The Happy Life of the Reborn Dad

Chapter 645: I'm afraid I can't spend the money

"Daughter-in-law, hurry up and eat while it's hot, and I'll take you to the mall later." Xia Zekai said.

Luo Xiyun was feeling unwell today and had no energy. She was too lazy to move, and she had no motivation to go shopping when she heard: "I don't want to go, forget it, I'm going to eat first."

Xia Zekai finished the fried dough sticks in three or two bites at the fast food restaurant. He was really not hungry right now.

After continuing to browse the information on the webpage for a while, Luo Xiyun called him from outside before he could see one, two or three: "Zekai, I haven't finished my meal yet, so you should tie the braids for the two of them first."

"Come on!" Xia Zekai sang in the Beijing accent. As soon as he entered the bedroom, he saw that the girl and Tongtong were both awake. They had dressed themselves and were rolling back and forth on the bed with their hair loose.

Seeing that Dad came in, the two quickly came over and sat side by side.

Xia Zekai tied their braids one by one, and asked them both, "I'll take you to the mall later, will you go?"

"Is there any fun in going to the mall?" The girl asked innocently with a shy face.

Tongtong thief whispered: "Sister, you can buy toys and delicious food when you go to the mall."

"Yes, yes, Dad, I'll go!" The girl immediately had the answer.

Tongtong also nodded: "Dad, I'll go too."

"Then wash your face and eat quickly, and leave after dinner." Xia Zekai took the two of them to wash their faces.


In the end, Luo Xiyun was dragged out by the two girls, but she was lazy the whole time. Even when she arrived at the mall, she wanted to sit down and rest for a while when she saw a chair.

The girl and Tongtong were coaxed by Xia Zekai, and neither of them bothered their mother. The little sisters were never soft-hearted when they bought things. After a while, both of their hands were full of things.

He couldn't hold it, so he handed it to Xia Zekai: "Dad, help me get it."

"Let's go to another place to play for a while, okay?" Xia Zekai held two sets of toys and two dolls in his hands, looking at the little sisters who were standing in front of the bookshelf and didn't leave, he had a headache.

But the girl was fascinated by the picture book and didn't listen to him at all.

There is a small motorcycle with a circular track not far from the door, and Tongtong has already sat in it and played.

She didn't need Xia Zekai's help, she climbed in skillfully, and pressed her fleshy little hands around, only to find that no key was pressed, she was anxious: "Dad, give me a push."

"-_-||" Xia Zekai really wanted to give her two feet.

This thing needs to be stuffed with coins. Xia Zekai went to the front desk and exchanged a ten-dollar coin for her. She put one in, and she could play for five minutes.

After all, it is a place that sells children's books, and the sound lines of the speakers of the small motorcycles have been cut off.

That's it, Tongtong also had a lot of fun, lap after lap, she didn't feel dizzy, five minutes passed, and after the little motorcycle stopped, she screamed and asked her father to put more coins.

Luo Xiyun had been sitting in the row of chairs outside for more than half an hour. She found that the three of them hadn't come out yet.

When she saw that one of the two girls was fascinated by reading books, and the other was addicted to playing with electric motorcycles, her husband was taking care of her with toys beside her. At this moment, Luo Xiyun felt that life was so good, and God opened his eyes.

"Zekai, let's go, take them to another place to play for a while." Luo Xiyun called to him.

Xia Zekai also wanted to leave, but the girl had already flipped through four or five picture books, and she didn't want to leave.

Tong Tong has been holding the little motorcycle for half an hour. The 10 coins that Xia Zekai exchanged just now are almost gone, and she has not played enough.

After being carried off by the unbearable Xia Zekai from the scooter, Tong Tong looked at his father expectantly, pointed at the scooter and said, "Dad, buy me one."

"Okay, I'll buy it for you, let's go to other places to see if there is any." Xia Zekai coaxed her.

But he also took this matter at ease, thinking about it and looking back to see where there are such things.

To play for my daughter, why not buy a better one.

He is not afraid of spending money, but he is afraid that he will not be able to spend it!


Before I knew it, half a day had passed, and the girl and Tongtong were tired and hungry.

The two of them got close to Xia Zekai, hugged his stomach, and looked at him pitifully: "Dad, I'm so hungry!"

"Me too, I'm starving."

Luo Xiyun was also hungry, Xia Zekai swept around and asked them, "What do you want to eat?"

The girl and Tongtong obviously couldn't answer, Luo Xiyun thought for a while, pointed upstairs, and shouted, "How about we go to eat that 'Tianshan Ranch'."

As soon as she finished speaking, the girl and Tongtong nodded sharply: "Okay, okay, I want to eat yogurt."

The two of them remembered that when their mother took them to eat, a yogurt sprinkled with raisins was particularly delicious.

Xia Zekai didn't care about anything, and walked upstairs with the three of them.

After arriving at the place, I saw that there was a place to bake naan pit buns at the door, and many people were queuing up to buy them.

When he went in, he saw that most of the waiters in this store were from ethnic minorities.

Luo Xiyun didn't know what he was thinking about. After entering, the waiter took them to find a seat.

Luo Xiyun was obviously very familiar with the place, so she ordered a few directly: "6 skewers of mutton, grape fish, XJ naan wrapped meat, and three servings of yogurt."

"There are also four naan pit roasted buns, and one shredded roast lamb shank, without peppers."

After ordering, she also asked Xia Zekai: "Zekai, look at what else you want to eat."

"That's about it. How much can you eat?" Xia Zekai took the menu and glanced at it. He finally found a dish and said, "Come on Ding Ding Fried Noodles, too."

Look at the picture, what kind of vegetables are cut into cubes and then fried.

Xia Zekai thought, their daughters should like to eat this.

Become a man with children, as long as you have a little sense of The first thing you think about is what happens to the children.

Not to mention, the taste of the dishes made here is really good, which is obviously different from the taste of their Jidong side, but the exotic flavor also has a different taste.

Xia Zekai tasted the yogurt that his daughter liked very much. He understood why his wife only ordered three servings. His feelings were cold.

However, after the shredded roast lamb came up, Xia Zekai put on disposable plastic gloves and acted as a waiter, tearing roast lamb for his wife and children.

The taste is very pure, it's not the place where the lamb skewers are outside to get some kind of lamb powder essence.

Especially the grape fish, poured with red and red soup, the fish is cut into pieces horizontally and vertically, it tastes sweet and sour, especially appetizing.

The girl and Tongtong pointed to this dish and they would not finish eating it.

The Ding Ding fried noodles ordered by Xia Zekai was also half eaten by the sisters.

When all three of the mothers were full, Xia Zekai could take care of himself. He tore a piece of lamb from the leg of lamb, dipped it in chili noodles and feasted on it. It was very heroic.

Someone next to him watched him eat and thought it was very interesting, and he couldn't help but smile.

Xia Zekai didn't care about other people's eyes at all.

Luo Xiyun didn't think much of it either, as long as he was full anyway.

When Xia Zekai went to checkout, he found that not only the taste is pure, but also the price is very beautiful. No wonder there are many people queuing outside to buy baked buns, but not even one-third of the people who come to the store to eat.

"Waiter, bring me two bags to pack." Xia Zekai said confidently.

Some people who were provoked looked over.

Some people were muttering and didn't know what to say, and some people took pictures of this scene.

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