The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1045: The sword shadow that appears again


read2();   The center of the Five Immortals, above the chain bridge, the vision like a volcanic eruption faded away, and the white mist of vitality engulfed the darkness once again covering all directions.

Under the suppression of the forbidden magical murloc smash and Xue Dao's incomparable deep sea origin, the huge Beihai Molong Dao statue behind Ao Bai slowly disappeared, which means that with the retreat of the golden bloodline hidden, this The chief disciple of the Five Immortals Sect had an excellent opportunity to go to the depths of the sea to carefully search for the true blood of the human race according to Xue Dao's points.

   Ao Bai will naturally not let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so he doesn't care who is helping him suddenly appeared, so he closes his eyes, sinks his mind deeply into the sea of ​​knowledge, and searches carefully.

   "The descendants of the human blood in the land of the North Sea, you should be able to cross!"

A faint voice came from under Xue Dao's black robe, and then he gently moved the fingers that point to the center of Ao Bai's eyebrows, turned his head and looked at Ye Yi who appeared beside him on the chain bridge at some point, and continued gently Open the mouth:

   "Our traces are exposed."

   "It's okay."

   Yaichi’s response is still as calm and indifferent as before, and then he retracts his gaze looking at the distant sky, looking down at the white mist that is constantly rolling under the chain bridge, and the voice continues:

"What is certain now is that the Five Immortals Sect is not very hostile to us. Even their chief disciple desperately wants to find this trace of human blood, which is enough to show that at least in the aspect of Humans, the Five Immortals are not like them. The rest of the sects from the outside world hold murderous intentions like that."

After    finished speaking, Ye Yi stretched out his right hand, took out an investigating guard and sentry guard again, and threw it directly into the abyss where the white mist roared like a beast under the chain bridge, while raising his left hand to the side and giving it a light grip.

   "Night Stalker forbidden supernatural powers. Void!"

In the next second, the void on Ye Yi’s left hand is directly as if a piece of dark cloth was caught, wrinkled and twisted in a clockwise direction. At the same time, countless mists were directly swallowed by the twisted void, including a cold-blooming Frost sword!

   This sword of frost, torn by the force of the vast void, it shattered directly, turning into countless ice crystals and falling straight down, and then suddenly sounded with a surprise voice:

   "Who is in the hinterland of the Five Immortals Sect?"

This shout fell, and on the other side of the chain bridge where Ye Yi and the two were, a very slender figure in white clothes slowly appeared. Then another disciple of the Wuxian Sect, Ao Fu, stared with ice blue eyes. The strange shape on the front cable bridge flashed a thick solemn color in his eyes.

   On the chain bridge in front of him, apart from Ao Bai, who was sitting cross-legged and extremely embarrassed, the other two large robes were shrouded, and the unclear figure was in the sense of Ao Fu, it turned out to be nothing.

Ao Fu’s cultivation level is not low. Even after awakening the human blood in her body before, her realm has surpassed Ao Bai as the chief disciple, but at this time, no matter how she mobilizes the divine sense to investigate, she can’t sense it. Any cultivation of the two in front of you.

This undoubtedly shows the strength of the person, so the woman did not dare to take any contempt, and directly raised her hands forward, the temperature of the whole body suddenly dropped to freezing point, and then another frost sword condensed out, floating in the air, the sword Feng pointed straight ahead, murderous tilt.

But then, Ao Fu's complexion changed again, because Ye Yi lifted his clenched left hand and opened it again, and patted forward. After an instant, the void between Ye Yi and the woman in white began to twist, and at the same time, the night was boundless. It began to boil, and there seemed to be countless sharp claws sticking out in the darkness, covering the whole body of Ao Fu.

   The night is boundless, the night is king!

   looked down at Ye Yi under the chain bridge, did not even look away, but the sword of frost in front of Ao Fu had already begun to shatter constantly under the extremely rich dark night law.

Afterwards, the night of the white-clothed woman easily smashed the frosty air around the body of the former, like a big hand of the world, tightly confining Ao Fu in place, and the white-clothed woman who felt this special and incomparable law straightened Bluntly debuted:

   "The mysterious monk who was in Shenxian City a few days ago, covering the day and turning day and night, is you!"

Above Aofu’s pretty face, it was a real horror at this time. Not only was the large number of monks in Shenxian City willing to spend a lot of money like the Shenji Pavilion to buy Yeyi’s information, even within the Five Immortals Sect, they were all against the heaven Overhaul is extremely curious, and this also includes Ao Fu.

Then Aofu’s dark blue eyes stared at the young, white right hand that Ye Yi extended. Instead of any fear in his eyes, curiosity grew stronger, his red lips slightly opened, and his soft and sweet voice Outgoing:

"That day in the depths of the North Sea hurricane, you should have killed the gods who descended from the Yan Jue Kingdom, right? The last roar that resounded across the sky was deafening, and it was the first time I heard the **** of land. The fairyland master made such a painful sound."

After    finished speaking, Aofuza, the woman in white, blinked and stared at Ye Yi and Xue Dao who were unresponsive in front, and continued to ask:

"I see that your hands are extremely young. I never dreamed that your age was so young. It's unbelievable, but aren't you afraid? The Lord Yan Jue has sworn you against the whole heaven. Post, this vow is recognized by the Dao of Heaven, so as long as the Yan Jue National Supreme is close to you a certain distance, he will feel it.

   "Perhaps at this time, the superior is searching for your trace in the Shenxian City outside!"

   Aofu’s reminder was kind, but he still didn’t get a response from Yeichi, and the latter continued to look down at the abyss of the cable bridge under the shining of the guards at the sentry, and gently spoke:

   "The big array below here is really extraordinary!"

After finishing the sentence, through the reflection of the black pupils of the night, you can see the endless sea of ​​golden light below the entire chain bridge. These countless golden lights emitting dazzling light, each is the law of sharpness Realize, and have endless killing power.

This kind of killing power has infinitely approached the core source of the entire killing road, and then Ye Yi and Xue Dao quietly stared at the golden array that made both eyes feel extremely tingling, and their eyes were smooth. With the circulation of this golden light, a huge core rune was gradually outlined.

   This rune is a phantom, the phantom of a golden sword!

With this long sword, the blades on both sides undulate like mountains, and each curve is the embodiment of the core of the edge. At the same time, on the sword body, countless golden flames are lingering, just like the hot flames on the sun, and the most attractive What is noticeable is that in the guard of this sword, a huge eye is intertwined with golden light.

   In the feeling of Ye Yi and Xue Dao, this dark purple eye seems to be watching them lightly.

   In fact, Yeichi is not unfamiliar with this sword, because he witnessed with his own eyes that the young emperor held this sword in his hand to kill the gods and sages. They also knew that this was a real saint.

   After a few breaths, Ye Yi slowly knelt on one knee, his head drooping, and a voice of infinite awe spread out:

   "Holy sword, holy sword!"


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