Latest website: From the first book on New Year’s Day last year to this month, it was exactly two years. During this period, I wrote 6 million words part-time, with an average of 8,500 words per day, which is a little bit short of the daily average ^_^

What does LV5 mean, that is, the draft fee of 150,000 in 12 natural months. This honor is too big for Simba. It is the result of the support of friends. Simba also remembers it.

To be honest, it is very, very difficult to achieve this result. The old brothers who followed know that the first order on the Simba tree was 8, a very auspicious start. This seems to indicate from the very beginning that we want to send a small amount of money. .

Simply speaking from the first order and all 4 orders, including Simba Shu himself, no one would have thought that he could become a Level 5 author.

And it only took 2 years, I really appreciate it!

The old tree is not a talented player, so I chose to make up for my weaknesses with diligence from the first book. I was thinking about making a full attendance of 600 yuan, so I took a few hundred dollars for 5 months -_-||

However, I didn't expect Qin to really make up for it. "Wife and Child Hot Ondol" took off last year with the help of my last editor's message teacher.

From then on, I wanted to give back to my readers and friends a little bit more.

When the new book "Daddy's Happy Life" was opened, the results were not very good, but it was much better than the previous book. The first order was 450, which was N times higher. I continued to work hard to make up for my weaknesses.

Then, with the help of my editor Wu Xing and my friends, the new book has been booked at 810 and high at 2500, but do you know that the monthly pass ranking of "Daddy's Happy Life" has exploded this month, and the starting point is now + 1164 votes on the Genesis List, ranking 191.

1084 starting point, 184th in the total list, how can I thank you guys!

So from the beginning of this month, I have set a goal for myself. It is also a sentence I said last month. Be cruel to myself. This month, I have at least 10,000 updates every day, and I have 15,000 updates several times, and 10,000. The second is basic exercises.

Wocao, to be honest, it's been on the 20th now, I still can't believe I'm really him!

This is the encouragement you have always given me, and I have to update and return your support.

What does this ranking mean? There are thousands of high-quality books on the front and back of me, and there are even 10,000-booked books. You say you are not good!

Two years, 6 million words, LV5, clarify the truth, spell it out, and write these two books for two years, I have not broken one day, the most difficult time was when my wife had a second child and had a baby, I did it At 4000 basic updates every day, keep it constant.

Now I want to say, this book, as long as I keep on hand, I will keep updating, and I hope to get more support from my friends.

Let the big guys also see how Simba can make it to this point. Step by step depends on hard work and the support of **** friends.

There must be many unsatisfactory places in this book, but to be honest, the old tree is really empty and written. Sometimes I check the information for a few hours, don’t brag, if you don’t believe me, check Du Niang. , Data to a decimal point are all verified by multiple parties.

For example, the nearest Bentley Mulsanne, a good fellow, a friend said that he is a man who is too high to earn money and develops awkwardly. I think it is right, just check it, and finally check the sign. I checked the umbrella. I checked the color of the car's logo, the price, and the coefficient of the car.

I also know that I lost if I was more serious. The last book was flawed in many aspects. For example, Shang Fuhai never stated that tax was deducted. He wrote that he directly took money from the company to invest in stocks, and then he never paid back the money. The company has always been its own, and there is no need to pay it back. Later, I wrote 700 chapters. A friend told me that it is illegal for you to do this. I will go...

The book "The Happy Life of Dad", I have studied and worked hard from the beginning. I have a separate EXCEL table for the fund data for every month. I am afraid that I will make a mistake. I found various tax coefficients on the Internet. , I put them in one by one, I made the formula myself, and the data didn’t dare to make mistakes.

Even at the beginning, I was harsh on how to pay the operating tax of a small shop. I asked a friend who opened a sheep soup restaurant how he paid the tax. I ate at the'Hongyuan sheep soup restaurant' for several days. , Is this shop name familiar?^_^

Not much nonsense, I will try to write this book well, and even every one in the future, until I can't write anymore, I will be almost done.

Then at the end of the month, there is a double monthly pass. UU reading rewards that if we don’t fight, no one’s money is for nothing.

When the time comes, those who have the remaining votes in hand can just give me the last one.

I will use the update to report back to everyone.

Finally, talk about my writing time and update time.

I go to work from 8:00 to 17:00 during the day, come back from get off work to see my children until around 8:00, start writing until 11 at night, and then go to bed.

I woke up at 4:30 in the morning and wrote until 7 am. That's how the update of the day came. It's basically like this.

A friend said that there are too few chapters to be updated at a time, so I divided it into two chapters in the morning, one big chapter or two 3000-word chapters at around 6 o'clock in the evening. Sometimes I can't finish writing, so I postponed it to around 9 o'clock. Yes, it won’t be updated at noon. This is basically the case. I will tell you in advance that there will be changes next time.

Thank you guys!

With you in the arena, walk all the way!

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