The Happy Life of the Reborn Dad

Chapter 1188: Playing wild dogs (I am in a bad mood tonight, friends, go early...

The Happy Life of the Reborn Dad Chapter 1188

In a hotel in Dusseldorf, Yan Jinghua, Liang Kun and Li Chao stayed here.

He was still discussing which clients to visit next, but before he could discuss the results, Li Chao first received a call from Robert.

After hanging up the phone, Li Chao said strangely to the boss Yan Jinghua and his manager Liang Kun: "Mr. Yan, Manager Liang, Robert called me just now, and he asked me about the 'Jingtong Cup' football match. , said his son was going to sign up for a football game."

"Li Chao, are you sure?" Liang Kun confirmed it.

Li Chao nodded affirmatively: "Manager Liang, that's what Robert said on the phone just now."

Hearing what he said, Liang Kun glanced at Yan Jinghua and said, "Mr. Yan, I suggest we visit Robert again tomorrow."

Yan Jinghua waved his hand: "I won't go tomorrow. Let's go to visit other customers first, and then visit Robert in two days."

Yan Jinghua is a real old fritters. He knows that Robert may not be willing to chat with them face to face at this time, so he might as well wait.

Liang Kun and Li Chao heard what Yan Jinghua said, they didn't say anything else, don't care about right or wrong, just follow the leader's order.

Qi Cheng, after Xia Zekai was temporarily busy with the company, he has been looking after the children at home for the past two days.

After celebrating their one-year-old birthdays for Qingyu, Chenchen, and Jingling, the three little guys seemed to be a lot more sensible, and they weren't as noisy as before.

His wife took the opportunity to praise the three of them in front of Xia Zekai for being obedient, much better than other people's children, and said that it was not difficult to take care of them.

But Xia Zekai knew that these were all illusions. The three little guys were all trying to get themselves to stand up and walk in various ways. They were ready to break away from the vulgar way of crawling and embrace the world in a freer way. No air conditioners at all.

"Deceiving Kangxi"

Xia Zekai had reason to believe that after they stood firm, the family would be restless.

But he was looking forward to the scene where the third, fourth and youngest stood up and ran around behind his ass.

After the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, most of February in 2013 has passed, and we are about to enter March, and the spring flowers are just around the corner.

At this time, it is not so cold outside, and the clothes on my body can also lose two thick pieces.

Xia Zekai also said to his wife: "Daughter-in-law, let's go out to play for a few days when the weather is warmer."

"Where do you want to go?" Luo Xiyun asked him.

She has been very busy these two days, mainly because she is busy with the sale of the 'Touch Technology' shares in her hands.

There was an invitation from Touch Technology to organize a financing round in the first half of this year. To put it bluntly, they ran out of money.

Luo Xiyun is very clear in his heart that as long as the company of Touch Technology follows the planned route and does not go wrong, its future will definitely be good.

But Luo Xiyun knew better in her heart that compared with several other high-quality companies she had on hand, the layout of Touch Technology was still small.

For Luo Xiyun, when the casual mini game "Fishing Master" developed by Touch Technology is booming on the Internet, and when it has a total of 93 existing game agency distribution rights in his hands, put it in his hands. It is the most suitable time to sell the shares.

These thoughts flashed through her mind, and after Luo Xiyun thought about it, she told her husband about it.

Xia Zekai agreed with her.

Mainly like his wife, there are also companies with good potential, such as Zhihu, Momo Technology, Lilac Garden, Youjipin, UC Youshi, Wandoujia, Meitu, and Zhongke Thunder.

There are even two trump cards, Toutiao and Xiaoai Technology.

In addition, 'Kaiyun Investment' will definitely invest in other companies in the future. In this case, it is imperative to know how to choose and exchange for a lot of cash income.

"Dad, ah!" After a lot of hard work, Chenchen finally stood up while holding the sofa. He swayed and walked towards Xia Zekai.

But before he took two steps, his body was slanted, and he couldn't hold the sofa with his hands, and he fell directly on the high-density sponge pad.

The fall didn't hurt, and after Chenchen fell, he started to call his father, but Xia Zekai didn't rush to help him stand up. Seeing this scene, Chenchen pouted and stubbornly lay on the sponge pad for a while, and finally he Turned over and got up.

Xia Zekai proudly said to his wife Luo Xiyun: "Daughter-in-law, what do you think, I said we don't need to help him, just let him do it himself."

"Virtue, you are amazing, let's do it!" Luo Xiyun gave him a roll of eyes.

Xia Zekai touched his nose and felt wronged!

After a lot of hard work, the youngest is finally able to leave. He let go of the sofa and swayed around like a drunken man, but he was not crooked. Finally, he rushed into his father's arms crookedly. The little guy was happy. It was broken, he stretched out his arms and hugged Xia Zekai's neck, hehe smiled: "Dad!"

"The youngest is awesome, you are the best." Xia Zekai never hesitated to praise himself.

He praised the youngest so that only a smile remained on his face.

"Daughter-in-law, if you see it, children should praise more, that's right." Xia Zekai said.

Luo Xiyun didn't have time to talk to him anymore, she was changing the diaper for the third child.

After the change, Luo Xiyun put the third child on the sponge pad again, and she said to Xia Zekai: "Zekai, I have thought about it for a while, and when the weather is warmer, I won't give the three of them diapers anymore. They learn to unravel on their own."

Just after listening to his wife, Xia Zekai said, "Okay, you just need to be ready to wipe the **** and urine."

"You can get a few more small toilets and you'll be done." Luo Xiyun gave you such a stupid expression.

Xia Zekai: "…"

As they were talking, UU Reading girl and Tong Tong ran in from outside. At this time, Tong Tong was holding a big gun. This was when she went to Yiwu Small Commodity City a few years ago. Bought it for her, she likes to play, and she will take it out after a while.

She said excitedly at the moment: "Dad, I hit a wild dog just now."

"I'm so good, it just ran away." Tongtong said proudly.

Xia Zekai turned his head to look at Wang Yi who came in behind him, and saw that Wang Yi nodded inadvertently, and he was relieved.

Wang Yi nodded, indicating that their second child was indeed a wild dog.

"There are so many wild dogs in the community now?" Xia Zekai asked. If that was the case, he would have to give feedback to Boss Qin of Chuangdao Real Estate Company. He paid so much property fees to the property every month. Is the dog?

Wang Yi said, "Boss, we fought on the undeveloped wasteland behind where we went just now."

As soon as he said that, Xia Zekai knew.

The north side of Ziyu Garden Villa is a wasteland that has just been developed. It is said that the next step is to build a comprehensive community residents' activity center. At this point, Xia Zekai has to admire Zhou Wenyi and Wang Hongsheng. It is admirable that the land is not arbitrarily planned to build buildings and engage in real estate!

"Girl, what did you do just now? Tell your father too." Xia Zekai was quite curious.

The girl snorted and said, "I didn't beat the dog, but I have been protecting Tongtong."

"Awesome, that's how you two sisters should be!" Xia Zekai smiled and touched their little heads. +Bookmark+

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