
read2();  Mountain Yulongguan fortress has a large area, and is the tip of the three barriers outside the Daxia endless mountain. Ten million troops once stationed and lived in it, and this Yulong Xiongguan Within, all other living facilities were abandoned and only born for combat.

Because the largest frontline troops in Daxia once gathered, the huge area in Yulong Pass was directly divided into areas with different functions. It was simple and clear, but also iron-blooded and efficient. Now, Yulong Pass has withdrawn. The recruits moved in. Some areas were already free, but there were also many areas that became more busy.

Jade Dragon Pass is not far from the transfer platform. A large number of recruit camps rise from the ground and stretch into pieces. Between the camps, there are a large number of young sergeants who have just been transferred to Yulong Pass, looking around curiously, full of vigor. The noisy atmosphere of the city skyrocketed, after just a few months of transformation, this place has become a lively gathering area.

Every distance in the camp, there will be a fire-head army, holding huge pots and shovel, churning back and forth over the blazing stove, cooking exotic animal meat rich in vitality from the vast land of China, and at the same time rich The extremely scent rose to the sky, causing the recruits who had just returned from training to swallow.

Then an extremely young hand stretched out from the side and grabbed one of the fattest animal legs. This action caused a middle-aged sergeant in the Fire Head Army who was bowing his head to frown. The behavior of the reckless and unruly recruit, then his face was stern, and he raised his head just about to scold him, but after seeing a young and handsome face, his complexion changed suddenly, showing a smile that he thought was extremely kind, and he spoke. :

   "Which wind brought you, Deputy Commander Wang, and the command slowed you down. If you don't have enough to eat, I still have it here. Make sure you are full."

The voice of the middle-aged fire-head sergeant fell, and Wang Jing was not polite. He stretched out his left hand underneath and took a thin leg and threw it to Peng Mu who was aside. Then he sat down and took a bite of the aroma in his hand. After overflowing the stovepipe, while chewing, he said gently:

   "Old Xu, the alien animal meat you made, somehow always feels different from the rest of the people. It is extraordinarily tender. If you can't eat it after you leave here, I will miss it."

   "Commander Wang Miuzan, I am also a pot, a fire, just do this."

Hearing Wang Jing’s praise, Lao Xu, the middle-aged soldier of the fire-headed army, was humble, but his heart blossomed with joy. His dark face showed a smile that could not be hidden. He glanced at Wang Jing in front of him. He Peng Mu continued to speak:

"Earlier, the entire Yulongguan army spread, saying that Deputy Commander Wang and Lieutenant Peng will soon be called into the palace by His Majesty and formally incorporated into the Tianhui Army, although we all know that The abilities of the two of you and others are sure to set foot on a larger stage, but if you really hear it, you are still happy in your heart. After all, it is also a lifetime blessing to be the same as the celestial army!"

   The words of the fire head army old Xu were sincere with envy, and then he raised his hand to pat his chest, and said proudly:

   "If the two Radiant Army adults still don't dislike it by then, as long as Xu is still in this army for a day, I can cook this beast meat for you at any time, or the kind that I can take care of."

As soon as Lao Xu said this, Wang Jing and Peng Mu suddenly smiled and ate the beast meat in their hands three times, five times two, and patted the former on the shoulder, stepped forward, and continued along the camp. The road in between, headed towards the commander's camp.

Along the way, the soldiers around after learning the news gathered around and shouted congratulations. Although Wang Jing was transferred to this Yulong Pass not long ago, his unassuming personality and the natural personality that can gather everyone around him The charm has become one with almost every soldier, so in a short while, Wang Jing and Peng Mu were directly besieged in a circle, and it was difficult to move.

At the same time, the recruits who walked out of the surrounding self-employed camps looked at the same extremely young two in the crowd. There was worship in their eyes, naked worship, because since Zhao Yu became the throne, the Radiant Army built by him has arrived. At this time, it has already penetrated into the hearts of all the people of Daxia, and it represents the supreme glory and the undefeated intrepidity.

   In other words, every taboo of the Radiant Army is the God of War in the Great Xia Army!

The ready-made quasi-war gods are right in front of them. Therefore, in the area where Wangjing and Pengmu are located, more and more soldiers began to gather around, blocking the water that surrounded the two of them, just to take a second look. Human appearance.

  In this situation, Wang Jing, who had far underestimated his own influence, showed a rather helpless smile. Then, a loud shout coming from far and near quickly saved the two besieged:

   "The commander summoned Deputy Commander Wang Jing, Lieutenant Peng Mu, and the rest to escape and return to camp!"

As soon as the energetic military order came out, the Jade Dragon Guan, who had already engraved the order prohibition into the bones, broke away directly, and then returned to the camp at an extremely fast speed. After only a few dozen breaths, Wang Jing and the two were already there. Since the original water can't drain, it will be empty.

   Then Wang Jing stepped forward and gave a military salute to a guard of Wei Guogong who came in front of him, and said softly:

   "Thanks to the general for breaking the siege. The commander has returned from the capital? It is so good. I plan to go to the commander's camp to take over when I wait for this trip."

   "Deputy Commander Wang does not need to be polite, the commander just returned, please come with me."

After about a quarter of an hour, the figures of Wang Jing and Peng Mu slowly stepped into the central camp at Yulongguan, and then their eyes narrowed, because behind the camp table, not only was Wei Guogong Xu Sheng's burly seated. Two young men with curious faces stood quietly, Xu Hao and Xu Jin who came from the capital city.

   "Final, see Lord Marshal!"

Wang Jing and Peng Mu paid the military salute. Xu Sheng, who was looking down at the map in front of him, slowly raised his head, and if there were people in the Imperial Palace of that day, he would definitely find the huge map in front of Wei Guogong. The power distribution map of the Taixuan Land sent by Ye Yi cross-border is not bad at all.

   Then Xu Sheng's steady and extremely heavy gaze stared from top to bottom at Wangjing and Peng Mu who stood in the hall, not humbled, and said with a smile:

   "Although the time is not long, but Er and the other two can be regarded as soldiers brought out of the old man's hands, and Er etc. can enter the palace and become a member of the Radiant Army. I am very pleased with the old man."

  After the old Wei Guogong finished speaking, he raised his hand to stop the two people below who were about to bow and bow, and the sound like a bell continued to resound throughout the camp:

"You should understand that when your Majesty just established the Radiant Army and the Night Dire Division, the two sharp blades composed of all taboos, the identity of each person in them are kept secret, including now, what the world knows It is Liang Po and a few people, but this time, you and the other two were elected to the Radiant Army, but the whole army knows it, so what do you know?"

When Xu Sheng said this, it was intangible, but the heavy pressure like a mountain rushed directly at Wang Jing and Peng Mu, their complexions suddenly became extremely solemn, and then the entire huge camp tent. , The old Wei Guogong's voice continued to ring:

   "Because in this new era, at the moment when the Great Enemy of the Great Profound Land, Daxia needs heroes, and you and others, are you ready to be Daxia's heroes?"


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