The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1095: The future of the barbarian


read2();   As Sun Qian said, the barbarians who have lived in the southern jungles for generations have a firm belief in the mother of the jungle, so no matter where they migrate, they will inevitably stand up religiously. A temple for the people to pray and sacrifice.

   With the consent of the Daxia Ximan Prince’s Mansion, the Temple of the Mother of the Jungle of the Barbarians in the Dongwangguan Pass was built at the center of the stronghold circle. From the outside, it is actually a very simple tree house.

There are not many things in the temple tree house. Except for the star vines that are full of natural green awns, only the large number of grass futons on the ground will attract people’s attention. The front of the temple is originally It should be placed on the platform for worshipping gods, things are even less pitiful, and even the vitality of life that should have been extremely strong has become extremely dull.

   The difficult situation of the barbarians today is evident.

Because almost all the surviving barbarians at this time went to welcome the first batch of tourists in Daxia, the temple was sparsely populated, and the futon used for prayers and sacrifices on the ground was mostly empty, only the altar. Down, sitting cross-legged three figures.

   Two sisters of the Barbarian family, and an older Barbarian woman.

Man Yuanyuan, with four horizontal bar runes painted on her face, folded her hands and closed her eyes to the barbarian altar above in prayer. Next to her, the petite and exquisite Man Pingping with a round face also followed her sister's appearance. , Put his little hands together in prayer, even the brutal beast named Qiqiu on the girl's shoulders was a charming appearance with small wings.

Not far in front of the two sisters, there is a small platform entwined with ancient branches. According to the records of the barbarians, there should be a drop of blood on the sacrificial platform. It can accept all the barbarians’ offerings and can Use this to talk to the Mother of the Jungle, but now, the sky is empty.

In the legend of the barbarians, the life of the first barbarian was given by the mother of the jungle, so no matter whether there is a drop of blood on the altar, it cannot affect their devotion to the mother of the jungle. This is The culture of the Barbarian people is imprinted in the bones, so both Yuanyuan and the young Pingping prayed extremely earnestly and meticulously.

   After a while, Man Yuanyuan first opened her eyes, put down her hands, and then gently spoke to the old woman wearing an ancient green robe:

   "High priest, are the barbarians still used to living in the Dongwang stronghold during this time?"

  Man Yuanyuan’s question fell, and the old sacrificial woman of the Barbarian tribe looked at the girl who was sitting cross-legged, her wheat-colored skin exuding thrilling charm. After being stunned, she responded:

   "Return to Lord Saint, everything is well, Daxia and Zhenhuangcheng have given us the greatest respect."

   After finishing speaking, the old woman's complexion changed for a while, hesitated for a few breaths, and finally continued to speak:

   "It's just that there are some old people among us who have been thinking about the former Shenmu ancestral court, and clamoring to go back."

As soon as she said this, Man Yuanyuan's brows wrinkled slightly, and a massive and vast aura suddenly appeared in the entire temple, almost suffocating like thousands of stars falling, and this aura came quickly and disappeared quickly. , But the old barbarian woman next to the girl only felt that the whole person was flying in a circle above the nine heavens, almost collapsed, and then her ears sounded the former's somewhat cold voice:

   "They should know that, with the current power of the barbarian clan, returning to the ancestral garden of the sacred tree in the southern jungle is simply giving food to the barbarian beast?"

   "Knowing is knowing, but they are not reconciled, thinking that they can repair the sacred wood barrier that was destroyed during the war."

  The old voice of the old man sacrificed to the priest was a little hoarse, and then he glanced at the expressionless Man Yuanyuan beside him, and continued to speak cautiously:

   "Furthermore, they hope that the Saintess can return with arrogance and lead the barbarians to glory again."

As soon as the old woman’s voice fell, the entire temple fell directly into the audible silence of the needle drop, but the girl who did not speak, the mighty force of the stars on her body became stronger and stronger, even causing The old barbarian woman on the side showed a layer of sweat on her forehead.

   In the end, Man Yuanyuan's frowning brows gradually stretched, her red lips slightly opened, and she responded:

"When the last saint mother-in-law was here, she had been trying to get out of the southern barbarian jungle. This jungle may be very big in your eyes, but in fact it is very small, so small that it is so insignificant. Now it is hard to get out. Opportunity, but you waited to go back again, why is this?"

After    Man Yuanyuan’s questioning fell, she did not speak to the old barbarian woman on the side, but directly continued to speak:

   "Do you think that after the former life and death enemy deserters are killed by Da Xia, the entire southern barbarian jungle will become the world of barbarians? Or is it their life's desire to live in the jungle forever?"

Man Yuanyuan’s two questions in a row made the sweat bead on the forehead of the old sacrificial woman beside him even more, and she stammered hard to speak. Then Man Yuanyuan raised her hand and touched the little girl Pingping who also showed an angry expression. In the head, a cold and steady voice came out again:

"Those old guys want to go back by themselves, and I won’t stop them, but if the rest of the barbarian people want to stay in the Dongwang stronghold, none of them can be taken away. Don’t ask me why, because so far, I’m still the whole The saint of the barbarian."

After    finished her words, Man Yuanyuan got up, gently pulled up her sister on the side, and took a step outside the tree house temple. At the same time, a cold voice sounded inside the temple:

"Bringing my words to you, I will not stop your actions, but you will have to bear the cost. And this time when I come back, I want to tell you that I will be very busy in the next few years, He Ping Ping and the two will hardly return to the Nanban jungle, so you wait for it to do it yourself, and hope that when I come back next time, the barbarians will not be completely extinct."

   The words of the barbarian girl completely changed the expression of the old woman who was originally ugly. She hurriedly got up, stretched out her hand and said:

   "My Lord Saint, my barbarians are on the verge of extinction, please don't abandon the barbarians!"

"I have found the best direction for the barbarians and brought the barbarians to the edge of the new world. As for whether or not to take this step, the decision lies not with me, but with yourself. In many cases, it is not that I want to abandon. It is often you who abandon you!"

  Man Yuanyuan's voice continued to linger in the temple, and then the figures of the two sisters completely stepped out of the temple, and at the same time, Zhao Yu wearing a short shirt appeared in the eyes of the two.

   Then, Man Yuanyuan dropped her head, kneeled on one knee, and said respectfully:

   "Nightmare Siman Yuanyuan, see your Majesty!"

   "Is it clear?"

   "It's clear."

   "Then follow us and others to the Valley of the Giants to take a look."

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