The Happy Life of the Reborn Dad

Chapter 1182: Amy was taken crooked by Tongtong

The Happy Life of the Reborn Daddy Chapter 1182 Amy was brought crooked by Tongtong

Xia Shande saw that all four of his grandchildren had come close to him, and all of his great-grandchildren had 9 children, and they were all playing in front of him. Even if there was someone crying, he was overjoyed and very happy.

He said to his old relative Zhou Lin, "It's still crowded, look at how good it is now."

"Well, that's great!" Zhou Lin thought more and more about going back to his hometown to have a look.

Before he knew it, he had been out with his second daughter for a year, and he really felt homesick.

At noon, Luo Xiyun took the nanny Jiang Ningning to get started, and the elder brother also helped with the ingredients.

Cousin-in-law Qi Lixin is an old chef, and later, he was replaced by him in the kitchen, and he was very busy.

The elder sister-in-law and the second sister-in-law looked at a group of children.

Cousin Zhao Ting and cousin Zhao Yan approached grandfather and called "grandfather" one by one.

"Ting, come here to help." Second brother Xia Yunhui called to him.

He and his cousin Xia Zejiang were moving tables and chairs. There were so many people at noon that one table could not be opened.

As soon as the brothers discussed it, they sat at the small table and gave the big table to the women and children. This distribution was not bad.

Uncle Xia Weiguo and father Xia Weicheng went for a walk in the park opposite. When they came back, they saw so many children and said with a smile, "Our old Xia family is getting bigger and bigger."

"It's good to be old, the more people there are, the more prosperous." Grandpa Xia Shande said.

After Qi Lixin was done, the brothers helped put all the dishes on the table, Xia Zejiang set the bowl quickly, Xia Zekai went and brought out a box of Maotai: "Brothers, today's New Year, let's have a good time and drink Expensive."

Qi Lixin couldn't help laughing on the spot: "Brother Kai, you are so right, we don't drink good ones, we only drink expensive ones."

"Maotai is just right," said the elder brother Xia Yunfei.

Xia Zekai opened the Moutai, first poured a small cup of wine for grandfather Xia Shande and grandfather Zhou Lin, and then poured a cup each for his uncle and father, and the rest of the brothers were ready to serve , One cup per person is full, if it is not enough, then open the second bottle.

Luo Xiyun asked Jiang Ningning to freshly squeeze a few bottles of juice and poured it for the children. The six girls also poured a glass each.

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Grandpa Xia Shande said, "Come on, today is not the end of the New Year, let's raise a glass together and wish you all the best in the future."

Although he will be ninety years old soon, his thinking is very clear and not confused at all.

"Grandpa, it's done!" Zhao Ting jumped out of the way. He raised his wine glass and said with a smile.

"You monkey grandson, get out of the way for me." Xia Shande said to him.

Causing the crowd to burst into laughter.

This meal was eaten from noon to the afternoon, and there was nothing to do. After the meal, they discussed it and simply went to the mall together.

Xia Zekai arranged for three cars, and they went to a nearby shopping mall together.

Grandpa and grandpa were old after all, so they went to rest after eating.

Parents and uncle didn't like the fun anymore, they stayed to take care of the old man and didn't go out.

The children couldn't pull their legs out of the children's playground. Xia Zekai went straight to apply for a card and let them play casually.

Several of their brothers were not idle. There was a billiard hall next to the children's park. Six of them went straight past, and the two of them began to set up a gantry array.

Amidst the sound of the billiards crashing in 'ping ping pong pong', I was quite happy to play.

I don't know how long it took, Xia Zekai and the others hadn't finished playing, Luo Xiyun came over and said to him: "Zekai, they don't want to play in the children's playground anymore, my sister-in-law and my sister-in-law took them to the third floor for a walk, watching. Buy them some clothes, will you go?"

"Let's go first, we've finished typing this sentence, let's call later." Xia Zekai watched the eldest brother, the second brother, and the cousin and cousin-in-law were quite engaged, and did not disappoint.

He didn't have enough fun, and was thinking of teaching his younger brother a lesson later, but who knew that this kid would kill him directly and clear it up.

This made Xia Zekai feel bored.

Luo Xiyun responded and said, "Okay, let's call later."

Cousin-in-law Qi Lixin finally finished the game. He straightened up and glanced at the children's playground next to him. He didn't see any children or his wife. He asked, "Brother Kai, they're all gone. ?"

"Going to buy clothes, I see that you were very committed to the fight just now, and I didn't call you. After the fight is over, let's go to them again." Xia Zekai said.

Hearing what Brother Kai said, Qi Lixin was in no hurry. Seeing that the game between his brother-in-law and the second brother was not over, he said, "Okay, wait for Zhao Ting and the second brother to finish."

The eldest brother put down the club in his hand and came over and said, "I haven't played for many years, and it's quite exciting."

The corners of Qi Lixin's mouth twitched. If it weren't for his big cousin, he would have thrown out a sentence: "Your skills are really bad. I don't think you played very well in the past."

Xia Zekai did not express his opinion. He had just played three games against his brother, and all three games were completely defeated!

This made Xia Zejiang more and more aware that his brother also had weaknesses, but he was usually overwhelmed by his strengths and other people couldn't see it.

As the second brother scored the last black ball into the pocket, after the game was over, the second brother straightened up and said, "I haven't played for a long time, my hand will be born, or else it will be clear with one shot!"


The brothers didn't speak, you are bragging, we will listen.

The brothers went to the third floor and went to the clothes and toys area.

Today, on the fourth day of the first day, before classes start, most people use the last time of the holiday to play and go crazy.

Xia Zekai and the others crowded forward in the crowd, and finally reached a shop with the sign "Balara" written on the door.

Xia Zekai saw his wife and several children at the door.

Next door is a local sportswear store in Qicheng, and my sister-in-law is trying on a coat for her niece Xia Yuxi.

The second sister-in-law also found two pieces and made a gesture on Jing Rui and Amy, and asked her younger brother and sister Luo Xiyun to give them an opinion.

"Sister-in-law, do you think this dress is good for Qingyu to wear?" Luo Xiyun asked, holding a small sweater stitched together with white and yellow.

The sweater has a bow on the front, which looks pretty.

Qingyu seemed to understand that her mother was going to buy her clothes, she straightened her body very cooperatively, and then stretched out her hand to grab the clothes from her mother's hand, and put it on her body and gestured.

It's not over yet, she still raises her head from time to time to let her mother take a look, and then shouts 'Aah' to let the aunt and the second mother also take a look.

When she turned her head to see Xia Zekai, she blinked again to let her father see.

Luo Xiyun also saw her husband at this time, and said, "Zekai, look at your daughter, she is only one year old, and you know that she is stinky. If she grows up, it will be fine."

"Hey!" Xia Zekai took the third child out of the stroller. The little guy leaned into his father's arms and was extremely happy: "Dad...ah!"

"Call Dad!" Xia Zekai corrected his daughter.

But the little guy didn't eat his set at all, and still held his clothes in his hands.

"Zekai, you guys are not playing anymore." Luo Xiyun also asked him.

Xia Zekai nodded: "Just play a few games to get something fresh."

When a few little guys saw Dad coming, they all ran over, yelling for Dad to buy them toys.

"Dad, I saw a big dinosaur just now, and it was fierce."

"Dad, buy me a gun. Sister Tongtong said she also has a big gun that can shoot birds." Amy pestered her father and said.

Hearing Sister Amy talking about the gun, Tong Tong got excited, she said, "Second uncle, my gun is too big."

Tongtong stretched out her hands and gestured, and she said, "I've even hit a dog!"

Speaking of this, Luo Xiyun wanted to laugh.

Walking in the community years ago, Tongtong had just bought a gun a few days ago, she was fresh, and she didn't know whose puppy in the community ran out. When Tongtong saw it, she had to identify the dog. It's bad, she shoots with a gun in hand.

The first shot didn't hit her, but the second shot did hit her, causing the dog to bark at them with an 'Ow Ow', and the hair on her body stood up. This was a sign of anger and biting. , The dog's face is also very fierce, and the teeth are exposed.

In the end, Geng Yuqin beat the dog away.

Amy didn't know what was going on, but when she heard Tongtong's sister said she had hit a dog with a gun, she became even more excited and shouted, "Dad, hurry up and buy me a gun, I'm going to hit the dog too."

"-_-||" Xia Yunhui felt that his daughter might have been taken crookedly. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

On the morning of the sixth day, Xia Zekai, along with his younger brother and parents, took his grandfather back to his hometown.

On the other hand, Jingtong Development Co., Ltd. also opened.

In the new year, they have entered a busy state again.

For them, it is the real business to complete the target of 30 billion annual sales this year, and they can get more bonuses at that time.

Taking an extra day or two of rest will cost money, except for the growth of meat, and there is no benefit at all.

Yan Jinghua came back yesterday. After meeting with Li Mumu, Lu Gao, and Huang Ying, they began to discuss this year's work.

They analyzed it a few times. To complete the annual sales of 30 billion, they must continue to develop the sinking market in order to have a broader market when the first- and second-tier markets are approaching saturation.

In addition, only by developing overseas markets.

"So, overseas markets are the focus of our work this year. President Lu, President Li, and President Huang, we must do a good job in exporting our products." Yan Jinghua made a summary.

Lu Gao nodded: "Mr. Yan, how is the strategy for overseas markets that we discussed a few years ago?"

"We are still in contact with the other party. Our products are not well-known overseas, and the other party's recognition is not high." Yan Jinghua said.

"I don't know if the 'Jingtong Cup' global youth football competition in March will bring about a big change in the overseas output of our products." Huang Ying mentioned.

Hearing her say that, several people fell into deep thought.

After a while, Yan Jinghua raised her head and said, "It should be possible." +Add bookmark+

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