
read2();   "Niang Niang, Ji Yuancheng brought Linglong Sect Master Haitang to see me."

   At the center of the Summer Palace Great Lakes, in the pavilion at the top of the dam arch bridge, the question from Ruyue sounded, and then he was holding a small bowl, scooping the rouge of the porridge in his mouth, frowning his pretty brows, and replied:

   "Let them come in."

   "Yes, Niang Niang."

After    Ruyue finished speaking, she walked back slowly, and she, who had been in the summer palace for more than half a year, had grown from a reckless little girl to a qualified and careful maid without knowing it.

In a short while, the elderly figures of Cheng Jixiang from Taiyuan Hospital and Linglong Sect Master Haitang appeared in the Huxin Pavilion. Because of the rain before, the old man from the Taiyuan Hospital was still a little panting. And the white hair with raindrops, even if it was wiped with a dry cloth before entering the pavilion, it was still a bit embarrassed.

   Inside the lake pavilion, after the old courtyard prince brought a salute to the Haitang lord, Rouge’s gentle voice came in his ear:

   "Why did Ji Yuancheng come in such a hurry today that he forgot to use his umbrella?"

As soon as this question came out, all the palace ladies in the pavilion pursed their lips and chuckled, and the originally optimistic Juyue made a chuckle and made a crisp laughter like a silver bell. Then the old man who got up below showed a bitter smile and spoke. Road:

   "Don't make fun of the old lady, mother, we are all looking forward to the child in the mother's belly, will be born soon."

After his words fell, Ji Xiang saw the scene inside the pavilion clearly, his old face showed a look like it really was, and then he smiled even more bitterly, only to see the smell of the entire huge pavilion, and at the same time, the stone table in the pavilion was full of dazzling arrays. It is filled with a lot of delicate side dishes.

These small dishes were made by the hidden chef Liang Po in the Baidi Palace himself earlier, but after the stone table, the rouge with a big belly is constantly picking up the dishes to his mouth, chewing, and reluctantly continuing. Open the mouth:

   "Jiin Cheng, I don't know why in recent days, my appetite has suddenly doubled, and it's been a while since I was full, and then I felt intense hunger again. It's weird."

After   Rouge finished speaking, the white-haired old woman beside Ji Yuancheng below frowned and showed thought. After a few breaths, he stepped forward and said:

   "Niang Niang, can you let the old man take a look?"

   "Of course, Sovereign Haitang came from a long way. If the palace is not well received, please don't go to your heart."

  'S words fell, Rouge put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hands, showing a smile, then the silver-haired old woman saluted again and walked forward, and the old gentle response sounded:

   "The Niang Niang made a serious statement."

   The voice has not yet fallen, the white-haired old woman who has just taken a step forward suddenly stopped her figure, her complexion changed a little and stretched out her right hand toward the front.

At the next breath, a Begonia flower stamen formed entirely by magical powers appeared directly on the palm of the old woman, and then the white Begonia flower began to spin slowly and exudes a faint fluorescent light outwards, turning the emptiness of the lake pavilion. The whole is illuminated.

Under the gentle light, everyone's eyes gradually changed the appearance of the void in the lake center pavilion, and only saw strands of emerald green vitality coming from all sides of the entire summer palace lake, scrambling to get into Rouge's body. The scene, like ten thousand birds returning to their nest, is extremely spectacular,


  In such a situation, people who saw it showed dignity, and then Cheng Jixiang, who was standing by the old courtyard, asked:

   "Sect Master Haitang, what are these green mists absorbed by the empress?"

   "It is the breath of life, and it is incomparably pure, enough to be boneless, even the breath of life of the living dead."

The white-haired old woman’s opening response was full of strong horror, and then she gently threw the begonia stamen in her hand forward. After the stamens flew into the air, they bloomed outwards without hesitation. At the same time, her body flashed with fluorescence. Even more.

"As everyone knows, my Linglong Sect cultivates the Qi Huang Dao, and the most important point of this Dao is the vitality of life as you see at this time, but the human world is complicated, and under the red dust, pure life aura is extremely difficult. Searching can only be found in the remote mountains and old forests with dense vegetation. Therefore, the clan developed this method to find the vitality."

After    Sect Master Haitang finished speaking, he stared at the white Haitang flower that had fully bloomed in front of him, and the old voice continued to sound:

"The old man has never seen this breath-seeking begonia bloom so much in the vast land of China. Even the southern wilderness jungle known as the lungs of the vast land of China is so far away that it can be seen in the body of the mother. How strong the life force is.

   "But there is one thing that you don't need to worry about. Under the protection of this strong vitality, the little beings will be safe and sound."

As soon as the white-haired old woman said this, everyone in the Huxin Pavilion sighed in unison, temporarily letting go of their worries, and then with a peaceful rouge face, with big eyes watching the little Begonia flower that kept spinning in front of him. , Showing a hint of curiosity, and perhaps because of her natural love of flowers, Rouge subconsciously raised her hand and tapped gently at the crabapple.

After a few breaths, the rouge's slender and white fingers were gently placed on the white crabapple. In the next moment, this brightly glowing crabapple flower suddenly began to tremble extremely violently, and then a strong red began to appear on it. Above the flowers, the entire flower was soaked in a blink of an eye, and at the same time the gorgeous red awns spread out.

   After about ten breaths, the red awns dissipated, and directly above the void of the lake pavilion, there was a bright red crabapple, no longer composed of supernatural energy, but a real crabapple flower!

   "Pointing to a flower is for the lord of thousands of flowers, please be respected by me!"

   Inside the lake pavilion, the Linglong Sect Master, who had witnessed all this, bowed to the ground again and spoke with respectful voice. Then he raised his head, staring at the rouge that showed some doubts in front of him, and continued to speak seriously:

   "After knowing the identity of Empress, the Lord of Ten Thousand Flowers, the old man may have some guesses about the delay in giving birth."

  As soon as the words came out, everyone in the Huxin Pavilion's eyes brightened, and then the rouge with a little unexpected color in his eyes leaned forward and said:

   "I also hope that the lord of Haitang will solve the puzzles of this palace."

   "According to the view of the old, this is not only related to the rich and extreme vitality in the mother's body, but the main reason is that the little majesty in the belly themselves are unwilling to be born."

   After the white-haired old woman finished speaking, everyone around who heard the words showed a little astonishment, after all, the reason was too unimaginable.

   Afterwards, Ji Yuancheng, who fell into deep thought, just wanted to continue speaking, but suddenly he kept silent and stood respectfully. Then in the entire lake pavilion, a young and steady voice of inquiry suddenly sounded in everyone's ears:

   "According to Sect Master Haitang, the reason is that my child is too naughty to be born?"

   After this voice fell, Zhao Yu stepped into the pavilion of the Summer Palace Lake with a smile on his face.


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