Judicial Island.

A place that symbolizes absolute justice.

No prisoner who was taken to Judicial Island has ever returned alive.

Because behind Judicial Island, there are only two places.

The Navy Headquarters and the Undersea Prison!

This also made Judicial Island the safest fortress and important place of the Navy. It has extremely strong military forces and a standing army of about 10,000 people.

This is a place that pirates are terrified and dare not set foot on.

There has never been a riot in a hundred years.

But today.

It is obviously no longer sacred.

The source of this panic is only four people!

They are like gods descending from heaven, and their powerful momentum shocked the whole audience into silence.

It took a long time before some naval soldiers who were far away from the center of the aura were able to get rid of this momentum.

"Hurry, report to headquarters!"

"It's the Shichibukai Crocodile and Hawkeye Mihawk!"

"Damn, why are they here?"

"Are the Seven Warlords of the Sea going to go to war with our navy?"

"Wait a minute, I remember that the Seven Warlords of the Sea Crocodile and Hawkeye Mihawk seemed to have joined the Daxia Pirates!"

"Now that you mention it, I remember... Could it be that the young man standing between the two of them is the dangerous pirate named Xia Zhu?!"

""Quick, report to CP9!"

In the chaos, some navy soldiers recognized Xia Zhu's identity.

They didn't believe it at first, but after comparing it with Xia Zhu's bounty order, they found that it was true and were immediately shocked.

Xia Zhu!

Bounty of 4 billion!

His horror is comparable to that of the Four Emperors!

A pirate of this level suddenly landing on the Judicial Island is definitely a major emergency.

Could it be that Xia Zhu is not satisfied with killing the Celestial Dragons and the Navy Admirals, and even wants to continue to attack the Navy Headquarters?

Such a question lingered in everyone's mind.

The incident was quickly reported to the Tower of Justice, and the World Government's spy CP9 heard it.

"What did you say? The Daxia Pirates have landed on the island?!"

As the leader of CP9, Spandam, who only has half of his face, was so scared that his eyes popped out when he heard the news.

"The other party seems to want to take someone away from the island."

Across from Spandam, a tall man with a pigeon on his shoulder spoke in a deep voice.

This man is Lucci, who ate the Cat-Cat Fruit and is known as the strongest CP9 in Judicial Island in 800 years. He is also the one who tortured Luffy to death in the original work.

He was reporting to Spandam, the apparent superior, and said:"Marshal Sengoku has long ordered that if we encounter the Daxia Pirates, we must not clash."

"I personally do not recommend wasting too much manpower at this critical juncture of seeking the design drawings of Pluto."

At this time, most members of CP9 were undercover in the nearby Water Seven City, trying to get the design drawings of Pluto.

Even Lucci had to come back to take charge because of the world's conscription and needed to borrow the Judicial Island.

As a strong man, he understood the horror of Admiral Akainu.

And this pirate named Xia Zhu, since he has the ability to kill Admiral Akainu alone, he must be a top master.

With the current garrison strength of the Judicial Island, it is really unwise to clash with such a person, and it is just a waste of manpower.

What's more.

In his opinion, the other party did not come to the island to meet the navy.

In other words, they are not interested in clashing with the navy.

In this case, avoiding war and waiting for them to leave the island is the best option. choice.


His boss, Spandam, didn't think so.

After the initial fear, he had calmed down.

In the original work, Spandam was an ordinary person with extremely low combat effectiveness, sinister character, and he would do anything for his career.

In his opinion.

The villain who killed the Celestial Dragons took the initiative to deliver himself to the door. Isn't this a merit picked up for nothing?

After all, there are 10,000 troops and countless heavy firepower on the Judicial Island.

At the same time, he also has the golden Den Den Mushi that can launch the Demon Killing Order as a trump card.

And the other side, the other side has only four people!

No matter how you look at it, it's always a win!

Spandam was excited when he thought that if he killed a pirate of Xia Zhu's level, he would definitely be famous all over the world and promoted!

"Shut up! Lucci, the enemy has already reached the island, do you want me to pretend not to see it?"

"I order you to go to the port and defend the island immediately! In addition, I will issue the Demon Slayer Order to help you. All the forces of the Navy Headquarters will come to support you immediately. That pirate named Xia Zhu will definitely die this time!"

"Hahaha! When I get promoted, you can become the leader of CP9. Aren't you happy?"

Thinking of this, Spandam took out a golden Den Den Mushi from his arms, pressed it, and laughed wildly.

Lucci frowned when he saw this scene, and cursed Spandam's ignorance in his heart.

He had no idea about the power of the top strong men in this world.

The Demon Slayer Order is sometimes not omnipotent!

But because the other party is his superior, Lucci is very helpless and can only fly to the port on the moon step.

Although he is unwilling to fight with Xia Zhu and others, he still has the courage to meet them.

At this time, in the port.

Thousands of navy and tens of thousands of conscription contestants are looking at the four people strolling in the garden as if they are facing a great enemy.

The funny thing is.

The four people didn't pay attention to these tens of thousands of people at all, and didn't even look at them. They just walked towards an ordinary-looking blind man.

Treat tens of thousands of people as nothing!

But you can see a blind man!

At this moment, everyone was stunned.

Are they not as threatening as a blind man?

Sorry, not really.

Xia Zhu doesn't care what these people think. As long as they don't provoke him, he won't make a move casually

"Mr. Yixiao, I am Xia Zhu, the commander-in-chief of the Great Xia Pirates, and I sincerely invite you to join my army!"

"Don't be in a hurry to refuse, because it's useless to refuse. I will knock him down and shock him, then tie him back to my boat!"

"You can only be a pirate in this life!"

When he came in front of Fujitora, Xia Zhu got straight to the point without any extra nonsense.

And he said it very straightforwardly!

��At that moment, everyone in the entire port was stunned.

Boss! As a top pirate, you suddenly came to the Judicial Island where the Navy Headquarters is located, just to rob someone?

Or to rob someone who is about to apply for the Navy?

What's even more outrageous is that you notified them directly. It's useless to refuse, and I will tie you up and take you back...

To be honest

, it's not like I haven't seen pirates robbing people before.

But this is the first time I've heard of robbing people to this extent.

It's eye-opening!!

Xia Zhu's series of ruthless and taciturn operations have directly shocked everyone in the Judicial Island! He is worthy of being a boss, and he robbed people so refreshingly!

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