The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 119: Fog of tricks


read2();   and the crown hunting small world, the center floating island.

Since the Solar Empire entered this small world a few days earlier than the Great Xia Dynasty, it was centered on the Vale of Miasma in the center of the island, and the number was large, strangling the monks of the human race in groups, above the Vale of Miasma. The heart hillside piled on the cliff is getting higher and higher.

   Qing Niantong, one of the Sun and Moon Shuangjiao, walked out of the cave frequently, and every time he returned, he would bring back some human monks.

   Second Grade Taoist Soul. Primordial Tree.

   Supernatural powers. Tree listening.

Her magical powers can turn large areas of trees around her into ears and listen to the sounds around her. She is the perfect scout by nature, so she can easily avoid the alien races of the empire and bring the human monks who have just landed on the island back into the cave. Convergence, with the passage of time, more and more people.

   Just now she went to the westernmost side of the island and brought back four people and a fat man who was dragged.

   Qing Niantong took the water bag that Girl Furong handed her and took a sip in her mouth. Without stopping for a while, she continued to walk out of the cave. Only this time, she went out for a long time, and the person she brought back was a bit special.

At this time, in the cave, including the little killer **** Lin Xiao, hundreds of human monks knelt on one knee, their heads hanging down and saluting, the whole cave was silent, and only a calm youth stood with his hand on his side. There was a young girl with her head down, blushing and holding the corner of the boy's clothes.

Next to the young man, a flying donkey was waving its wings, and a horse-shaped monster with two horns and a golden armor looked around curiously. On top of Xiao Huang's head was a small beetle, dark and shiny. The halberd thorns sharply, appearing majestic and majestic.

I have to say that Lord Chong’s ability is not to be said. No wonder he is called Lord Chong. Not only can he fly, but he can also reduce his body size. Sima Annan said categorically that Lord Chong is definitely not an ordinary long. If all the insects had the ability to master the insects, Wuhengshan would have become the back garden of the insects, and there would be nothing to do with Daxia and foreign races.

   "All flat body."

   Zhao Yu, standing with his hand holding his hand, spoke lightly, and a steady voice sounded.

   Everyone got up and looked at the most noble Royal Highness in front of Daxia. This was the first time most people watched this highness from such a quiet distance.

There is no imaginary domineering or lofty, and there is no Huang Tiangui, pampering rich and powerful, but plain and quiet, especially those eyes, like the scholar who returned from the village after more than ten years. It contains the ups and downs of all things, the birth and death of all things, and the two bright red cinnabar patterns on the eyebrows, which pierce the world and cannot look directly!

   If you can describe it in one sentence, it is stable, but majestic, shocking, straight into the soul, unable to resist.

   "Dare to ask Your Highness, almost all the surviving Human Race youths gathered here, what shall I do next?"

   After a while, the little killer **** Lin Xiao who had reacted clasped his fist.

   "Who among you will lead soldiers?" Zhao Yu's flat voice sounded.

  The little killer **** Lin Xiao was stunned for a while, then replied:

   "I have learned some from my father in Xia. The girl Qing Niantong beside me and the girl Zhong, who is the double leader of the Dao Palace, are the best practices of the young generation in Daxia. Naturally, the art of vertical and horizontal is not a problem."

   Zhao Yu nodded and continued to speak:

   "Well, I won't lead soldiers to fight. Let's discuss it, but I will kill, so just let me know when the time comes."

   This time it was the turn of Lin Xiao and the others to look at each other. They stood there for a while, until Zhao Yu turned around, took the girl Rouge towards the corner of the cave, and sat down, only to realize that His Highness Taisun was right.

   "By the way, if I can let you quietly, avoid all alien detection, and go directly to their lair, can you kill all the aliens in the small world?"

   Zhao Yu, who just wanted to sit down, seemed to have thought of something. He raised his right hand, and a purple bottle was caught from the void. The billowing purple mist was spinning in the bottle, deep and mysterious.

  The fog of tricks, exchange price: White rank 80 soul energy.

   The only real contribution to Olympiad is the deceitful wizard Medin.

   Use: Sneak, people within one kilometer nearby will gain invisibility and a 15% speed bonus within 35 minutes, which cannot be detected by conventional means. Attacking or breaking the invisibility effect when approaching an enemy unit 100 meters away.

   One bottle can be exchanged every twelve days.

   If anyone who has played Dota in the previous life is no stranger to this cheap but vital item, the fog of tricks is a great weapon for opening a group to gain first-hand advantage! Whether it is arresting people or anti-squatting, it plays a vital role and has changed the situation of the entire battlefield countless times.

It is foreseeable that in the hands of Zhao Yu, the effect of the mist of tricks will be magnified hundreds or thousands of times, because this is a living world. Unlike games, there is only one life here, and the damage suffered is not a cold blood bar. It is painful, bleeding, and weak.

Soldiers who, deception also! Attack its unpreparedness and surprise.

   It is true that the existence of the fog of deceit provides Daxia with a strategic level of sneak attack opportunity. It is no wonder that all the other human monks in the cave are first shocked and then ecstatic after learning of the effect of the fog of deceit.

A nail on a horse's hoof can also change a battle, not to mention such an anti-sky prop, such as the fog of trick, in a complex terrain like the endless mountain, you can imagine how dazzling it will shine. .

The little killer **** Lin Xiao carefully took the mist of tricks with both hands, gathered the leaders of the sects, and began to gather together to discuss tactics. Sima Annan also ran over to join in the fun, but this guy could hit the loophole with a single word every time, causing the rest Admire it.

   The daunting white-clothed man next to His Royal Highness is also a cruel person who cannot be seen.

   On one side, the discussion was in full swing, and on the other side, in the corner of the cave, the sitting figures of Zhao Yu and Miss Rouge seemed a little idle.

The rouge girl turned her head and looked at Zhao Yu with Lingling's big eyes. Zhao Yu also turned her head to look at her. The little girl suddenly curved her eyebrows and smiled lightly. The whole cave seemed to float. A smell of tea.

   "I want to drink the water in that blue bottle." Looking at Zhao Yu with some doubts, the rouge girl said crisply.

   Zhao Yu then exchanged a bottle from the system and handed the rouge. After the little girl finished drinking, the big eyes smiled more.

   "Do you think it's boring to follow me in the hunt?" Zhao Yu asked.

   "No, it's interesting. All my previous life was in a small place. Now I can walk through so many places with you. It's very satisfying."

   "From then on, the entire China's vast and central plains, Daxia three or six states, is your home, you can go wherever you want."

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