
read2();  See the world, see all beings, see yourself.

   These are the three realms of human being summarized by the master. These three realms are contrary to the core thoughts of the other great practitioners who see the big from the small, but from the world to the self, the scope is getting smaller and smaller.

  Actually, in the eyes of the Master, oneself is the heaven and the earth in the end. Therefore, the practice of cultivation is actually a circle-like reincarnation, and one who cultivates is oneself.

   The imperial garden of the White Emperor Palace, under the spring breeze, the branches and leaves of Xuan Tianmu that occupy half of the sky swayed gently, and there was a sound of singing-like singing.

   Then, behind the Yu table under the Xuantian Wood, Zhao Yu, who was sitting still, put down the pen in his hand, and on the table in front of him, there was a book that had just been written, and then a faint voice of inquiry came out:

   "Broken, in the realm of the master, you must have seen the world and sentient beings. Then do you think that the day when the master changed my fate for me, did you see yourself?"

In fact, looking back again now, the young emperor still felt that that afternoon, there was an unreal sense of trance, and then Liang Po, who stood silently beside the young emperor, raised his hand and touched his bright bald head, thinking a few times. After resting, he said:

   "Your Majesty, I feel that the last time Master, I saw all sentient beings, of course I also saw myself."

   As soon as Liang broke this statement, Zhao Yu nodded, stretched out his right hand and opened it, firmly pressed down on the written paper in front of him, and said word by word:

"Po'er, you are right, but whether it is the master who saw me in the end, I can't let him down. I want to tell the world that all the pains of the master are not in vain. Daxia and the human race are in my hands. It will only get stronger and stronger, so strong that no one can resist my footsteps sweeping the world!"

   Accompanied by the emperor Huang Huang's voice that resounded under the entire Xuantian Wood of the young emperor, the sacred decree of dragon flying and phoenix dancing under Zhao Yu's slender hand appeared particularly dazzling:

From now on, we will expand the Radiant Army and the Dire Division, return to Wangjing of Fengcheng Wang's family in Zhouzhou, return to Pengmu of Fengcheng Peng family in Zhouzhou, and be incorporated into the Radiant Army. .

Thirty breaths later, Liang Po held this decree in his hand, walked quickly out of the imperial garden lawn, and then entered the cabinet under the **** of the imperial guards, and then the cabinet was personally written by the scholar Xiao Su, copying the other After two saints with the same content, they were stamped with the cabinet seal and sent straight out of the palace.

   One of the sacred orders went to the endless mountain countless miles away from the capital city, and the other was sent to the small world of the floating island by the messenger.

At the same time, the bustling and noisy Shenjing City Taiping Ruins, after leaving the White Emperor Palace, the visitor Sicheng Sun Qian who rushed here non-stop, slowly stepped off the carriage, his complexion was dignified, and his face was dark. Don't be angry.

   After Sun Qian got out of the carriage, outside the carriage, the tour secretary Zhang Zhu, who had been waiting for news, saw it, raised his brows and moved forward, his extremely burly body came before Sun Qian, and at the same time a heavy voice sounded:

"Sun Sicheng, the last stop on the horse parade in today's dynasty test is the Taiping Ruins. Therefore, there are countless people gathered here waiting for the parade team to arrive, so the carriage is inconvenient to enter. I will wait. It's faster to walk directly back to the Yamen."

   At this time, Zhang Zhu has completely adapted to his new identity after the retired Shield Armored Army. The black robes of the watcher suit on his body are extremely fit, and he is quite restrained. Even his words are clear and concise.

   After Zhang Zhu’s voice fell, Sun Qian beside him nodded, turned around and handed a letter written in the carriage to the groom aside, and then a soft voice came out:

   "Thank you to send this letter for me to Song Mansion in Liuye Lane."

After the groom stretched out his hand to take it, Sun Qian took the lead to plunge into the endless stream of people in front of him, stepping towards the Guanyou Siyamen in Shenjing Station, and then Zhang Zhu, who was half behind the former, hesitated for a few breaths and asked. :

   "Master Si Cheng, all the officials in the Shenjing City were gathered in such a hurry, but something big happened?"

   After Zhang Zhu’s voice fell, Sun Qian did not open his mouth to explain, but as he walked, he gently opened his mouth and asked:

   "Have all the officials and officials in the entire Shenjing city arrive at the Yamen?"

   "The officials have been assisting Gyeonggi Prefecture to maintain the order of the entire walking horse and parade, and they have not gone far. Therefore, after your order, you have already returned to the yamen at this time."

   After Zhang Zhu finished speaking, he paused. Then, because of the extremely noisy crowd around him, he increased the volume and continued to speak:

"Also according to your instructions, all the senior officials of the Guanyou Division who have given the entire Daxia a teleportation point, the city, rushed back to the Shenjing City General Office. At this time, they should be waiting in the Shenjing Station to leave the station. I guess I will wait until the Yamen, they It just so happened to be here."

   "So good!"

A calm and peaceful voice came from Sun Qian's mouth, and then he raised his head and looked into the distance, his eyes crossed the dense and boundless sea of ​​people in front, and he saw the Shenjing Station standing like a giant beast of heaven and earth in the Taiping Ruins, and then took A shiver and excitement continued to sound:

   "Zhang Zhu, this time we are going to be real, maybe it's even more dangerous than the time when the endless mountain was in service, are you panicking?"

"Puzzle a ball, Zhang Niu, in order to stay in the army, tried every reason to retire Lao Tzu and I, but my old pig has been holding a sigh of breath, if this time the whole big one, next time I see him, It must be said over and over in his ears a hundred or eighty times."

After hearing the words, Zhang Zhu let out a loud roar with excitement, and then recovered a little bit of the former scorn when he served in the endless mountain. He raised his right hand like a fan, and slammed his firm chest. After twisting the stout neck and making a crackling sound, the thick voice continued to sound:

   "But this time, your Sun Sicheng can't be called Sun Cockroach anymore. It's unlucky. It should be called Sun Menghu. When the tiger came out, it sounded extremely domineering."

   "In that case, don't you Zhang Zhu belong to a mad pig?

As soon as Sun Qian came off with a ridiculous voice, Zhang Zhu's expression behind him was suddenly startled, and then his complexion flushed, and he couldn't say a word for a long time. He wanted to be dissatisfied with this unassuming nickname. .

Mo about a quarter of an hour later, under the wide yamen of the Taiping Ruins Shenjing Station, Sun Qian and Zhang Zhu, two large and one small figures, quickly stepped out of the crowd, and then Sun Qian tightened his lips and lifted them. He started to push open the door of Guanyou Division.

Accompanied by a creak and a breath, the figures in official robes waiting in the entire Guanyou Siyamen raised their heads and focused their eyes on Sun Qian, who was not burly, and the latter also Not for sale, and directly sounded with a unique sound of air leakage:

   "Everyone, your majesty has an order to announce the official opening of the Valley of the Giants, one of the eight forbidden areas in the world. In other words, after a few months after the establishment of the Guanyou Division, we will officially enter the daily lives of the trillions of people in Daxia."

   The voice rolled, resounding throughout the government office, and then Sun Qian turned his head to the corner, watching a middle-aged figure standing there, and continued to speak slowly:

   "You have no joking, Your Majesty has begun to fulfill his promises, your good days in Leizhou and Zhenhuangcheng in the southwest are here!"

   Along with Sun Qian's voice, the figure standing steadily in the corner opened his mouth and laughed.

   This man has one-armed, blond hair and a burly body. He is a retired veteran from the deserted city of Southwest Town, Lao Jin!


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