The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1104: One finger cracked ice


read2();   "Your Majesty, I just saw it here."

In the valley of giants, not far from where the lava giants boasted, the earth is frozen and the wind and frost are flying. In the environment of the rest of the southern jungle, there are several figures slowly stepping on the frost, and then they come from the tour Si Si Cheng Sun Qian's voice sounded.

   After the sound fell, Sun Qian slowly turned around, squinting his eyes and looking at the bone platform in the distance, and this direction happened to be the direction from the young black skin's gaze.

   The two eyes were intertwined, the black skin staring at the platform suddenly let out a muffled hum, and took a step back subconsciously. At the same time, Zhao Yu’s gentle voice came from the front of Sun Qian’s ear:

   "Sun Qian, it doesn't matter, just a curious little guy."

   After the voice of the young emperor fell, Sun Qian nodded, turned and continued to follow Zhao Yu's back, then opened his lips lightly, and said slowly:

"The minister once heard Lord Ximan tell your Majesty’s past in the valley of giants. At that time, Lord Ximan was trapped in this ancient giant. After that, His Majesty’s divine sense and sea map came here, and the blood-shattering battle began, and the earth broke. Frozen for thousands of miles is really tragic, and the minister can't help but yearn for it."

   "Sun Qian, you are wrong. In fact, that battle has little to do with me. At best, I just brought our Shenzhou vast land and heaven here, and finally waved it."

In front of Sun Qian, Zhao Yu's response with a slight smile came, and then a layer of Zhao Yu, who was shining like stars, shrouded in silver, clenched the rouge right hand in his hand, and stared peacefully at the front. It is the world of frost, and continued to speak:

"Furthermore, Lava boasted that this guy should be around here. I can imagine that his face must be ugly at this time, but this is understandable. Most people can't be happy when they see their own slough being frozen in this way. ."

   But after the voice of the young emperor fell, Zhao Yu's big eyes curled up, smiling rouge, red lips lightly opened, and a soft voice came out:

   "The concubine thinks that lava exaggerated people will not be like this, and they are all kind on weekdays."

   "That's why you haven't seen this guy's violent temper just after he came out of the Giant's Valley. He is a lava giant, and his temper will definitely not get any better."

After Zhao Yu’s response fell, the group of people got closer and closer to the lava boasting like a mountain of ice in front of them, and the frosty air around the whole was even worse, not just the ground, but the void around everyone. Dense dark blue ice crystals began to float.

   Then Rouge, who was wrapped in the young emperor's silver kingdom, looked around for a week, and continued to sound with a little surprise:

"Your Majesty, before my concubines came, I never thought about this valley of giants in the depths of the southern barbarians. Not only is it not the typical barbaric appearance surrounded by the scorching sun and green trees, but it looks like the one you used to say some time ago. A place of extreme north and severe cold."

   "As you said by Rouge, this valley of giants is indeed a bit like the depths of the northernmost snowfield in the vast land of China, especially the dense ice crystals floating around. This is actually the mystery of the whole world."

   Zhao Yu's response fell, and he raised his hand and waved forward.

Between the sleeves, the sky and the earth were blowing, and countless ice crystals and cold mist floating in front of them, under the action of a gentle breeze, lined up to spread out to both sides, revealing a wide stretch of lava that goes straight to the front. Avenue.

   At the same time, they, which were originally up and down, stayed in place and motionless under the action of a mighty force, and then Zhao Yu continued to lead Rouge and walked into the path that surrounded his body like stars.

"Rouge, I have promised you that I will not learn from Taizu Grandpa. I will leave my grandmother alone in this world and guard a lone lamp until I grow old. No matter where I go, I will take you with you. Because my grandma was going to find relatives, I didn't take you with me when I conquered Nanban, so I wrote you a letter."

   On the ice crystal road, after Zhao Yu fell with a gentle voice, Rouge held the former's hand tightly, and then a smiling voice sounded:

   "Of course, the concubine remembers that when the letter from your majesty arrived, the concubine was accompanied by grandma on the carriage going to the waist state, and was then read out in public by the little guy from the fish fry. At that time, she was ashamed."

"I wrote in that family letter. I want to put all the scenery of Nanban in my eyes and bring it back to the palace for you to see. At this time, I personally bring you to this Nanban jungle to see this. What is the difference between the scene and what I once saw?"

   "There is still a difference, everything in your majesty's eyes is more dazzling than what really exists."

   Rouge's smile came down, and the corners of the young emperor's mouth raised up, laughing, and then he wrapped Rouge around him, raising his leg and stepping forward.

After one step, in the eyes of Sun Qian behind Zhao Yu, the void in the ice crystal aisle directly began to roll and wave like water, and then countless air bubbles in the space were like the floating ice crystals before, separated to the two sides and formed. A spatial passage invisible to the naked eye.

   "The end of the world is close, unfettered and unrestrained. This is a truly undisturbed method. What kind of unimaginable state has your Majesty reached at this time?"

Sun Qian's eyes widened, and then in his line of sight, the young emperor's rouge figure disappeared. At the same time, at the end of the passage, lava boasted lying on the ground before the slough, and the two figures of Zhao Yu Appeared again.

Afterwards, Zhao Yu, who stood steadily, raised his right hand, stretched out his slender fingers, and gently tapped towards the giant slough covered in thick ice. Under one finger, all the ice crystals around the two were simultaneously outward. Began to burst out a very rich silver light,

   In the next instant, all the ice crystals split outwards and turned into silver dust in the sky, like a wonderful firework blooming in the world, and like billions of stars descending at the same time, gorgeous and psychedelic.

Under the silver dust flying in the sky, with the young emperor as the center, the severe cold began to retreat, and even the ice on the ground suddenly dissipated, beginning to reveal the original black-brown land in the center of the southern barbarian, and sweeping the entire giant at a speed visible to the naked eye The valley.

   Such a vision directly attracted the attention of all the people on the wall of the bones in the distance. They exclaimed one after another, and then the slender fingers of the young emperor directly pointed on the ice outside the giant's remains.

   The entire time outside the Valley of the Giants seemed to be completely still at this moment, and the next breath, the lava undulating like a mountain exaggerated the huge body, and the ground under the Valley of the Giants all shook slightly.

   Under the shock, the entire world outside the Valley of the Giants had only one color, which was silver.

   Pure silver!

   Then on the platform, countless horrified voices kept ringing one after another:

   "Look, it's cracked, the ice on the ancient giant has cracked!"

   Silver light shrouded, and the sound of exclamation continued to linger. The dark blue ice shrouded in the ancient giant's body showed a first crack, followed by a second, a third, and then completely cracked outwards, crackling and falling.


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