Xia Zhu is so confident.

Because he is familiar with the plot, he has already figured out the temper of the navy.

He is sure that after losing Akainu, the other party will definitely hold a world conscription!

Only in this way can the Five Elders rest assured to stay in power.

I believe that behind this, Im also acquiesced. What

Xia Zhu has to do now is to wait.

His strategy is very simple.

Relying on the power of only one pirate group, it is like looking for a needle in a haystack to find Fujitora Issho in such a big world, which is almost impossible to achieve.

After all, the other party appeared too late in the original work, and there is very little information about his identity, and there is even less explanation about his origin and hometown.

Even if Xia Zhu is a time traveler who is familiar with the plot, he can't find him directly from the four seas.

The only way is to let him come out by himself!

In the original work, it was because of the world conscription of the navy that he appeared.

In this case, Xia Zhu only needs to wait until the navy starts the world conscription and intercept it.

Marinford, who held the conscription competition, is there and will not run away.

There are only a few routes to Marinford, and the islands on the way are a must.

In other words, no matter where Fujitora is in the world, as long as he plans to join the conscription, he will definitely appear on the last island on the route to Marinford!

Then as long as you hold this island and closely monitor all ships, you can"wait for the tiger"!

Therefore, the place where Xia Zhu is going now is the last landing island before the navy ships arrive at Marinford.

According to Xia Zhu's speculation, this island is very likely to be Judicial Island!

Why do you say that?

Because Judicial Island, the Undersea Prison, and the Navy Headquarters form a triangular sea area, the purpose of which is to facilitate the flow of support between the three.

As for other wild islands, only the Sabaody Archipelago is the closest.

But as the last stop to the New World, it is also a place for coating ships. It can be said that there are mixed fish and dragons, and there are countless pirates.

The navy's ships will certainly not choose to land there to rest.

Therefore, no matter how you look at it, the extremely safe Judicial Island has become a must-go place to Marinford.

"Just go to Judicial Island. Within three days, the Navy will have a big announcement!

"In less than ten days, Judicial Island will be overcrowded!"

Xia Zhu stood on the deck at this moment, facing the eyes of all his subordinates, and said lightly.

His tone was affirmative, and he had a sense of planning.

As if he was a strategist who had planned everything.

Crocodile and others certainly had no concept of strategists.

For them, at this moment, they just felt that their commander-in-chief was so high-end and dazzling.

Although they couldn't understand what he was saying at all, they just had a sense of awe!

Time passed quietly like this.

Wait until the third day.

A seagull delivering newspapers passed by the top of the Great Xia Pirates and left a newspaper.

Lao Sha, who got up early to exercise, picked up the newspaper and took a look, and immediately showed a look of surprise.

The front page of the newspaper was:

【Big event! The Marine Headquarters' World Recruitment will start today! We hope that people with aspirations will sign up!

Is this the big move of the Marine Headquarters that the commander-in-chief mentioned?

Crocodile was shocked!

So were the others after receiving the news!

At the same time, the entire Four Seas was also boiling.

Countless people were discussing this world-shaking event after dinner.

The Marine Headquarters is recruiting, and the winner can directly take up the position of admiral!

But how tempting!

Admiral is the pinnacle of power in the navy.

Under one person and above ten thousand people.

If a disciple of a family really becomes a general, he will be famous in history!

This is an opportunity to soar to the sky.

In the four seas, there are already countless strong people who are gearing up for this recruitment time.


On an unknown island in a certain sea area.

A middle-aged man wearing rags, with a scar on his forehead, his eyes closed, and leaning on a cane sword, heard his companion's introduction to today's newspaper headlines, and couldn't help showing a thoughtful look.

World conscription?

If you stand out, you may be able to change the world.

For example, abolish the system of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

This blind man who is constantly thinking.

It turns out to be the future admiral of the navy, Fujitora Issho!

It's just that at this time, he has not been given the title of"Fujitora" by the navy, and is called Issho.

Obviously, according to Xia Zhu's speculation, he has already thought about participating in the conscription.

Next, everything went much more smoothly.

With the idea in mind, Issho could no longer suppress the idea of participating in the conscription, and finally went to the navy branch in his own sea area on the last day of registration.

Then he followed the large force, boarded a navy ship, and headed towards the Grand Line.

The navy's ships all have seastone engraved on the bottom. They can freely enter and exit the doldrums and have their own power systems, so no matter where they go, they are very fast.

In just three days, they have entered the Grand Line and started to sail towards the Navy Headquarters, Marinford.

Although there are seven routes in the Grand Line, they cannot cross each other.

But this is not a problem for the navy with a permanent compass.

They are almost in a straight line, heading towards Marinford.

As the sea routes near Marinford approached, more and more other navy warships transporting conscripts appeared in their eyes.

They merged with each other, and sailed towards Marinford in a mighty manner.

Such a big movement naturally scared other nearby ships away.

The pirate ship fled at the first sign of the storm.

The only exception is the Great Xia Pirates!

They sailed freely in this sea area as if they were in a no-man's land. They didn't hide until they reached the Judicial Island, and waited silently.

As expected, the naval warships heading to Marinford stopped to rest when they arrived at Judicial Island. After sailing at full speed all the way, they finally arrived at their own territory. In addition, this place is very close to the headquarters of the navy, so they can naturally rest assured.

What's more, the headquarters of the navy is extremely sacred. Before the conscription is opened, those who are not navy but only participated in the conscription on the ship are not allowed to enter and leave at will.

At this moment, as more and more naval warships docked at the dock of Judicial Island.

The eyes of the people of the Daxia Pirate Group looking at Xia Zhu changed completely. Their own commander-in-chief is really as good as a god!

Sure enough, within ten days, Judicial Island will be overcrowded.

It really fulfilled his words!

But, will the person the commander-in-chief is looking for really appear?

Everyone is curious about this matter.

Xia Zhu said nothing, holding a telescope and staring at the dock of Judicial Island in the distance.

Dozens of warships, one after another, people who participated in the conscription walked down from the ship, but there was no figure he wanted.

I waited until noon.

A large number of applicants came down from a newly docked ship.

Among them, an old blind man wearing a purple gown, leaning on a sword, and closing his eyes was particularly conspicuous because people around him were trying to give way to him.

In the distance, Xia Zhu, who saw this scene through a telescope, was excited.

It's finally here!

Then let's start... intercepting!

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