
read2();  Qiaofu, Qiushuicheng, occupies a huge area, encompassing a large area on the shore of Lingbo Lake on the west side of Qiushuicheng.

In fact, the strong heritage of the Qiao family for thousands of years can be seen from the overall layout of the four forests, three rivers and three buildings in the mansion. Especially in the gardens in the central part of the mansion, a particularly huge ginkgo tree grows. Planted by the earliest ancestors of the Qiao family, they are now a thousand years old.

   I don’t know the clouds in the building, as rain on earth.

At this time, it was the transitional period of late autumn and early winter. On the body of this ancient ginkgo plant, countless ginkgo leaves were falling down like heavy snow in the wind, and a golden ground was covered under the body. Looking from a distance, it gave people an impression. Kind of ancient and noble feeling.

   For all the people of the Qiao family, they are like the ancient ginkgo in this Chuzhou and even the entire hinterland of Daxia. They have been passed down for a long time. In every era, there will be proud sons who lead the family to stand on the torrent of time.

   But in fact, recently, whether it is a member of the Qiao family or the servants, there is a little anxiety in the hearts of people, and they have keenly felt that everything around them has become a little weird.

Since the ninety-first year of the Great Xia calendar, after the oldest ancestor of the Qiao family suddenly became bedridden, this thousand-year-old family has quietly undergone some little-known changes, and these changes have gone through Moyo. After half a year of fermentation, it suddenly became clear and clear.

Once under the ancestors, the master of the Patriarch who said that he was the only one was getting worse and thinner, and his whole person became like a walking dead, exuding a strong twilight, and these days he shut himself up. Not out of the family, but the voice of the Qiao family's daughters headed by the eldest wife gradually increased.

As the saying goes, people in Qiao’s family gradually realized that there were more and more instructions from the eldest lady, and they began to stretch their hands in all directions, and they had the potential to control the overall situation. For ten years, it has been in a state of being bullied.

   In the middle of the Qiao family mansion, beside the huge golden ginkgo tree, an antique house was built, and countless golden ginkgo leaves fell on it, as if it was coated with a layer of gold, dazzling and noble.

Inside the house, the temperature is warm and comfortable under the effect of the heat and charcoal fire. At the same time, a middle-aged woman wearing a precious Chu embroidered brocade sits at the desk next to the window inside the house. The woman looks sharply at the bed deep inside the house. Then a cold voice sounded from a figure lying down:

"Old guy, when you entered your Qiao's house back then, because you were too late to give birth to an heir, you treated me like a discarded goods, making things difficult for you. To outsiders, I am the eldest lady of the Qiao's house of a thousand-year-old family, but only myself Clearly, I am just a tool you use to consolidate your position.

"But you should never have imagined it in your dreams. You regard it as the Qiao family who has been working hard for a lifetime. It will fall into my hands in the end. Fortunately, you are dying. Otherwise, as soon as you step out of this door and see the people in the whole mansion, they will all kneel. It must be uncomfortable in front of me."

After the middle-aged woman’s voice fell, following her gaze, one could clearly see an extremely weak and sallow-faced old woman lying on the bed in the house, and this old woman’s gaze was extremely dim, perhaps because of the woman’s words. Stimulus, she was shaking all over at this time, foaming from her mouth, looking very embarrassed.

   "Old ancestors, you have to take care of your health. I don't want you to die so early. Of course, you have to see with your own eyes how I plan your Qiao family. It will be extremely interesting."

   The words from the middle-aged woman made the Qiao family's ancestor who was already ill in bed tremble even more, and even opened his mouth and let out a hoarse roar:

   "Woo, woo, woo!"

"Old ancestors, are you very angry and weak? Is this feeling very uncomfortable? I have been under this feeling for more than 20 years, and you feel that you can't stand it after such a few days. Why? Row?"

After speaking, the middle-aged woman got up and paced to the bed, lowered her head and looked down at the embarrassed, filthy old woman all over her body. The coldness in her eyes became thicker and stronger. After a sneer, she turned and walked out. room.

   Ginkgo leaves were scattered and the door of the house opened, and the middle-aged woman walked out. Ding Xiaoshou, who had been waiting outside the house, saluted together. Then the middle-aged woman sat directly at the stone table in the courtyard and waved her hand forward. The voice heard:

   "The situation of the ancestors is improving. It is just when you need to rest. No one should be disturbed. The housekeeper stays and the rest are gone."

   "Yes, madam."

   After the family salutes, all the family members retired. Then the butler, who was also quite young, stepped forward, kneeled respectfully in front of the middle-aged woman, bowed her head and waited for instructions, and then the woman's cold voice passed:

   "Housekeeper, how many years have you been with me?"

   "It's been almost 24 years since I returned to the lady."

There was a little tremor in the voice of the big housekeeper, not only because the power in the body of the middle-aged woman in front of him became more and more powerful, but also because the two of them had an unclear past when they were young. Dream-like memories are taboos that this big housekeeper dared not touch in the rest of his life.

Therefore, the big housekeeper lowered his head, almost the whole figure was lying on the ground like a docile cat, and then the lady of the Qiao Mansion frowned slightly, looking at the big housekeeper in front of him, a look of disgust flashed in her eyes. After passing away, he continued to ask:

   "Has the eavesdropping storyteller dealt with?"

   "Mrs. Hui, it has already been dealt with. It sinks into the depths of Lingbo Lake, it is hard to find the ghosts."

   The butler raised his head and continued to speak respectfully:

   "The rest of the people who have been in contact with this person are already under close surveillance, but it is said that a storyteller who drank together went to Shenjing City."

  As soon as this statement came out, the elder lady's cold and stern face became more fierce, and then she spoke word by word:

   "I don't care what method you use, find out that person and deal with it. If the big plan is broken, you and I know the consequences, and we can't turn back anymore."

   After the eldest lady finished speaking, she raised her leg and kicked the housekeeper's chest in front of her. After the latter groaned, she bit her lip, and heard the middle-aged woman's roar again:

   "Why is it so long, that girl Qiao Yue hasn't been brought to me!"

   The butler rolled out a long way under this heavy foot, and then he staggered up, kneeling and kowtow in response:

   "Madam back, someone has been escorted here, and I will come here immediately."

"I hope you didn't lie to me, otherwise this lady will take your skin off. You should be very clear about the importance of this girl. The ancestors and masters are already in my grasp. The only thing that can be hindered in the entire Qiao Mansion. It's that girl Qiao Yue."


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