
read2();   The most indispensable way for two forces, or two races, to get to know each other and get acquainted with each other is communication, and there is always someone who wants to step out of this communication. step.

   In fact, for the Daxia and the Barbarians at this time, the strength of the two can be said to be very different.

  The few jungle barbarians left in the tribe, and even the Shenmu ancestral court that was once located in the depths of the southern barbarian, have no strength to garrison, so the tribe migrated to the eastward stronghold outside the southern barbarian, relying on the deserted town to restore its vitality.

   It is no exaggeration to say that as long as Zhao Yu ordered, the wild army in the deserted city could easily engulf the barbarians, but the young emperor did not do it, but gave them unimaginable respect.

"The sky is wide and the earth is wide, and there are mountains outside the mountains. It is a kind of fate to be able to live together in this vast land of China. Every kind race has the right to survive. Otherwise, the vast land of China is only human. How boring it would be, presumably God is not willing to see such a situation."

   A steady and mellow voice came from Zhao Yu's mouth, and then Sun Qian, the watcher Sicheng who was walking behind the young emperor, nodded, and then Zhao Yu continued to speak in his ears:

"Since ancient times, the blood of my Daxia human race is the blood of peace with friends who come from afar. Although Daxia is glorious, we will not be stingy when friends come, and the facts have proved it. , Who became our enemy, are all dead."

Zhao Yu’s understatement contained the domineering power that shocked the world, and it also embodied the boundless mind of an emperor. After that, half of Zhao Yu’s position behind him, Si Si Cheng and Sun Qian raised his hand and bowed forward and spoke sincerely. Road:

   "Your Majesty Shengming, I am a great country, and I should have such tolerance."

   "Benevolence is another aspect, and on the other hand, I have other considerations."

At this time, the young emperor and his party were talking on foot between the green tree house and the black stone house in the Dongwang stronghold. Then, Zhao Yu took the rouge while looking around at the strange sights on both sides, and continued Open the mouth:

"In fact, I never thought that within this Dongwang stronghold, the barbarians and the people of Leizhou in the deserted city would get along so harmoniously with each other. Apart from [笔趣阁], I live in a house. Apart from the difference, there is no other obvious conflict."

   After Zhao Yu's words fell, Sun Qian behind him thought for a few breaths and responded:

  "Your Majesty, in fact, there are certain reasons for the harmony in the Dongwang stronghold. First, the barbarians are weak, our clan is strong, and the strength determines the status. The barbarians under the fence are inherently weak, so naturally they dare not excessively create conflicts.

"This second point, in fact, in a sense, apart from the totems on the faces, the barbarians have very similar habits with Leizhou Ziming, who also lives in the dense forest. This also gives Dongwang a stronghold. The peaceful coexistence provides the foundation.

"Most of the people living in the southwest in the Dongwang stronghold are the powerful hunters and chambers of commerce in the deserted city, while the barbarians are one of the creatures who know the jungle best in the entire Nanbarb. Therefore, both sides take what they need, and You can cooperate in hunting."

   At this point, Sun Qian squinted his eyes and continued to think for a few breaths, and continued to speak solemnly:

"There is also a little bit of vitality. Today, the strongest among the barbarians and the spiritual pillars of the Barbarian sisters, are serving under your majesty, and they have acquired the status of Yudie by naturalization and become citizens of Daxia. Therefore, these barbarians are in their hearts. Among them, I have longing for me."

Sun Qian’s response voice is clear and the conditions of the people and the barbarians in the Dongwang stronghold are thoroughly analyzed, showing an insight far beyond ordinary people, and then Zhao Yu in front of him withdraws his eyes from looking around. , There was a slight smile on his face without anger, he turned his head slightly, and slowly said to the former:

   "So Sun Sicheng, when you encounter other races in the future, you don't need me to teach you how to do it?"

   The softly questioning voice of Zhao Yu was not loud, but it continued to roar in Sun Qian's mind like a thunderbolt, and it lasted for a long time.

   Then the thoughtful champion and the second master disciple stayed in place subconsciously, looking at the tall and tall back figure who was holding rouge in front of him, slowly stepping forward, the color of astonishment on his dark face became more and more intense.

After a while, Sun Qian, who had recovered from his senses, took a deep breath, only to feel that the warm Nanman air was as hot as magma at this time, and then it suppressed the emotion that was rolling in his heart. Quickly caught up with Zhao Yu who had already walked some distance ahead.

  After a few more breaths, Sun Qian caught up with the young emperor, pursing his lips, trying his best to control the voice, not to let it tremble, and then gently spoke:

   "Your Majesty's vision and broad-mindedness make the ministers feel ashamed and shameless."

"Sun Qian, you have to understand that as an emperor, you need to look farther and think more about every decision you make, whether it is to establish the Guanyou Division or choose to open the Valley of Giants, my thoughts and achievements There is no single purpose."

   The still steady voice came from Zhao Yu's mouth, and then he walked a distance with his arm. The slightly tired rouge rested on the tree chair beside him for a while, and continued to speak:

"My first wish, naturally, is to use the valley of the giants to let the people of Daxia see a bigger and different world. This can also improve the people's ability to withstand the truth of the world. To pave the way for the spread of the news of the land.

"After all, this place is the greatest test facing us and the entire country, and it will also be the most complicated crisis faced by our Divine Land human race since it was recorded. A little carelessness is the destruction of the country and the race. So I need all the people to have a clear understanding of it."

   After the young emperor’s voice fell, Sun Qian, who was standing next to him, nodded and responded:

   "Your Majesty will let all the people know about the enemy in advance, and the minister agrees, but although the forbidden areas have been opened up and other measures have been adopted, because time is too limited, I am afraid that it will still trigger a violent tsunami."

   "Shocks and panic are inevitable. Even the hard-minded officials in the temple took a long time to accept, let alone ordinary citizens."

Zhao Yu’s response was calm and solemn, because this was the most intuitive question before him and all Daxia officials. Then he looked at Sun Qian’s wise eyes in front of him, his lips slightly opened, and his voice Continue to spread:

"Your responsibility for the Department of Observation and Tourism is not light, and the task of our company is to control as much as possible the panic when the news is released half a year later. The enemy is coming, and there is still a lot of time for the remaining six departments and fourteen departments. I can’t spare too many people to help you."

  As soon as he said this, strong pressure was suddenly added to Sun Qian's shoulders. The latter prostrated himself on the ground and did not want to get up for a long time. Then Zhao Yu stretched out his hand and raised it falsely and continued to speak:

   "I can provide you with an idea, because all fears come from the unknown and the weak, so Sun Qian, you, let all the people truly feel the power of our Daxia!"


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