
read2();   "Qiao's house in Qiushuicheng?"

In the main hall on the first floor of Sitian Tower, a voice of doubt came from Xia Xia on the wheelchair. Then the white-faced Sitian Tower supervisor was raising his hands and patted lightly, and a young secretary immediately appeared. Head down to hear the order.

   "Retrieve all the dossier information about Qiao's family in Qiushui City in Sitianjian, and let the commander of Chuzhou Sitianjian appear in Sitian Tower within a quarter of an hour."

   After the steady voice came out of Xia’s mouth, he continued to look up at the mountain and sea map above his head, and continued to speak:

   "Increase the power of the mountain and sea map, lock the Qiao family mansion, and raise the monk's exploration level to the beginning."

As soon as this statement came out, the light spot on the shore of Lingbo Lake on the west side of the autumn water city on the mountain and sea map suddenly increased dozens of times, because with the increase in level, all the monks who reached the initial stage in this area were clearly displayed on the mountain and sea map. .

After the scene of the mountain and sea picture was completed, everyone in the main hall on the first floor of Sitian Tower looked up attentively, and then showed the color of inquiry, but did not find any abnormality. Then Sima Annan stretched out his hand and opened a folding fan, shaking while shaking. Open the mouth:

   "The monks above the first stage of the Lingbo Lake in the Autumn Water City did not find any abnormalities. This is a good thing."

   The voice fell, Sima Annan turned his head and looked at Xue Bancheng, which was inquisitive to the side, and his young voice continued:

"Xuebancheng, you have to understand that the map of mountains and seas above our heads is the number one artifact in the vast land of Shenzhou, especially when Sitian Pagoda mobilizes most of the power of mountains and seas to lock, even those methods in the Supreme Profound Land I don't think that the monk of the sky can completely hide his whereabouts.

"At the time, Bai Mingxiu, the most hidden mouse on the vast land of China, was also afraid to step into any city in Daxia for the rest of his life because of the mountain and sea map hanging above his head. There is only one word for picture, and that is trust.

   "The artifact has its own spirit, the more you trust, the stronger it is!"

After the voice of    fell, Sima Annan put away the folding fan, stepped to the side of the hall and sat down, and the voice came out again:

   "Please, Si Cheng, will do everything you need to do next, and please allow me to wait for the arrival of the celestial army and the nightmare division appointed by your majesty, and then go to Chuzhou Qiushui City."

   "Naturally, it doesn't matter, Lord Sima please, I have sent someone to the Radiant Army station in the small world, these adults must be here right away."

   Ask Xia to raise his hand, and after showing a rare smile, he continued to orderly direct the operation of the entire Sitian Supervisor, and the scope of exploration was radiated to the rest of the city around Qiushui City.

   At the same time, in the central area of ​​the floating island small world, the Tianhui Military Academy, a violent roar, accompanied by the surging heaven and earth vitality, kept ringing.

Under the roar of   , even if the small world is in a bright white day at this time, the sky above the school field is still under the reflection of flashing thunder, bright and dark.

   Around the schoolyard, in addition to a large number of craftsmen and apprentices, there are also angry beast sergeants wearing purple helmets and purple armors, staring at the scene of extinction in the schoolyard.

On the side of the schoolyard, large and powerful catapult puppets are arranged neatly, forming a large array of puppets that are difficult to see at the end. At the same time, the runes depicted on each puppet’s body are in There was a faint light radiating outward, and the great spirit gathering array was released together, almost evacuating the heaven and earth vitality above this small world, forming a huge vitality vacuum black hole.

   This square array of catapult puppets on the school grounds, with huge ferocious artillery crossbows on their backs pointed straight ahead, infinitely murderous pouring forward, just like an ancient giant roaring forward with open fangs, and they are indeed roaring.

Under every earth-shaking roar of the puppet, a blazing white thunder flashed across the entire void, and then fell straight down towards a shield-holding figure in the center of the schoolyard, turning into a large piece of raging teeth and dancing claws, shredding the void outwards. Lei Chi.

The blazing white thunder roared like thousands of birds, and under everyone's eyes, the burly body that was looming in the thunder pond remained motionless, and the faint red glow rose from the figure, completely blocking the surrounding thunder. Outside the body, half a wire must not invade.

From a distance, this person is like the **** of war standing on the thunder, making people feel in awe. Then in front of the puppet formation, the young man Yan Xu, dressed in the robe of the organ disciple, was holding paper and pen, squinting. Eyes, staring at the depth of red light on the figure in the thunder pond ahead, quickly writing something.

Every catapult behind Yan Xu was under the control of the sergeant fused with Dao Soul, and released a powerful thunderbolt towards the center of the schoolyard, which ran through the void beside the leader of the organ sect with fierce strength. The wind blew up the latter's robe, but Yan Xu was not affected in the slightest and still meticulously recorded.

   Suddenly, Yan Xu was standing behind because the organ sect disciple suddenly stepped forward. After hearing the words, the senior brother Yan raised his left hand to make a stop.

   At the next breath, the roar of the thunder cannons raging on the school field suddenly stopped, causing the entire void to fall into silence.

Such an abnormality caused a sound of confusion among the surrounding people who were paying attention to it. Then Peng Mu, who was standing in the middle of the school field with a shield, moved slightly, raising his hand and slamming the heavy shield on the ground, a burst of red. Mang suddenly leaned forward, and the thunder around him instantly dissipated.

   In the next instant, Peng Mu's figure disappeared in place, and at the same time a deep voice came into the ears of the young man in front of the puppet formation:

   "Yan Xu, you suddenly stopped the test, but found that the Thunderbolt ballista with puppets could not meet the requirements?"

After the words fell, Peng Mu's burly body wearing a celestial army robe appeared directly in front of Yan Xu, and at the same time, the iron-blooded taboo aura that had not completely dissipated hit his face, making the disciples of the organ school in front of the latter, their foreheads Dense beads of sweat could not help appearing.

   "Back to your lord, there is no problem with the puppet, but you will have something important and can't help me wait for the performance to be tested. There is a message from the Radiant Army station asking you to go back."

   After Yan Xu finished speaking, he once again bowed to Peng Mu in front of him, and continued to speak:

   "My lord's help during this period, Yan Xu and the entire Ministry of Industry Puppet Department are grateful."

   "It's just a matter of raising your hand."

   A smile appeared on Pengmu’s square square face, and then he responded, turned around, disappeared, and when he appeared again, he went directly to the huge teleportation platform of the small world.

   On this platform, there are already two figures waiting, and as soon as Peng Mu’s figure appeared, Wang Jing’s voice sounded directly:

   "To make a long story short, there is an order from the White Emperor Palace to cooperate with Lord Sima Annan of the Military Aircraft Department to come to Qiushui City in Chuzhou."

After   's voice fell, Wang Jing picked up a teleportation scroll and tore it open, and the clear voice continued to surround the void:

   "This is our first time to perform a mission, I hope it makes sense!"


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