The Happy Life of the Reborn Dad

Chapter 270: Suffering is a blessing (five thousand four hundred words big

Luo Xincheng was choked by his sister, feeling very uncomfortable.

In addition, there is also his classmate Gao Chengxiang behind. Gao Chengxiang also proposed this business. The two have a good time. Luo Xincheng feels that he will not lie to himself and let his sister say this, what is it like.

The next moment, he said: "Sister, what are you talking about, I'm so stupid in your eyes?"

Xia Zekai knew that there was a classmate of his brother-in-law behind, so he said: "Daughter-in-law, you can say a few words, the new classmate is also here, hurry up and take out the bowl and eat first."

Both her husband and younger brother came in, and Luo Xiyun realized that there was another person behind him. Knowing that he would save her brother a bit of face in front of outsiders, he hurried to the kitchen to get a bowl.

To say that Gao Chengxiang's heart at this time is really not a good feeling. Luo Xiyun said that just now, but his mind is really not simple. At this moment, he always feels that his careful thoughts have been seen through by others. It is not. A taste.

When eating, he also felt that nothing was right, and even gave birth to the desire to hurry up and leave after eating.

He is not the cunning old oilman in the market, nor the hob meat in the society. When he was not paying attention, some thoughts appeared on his face. Xia Zekai didn't care about it, but found out his brother-in-law. When this classmate of is looking at people, his eyes are not right.

In layman's terms, he didn't dare to look straight at people. When he met his eyes, he didn't give him a smile, but quickly drew away like a guilty conscience. This made him wonder.

"Xiaogao, what's wrong with you? Or are you not eating to your appetite?" Xia Zekai asked him out of concern.

This was originally a very common expression of concern, but Gao Chengxiang was immersed in his own world just now, with all kinds of doubts about the surroundings, and suddenly Xia Zekai called out "Xiao Gao", which was a bit like a soldier, which scared him. With a jump, he returned to his senses in a panic to look at Xia Zekai, then at Luo Xiyun and Luo Xincheng, his eyes were completely blank.

"Big brother, are you calling me?" he asked in confusion.

Xia Zekai frowned slightly, but he didn't show it on his face. He wondered in his heart: "Is this young man afraid that he has some tricks?"

He asked a question mark in his heart, but he repeated what he said just now.

After listening to him, Gao Chengxiang waved his hand quickly, took two more bites of the buns, and said, "Big brother, the buns are delicious, and I am also very good."

"Oh, that might have been a train ride for the whole night. I didn't have a rest. You can't wait for a while to eat. You and Xincheng go to the second bedroom to rest for a while." Xia Zekai said.

Luo Xincheng was not in a hurry to leave, but Gao Chengxiang really couldn't stay here anymore. After hearing what Xia Zekai said, he quickly said: "Big brother, I also have a cousin from my own family here. , Wait for a while to take a look, and then go back to Weicheng with Xincheng."

"Well, which community does your brother live in? I'll take you over after having breakfast later." Xia Zekai was not suspicious of him, and was quite enthusiastic.

Gao Chengxiang shook his head quickly: "My cousin lives in the Bairuiyuan community, eldest brother, you don't need to send me off, I just need to take a taxi."

This is the name of a community he saw on the road when he was taking a taxi.

When Luo Xiyun heard the name, he said, "Your brother's house is in Bairui Garden.

After eating breakfast, Gao Chengxiang sat for about 20 minutes, then said goodbye and left.

Xia Zekai watched a little bit, seeing him going out a little hurriedly, more doubts in his heart, is our family so scary?

Luo Xincheng personally ran and sent his classmates downstairs, and told him to call when he left.

In the room, Xia Zekai said to his wife Luo Xiyun: "Daughter-in-law, do you find that Xincheng classmate is a bit strange?"

"It's not right, right? I found it too. When he looked at me, he seemed to be a little afraid of me, which is really strange." Luo Xiyun was also puzzled.

"Well, when Xincheng comes back, ask him what happened." Xia Zekai said.

Luo Xincheng returned soon. After he opened the door and came in, he saw his sister and brother-in-law sitting on the sofa, so he shouted: "Sister, brother-in-law."

"Xincheng, your classmate is gone. I'm so embarrassed to just invite others to have breakfast." Xia Zekai said.

Luo Xincheng smiled and said, "Brother-in-law, Lao Gao is gone, but it's really strange. I never heard him say that there is a cousin in Qicheng!"

"Never heard of it?" Xia Zekai asked him.

Luo Xincheng nodded: "I told him to come to Qicheng to see you and my sister when I was waiting for the bus in Sucheng. He said at the time that when I was in Qicheng, I would return to Weicheng together. When I came here, I never heard him mention that there are relatives here."

Xia Zekai and Luo Xiyun looked at each other, and made a little eye contact to confirm their guess.

Luo Xiyun asked her brother: "Brother, what is the relationship between you and your classmates? Junior high school classmates or high school classmates? I have no impression of him."

"Sister, we are both college classmates, we are in a dormitory, and his family is from Yancheng Laizhou." Luo Xincheng said like this.

"Are you sure your classmate has not mentioned that he has relatives here?" Xia Zekai asked him.

Luo Xincheng nodded: "I have lived in the same house for 3 years, and I have never heard him mention it once."

"Then tell me how the two of you went to work in Sucheng for summer vacation?" Luo Xiyun asked him.

Luo Xincheng didn't think much, and then talked about going to Sioux City for summer work.

"Gao Chengxiang has a fellow who works in a machinery factory in Sucheng. He said that he earns a lot of money from working there. He can earn three or four thousand yuan a month. Old Gao wants to go there, and he will do it when he leaves. Tell me, I thought it would be a good thing to earn more, so I followed."

After listening to her brother talking about part-time work, Luo Xiyun also gave a thumbs-up, feeling that this matter was quite normal.

In Weicheng and Qicheng, wages are generally around 1,500. The wages in the mechanical processing industry in southern cities are higher. Her brother also knows that she can earn more money, which makes her very happy.

At least he is sensible!

She asked: "Anything else?"

Luo Xincheng shook his head: "Nothing!"

Xia Zekai said: "Daughter-in-law, forget it, maybe we think too much."

"Yeah!" Luo Xiyun blinked, still feeling that something was wrong.

Luo Xincheng muttered: "Sister, what's wrong with you and brother-in-law? Why do you always ask about my classmates?"

"It's okay, I just think your classmate is not easy." Luo Xiyun said casually.

Luo Xincheng followed and nodded: "It's definitely not easy. Old Gao has a brain. Before we came back, he didn't want to come back, thinking about starting a yoga studio in Sioux City."

Having said this, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then said: "He is very loyal. We both play well in the ordinary time. He also wants to take me to start a joint venture."

Speaking of this, Luo Xincheng said again: "Sister, didn't I call you to borrow money yesterday, you didn't lend me, I'm back..."

Suddenly hearing her brother talk about this, Luo Xiyun widened his eyes and asked him: "You said that your classmate wants to find you a piece of entrepreneurship?"

Luo Xincheng nodded. He said excitedly: "Sister, you don’t know, Lao Gao is really good. He has been investigating for a long time. After he told me, I also went to see it. There are indeed a lot of people practicing yoga in the city. The two of us also went to find a gatehouse. The rent was not expensive, 5,000 yuan for three months. We planned to rent the house and then hire another one. A teacher who teaches yoga can set up a yoga studio by launching an opening event to promote it, and it will really make money in the later stage, hey!"

At the end, he sighed. It seemed to blame his sister for not lending him money, which delayed him from making a fortune.

Xia Zekai was very interested and asked him: "Xincheng, tell me, how much money did your classmate raise?"

"Brother-in-law, I didn't borrow money from my sister, so I was ashamed to ask him how much he asked for the family." Luo Xincheng said.

He still feels that the opportunity is fleeting, and as long as he seizes it, he can make money. Now that he has missed this opportunity, it will be hard to say in the future.

Xia Zekai went to the bedroom and gave his wife Luo Xiyun a wink.

Luo Xiyun also followed.

When they arrived in the room, the girl and Tong Tong hadn’t gotten up yet. Xia Zekai said to his wife, “Daughter-in-law, Xincheng’s classmate has a problem and can’t have a deep friendship. You can say something to Xincheng to keep him away from that person. ."

Speaking of this, Xia Zekai smiled. He said: "You really got it right this morning. I'm afraid that Xincheng will be sold and I don't know what's going on. It's still too simple."

"Well, I know, I don't know what to say about this not-so-brained thing, so let me pay attention to it. A few words will make him foolish and can't find things north and south." Luo Xiyun also looked out.

The main Gao Chengxiang, like her younger brother, just left school, he still can't hide, many things are on his face.

After talking with Xia Zekai, Luo Xiyun went out and chatted with her brother alone.

Xia Zekai called to wake up the two little sisters who were still asleep on the bed.

"Dad, they are still taking a nap!"

"Hate, I don't like Dad anymore."

The little sisters were very angry about getting up, but in the end they asked their father to help them dress and tie up their braids.

After coming out of the bedroom, I saw that there were more people in the family. The girl had a greater memory than her sister. It didn't take long for her to remember Luo Xincheng's arrival, and she yelled happily: "Uncle!"

"The girl is so good, my uncle bought you Wangzai milk!" Luo Xincheng pointed to a box of Wangzai milk at the door and said.

Tong Tong turned his head to look at Wangzi Milk, not even shouting, and immediately rushed to open the box.

She couldn't take it apart, and she didn't know how to do it. Anxiously, she kept shouting: "Dad, I want to drink."

"This child, you know that you have eaten it, and you don't know to call uncle!" Xia Zekai talked about her.

The little fat girl yelled "Uncle" with a smile, not sincere at all.

"Tong Tong, do you mean you are begging for a fight?" Xia Zekai raised his palm to scare her.

While Luo Xiyun was waiting for the girl and Tong Tong to eat, Luo Xincheng's cell phone rang. It was a knockoff phone with a loud voice. He saw that Gao Chengxiang was calling, and he was connected.

"Lao Gao, you are at your brother's house!" Luo Xincheng glanced at his sister, but still didn't believe what his sister told him just now.

But he didn't deny it all, let his sister say that Luo Xincheng also felt that something was wrong with his sleeping classmate.

"No, I just called my cousin after I took a taxi. He said that their family has returned to their hometown of Laizhou. Unfortunately, there is no one at home. I wonder if I will take the car back to Weicheng. Come to Qicheng and stay at your sister's house for a few more days."

"Uh, your brother is not at home, then you come back and find me." Luo Xincheng was inclined to what her sister said just now.

There are things you don't want to do, but if you pay attention, you won't be able to withstand scrutiny.

How can there be so many coincidences?

He guessed that Gao Chengxiang would definitely refuse to come back at the moment.

Sure enough, Gao Chengxiang said: "I think I should go back to Weicheng directly instead of causing trouble to your sister and brother-in-law. You have to stay for a few days. Anyway, we have no class. I will find a share after you come back. Work first, then save money to start a business."

"Well then, slow down the road." Luo Xincheng hung up after finishing speaking.

Luo Xiyun and Xia Zekai looked at each other and confirmed their judgment in their hearts.

After Luo Xincheng hung up the phone, his mood was a little bit low.

He originally thought that there was so much **** between his classmates. They were all students who hadn't stepped into the society yet. It took so many thoughts and calculations, but he had to admit that this happened to him.

"Xincheng, do you want to get some sleep? If you don't, let's go out and play together after the two of them have finished eating." Xia Zekai said.

Luo Xincheng couldn't sleep anymore. He said, "Brother-in-law, I slept while on the train. I am not sleepy now."

"That's fine, let's go out in a while."


Mount Lu, one of the four high mountains in Jidong Province, the scenery is normal, but Sheng went to the top of the mountain at this time, it was windy and cool!

Xia Zekai drove directly to take their mother-in-law and brother-in-law Luo Xincheng up the mountainside. After parking the car at the parking lot, Xia Zekai pointed to the top of the mountain not far away and said: "Let’s go, let’s go up and have a look, and then go again. Put incense in the temple, and then go to the town in front to eat the special whole sheep here."

When Tong Tong saw that she was going to climb the mountain again, she immediately stretched out her small hand towards Xia Zekai: "Dad, hug me and hug me."

When Xia Zekai heard the girl's cry, he immediately felt that his legs were cramping, and he kept swinging and was dying.

Fortunately, here is not far from the top of the mountain, and you can reach your destination within less than 100 meters by walking up the artificially excavated stairs.

Luo Xincheng volunteered to hold the girl, and the girl ran towards his mother: "I want my mother to hold me."

Luo Xiyun didn't want to hug her right now. She said, "Let Dad hold you."

"Okay, okay!" The girl ran towards Dad again.

Xia Zekai wanted to slap himself twice, but it wasn't good where to go, so he had to climb the mountain again.

"Tongtong, come down too, let's walk up together." Xia Zekai coaxed the second child.

It's not easy.

Tong Tong said nothing. When Xia Zekai bends down to put her down, Tong Tong clasps her father's neck with her little hands, her legs are in the air and bend her knees. Even if her legs are on the ground, she would rather kneel on the ground. Don't let go.

Xia Zekai was completely helpless this time, and hugged her in his arms again.

When Luo Xincheng saw it, he ignored the girl's objection and hugged her up.

Luo Xiyun also said next to him: "The girl is obedient, let uncle hold you."

She was obedient this time.

Stay obediently in your uncle's arms and stop making noise.

There is a stone stele on the top of the mountain with the history of Mount Lu and its altitude. Next to it, there is a temple that looks very simple. There is a hole on the top of the temple. There is no shortage.

The family also stood in a circle around the stele, and found a passerby who came to play to help take two photos.

Near noon, they went down the wooden plank road from the top of the mountain again. After reaching the middle of the mountain, they went to the temple here to put two sticks of incense, and they had no wish.

On the contrary, there is a big tree in the temple yard that looks bare. There are many red silk cloths tied to the branches, and some red silk cloths have heart-shaped red kits underneath. Xia Zekai also went to the temple to buy some and get them back. Tie the branch with his wife.

After their busy work, they drove down Lushan.

The most authentic whole lamb eaten in the restaurant in the town not far from the foot of the mountain, drinking warm lamb soup, eating fresh lamb and lamb, sprinkled with coriander leaves, and dug a spoonful of red chili oil , Don't have a taste.

While eating, Luo Xincheng suddenly said, "Sister, I'm thinking about going to your factory to find a job. Let me get familiar and familiar first. Can you see it?"

When he said this, both Xia Zekai and Luo Xiyun were stunned. Why did this kid suddenly figure it out?

"Have you thought about it?" Luo Xiyun asked him.

Luo Xincheng nodded: "Sister, I think it over. Anyway, it's a year of internship. You can listen to the school's arrangements. You can find it yourself. I don't care about this in the school, I won't go back."

"You have always told me that your company is very formal in all aspects. I am thinking about making good use of the internship year to learn something."

Listening to her brother's head was not hot for a while, but really calmed down and had his own ideas, Luo Xiyun smiled and nodded: "Yes."

"Sister, do you have a dormitory in your factory?" Luo Xincheng asked again.

Luo Xiyun said: "Yes, do you want a dormitory?"

"Well, let me live in a dormitory, it's convenient."

Xia Zekai also said: "It's not that there is no place to live at home, what are you doing in the dormitory?"

Luo Xincheng shook his head vigorously: "Brother-in-law, don't persuade me."

He was also a stubborn temper, and Xia Zekai ignored him.

Luo Xiyun had forgotten to eat lamb. She held her chin on and thought for a while, and said, "I think about which position is more suitable for you."

"Sister, I learned mechanical design and automation, as well as CAD drawing. In this month and a half, I have also learned lathe processing from others in Sioux City. It is no problem to process non-standard parts. Do you see which position is suitable?" Luo Xincheng This time it was really at ease.

He realized that in the case of the roommate Gao Chengxiang, he still had too much immature and couldn't do things, so he had to settle down and learn something.

As for his previous sales job Luo Xincheng doesn't worry about it now.

There are too many things to learn. He recognizes what his sister said, and only formal companies can learn more.

"If you don't want to repair it, or go to the grinding tool side, I remember that the grinding tool side seems to be buying a machining center. If you are familiar with lathe operation and can look at the pictures, you can go and try it." Luo Xiyun thought for a while and told him.

Luo Xincheng is not picking at all right now. He said, "Sister, wherever you say I will go, I will go wherever I go. Can I go for an interview tomorrow Monday?"

"Tuesday, Aideli will have a unified interview on Tuesday morning. I will go and tell Mr. Yang from Abrasives tomorrow, and then the interview will be just a cutscene." Luo Xiyun is not pedantic at all, otherwise the last time in the supply chain When Manager Zhang Kainian asked her to help arrange an employee, she readily agreed.

Especially in foreign companies, human relations have always worked well.

As for what all results are, hey, just coax the naive child!

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