The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1023: Reverse day and night


read2();  Night, twilight, opposite to day.

   So the night, accompanied by the endless rolling darkness, because the scorching sun above the sky is completely obscured, it is impossible to sway any light.

   But just as the Qingzhiguo Shumei clan has always believed in, under the entire world, people are infinitely awe-inspiring. In addition to the mother of the jungle who brings life, there is also the scorching sun above everyone's head.

  The scorching sun is so stalwart, but who could have imagined that someone could cover the scorching sun and let the night come immediately?

   "Master, this is impossible. There is even an existence that covers the sun and shed the night!"

On the Great Peak of the Five Immortals Zong Yingzhou, the words of the white-clothed woman Aofu were horrified, not just her, the white-haired old woman Lan, who looked indifferently from beginning to end, looked at her. On the shore of the North Sea, which became dark in an instant, his lips were also slightly opened, and he slowly uttered a few words:

   "This is not in line with common sense!"

This is indeed beyond the imagination of all monks. When the sun suddenly lost its light after the heavy gray fog in the North Sea, all the monks who experienced all of this in Shenxian City looked up to the sky, letting the cold sea water rolled up by the North Sea hurricane beat. On the dazed face and at the same time deep in his heart, there was a deep anxiety.

   That is the anxiety caused by the countless rolling night lights all over!

   Longing for light is the nature of all terrestrial creatures. In countless years of reproduction and inheritance, light has become an indispensable part of them. Therefore, suddenly being in the night will produce deep fear.

   But not everyone yearns for the light. Someone is born to belong to the night, because he is the king of the night.

   Night Stalker!

   The Night Stalker soars into the darkness, covering the day, and letting the night come immediately, and under this circumstance, he will be a well-deserved master!

   "Who is it, dare to stop the deity!"

Above the sky of the North Sea, among the three kingdoms that still exudes a strong light in the dark night, a hoarse roar came from the crimson kingdom belonging to Yan Jue, and then sat in the blue kingdom. Qing Ke Zun took a sigh of relief and looked up at the scorching sun that was deeply enveloped by the dark night, and a deep curiosity appeared in the green amber eyes.

   covers the big day and reverses day and night.

This method is also unimaginable even in the existence of the three kingdoms. Therefore, they have shrouded the vast spiritual consciousness downward in an attempt to explore the truth. However, the darkness that covers the entire North Sea is so deep and boundless. It was like a black iron curtain, blocking out all the supernatural sense of exploration.

   "It's definitely not the deity, the deity has a foreboding, this time you will not only steal the chicken, but also eat the rice!"

   Above the sky, there was a smile in the sound of Qing Ke Zun, and then the harsh response from Yan Jue State Zun followed:

   "Part of the deity's descending divine consciousness is still below, and Qing Ke Zun should not be happy too early. After all, the deity takes a shot and kills a little girl with just one finger."

The entire Shenxian City at this time can be described as the night ups and downs, and the darkness is shrouded. Except for the momentary light brought by the thunder from time to time in the dark clouds of the North Sea, the rest of the monks can hardly see, because in this weird night, their The divine consciousness was squeezed into the body and couldn't come out, and couldn't explore all directions at all.

   Under such circumstances, these monks seem to have become ordinary people in the middle of the night, lonely and helpless in the storm.

The voice of Yan Jue Guozun’s killing intent on the sky just fell, and within Shen Xiancheng below, the sage used one finger to poke the small house where Miss Qing Tian and the surrounding area were directly into a powdery Tianchi master, looking up to the sky with wind and rain. There was a deafening roar.

The saint’s finger can be easily pointed out by the gods of the land, but the power of the source in the body of the person on the Tianchi is limited, so after this point, the holes on the huge body are densely cracked, and a lot of The lava mixed with blood flowed outwards, emitting light that was hard to ignore in the darkness of the surrounding night.

The place where the Master of Tianchi stood at this time was the small room where Ye Yi and Miss Qing Tian once avoided. Although it has been completely razed to the ground at this time, the divine consciousness that Yan Jue Guozun descended from, Can still sense the remaining will of the mother of the jungle.

   "It's right here!"

   After the faint voice fell, Yan Jue Guozun controlled the Master of Tianchi to raise his hand, and gently shook the surrounding night, before he continued to speak outside after a few breaths of thought carefully:

   "It turns out that I haven't taken that step yet, it's just the prototype of the kingdom."

   In the dense night, the words spoken by Guo Zun Yan Jue had a complex emotional flow, and then amidst the wind and rain, his voice continued to sound:

"This is both good news and bad news. The rudimentary form of a kingdom is so powerful that it can control the night and reverse the yin and yang of the day and night. If you really take that step, there will be very few people who can rival you in the entire Supreme Profound Land. Not much.

   "But now your kingdom is still in its rudimentary form, and the deity doesn't believe that at this level of cultivation, the seat under the coming of the gods will lose. This is simply a fantasy!"

The voices from the people on Tianchi are getting louder and louder, and the four words Tianfangye Tan are even louder than the constant roar of thunder above the North Sea. The next breath, the people on Tianchi make fists with both hands at the same time. The sky was stacked like heavy hammers, and then he violently hammered the night sky ahead without fancy.

   "This darkness, let me go!"

Accompanied by the double fists and hammers, a real lava core that was about to burst in an instant appeared in the entire void. The extremely hot high temperature directly evaporated the countless North Sea water that fell down in the sky into dense fog. It spread out quickly, and the thick fog that exploded in the darkness happened to outline a figure suspended in the air in the darkness.

   "I caught you!"

   Yan Jue Guozun gave a scream, and the body of the master who was controlling the Tianchi disappeared directly into the spot. In the blink of an eye, he came directly to the figure in the night, and the huge right fist once again hit his head and burst directly.

This time, Yan Jue Guozun directly spent a lot of the origin accumulated in the body of the Heavenly Lake, and shook the string of laws in the dark. The entire falling right fist was blurred, and at the same time the entire surrounding space was completely Was imprisoned, but at this moment, a young and steady voice sounded in the night, this voice was not only indifferent, but also without fear.

   "As an overhaul of a land fairyland, your nonsense is really a lot!"

This sound fell, the already extremely dense night, once again deepened a few minutes, and then a pale hand, ignoring the space confined by the law, came directly behind, before the heavy fist fell, it pressed on the master of Tianchi Chest.

   "Supernatural power. Void!"

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