The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1127: Kowloon seized


read2();   the inland of the Taixuan Land, nearly half a year after the North Sea storm, countless creatures and races on this vast land follow a trajectory that is not different from before. , Continue to survive hard.

In fact, for the vast majority of the forces in the Taixuan Land, the previous uproar and the rebirth of the sinking fairy mountain in the North Sea, which is well-known throughout the continent, became a post-dinner talk, and then slowly Don't mention it again.

The area of ​​the Taixuan Land is really too big, and on this disputed land, too many things happen at all times. The two huge forces nearby suddenly fought violently and blood flowed into a river tomorrow. Rare treasures were unearthed in the forbidden area, and it caused a **** storm, and even the palm-linked birth and death realm power came to fight in person.

Therefore, for most of the creatures, the shore of the North Sea is too far away, and they may never set foot in their entire lives, so even if the matter of the two immortal mountains involves the overlord holy court of the entire Taixuan land, these creatures are still watching. , Look at the lively attitude.

But there are always people who are deeply concerned about this great opportunity, and the stronger they are, the more secret forces they know about, including the Four Great Kingdoms and the Ancient Hermit Sect, the more they understand the importance of this matter, and Develop layout and actions for it.

The overall state of the Taixuan Land now is that the surface is peaceful, but undercurrents are surging, and these billowing undercurrents are rushing towards the barren and abnormal North Sea, which makes people have a brief calm before the storm comes. sense.

The mountain rain is about to come and wind all over the building. For the people of the Kingdom of Supreme Profound Land, this feeling is especially obvious. A few months ago, the Xuemei Shangguo Guozun climbed the ladder to meet the zun Shang and left. Shangguo began to shake especially violently.

The old country lord, who was old, seemed to suddenly come back. He took back all the power that was gradually dispersed outwards by thunder, and expelled all heirs under his knees who were able to stand alone from Tangdu and headed to the shore of the North Sea. , Participate in the chance meeting two years later.

Some people in the whole Tangdu knew in their hearts that this was the old country lord who had been hesitating before. He formally made up his mind to use this opportunity in the North Sea to elect the next ruler of this huge country. .

In the Central Empire, in addition to the prince’s departure from the capital, there has been a strange thing that is frequently surprising recently, that is, shortly after the departure of the leader of the Xuemei Kingdom, the frost and snow covering the entire sky has not even dissipated. Jin Hai suddenly appeared above the sky of Tangdu, and moved away from the north at a terrifying speed.

   This dazzling light dyed the entire sky into a vast golden ocean, wherever it passed, whether it was day or night, all the creatures could be clearly seen as long as they raised their heads, and they shouted in exclamation.

At first, there were a large number of monks in the central empire, thinking that the golden light must contain amazing treasures, and they soared into the sky and rushed to chase after them. However, the speed of this golden sea northward exceeded everyone's imagination. It was fleeting and no one could follow. .

   However, the monks in the land of the profound mystery are equally firm in their thirst for treasures. Not only are they chasing after them, there are even people who block the road to Jinhai in advance, and there is a lot of trouble.

  Until one day, there was a roar that pierced the world in the dazzling golden light, and after the large number of monks who had been blocked in front of the golden sea were directly shaken into blood, no one in the entire Central Upper Kingdom dared to appear before this golden sea.

   On the northern border of Central Shangguo, on the endless plain, there are countless withered yellow weed plants as high as one person, and countless extremely violent cracking winds raging in the void, cutting everything.

  These knife-sharp winds may even gather in one place, forming a powerful tornado, which cuts, shreds, and rolls up the plants on the ground, and then leaves one after another shocking scars.

In the mid-afternoon, over the majestic border on the border, there was suddenly an boundless golden wave from far and near under the scorching sun. In the blink of an eye, it occupied the entire sky and pressed down. At the same time, within the golden sea, there was still There was an extremely loud roar, as if there was a giant of heaven and earth inside, walking in the air.

  The sea of ​​gold pressed on the top, and the elite sergeants in the northern Xiongguan of the central upper country lined up, soaring to the sky with killing intent, and then on the city wall, a majestic and powerful voice rolled:

   "The Holy Court Messenger goes north, let go!"

After the roar, all the unsheathed weapons in the Xiongguan were put away, the iron and blood murderous intent disappeared, and the next breath, the rolling sea of ​​gold whizzed past, all the soldiers in the middle of the northern Xiongguan, at the moment the golden light passed over their heads, They all felt their hair standing upright, like a big foot with infinite pressure, stepping straight down like Mount Tai.

   This feeling was accompanied by the golden kelp quickly moving away from the fleeting moment, and then this golden light continued northward, directly rushing out of the central Shangguo territory.

After that, on the towering city wall of Xiongguan in the north, a monk wearing a large amount of rune outline robes, after a light sigh, stood upright in front of him, a golden armored general, and bowed. Open the mouth:

"My lord, the existence within the Golden Sea is extraordinary, and every move causes the void to vibrate. The magnificent momentum stretches for nearly a thousand miles, and the cultivation base will inevitably pass through the sky. Moreover, subordinates viewing this Golden Sea vision is completely different from the four holy courts. Any one of the heavenly kings, the background of the holy court is unfathomable."

   After this person's voice fell, a haze flashed in his eyes, and then the golden-clad figure in front of him retracted his gaze from the distance, turned slightly, and a thick and handsome response came out:

   "This king knows that the holy court attaches great importance to the Beihai matter, but he did not expect to go so far as to send out a shocking power that cannot be hidden."

   "If the subordinates remember correctly, at this time, almost all of the high-level combat power of the holy court is entrenched on the shore of the giant chaos sea to confront the sleepless person, right?"

   "Yes, so the holy court is like an insurmountable mountain, which has been covering the heads of all forces in the entire Taixuan Land for tens of thousands of years!"

   The golden-clad figure spoke, and a sigh came from his mouth again. However, as soon as his voice fell, his eyes narrowed, he suddenly raised his head and looked towards the south of Xiongguan, and then directly spoke, and once again let out a roar that resounded across the sky:

   "The whole army kneels and welcomes the royal family!"

At the next breath, all the soldiers in Xiongguan knelt together, and the southern sky where Tangdu was located once again suddenly had a vision, but this time it was no longer the ups and downs of the Golden Sea, but five huge heavenly horses, pulling a huge palace. The wall whizzed past, and disappeared into the sky in a blink of an eye.

   After passing through the Tianma Palace, it took hundreds of breaths before the golden armored general on the wall stood up again and muttered to ask:

   "This is the first wave of the prince going to the shore of the North Sea?"

   "Back to the general, the ninth wave."

  "Nine is the extreme. According to the arrangement of the monarch, the number of dragons who are eligible to participate in the conquest is at most nine. It seems that this is the last one.

   "Nine Dragons seizes his daughter, this one can really calm down!"


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