Grand Voyage.

In a certain sea area.

The ship of the Great Xia Pirates was sailing against the wind and waves.

Fujitora was still unconscious and locked in the room.

On the movable deck outside, Xia Zhu and his captains were using the permanent compass to determine the direction of the sea area where the Sky Island was located.

"Sky Island, the legendary island, I didn't expect it to actually exist."

When Hawkeye learned of Xia Zhu's plan, he was very surprised.

He was first surprised that the legend about Sky Island actually existed, and then he was shocked by Xia Zhu's method of landing on Sky Island, which was to pull the entire Sky Island to the ground.

This method can be described as crazy.

The entire pirate world has never been seen before, and no one has such a big brain hole.

"By the way, if the goal is to pull down the sky island, Tornado can do it, right?"

"After all, Tornado is a telekinetic user!"

At this time, Usopp expressed his opinion.

Because the system implanted memories, Tornado became Usopp's fellow countryman, a native of East China Sea, so Usopp was naturally familiar with Tornado's abilities. Upon hearing this, Tornado stretched out his index finger and shook it, saying,"No, Usopp, the prerequisite for activating my telekinesis is that I must see or sense the target."

"The Sky Island is located in the White Sea, 10,000 meters above the ground."

"Moreover, such a huge island, how can I move it with telekinesis, and move it such a long distance!"

After hearing this explanation, Usopp nodded in sudden enlightenment.

In fact, in the world of"One Punch Man", Tornado is a top-level strong man with extremely powerful telekinesis.

In the Boros arc, he easily bounced back alien shells that were enough to destroy a city.

But can shells be the same as islands?

Even if the distance between the sky island and the ground can be ignored, such a huge island cannot be moved by Tornado's telekinesis alone.

Telekinesis also has an upper limit.

Tornado's telekinesis is not enough to deal with strong men like Xia Zhu and Garp with a strength attribute of 9999, not to mention controlling the island.

It is for this reason that Xia Zhu did not give this task to Tornado.

In the world, only Fujitora who ate the gravity fruit has the ability to complete it.

Gravity and telekinesis, after all, are fundamentally different.

And Fujitora's gravity fruit is not limited by distance, nor does it need to sense the target's position in advance. When it is activated, the gravity is instantly raised to a distance of tens of thousands of kilometers from the ground. All the meteorites floating on the surface of the blue planet were pulled down by him in this way.

Sky Island is only ten thousand meters, which is far from his distance limit of tens of thousands of kilometers.

So this task is not difficult for Fujitora.

The only uncertain factor is whether Fujitora's training is good enough and whether he can release enough gravity to pull an island.

This thing is different from pulling a meteorite. How big is a meteorite?

The Sky Island where Enel lives is a real island!

Xia Zhu has no confidence in this matter, and can only hope that Fujitora at this time has the strength of an admiral two years later in the original work.

Fujitora at that time should be the strongest

"Commander, I have a question."

Just when everyone was discussing the matter of taking Sky Island, Crocodile, who had been smoking opium, suddenly walked to Xia Zhu's side.

He seemed to be worried since he left Judicial Island.

Hearing him speak at this moment, Xia Zhu was also very curious:"What's the problem?"

"I want to ask, does the move you used to kill the CP9 commander have the ability to reverse a person's age?"

Crocodile was rarely shy, as if he had something to ask for, but he was also a proud and arrogant person, so he looked very awkward.

""Yes, do you want to try it?"

Xia Zhu looked at Lao Sha and understood what he meant. He smiled with interest.

Lao Sha, a domineering gangster, felt a little embarrassed at this moment and scratched his head and said,"Yes.""

"Since the setback in the new world, I have been suffering from hidden injuries. If age can be reversed, then my hidden illness should be able to be cured."

After hearing what Lao Sha said, everyone became interested and came over.

""Captain Crocodile, who is so powerful that can hurt you in the New World?" Tornado asked curiously.

Crocodile's face showed a bit of gloom, as if he recalled something bad, and sighed:"Whitebeard!"

"The strongest man in the world?!"

Usopp also looked surprised.

Hawkeye also glanced sideways.

Only Xia Zhu was calm, because he had known it for a long time. It was no secret that Crocodile challenged Whitebeard, and it was because of Whitebeard that Crocodile did not dare to go to the New World again for many years.

Xia Zhu asked directly at this time:"How old do you want to go back to?"


Crocodile answered without hesitation.

At the age of 30, he is in the prime of his life, at the peak of his combat power.

After all, thinking back to the past, Crocodile was also a legendary pirate. He tied with Barrett at the age of 20 and became famous all over the world.

After a period of training, at the age of 30, he is definitely at the peak of his combat power.

Xia Zhu heard it and nodded.

He really didn't want to turn Crocodile back into a young boy. It would always feel awkward if he did that.

After all, Crocodile has always been a very impressive character in the original work, representing the image of a domineering and calm gangster boss.

If he suddenly becomes 20 years old, it would be inconsistent no matter how you think about it.

30 years old, no more, no less, just right.

Under Lao Sha's expectant gaze, a ball of fire ignited from Xia Zhu's hand, and then pressed directly on Lao Sha's body.

Crocodile is 44 years old this year, and only needs to subtract 14 years.

This is not difficult for Xia Zhu, he can already accurately grasp the specific age of the target he wants to erase.

This is also a manifestation of his deep mastery of the devil fruit ability after his mental strength has become stronger.

A palm fell.

Crocodile immediately changed visibly.

The body became stronger and the skin became smoother.

Some wrinkles on the face also disappeared.

Of course, the most obvious thing is the momentum, which instantly became several times stronger!

"It feels so good to be back again."

Crocodile closed his eyes, feeling the power filling his body, and opened them again after several seconds.

He looked at Xia Zhu and then bowed.

"I will never forget the commander-in-chief’s kindness in giving me a new life!"

"It doesn't matter, just serve me well."

Xia Zhu nodded with satisfaction.

Crocodile's ability to recover to his peak combat power was a good thing for him, and it meant that the strength of the Great Xia Pirates had increased.

"Ding! Crocodile's loyalty +50!"

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