The Happy Life of the Reborn Dad

Chapter 606: Eager to return

"Ze Kai, what's the good thing, why are you smiling so cheap!" Luo Xiyun turned around and found that Xia Zekai, who was behind, was smiling while holding his mobile phone.

"-_-||" Xia Zekai's face turned black.

What is so cheap!

Luo Xiyun looked at her husband's face very funny, couldn't help holding his belly and laughed for a while.

When she saw that Xia Zekai had walked to her side, her hands didn't look very honest, and she closed her mouth wittily.

Xia Zekai said to her: "Zhao Ting has found someone, and we were discussing this in the group just now!"

While speaking, he handed the phone to Luo Xiyun and let her watch the chat by herself.

Luo Xiyun glanced at the photo sent by Zhao Ting. She smiled and said, "Hey, she looks pretty good."

"Yeah, Zhao Ting asked me if I would have time next Friday night. The two of them had a treat and got together, so that he could get to know us."

"Then let's go back on Thursday." Luo Xiyun asked him.

Xia Zekai thought for a while and said, "It depends on the situation. It's not too late to go back on Friday morning."

"Why do you have to go back at the last minute? What if something happens or something unexpected happens?"

"Besides Xincheng gets engaged next Saturday, my parents must come early, we still have to go back early, otherwise they will have no place to live when they come." Luo Xiyun said like this.

The more I calculated, the more I felt that time was not enough. Luo Xiyun thought for a while and said: "It's really impossible, we will go back on Wednesday..."

Xia Zekai was speechless, he rolled his eyes and said, "Daughter-in-law, don't need it, you first call your parents and ask them when they will come, let's decide."

"Also, should the relatives in the family also come over, how they come, how many people come, you have to figure out that you can't be sloppy when you get engaged, and you have to make arrangements in advance when that time comes." Xia Zekai told her to let her Don't mess with her doing something.

Luo Xiyun talked about him: "As long as you can, let's do it."

Xia Zekai simply went to play with the girl and Tong Tong.

This girl is not good at this point, and doesn't want to admit that she has a problem.

Luo Xiyun also had a hardened mouth. She turned her head and glanced at Xia Zekai, then took the phone and went to make a call.

Asked all the questions Xia Zekai just said.

Mother Liu Chunhua told her that the relatives in Yicheng's hometown must be going there, and this time there are quite a few.

On the morning of the 16th day of the lunar calendar, we chartered a car from home.

After learning about their arrangement, Luo Xiyun hung up the phone and told Xia Zekai again when he turned around.

"So, let's prepare to entertain relatives who come from our hometown at home. When we go back to see what is still missing at home, buy more to prepare." Xia Zekai told her.

Then he said: "You will call Xincheng later and ask him to also ask Xiaojing how many relatives are there, and book a hotel in advance."

"They are all the same good days calculated in the Yi Gossip this week, and maybe the people who get engaged and get married will get together." Xia Zekai's words were full of ridicule.

It seemed that he was the most capable, and Luo Xiyun ignored him.

Xia Zekai came over and asked her, "Daughter-in-law, do you want to buy them some gifts in advance."

"What are you buying?" Luo Xiyun asked him.

Xia Zekai thought for a while and said, "The easiest way is to buy a piece of gold and silver jewelry."

"What's that complicated?" Luo Xiyun was very curious and asked him.

Xia Zekai shook his head: "The most complicated one, I don't know anymore, it's better to just point it, let's pay directly, this is true."

"..." Luo Xiyun regretted asking him just now.


After playing outside for a day, both the girl and Tong Tong were tired. When she went back, Tong Tong rode directly on her father’s neck. The girl thought about it when she saw it, but Luo Xiyun was also exhausted, she stared with a bitter expression on her face. Xia Zekai, scolded him for incompleteness in his heart.

Back at the hotel, Tong Tong was already sitting on his father's shoulders and fell asleep, with a pair of small hands clinging to his father's neck when he fell asleep, for fear of falling from the top.

When Xia Zekai took Tong Tong off his shoulders and put it on the bed, Luo Xiyun saw a blood-red mark exposed under his neck, as well as a dried blood stain.

"Oh, Zekai, you bleed." Luo Xiyun hurried to find paper and wipes nervously, wanting to deal with him.

Xia Zekai waved his hand: "It was caught by Tongtong just now. It's not a hindrance. How can I be so hypocritical."

He raised his hand and touched his chin, which was hot and painful.

The next moment, he raised his chin and gave Luo Xiyun a look, and said, "Look, your girl tore off a piece of flesh."

But it was, a piece of skin was really torn away.

At this look, Luo Xiyun felt distressed, but the girl was also embarrassed and embarrassed.


Pretending to have something in her heart, Luo Xiyun didn't even have the thought of playing. She kept urging Xia Zekai to finish the matter here, and it would be great to go back one day earlier.

On the weekend night, Xia Zekai called Jiang Honggang and told him to meet on Monday to talk about the project.

To tell the truth, Jiang Honggang has been waiting for this call these days. He thought that Xia Zekai had forgotten about it and went back to Qicheng after finishing his business.

For fear of Xia Zekai's misunderstanding, he was too embarrassed to call, this time he finally waited for Xia Zekai's call, and he quickly connected: "Boss Xia, where are you now, it's better for me to find you."

"That's okay, I'm here at Jinkelly Hotel, do you know?" Xia Zekai never moved to another place.

Jiang Honggang is also an old BJ. After Xia Zekai said a few names, he knew the place.

It was just after eight o'clock in the morning on Monday, and Jiang Honggang came over.

When I met, I said that I would invite Xia Zekai's family of four to dinner at noon.

"President Jiang, let's talk about the project first." Xia Zekai reminded him.

Jiang Honggang nodded and agreed. He asked, "Boss Xia, can you elaborate on the area of ​​the plot, the construction scale of the factory, and if you have other specific requirements, please also talk about it."

"Well, that's the case. I bought two pieces of land this time. One is on the north side of my original factory, with 63 mu of land, and the other is on the west side of the factory, with more than 40 acres of land. They are both very close to mine. The plan is to make full use of it as much as possible, you see how it can be better."

After hearing the detailed requirements of Xia Zekai, Jiang Hong just thought about it for a while, and then said: "Boss Xia, what do you think of being an integrated factory workshop?"

"What do you mean?" Xia Zekai asked him.

Jiang Honggang said: "It is to concentrate all the workshops in one building, and make greening around the workshops. The workshops are no longer built separately like the current factories. In this way, the utilization rate of the site will be higher."

"Then make an overall plan inside the workshop and divide the various areas well. The production line can be larger than your current production line to form planned production. In fact, this efficiency is better than your current production model. If your company wants to It’s better to upgrade to a factory with a higher degree of automation..."

"Yes, how do you calculate the cost?" Xia Zekai became interested.

He feels that such a layout may be higher in terms of cost.

But who knows that Jiang Honggang told him: "The integrated factory workshop is cheaper than the scattered workshops in terms of overall cost..."

"Where is the cheaper price?" Xia Zekai was puzzled and wanted to ask clearly.

Jiang Honggang said: "The main reason is the convenience of construction and the higher interest rate of various infrastructure materials, which can save a lot of costs."

Jiang Honggang also said a lot of professional things, but Xia Zekai understood Chinese but didn't understand the meaning of phrases.

But the final meaning is the same as what Jiang Honggang said, even if the price of infrastructure raw materials has risen with the booming real estate market, Acme Smart Factory Design Institute can also construct Xia Zekai at the last price.

"Deal!" Xia Zekai agreed without saying a word.

He is very satisfied with the factory delivered by Acme Smart Factory Research Institute.

He said: "I want to guarantee the quality, and I will definitely investigate the problem if something goes wrong."

"Boss Xia can rest assured that we, Acme Smart Factory Design and Research Institute, will definitely not smash our own signs." What Jiang Honggang said is true.

Hearing him say this, Xia Zekai stopped Jiang Honggang stayed here in the morning, and asked Xia Zekai's family of four to have a good lunch at noon and left afterwards.

"Ze Kai, let's return tomorrow, we won't play here anymore." Back in the room, let the girl and Tong Tong play together, Luo Xiyun began to pack things.

Xia Zekai was speechless. He said: "I still wonder if you have resigned now. Let's play outside for a few more days this time."

"There are still a lot of things going back, so how can I have time to play." Luo Xiyun said like this.

Xia Zekai didn't argue with him anymore. Seeing that his wife was determined to return to Qicheng, he went to help pack things up.


Xia Zhuang, Xia Weicheng and Zhou Yinghong took their old man Xia Shande back from Qicheng, and they have been busy at home. Xia Weicheng should go to work or go to work.

The corn in the crop field had just been harvested, and the old couple asked neighbors to help them put the corn on the roof to dry them, planted them with wheat, and waited for another wave in the coming year.

Xia Weicheng still talked about her: "My old lady, you are just short of that little grain. It is not for your own good to let you plant a little less. Don't be tired. If you don't pay attention, you have planted all three mu of land. Wait for next year. See if you are not exhausted."

"You don't want to collect it, and you will starve to death if you don't eat it." Zhou Yinghong immediately retorted.

It’s just how long a good day has passed, and I don’t know the east, the west, the north and the south.

Xia Weicheng was stared at by his wife, and he was really a little embarrassed.

"What do you think? It's a big deal. I'll ask for two days off to collect it. What a big deal." Xia Weicheng was decisive.

Zhou Yinghong didn't bother to look at him: "Huh, what a patience!"

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