
read2();   the capital city of God, the bitter wind roaring from the north, shuttles back and forth among the streets and alleys of the world's most powerful city, and is weakened by layer after layer. Until completely dissipated.

In fact, the children who have just grown up now, clutching snowballs and playing snowball fights carefree on the street, have gradually neglected the role of this big summer heart at the beginning of the establishment of the city, and those who are older After eating lunch, the old people sat under the eaves, took a sip from the teacup in front of them, and then looked at the little snow in front of them, and said to the old man beside them:

"When His Majesty Taizu was there, this capital city was not only the capital of the Great Xia Empire, but also the largest and strongest fortress in the entire dynasty. If the monks in the Great Profound Land wanted to live in peace, it would be fine. Bad heart, that old man, I can still go into battle and chop off their heads with a knife."

  As soon as this statement came out, another old man under the roof opened his mouth and joked:

   "Before you, old boy, hold the teacup neatly before talking."

   This teasing sound fell, and the old man who was holding the teacup trembling with a stern face, put the cup in his hand heavily on the table in front of him, and said in an angry voice:

   "Why don't we go to practice in the snow now? On the battlefield back then, if I hadn't saved you, you would still have your life here to ridicule with the old man, the grass is a few feet taller."

   "Good job, you turned out to be a captain, you are great."

   After the old man on the side fell with a pleasing voice, the stubborn old man hummed in satisfaction, and then the suffocation in his eyes was not reduced, and he murmured:

   "Don't look at our great summer in the past few years, if you really encounter some unkind tigers and wolves waiting for you, even the old man, who is about to enter the soil, is a little eager to try?"

   In fact, most of the old people in Daxia can accept the heavy news of this great mystery land calmly, because their generation is a generation galloping on horseback.

   Whether it is the former Sun Empire alien race, or this upcoming land of the Supreme Profound Profound Realm, for the people of Daxia who are constantly fighting blood, it is the only battle!

In the silver-clad central part of the Shenjing City, there were only a few people walking outside the Baidi Palace because they had just finished their lunch, especially as it was close to the imperial palace wall, surrounded by six central government offices in all directions. Most of the government officials walked on the broad roads.

The vast expanse of imperial prestige and official prestige are intertwined in the void ups and downs, and the fine snow flies, covering all the roads outside the walls of the Baidi Palace with a white quilt, and the tall trees on both sides are also dressed in white clothes. The figure of a young man appeared at the end of the snowy road.

   This young man is sturdy and burly, with a Chinese character face, and his sturdy arms are pulling a huge trailer. A large wooden box is placed on the trailer, which looks extremely heavy.

   But the young man's strength was so great that he effortlessly pulled a trailer that was almost the size of his body and walked forward, leaving two straight forward marks on the snow.

   These two clear traces have been along the silver road, leading directly to the building surrounded by a large number of sycamore wood beside the wall of the Baidi Palace, and at the gate of this building, there are three large characters written with iron and silver hooks.

   Military Aircraft Department.

Outside the gate of the Military Aircraft Department at this time, there was already a tall and thin figure standing in the snow waiting, snow falling from the sky, falling on this person’s delicate and handsome face, and then slipped quietly as though he was ashamed of his appearance because of his skin. , Even whiter and more transparent than snow.

As the saying goes, gold always shines, and a year’s time is enough to spread the thrilling appearance of Xuebancheng throughout the capital city, even under the effect of the teleportation stone tower, so that the whole Daxia's boudoir girls will treat it. Heard.

Countless people, especially the girls and girls, know that in the military plane outside the Baidi Palace, there is a young talent who is several times more exquisite than the most beautiful oiran in the capital city of Sanhe Liuan, and he is trying to get rid of his surprise. World appearance.

   If Xuebancheng had not lived in a heavily guarded military plane all the year round, and behind it was the Bei'an Royal Mansion, which was famous for its sluggish killing, it is estimated that this residence would be blocked every day and it would be difficult to get in and out.

Time passed forward, and after a while, in Xuebancheng standing outside the gate of the military aircraft, among the icy blue eyes, there appeared the strong young man pulling the trailer, and then Xuebancheng smiled. , Stepped forward to respond.

   "Master Xue wears such thin clothes. The temperature in Shenjing City has dropped sharply recently, so please pay attention to adding clothes."

When he came to Xuebancheng, the young man who asked for greetings was named Zhong Yuan. He and his grandfather were both officials of the Ice Maker Department under the Ministry of Industry. Later, because of the confidentiality needs of the Military Aircraft Department and the recommendation of the old Ministry of Industry Shangshu, Formally became a member of the Military Aircraft Department, and was responsible for basic post-production supplies.

Don’t look at Zhong Yuan’s rough appearance, but he is extremely careful and responsible. He does everything by himself on weekdays. The daily supply and management of the General Aircraft Department is well organized. You must know that to satisfy a bunch of veteran generals who are usually picky. It's not easy.

   At the door of the military plane, the young man Zhong Yuan's voice fell, and Xuebancheng once again showed a gentle smile. Then he turned and walked into the military plane's gate first, and the response came out:

   "Zhong Yuan, you have forgotten where I used to come from, the temperature of our **** capital at this time, in the northern snowfields of Zengjin, has not been so high in a lifetime."

  As soon as this statement came out, the young man Zhong Yuan's eyes moved, staring at the thin figure of Xuebancheng in front of him, with both hands forcefully pulling the trailer to follow him, and then the voice of Xuebancheng was heard in his ear again:

   "I don't feel the cold at all, but the old people in the Military Aircraft Department can't bear it, so they are waiting eagerly for you to bring charcoal fire."

"This time the color of the hot coal is very good. Although it is not as good as the legendary Xuantian charcoal, which is comparable to gold, it is still a first-class product. It is said that your majesty ordered the White Emperor Palace's Department of Internal Affairs to reward you. The warmth inside."

   After the calm voice came out of Zhong Yuan's mouth, the two quickly entered the military plane under the watch of the sergeant at the door. As soon as they stepped into the hospital, the noise of noisy discussion suddenly rang in their ears.

   The faces of Xue Bancheng and Zhong Yuan, who had already adapted to them, remained unchanged. Before they quickly came to the gate of the military plane, they just wanted to push the door to enter, but the gate in front of them opened first, and then Sima Annan's solemn face appeared directly.

   In the next second, Sima Annan stepped forward, reached out and grabbed the arm of Xue Bancheng in front of him, pulled the latter and walked forward, at the same time the voice came out:

   "You should have heard about the Qiushui City of Chuzhou, because of this, your Majesty summoned!"


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