The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1110: Catapult puppet


read2();   Zhong Yuan felt a little dazed, even a little dazed, and then he stood there stupidly and motionless amidst the noisy disputes around him.

Xue Bancheng next to him, under Sima Annan’s greetings, quickly stepped forward and joined the debate directly, which made Zhong Yuan, who was here for the first time, even more helpless. , But fortunately, the young man quickly remembered his responsibilities, and hurriedly pushed the huge ice cart in front of him into the warm atmosphere of the military aircraft hall

The entire hall of the Military Aircraft Department has a huge area, and a large number of people in it shuttle back and forth. Some of them participate in the debate, some of those who bow their heads and think, and some of those who quickly flip through the books in hand, and to ensure that this hall is in this hot summer. The inside is still cool, and there are a lot of ice mirrors distributed in the hall.

Then Zhong Yuan, a young man pushing the ice cart, came directly to a place of ice mirror. Ma slipped forward and opened the lock on the mirror. He held the mouth of the mirror. His sturdy arms suddenly exerted force and pushed it away. , Looked down.

In the ice mirror, although there is still air-conditioning gushing out, most of the ice cubes have melted. Then the young man took out the latest cut ice cubes directly from the ice truck without saying a word. , Refilled the Bing Jian in front of him, then sealed the Jian, buckled the lock, and finished in one go.

   "It's cool now!"

Zhong Yuan looked at the huge ice mirror that was gushing out of the hole in front of him, clapped his hands, and revealed a rather satisfying smile. Then he just wanted to turn around and head towards the next ice mirror, when suddenly an old ring sounded in his ears. Strong voice:

   "The young man has good vigor, you are from the ice maker?"

After Zhong Yuan heard the words, he turned around and found that an old man with white beard and hair was standing behind him at some unknown time. Although this old man had a tired face and wrinkles crisscrossed like gullies, his eyes were extremely The spirit is like two flames burning.

   Afterwards, Zhong Yuan, who came back to his senses, bowed slightly and said:

   "Back to the old man, boy Zhong Yuan, the secretary of the ice making department in the middle of Shenjingcheng."

   "You believe in the clock, who is that old boy Zhong Wang?"

   The old man in front of Zhong Yuan pondered slightly, and the sound of questioning continued. Then the former's complexion changed slightly, and he hesitated and said:

   "That's my grandpa, do adults recognize grandpa?"

   "Of course I recognize. To tell you the truth, the old man also cut the ice cubes in this ice making department for a few years when he was young. You must know that these craftsmen, we do not have the strength, how can we do it."

   After the old man finished speaking, he raised his right hand and patted the shoulder of the young man in front of him, and then continued with an encouraging voice:

   "Young people work hard, old man, I think you are a good seedling, and you will definitely be more promising than your grandpa in the future."

After he finished speaking, the old man directly passed Zhong Yuan and walked towards the most intense dispute in the hall. Then, under Zhong Yuan's extremely suspicious eyes, the old man clapped his hands while walking, his deep voice accompanied by crisp applause. Directly resounded through the entire military aircraft hall:

   "Everyone, Mr. Wu Xiangui, the senior secretary of the Ministry of Industry, I was ordered by Emperor Fuyao to invite colleagues from the Military Aircraft Department to review and evaluate the catapult puppets in the small world of the floating island."

As soon as the sound of Lao Shang Shu of the Ministry of Industry came out, the originally noisy military aircraft hall became silent in an instant. After a few breaths, a more enthusiastic cheer broke out, and all the officials in the hall rushed towards the old man. The Shangshu Office came in, and those who were more familiar with the old Shangshu came forward and said congratulations:

   "Congratulations, Lao Shangshu, your Ministry of Engineering is really good these days, I didn't expect to be put out by you so soon, congratulations!"

   In the voice of congratulations, the old Shangshu who is very old and bloodshot in his eyes directly showed a confident and expectant big smile.

   At the same time, in the small world of the floating island, the Tianhui Military Academy near the center of the main island, there are already five puppets the size of a house standing on the huge flat ground.

   The appearance of these five puppets are all the same. The whole body is a dark green color that is very close to the color of the ground under the feet at this time.

On the surface of the puppet, countless dense runes are drawn on it, and whether it is the pattern, or every corner and arc, it represents the pinnacle of the Daxia craftsman, exuding a very violent sense of oppression. It's like facing a violent ancient behemoth.

Especially the back of the puppet has an extremely exaggerated catapult. Looking at it, it is full of hideous tension and contains unparalleled destructive power. It can be said that all the parts of the puppet are for the heavy ballista above the back. And service.

   At the same time, this ballista is also a mobile wall that Daxia and Zhao Yu have high hopes for, and it is also the basis for the establishment of new units!

Although the vast land of Shenzhou in Daxia is on the summer solstice at this time and the heat is unbearable, the small world of the floating island has a suitable climate. The temperature is neither hot nor cold, which makes people feel extremely comfortable, and it blows from not far away. The breeze brushed the cheeks, leaving a refreshing floral fragrance.

The fragrance of flowers lingers in the air, floating above the main island schoolyard. At this time, there are a large number of craftsmen and apprentice disciples in robes, shuttled back and forth around these five neatly arranged giant puppets for the final details. Check, and among this group of people, many extremely young figures appeared, and they were closely pasting the rune on the surface of the puppet, carefully checking.

   These young people who specialize in inspecting puppet runes are elite disciples who were specially selected to depict runes before by the organ sect. Now, after hard memory, they have become the mid-stream of the entire catapult puppet manufacturing.

However, it is worth mentioning that there is no dazzling red dress near the catapult puppet, but a young man with a handsome face is giving orders, and then his clear voice sounded in the ears of all the disciples. Side:

"This preview of the catapult puppet is self-evident whether it is important to our organs or Da Xia, and after an hour, all the main officials of the six departments and 15 departments of Da Xia will be under the leadership of Lao Shang Shu, Qi Qi came here to examine the big guy beside us.

   "We all know in our hearts that everyone has put a lot of effort into this big guy during this period, and the most important thing is."

   At this point, the young man paused for a few breaths, then his face became more solemn, and he said solemnly:

   "It is very important that your majesty will come in person."

As soon as these words were spoken, the faces of the surrounding young disciples condensed, and the solemn atmosphere instantly became more intense, while a little fat man in the crowd became more tense, his round face was covered with beads of sweat. Constantly swallowing saliva.

   After a breath, a small hand patted the little fat man's shoulder, the latter shook suddenly, and then heard a clear voice in his ear:

"Little Pangdun, behave well. I didn't expect you to be able to integrate the Dao soul gifted by your majesty by mistake and become the first person to control these big guys. Maybe after today, you will be recorded in history. "

   "But I'm going to faint nervously now!"

   The little fat man turned his head, looked at the little girl with encouragement on the side, and showed a smile that was worse than crying.


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