The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1071: Puppet division


read2();   dozens of blue and white light beams, rising from the transmission platform of the Yulongguan Stone Statue Tower to the sky, and then in the sky with three rounds of scorching sun, sending out a bunch of mysterious transmissions Zhihua disappeared in place with Wang Jing and his party.

   "Is the golden scales a thing in the pool? Once the wind and cloud change the dragon, Da Xia, the younger generation, will also follow your Majesty to shoulder the heavy responsibility of defending the country."

   On the transmission platform, the commander of the Thunder Army made Li Kaicheng look away. After the sigh came out, the commander of the Shield Mountain Army standing next to him nodded, and the vigorous response sounded:

"That being said, don't forget Li Kaicheng, we are not old now, we are in prime of life, and if we retreat and let the juniors steal the limelight, then we will be belittled by the monks in the land of supremacy. Go into the dust."

This extremely burly and powerful commander of the Shield Mountain Army is also the foster father who cultivated Peng Mu. There are still a lot of commanders of the various military forces who are sending off Wangjing and others on this stone tower transmission platform. There was a lot of standing there, and at the same time these commanders looked at the shield mountain army commander and Li Kaicheng with unconcealed envy.

   After all, soldiers value love, and being a teacher for one day is a father for life. The children in the family turn into dragons, and it is not a great honor to be a teacher and adoptive father.

"The wave behind the Yangtze River pushes the wave forward. This era is changing. Now young people can no longer simply judge from the perspective of the past, because there are too many monsters. This commander will go to the new barracks to see it. Miaozi, you can cultivate to the physique of Dao Soul Fusion in a very short time, you have to settle down quickly."

   Before the voice on the teleportation platform fell, Li Kaicheng's figure had already walked quickly towards the new barracks. After hearing this, the other commanders' complexions changed suddenly, and they also stepped to keep up. At the same time, an angry voice came out:

   "Well, you Li Kaicheng, it's not enough to have a Wangjing. You are a chicken thief who wants to eat meat for yourself, and you don't even save soup for us."

Since Zhao Yu concentrated all Daxia’s recruits at Yulong Pass, the commander’s robbery battles like this have occurred almost every day, and for those extremely talented recruits, the commanders of the army have become anxious. He even did not hesitate to end the kidnapping himself.

   As Li Kaicheng said, today's times have changed. After Murong and this sword were cut off by Zhao Yu, the rivers and lakes were completely diminished. The first choice for countless young people was no longer the so-called sect, but the Daxia Military.

At the same time, in the small world of the floating island, in the breeze, the neighing sound of Xiaohuang from the dragon's horse, like a dragon's roar, carries a completely different emotion from the usual. People who are familiar with it will find that this head is extremely The spiritual emperor's car, the roar at this time was filled with flattery, extreme flattery.

   And between the whole world, it is self-evident that Xiao Huang can be so flattering!

  The Lord of Great Summer descends on the small world of floating island!

On the side of the small world’s main island, under the inclination of countless resources of the imperial court, a large number of buildings with different functions are built around the Yinshan Great Lord, who sits on the ground and spreads across the sky. There was a huge gathering area, and this gathering area, at this time, lived in the entire Daxia ninety percent of the master craftsmen.

Not far from the side of the Silver Mountain, there is an extremely large building. Its three sides are all enclosed by solid masonry, and there are a large number of sergeants patrolling back and forth, no idlers can enter, and from a bird’s eye view of the sky, the building is square, The edges and corners are distinct, and above the gate of this building, there are three big characters that shine.

   Puppet Division!

Inside this puppet division, there are a total of more than thousands of rooms. At the same time, in each room, there is a craftsman from the Ministry of Industry or from the Ministry of Organism who shuttles back and forth, making pieces of functions. Various puppet parts.

This puppet division building was originally built for the organ sect in the underground sect hall, but after the former was completely compiled by the Ministry of Industry, the old Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry did not stop doing two things, and directly borrowed the ancient lava giant lava from Zhao Yu. The entire main hall was pulled out from the ground, and then moved into the small world of this floating island as a whole.

   The mechanism sect has a long history and has a long history. Therefore, there is a set of ready-made production lines used by the mechanism sect to make puppets in the puppet division, which can save a lot of time.

At the same time, with the full support of the young emperor, the old Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry at the age of returning to the hometown, talked about juvenile madness, completely let go of his hands and feet, and made frequent shots. They were all big hands and put a lot of ideas that had once been shocked. In action.

Because it is separated from the endless mountain, the time in the small world of the floating island is also extremely unobvious. I don’t know the old book of the day and night outside. At this time, he is wearing a black and dirt-resistant tight-sleeved master suit, sitting on the ground. Leaned against the corner of the room and rested temporarily.

   Then he raised his black right hand, and after wiping it casually on his clothes, he directly grabbed the dry food placed beside him, delivered it to his mouth, and chewed it.

The hall where Lao Shangshu is located is in the deepest part of the entire puppet division. It has a huge area, and it looks like daylight under countless lights. Then he chews in the corner and stares at the red slender figure in front of him. The old man swallowed the dry food in his mouth and said loudly:

   "Hong Chen, take a break first, eat dry food to regain your energy, otherwise your body will be overwhelmed.

   The sound of Lao Shangshu lingering in the brightly lit hall was full of breath, and then a cold response sounded in the center of the hall:

   "Master Shangshu, you will enjoy it first, and I will rest after I finish this work."

   At this time, there are only Lao Shangshu and Xi Hongchen in the whole hall, and the rest of the figures who are constantly holding various parts shuttle back and forth are all organ puppets controlled by the girl in red with transparent silk thread.

   I saw these weirdly shaped organ puppets lined up from outside the hall, and at extremely fast and precise speed, they put the parts in their hands into the main body of the puppet in front of the washing red dust.

   Then, under the control of the red-clothed girl, he moved eight spider-like insect legs to leave. After a while, he returned with the parts, back and forth, as if he would never get tired.

  Such a situation is complicated but orderly, and even gives a sense of pleasing collaboration.

As the organ puppets continue to piece together, at this time, in front of the washing red dust, a rectangular behemoth gradually appeared in its embryonic form. It was about three people tall and looked like a city brick magnified countless times from a distance, but only the old Shang Shu and Xi Hongchen understood how mysterious this huge puppet was.

Numerous precision parts, combined with the mysterious runes, are spliced ​​with each other in an extremely complex combination. At this time, on the head of the washing red dust standing upright in the hall, there is a huge structure map suspended above this structure map. The lines are criss-crossed, and there is not even any extra white space.

Each horizontal and vertical on the picture represents a delicate part. Ordinary people will be dazzled even at the first glance, but the red shadow has his eyes open and staring at the top intently while using divine thoughts. , Controlling the puppet with twenty or thirty heads to assemble.

This is a picture that anyone can admire. In a corner of the temple, the old book from the Ministry of Industry is sending dry food to his mouth with a black hand, watching the washing red dust standing proudly in front of the temple, and muttering Praise:

   "What a thorny rose!"


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