The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1138: Flying Phoenix on the Shenjing City


read2();   "Li Yi, what are you thinking?"

In the corner of the square below the imperial hall of the White Emperor's Palace, the little prince Jiang Yue, who was covered in a black radiant army robe, slowly walked from outside the square with a large umbrella, and then he stared at the front and stood with his hands. Li Yi, who is tall and straight, the voice of inquiry continued:

   "I saw you look thoughtful all the way, but are you worrying about your mother?"

After    Jiang Yue's question fell, his figure appeared next to Li Yi, and it is worth mentioning that besides Li Yi, there are other taboo figures in large robes in this corner of the square.

Although Zhao Yu chose to deal with political affairs in the Imperial Garden, the Imperial Garden no longer belonged to the harem, but because of the birth of the royal heirs, the men of the Radiant Army and the Night Dire Division were all in the Imperial Garden. Withdraw, together with the other hundred officials, waiting at His Royal Highness Huangji.

   Then when the little prince of the Bei'an Palace walked to his side, Li Yi turned his head and glanced at Jiang Yue, who had been at the northern Tianmen Gate for a long time and had become quite mature, and responded:

   "I was wondering how I would feel if I became a father in the future."

   "I really don't understand this."

   After Li Yi's response sounded, Jiang Yue, with a cold face, shook his head, and then he saw Lin Xiao standing upright in the rain holding an umbrella not far away, and continued to speak:

   "But Li Yi, you can ask Lin Xiao, this guy has experienced the joy of having a son."

After    Xiao Wangye Jiang Yue finished speaking, Li Yi did not follow the topic to continue the discussion, but watched the former, with many more vicissitudes of life, and then a very solemn voice sounded:

"Jiang Yue, you are a few years older than Lin Xiao, and it's time to get married and start a business. Otherwise, you will come to my house every day to have a meal, and you will be decent. You don't want to be old and helpless. Take care?"

   "Why do I listen to Li Yi? It seems that my son stayed in Tianmenguan for a long time and didn't come to your house for a long time. So what are you talking about to stimulate me?"

After    Jiang Yue finished speaking, he raised the corners of his mouth and showed a smile before continuing to speak:

   "But no girl like me who has no father or mother would like it. If someone really followed me, I would be wronged by my own belligerent character.

   "I know Li Yi, you are different from me. You belong to the family in your heart, but once my belligerent blood boils, I will forget everything in my head. Who is willing to stay alone for most of my life?"

When Jiang Yue said these words, his eyes were full of seriousness. Perhaps his words may not be accurate, but Li Yi could feel the true thoughts of the young man in front of him. Then Li Yi stretched out his hand and patted the former on the shoulder. Open the mouth:

"As one of my few friends with Li Yi, I don’t want you to live in the shadow of my father’s generation. At the same time, I have always believed that no matter who it is, there is someone waiting to meet somewhere in this world, and you must also No exception."

After    finished speaking, Li Yi raised his head and looked at the gray sky above the White Emperor Palace. Perhaps he thought of his wife's various things, and continued to speak with a tender voice:

   "Pull the clouds to see the end of the day, but the time has not arrived, and when this person does appear, I still hope that Jiang Yue can face it calmly and do what you want."

   "For me, Egoshi, my children have long love, so let's wait until when there is no battle to fight."

   The response fell, Jiang Yue also raised his head slightly, staring up at the sky that seemed to be draped in blue gauze, all kinds of thoughts flowed in the black eyes, as if he had thought of something, and continued to speak:

   "It is said that a man will become mature when he becomes a father. Our Majesty was unsmiling earlier. If he is more mature, it will be scary to think about it."

   "The vastness of the emperor, how can you guess Jiangyue."

   As soon as Li Yi's words fell, a strange movement suddenly sounded in the void of the entire White Emperor's Palace.

   "Jang Yue, have you heard any noise?"

   Li Yi frowned and asked, then Jiang Yue listened carefully, holding his breath, suddenly raised his eyebrows, and responded directly:

   "It seems to be crying!"

   Jiangyue's words have not yet fallen, the baby crying from a distance is getting louder and louder, and in a blink of an eye it resounds across the sky, clearly reaching everyone's ears.

   At the next breath, the bodies of the civil and military officials waiting under the entire Huangji Hall suddenly shook subconsciously, opening their mouths and shouting:

   "Crying, this is the cry of a baby, after giving birth, Daxia has a queen, Daxia has a queen!"

   These extremely excited officials even forgot how the cry of babies can resound through the sky. They all raised their arms and cheered, and even the veterans of the cabinet, who were crying and crying.

   The huge square of His Royal Highness Huangji suddenly became extremely lively, and after a few breaths, a more spectacular and unforgettable heaven and earth spectacle descended directly on Shenjing City.

   First, the raindrops that had originally fallen larger and larger above the vast land of China, under the action of an indescribable mighty force, all stood still in place, and then suddenly turned into water mist to collapse and dissipate.

   After the rain stopped, it was [Penqusa] cloud!

   The clouds that covered the heads of the people of Shenjing City like the mountains, after the crying in the depths of the Imperial Garden of the White Emperor Palace, seemed to be held tightly by a big hand from heaven and earth, and torn apart fiercely to both sides.

The cloud is like thin paper, tearing and tearing, and then the sky is filled with golden light directly down, looking from a distance, golden beams of light descend from the sky, and then spread out in four directions along the east, west, south and north, centered on the Baidi Palace of the Shenjing City, at an extremely fast speed. , In a blink of an eye, a dazzling light curtain with a cross was formed.

   Such a earth-shattering vision is clearly visible to all the people in Shenjing City. Then the men who rested under the eaves of the yard changed their complexions and rushed into the yard, looking up at the sky, and shouting:

   "Mother, come out soon, the sky is full of golden light, and the clouds are steaming Xiawei. Could it be that the empress in the Baidi Palace gave birth?"

   Under the shout, the women who were busy in the kitchen also rushed out hurriedly, looked at the sky, and then squinted their eyes because they were too harsh, and hurriedly responded:

   "A round of the sun has set toward the Baidi Palace."

After the exclamation sounded one after another from all over the city of God, a round of dazzling fireballs fell straight down on the torn and open sky above the city, and at the same time, endless golden light was swayed outward, dyeing the sky. A sea of ​​golden light.

Compared with the other citizens of the capital city, the civil and military officials and the great monks of the Radiant Night Dire waiting in the square below the Huangji Hall undoubtedly saw more clearly and knew more about that round of golden sun. Everyone spoke together:

   "This is not the sun, but the totem of our great summer, the phoenix of the nine heavens."

  As soon as this statement was made, the cry of the baby that had been lingering in the ears on the square suddenly turned into a phoenix sound that resounded between heaven and earth.

   dazzling, majestic, and surrender!

   In the next breath, within the golden light that fell straight down, a pair of phoenix wings that covered the sky and the sun suddenly spread out, and in a blink of an eye they directly occupied the entire half of the sky above the White Emperor Palace.

   After a few years, the phoenix will fly again in the capital!


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