Zekai nodded: "Enough is enough, even if I give you one or two hundred cards."

Hearing her husband say this, Luo Xiyun was polite: "Then you can give me 100 copies. In case someone goes with their family members, they can show it off."

"Haha, okay, all for you!" Xia Zekai had a doting smile on his face. After putting Chenchen down, he then called Yan Jinghua and asked him to arrange for two hundred tickets to come over.

"Okay, someone will deliver it later." Xia Zekai said to his wife after calling.

The rest, see who else needs it, and divide it.

"Zekai, how many people have you invited to see this time?" Luo Xiyun was still curious.

Xia Zekai said: "There are a lot of people, and I really don't know how many people there are. At that time, there will always be thousands of employees, family members, suppliers, distributors, and employees and family members who have performed well in various places. ."

"That gymnasium still has so many empty seats, isn't it a waste." Luo Xiyun secretly thought it was a pity.

Xia Zekai pouted, what kind of thought is this.

He said, "It's almost done, or who else will I ask?"

"Don't you have a few cooperative schools? Why don't you invite some people from them to participate, not to mention your personal feelings, but also to show your strength." Luo Xiyun thought for a while and said.

"Also, are those people in the investment community invited? I think they're eager to chat with you more."

Xia Zekai raised his hand towards his wife and praised: "That's right, why didn't I think of it!"

"I can see that your brain is a pig's brain." Luo Xiyun said to him with a laugh.

Xia Zekai replied at the time, "Wait, I'll slap you at night."

"Bah, shameless!"

It was an old husband and wife, Luo Xiyun's face was still coaxed, he slapped him, ignored him, and went upstairs directly.

Xia Zekai picked up Chenchen who was crawling on the ground just now, and he said to Chenchen, "Son, you have to go to bed early at night, Dad still has business to do!"

After the girl and Tongtong finished their homework, the sisters came out with their stomachs covered. The girl frowned and asked, "Dad, do you have anything to eat, I'm starving to death."

Tongtong also said: "Dad, I'm starving too, let's eat quickly."

"Immediately, when your mother comes down, we'll have dinner."

"Okay!" The girl made a fist in her right hand, stretched out her middle finger, and made a gesture.

Tong Tong shook his small fist: "I must eat two bowls!"

"Why do you eat so much at night, just grow meat." Xia Zekai said to her.

Who knew that this girl didn't listen to her father at all. She shouted, "Am I hungry? If you don't let me eat, I'll tell the teacher that my father won't let me eat."

"Xiao San, do you think your teacher believes in you or me?" Xia Zekai asked her a question.

Hearing her father's question, Tongtong thought for a while before saying uncertainly, "Dad, are you threatening the teacher!"

"I" Xia Zekai was speechless.

He suddenly felt that there was a big generation gap between himself and Tongtong. Tongtong's forehead was quite strange, and he couldn't understand it at all.

Xia Zekai remembered what his wife said just now, and then said: "Girl, Tongtong, Dad will give you a task later. You can do it for me better tomorrow, will you?"

"What task? Dad, I'll work for you, will you give me money?" Tongtong asked.

The girl's eyes lit up when she heard the money: "Dad, how much is it?"

"How old are you two, how can you become a money fan?" Xia Zekai was heartbroken, feeling that his daughter was not cute at all.

It's better to let them do some work when they were young, but I'm happy!

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