The Happy Life of the Reborn Dad

Chapter 257: Xia Zekai was targeted

Latest website: Not to mention what the mood of Wang Xing and Zhang Yiming are at this time, Yu Shuping continued to talk on the high platform, and they were very happy.

After introducing Weibo again, it was the turn of the reporter to answer questions. The reporters invited by today were not too tricky. After all, they also took red envelopes and gifts from others. It is impossible to deliberately embarrass them. .

The entire press conference ended smoothly in more than 20 minutes. For media friends or Internet practitioners invited by, this was a perfect tripartite result.

In the next time, it was the most leisurely, everyone was led by staff to visit the office building of

This is leased. The current has just planned to buy land to build its own office building, but it really cannot be done in a year or two.

"Mr. Xia, what do you think of what I just said?" Yu Shuping got rid of the reporter after finishing the incident. After seeing Xia Zekai, he walked over.

Xia Zekai smiled and congratulated him: "Editor Yu, you did a perfect job. This is a good start. Next, Weibo can take advantage of the victory and further increase publicity. Don't worry about the money, and strive to get a better result. Come."

"Lao Yu, Mr. Xia just gave you a good idea. It depends on whether you need it." Yang Bin has been with Xia Zekai. Hearing what they said, Yang Bin thought twice and relayed the method Xia Zekai just said. Yu Shuping.

"Use celebrities to drive traffic and drive fan effects." This is what Yang Bin told him.

This idea really complied with what Xia Zekai had said. You can't be afraid of spending money, you have to spend more.

Yu Shuping nodded: "This idea is very good. I have considered it before, but it is not as perfect as what Mr. Xia said."

Xia Zekai was a little dizzy while listening, what made me more perfect, I just said a few nonsense, don't take it as a sacred decree!

Luo Xiyun took the girl and Tong Tong behind the staff and went around for a while. After returning, she saw Xia Zekai. She couldn't help feeling: "Zekai, there are all kinds of snacks and juices in the office area. Drinks, coffee, and other beverages, unlike our company, which also has two pantry, but there is nothing in it except for a few company propaganda magazines. It is purely foolish."

Having said that, she paused for a while, and said with some regret: "Unfortunately, I left the camera in a hurry when I came out this morning. Otherwise, I have to take a few more photos, and I will show it to Mr. Qi when I go back. Put the welfare into practice."

As soon as he finished speaking, Yang Bin said, "Does Ms. Luo need a camera? I asked them to bring one. As long as we don't take pictures of our company's "prohibited shooting" area."

"That's really grateful to Editor-in-Chief Yang." Luo Xiyun quickly expressed his thanks.

Xia Zekai didn't care about her, and continued to discuss the issue with Yu Shuping.

Wang Xing and Zhang Yiming didn’t know when they came together. They listened to Xia Zekai and Yu Shuping talking about the development of Weibo, especially some of the details that they didn’t think of when they were making FanFei. They confirmed the speculation that Xia Zekai was a'big brother' in their hearts, and they admired Xia Zekai even more.

I was thinking about getting in touch with Mr. Xia more in the future, and establishing a good relationship, maybe I have to ask for help sometime.

"Mr. Xia, there will be a banquet later. You and your younger siblings will go to the party. Editor-in-chief Chen told me just now that he wants to have two drinks with you." Yu Shuping said.

Xia Zekai had a good sense of Chen Tong. Hearing Yu Shuping's words, he agreed at the time.

As for Chen Tong as the editor-in-chief of, he is much higher than him in terms of social status. Xia Zekai never considered this from beginning to end.

He thinks that Chen Tong is still a part-time worker, but he is a serious boss. This is a fact that cannot be changed under any circumstances.

And as far as he knows, the subsequent development of has also experienced many twists and turns. Xia Zekai would rather believe that the future of Jingtong's development has unlimited possibilities.

Several people chatted and talked all the way, and went to Yu Shuping's office first.

Yu Shuping also had to entertain other people, and went out after talking with him for a while.

Before leaving, please ask Yang Bin to take care of Xia Zekai and the others.

"Dad, you take me and Tongtong out to play." The girl couldn't stay in Yu Shuping's office anymore. She thought it was fun outside, with food and drink.

But my mother just wanted to take pictures and didn't take her to play.

Tong Tong was not willing to stay here either, she also grabbed Xia Zekai's other hand and pulled it out.

His face flushed red. Not only did he not pull Xia Zekai, but he gently pulled him into his arms. He said, "Girl, Tongtong, Dad has to talk to you Uncle Yang, Uncle Wang, and Uncle Zhang. My child, when your mother is done, take the two of you out for a stroll."

Yang Bin, Wang Xing, and Zhang Yiming couldn't help laughing when they heard his "call".

Wang Xing and Zhang Yiming even raised their hands to greet them both: "You two are called girl and Tongtong? Uncle will take you to play."

"I don't, I want my father to take me to play." The girl was unhappy, and the pouting Lao Gao was almost crying.

Tong Tong also yelled for his father to take her and sister out.

This chat was impossible. Yang Bin took the initiative to say: "Mr. Xia, let's go for a walk."

This can only be done. Xia Zekai followed Yang Bin and saw the layout of's office area.

His Jingtong Food Factory, which is developing in the workshop, is not comparable at all.

These are two aspects, but Xia Zekai already has a plan in his mind. He thinks that when the new factory is built, the office area should also be made into this model.

"Where did Mr. Xia develop?" This question had been held in Wang Xing's heart for a long time, and he finally asked it.

He always wanted to find out where the boss was.

Xia Zekai didn't have as many thoughts as he said, "My home is in Qicheng, a small place in Jidong Province."

Hearing what he said, Wang Xing and Zhang Yiming looked at each other and felt that something was wrong.

I have never heard of a well-known Internet company in Jidong Province.

Zhang Yiming followed up and asked: "Mr. Xia, which line do you do? Is it also the Internet industry?"

Xia Zekai recalled, and co-authored you two to investigate my account!

He thought this in his heart, but didn't care, and said, "I don't directly engage in the Internet industry. I mainly work in the industry."

Look at this statement, it's really euphemistic, what is meant by ‘not directly engaged’.

Wang Xing and Zhang Yiming suddenly realized that they were so face-to-face to Xia Zekai, because they were engaged in different industries.

But even after thinking through this point, the two did not underestimate Xia Zekai, on the contrary they value him even more.

In their impression, Jidong is a big industrial province, and they have the impression that the people who do business are rich!

It’s the opposite of Xia Zekai’s “industry bigwigs”. They are mixed in the Internet industry. Every time they make an explosive Internet product, their valuation is millions, tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions, but in the final analysis It's all bragging, they don't have money in their hands!

Yang Bin led Xia Zekai and his three grandfathers to walk in front, Wang Xing and Zhang Yiming followed behind, and the two of them whispered: "Yi Ming, this person has to keep in touch, maybe he will have to look for him when he decides on the next project. Help give some money."

"Well, when I look back, I will find someone to inquire about it. I have been thinking about a project recently, but I still don't have a bottom..." Zhang Yiming squinted his eyes and looked at the figure in front of him. He wondered if this one could talk to Chen Tong , So from his perspective, what do you think about your new Internet project?

"Your property rental project?" Wang Xing asked him.

Zhang Yiming nodded and admitted.

Regardless of the fact that the two of them cooperated with, Wang Xing also made the school intranet. He now has outside.

Similarly, Zhang Yiming had done a tourism project before. After was closed for some reason, he is now thinking about another project related to house leasing.

"Let's take a look, you can go and ask him alone if you take the time." Wang Xing said.

It was noon before they knew it, and they went to the hotel together, and Chen Tong also attended the successful celebration banquet of the Weibo press conference.

The most eye-catching person at the celebration banquet was Xia Zekai's family of four.

The others came alone or with two companions, and he was the only one who brought the children with the family.

The fact that the girl and Tong Tong are just by their side has become an iconic scene, not to mention that Chen Tong, the key figure of, is still on the table.

After the banquet, many people began to inquire about Xia Zekai's ‘Where is the sacred’, wondering how he dared to be so chic.

Even on such an important occasion, I brought my child over.

Xia Zekai had no idea that he still attracted the attention of a group of people.

"Daughter-in-law, go to the mall?" Xia Zekai turned to ask Luo Xiyun.

Luo Xiyun wanted to turn around, but she didn't know what she thought of. She pointed to the big sun in the sky and said: "Why turn around? Look at how poisonous the sun is. I'm so hot. Let's talk about you now. The smell of wine is very smoky."

"Let's go back to the hotel and take a shower first, and then change your clothes."

"That's Then change your clothes later and then go around." Xia Zekai still clung to this.

Luo Xiyun couldn't help him and said, "I'll talk about it later."

"That's it." Xia Zekai rushed to say with a smile on his face.

He turned around and said to Yu Shuping: "Editor-in-chief Yu, then we will go back to the hotel first."

"Well, I'll contact you later when I'm busy. Let's get together again at night."

Xia Zekai said: "Okay!"

The car arranged by Yu Shuping took them back to the hotel.

After arriving at Hualong Hotel, Luo Xiyun still said, "You haven't had enough, so you still drink at night?"

"That's not the case. People are kindly invited. It's not good if you refuse." Xia Zekai said like this.

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