The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1065: Tiger father without dogs


read2();   It was noon, and the smoky smoke from all over the city began to rise upward, and then thick smoke and fire began to permeate the largest city in the vast land of China, even walking down the street Above, you can smell the mouth-watering rich taste of the food.

But at this time, whether the people are in their respective homes or in the bustling, endless stream of restaurants, everyone is not willing to taste the food at this moment, but is talking about something unexpected, that is, the Guanyou Division The big movement made by announcing the world today.

   Open the Valley of the Giants to the entire Daxia people!

   But for this matter, all men and women of Daxia have completely different understandings and reactions.

Men, no matter how old they are, the little babies who are still in the snow in the school, the old people who are old enough to be old, are all gearing up and excited, and even more, such as Mr. Wu in Qingsong Town, Ganzhou, in the town. Less than a quarter of an hour after I saw the notice, I was already at home numbly packed up.

Then the old man carried the cloth bag with the clothes on his back, and rushed straight into the Tie Zhu's house next door, and began to pull down his old face, begging Tie Zhu's wife to help him say something nice, and see if he could be among the first batch of giants' valley views. Among the qualifications of travellers.

   The look of the old man is sincere and moving. According to his statement, even in it, he has no regrets and no regrets. Even the little girl Tie Lan's bickering on the side doesn't even care, but the old tears are in tears, and he rolls to death.

In the end, Tie Zhu’s daughter-in-law had nothing to do, and promised to help her write a letter to the capital city, to see if she could make Tie Zhu, who is a nightmare secretary, find a way. This made Old Man Wu calm down a bit. , But this old man who saw Yu Sheng's greatest wish still remained extremely stubborn and refused to leave. His name is, he won't stop until he achieves his goal.

On the other hand, the middle-aged women after Daxia got married, looking at their men's excitement like chicken blood, they all looked puzzled, and then they couldn't bear the former's rants, and they spoke in an angry manner. Asked:

   "Isn't it a so-called valley of giants? Could it be that there is real gold and silver in it, and you can make a fortune if you go in, and it makes you so excited?"

   "How can you, a woman, understand the principle of a good man's ambitions in the four directions? How can a man in Daxia never have this dream of going to the forbidden area with a sword in his heart!"

   was merciless in the husband’s response, and then he put down the tableware and prepared to walk out to join the neighbor’s man together. At the same time, the voice continued:

"This valley of the giants is one of the eight forbidden places. It once blocked countless people directly. Once your husband and I are lucky enough to step into it, I will leave my name directly in history. This will be a great honor for our children in the future. After you are sensible, you will be proud of me."

After the voice of    fell, the man would put his cocooned hands back because of the hard work on weekdays, preparing to cross the threshold, but the voice of his wife behind him stopped him:

"I can't help but I don't understand this as a woman, but your Majesty has established the Observatory, and opening up this so-called Valley of the Giants must have his own intentions. I believe your Majesty, so I will not stop you, but before that , You come back to me to clean the dishes."

  As soon as he said this, the man who was about to step out of the threshold immediately retracted his steps, turned around, walked back to the kitchen with a smile on his face, rolled up his sleeves, and said softly:

   "Lady, you said it earlier, I have washed all the bowls in the past six months."

Just as this kind of situation was happening everywhere in the Shenjing City, the carriage from the Baidi Palace in Zizhu Alley of Shenjing City, at the gate of the official residence of the State of Wei, slowly stopped, and then the old man Xu Sheng and the Tianhui Army Xu Qing two people The figure walked out of the carriage, and Xu Jin and Xu Hao, who had been waiting for a long time at the gate of the mansion, flashed their eyes and rushed forward.

   But the siblings who came to Wei Guogong had no time to speak, so they heard the old man in front of him speak first:

   "Xu Hao, when you slap your ass, old man, I know what you're going to fart. I don't eat lunch. I wait for the old man at the door. It must be related to the opening of the Valley of Giants by the Guanyou Division."

  Wei Guogong's bell-like voice fell, and Xu Hao, who was poked at the center of the matter, showed a big smile, then the chicken nodded like a rice pecking, and at the same time the voice came out:

   "He who knows me, grandpa too, grandpa, you must also want to know what exactly is inside this valley of giants of the Forbidden Land, not to mention that this passionate young man like me is really itchy and hard to bear, I want to see what happened!"

   "So you let my grandfather, Wei Guogong, look down and ask for a few places from the visitor secretary Sun Qian?"

   As the response sounded through the gate of the Wei State Palace, Xu Sheng stepped forward and took the lead into the mansion in front of him, and Xu Hao, who followed him, nodded vigorously again, and a rather embarrassed voice came out:

"According to our Daxia practice, unless His Majesty personally orders strict control of such quotas, a small number of them will be transferred between the ministries, which is equivalent to a reward for the hard work of the six departments and 15 departments. If you speak, grandpa, others will definitely be convinced. , This is the first time I beg Grandpa like this."

After Xu Hao finished speaking, together with the second young lady Xu Jin, they looked forward to Wei Guogong who was striding forward with great anticipation, but the latter shook his head. As a result, the two brothers and sisters suddenly became disappointed, but Xu Sheng The following words gave the two a kind of hope again:

"The old man, as the Grand Master Wei Guogong, naturally couldn't hold back his face and grab the place in the valley of the giants from the people below, but you two little guys are also good-looking on weekdays, and have not asked the old man for anything. After the meal, you waited with the old man to return to Yulongguan, and played against the sergeants who had merged with Dao Soul.

"If you win, old man, I will lower your face and help you get a few places. Not only you two, but also your friends in Zizhu Lane can go together, but if you lose unfortunately, then grandpa will be ugly. Speaking ahead, not only will we obediently wait for this valley of giants to fully open, but we will also suffer some flesh and blood."

   After the words fell, the old Wei Guogong slowed down, turned his head to look at the grandson next to him, his eyes burning, and then Xu Hao raised his fist and clenched his face with confidence, and gently responded:

   "I wait for the son of Wei Guogong, one of the fourteenth surnames of the Ying surname, of the Xu family, have I ever flinched the slightest?"

   "Good boy, ambitious!"

   Wei Guogong Xu Sheng Yangtian let out a big laugh, raised his hand and slapped Xu Hao's head next to him. Compared to Xu Sheng, who is burly and burly, Xu Hao, who is still young, is like a newly born tiger cub.

   But there has been a saying in the human race since ancient times that the tiger father has no dogs, right?


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