The Happy Life of the Reborn Dad

Chapter 261: Brother, I just bought a piece of land

On Tuesday morning, after Xia Zekai sent the two girls to the kindergarten, he did not go to the factory, but directly called Zhang Xu and learned that he was still in Qianhui Investment Consulting Company, and Xia Zekai passed directly.

This is the second time he has come here. The last time he came by taxi, it was already in March. I don't think it has been long, but it will be half a year in less than a month.

"Brother Xia, you came so fast." Zhang Xu hurriedly greeted Xia Zekai out of the van.

Xia Zekai waved his hand: "After I sent the two girls to the kindergarten, there was nothing else to do, so I came here directly, Xiao Zhang, shall we go?"

"Brother Xia, wait a moment, I'll take the things, let's go." Zhang Xu hurriedly returned to the house to take the things.

Qianhui Investment Consulting Company is not the only one for Zhang Xu. When Zhang Xu went in to get things, someone enthusiastically served him fruit juice, and also gave him an apple, so that Xia Zekai could eat first.

They had no impression of Xia Zekai for a long time, but they couldn't hold back that Zhang Xu would tell them what Xia Zekai had done recently.

This gives them the impression that this person is quite magical.

In their impression, Xia Zekai was truly ready to buy land and build his own factory from nothing. He made money like picking money from the ground with his eyes closed, and he couldn't accept it.

Xia Zekai thanked the young man who handed him the juice, took a sip, and the heart and lungs filled his heart and lungs, making him feel very comfortable inside and out.

It didn’t take long for Zhang Xu to come down from the second floor with a blue handbag. It looked swollen inside. He patted the handbag and said to Xia Zekai, “Brother Xia, all the information is here. Yes, you take your ID card and walk with me, sign and you’re done."

He finished the preliminary work, and there was only the last part that needed Xia Zekai's signature.

This is exactly what Xia Zekai hopes to see, professional people do professional things, everyone does not waste time, but also takes what they need.

When Xia Zekai was about to drive, Zhang Xu called to stop him, and the two got into Zhang Xu's car together.

But because some signatures were not in the same place, they had to wait in line, and most of this busy day passed.

At noon, Xia Zekai also invited Zhang Xu to lunch, thinking that the afternoon's affairs had not been finished, and the two had not drunk.

Xia Zekai said to him: "Xiao Zhang, when I finish this work, I will treat you to a meal alone."

"Brother Xia, if you want to invite me, I have to thank you for taking care of me these days." Zhang Xu said like this.

It's boring to thank you for coming, and the two of them simply touched one of them with juice instead of wine.

After giving the rest of the link in the afternoon, Xia Zekai finally straightened up and let out a sigh of relief.

Zhang Xu laughed when he saw it: "Brother Xia, the land will be in hand immediately, how does it feel?"

"The ghost knows, I feel a lot of pressure now, brother, nearly 2 million, and I still owe more than 7 million behind. What do you think I feel now." Xia Zekai complained.

This is his truest feeling.

At the last moment of signing, according to the agreement negotiated between the two parties, it also means that he has to hand in the down payment within two weeks, and then he can apply for relevant certificates, and enter the next stage to process the bank. loan.

Zhang Xu also helped him apply for a preferential policy loan, and the interest was only half of the normal interest. For this, Xia Zekai was really grateful.

Zhang Xu didn't think so. He smiled and said, "Brother Xia, I don't think money is a problem."

"Haha, I borrowed my brother's auspicious words." Xia Zekai laughed and said.

After Zhang Xu drove Xia Zekai back to the door of Qianhui Investment Consulting Co., Ltd., he wanted to invite Xia Zekai to sit in the house. Xia Zekai rushed to get money and drove away.

Xia Zekai really didn't make a mistake. After he left Qianhui Investment Consulting Co., Ltd., he really wanted to go back to the factory to see how much money he could spare.

But he saw that the time was already past two o’clock in the afternoon, and he must be too late to pick up the girl and Tongtong again when he went to the company. Xia Zekai didn’t go, and directly called Sun Guoqiang and asked him to check if he could stay in two weeks. Pay at least 2 million yuan.

At that time, this number will only be more, not less.

Aside from other things, he and Zhang Xu have negotiated in advance. After this is done, they will pay an intermediary fee of 1.5 points for the land purchase cost of Qianhui Investment Consulting Co., Ltd., which is nearly 141,000. .

Then they have to give them one point of financial loan service fee. Based on the down payment of 20% and the loan of 80%, the cost of this one is 75,164 yuan, which adds up to 216,000.

In addition, you have to pay various taxes and fees for the purchase of industrial land, which adds up to hundreds of thousands of dollars. In total, the cost of 10 million is basically not gone.

It is strange that the pressure in Xia Zekai's heart is not too great.

"Boss, at the end of the month, 2 million yuan is enough." Sun Guoqiang said like this.

Hearing what Sun Guoqiang said so resolutely, Xia Zekai felt confident. He said: "That's OK, you can start preparing now, I will use it anytime."

"Good!" Sun Guoqiang agreed.

After hanging up the phone, Xia Zekai drove directly to the high-tech industrial park, standing on the ground, looking up at the 43.7 acres of land in front of him, his excitement could not be restrained, he wanted to yell at the sky. : "I will be surnamed Xia from now on."

In the end, there was no such thing as the second grade.

"Very good, I have to hurry up to get the loan, hurry up to apply for the permit and construction." Xia Zekai told himself in his heart.

He couldn't wait.

Even at the peak of his last life, he had assets of more than 10 million, with only two houses and a leather company under his name.

It's like now, now that he has this piece of land, he has completely surpassed the achievements of his previous life.

"This feels very unreal!" Xia Zekai sighed, feeling very complicated.

After calming down, Xia Zekai called his wife and told her in a very calm tone: "Daughter-in-law, the land purchase is completed, and the formalities and contracts are also completed."

"Buy land?" Luo Xiyun didn't remember at first, and when she figured it out, she quickly asked: "Is the money also paid?"

"Not yet, the contract is to pay 20% in two weeks, and the rest will be paid with a loan. It will not be too late to pay at the end of the month." Xia Zekai said.

Luo Xiyun suppressed the unrest in her heart. She asked: "Then you have enough money?"

"Enough, don't worry, Jingtong Food Factory and the children's toilet can draw out the down payment, and the rest of the loan can be easily paid in installments."

Luo Xiyun gave him an'um' and said to him, "Ze Kai, you don't have to worry about the expenses of the family in the future. I will pay for the mortgage and the girl's school money. You can concentrate on fixing the land and building a new factory. ."

Hearing what his wife said, Xia Zekai suddenly felt full of power in his heart.


In the evening, Luo Xiyun came back from get off work early and made a few good dishes. The three of them finished eating first. After Xia Zekai waited for his brother to come back, he opened two cans of Tsingtao beer with two soft sounds. He handed one to his younger brother and said, "Zejiang, come and drink one."

Xia Zejiang always felt that his brother was a little bit wrong tonight, but first touched his brother and drank half a can of beer with his neck up.

"Brother, I think you are very happy, is there a big happy event!" Xia Zejiang asked him.

Xia Zekai smiled ‘haha’ and said, “Yes, Zejiang, let me tell you, your brother, I just bought a piece of land today, industrial land.”

He said so.

Suddenly hearing his brother talk about this, Xia Zejiang was stunned for a while, before asking his brother: "Brother, you are talking about repurchasing land and building a factory? It will cost a lot of money, right!"

Xia Zekai nodded: "No, I'll tell you, if you count the various expenses, it would cost you 10 million yuan."

"..." Xia Zejiang was silent.

He glanced at his brother silently, and then looked at the can of Tsingtao beer in his hand. He ‘gummed’ and dribbled the remaining half of the beer.


After drinking, Xia Zejiang fiercely put the can in his hand on the coffee table and made a dull clash. He asked, "Brother, you have so much money now, that's 10 million!"

The boss with his open mouth still couldn't believe this was the truth.

I have been living with his brother for more than a month, but looking at the two-bedroom house his brother lives in, it's too small.

His brother drove a broken van when he commuted to get off work every day. From this means of transportation, he was a bit shabby. Who would have thought that he would have 10 million.

It's so low-key and outrageous!

Xia Zekai gave his brother a white look: "How can I have so many?"

"Uh!" Xia Zejiang was puzzled, and he asked subconsciously: "You have no money, then how can you buy land!"

Xia Zekai patiently said to his brother: "The down payment is 20%, and the remaining 7 million is mainly from bank loans. I will pay it back slowly later. I estimate that it will be hundreds of thousands of dollars a month."


Xia Zejiang didn't say a again took a Tsingtao beer can and opened it, and then drank it without touching his brother.

Special, you really have the face to say.

10 million down payment of 2 million yuan, the remaining 8 million loan?

He felt that the world was full of malice against him, how could he have such a big brother?

Xia Zejiang didn't sleep well all night, and he kept thinking about it over and over again. His brother's purchase of land and the 10 million land purchase were all in his head.

I have never figured out that his brother can actually make up a down payment of 2 million, which is not 200,000!

On the other hand, Xia Zekai did not sleep well this night. After all, the total cost of more than 10 million was not a joke. Even if Sun Guoqiang told him that the down payment problem was not big, Xia Zekai was still a little uneasy. I was worried that in case something went wrong, it would be beaten in the end.

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