
read2();   "Sister Fu, I am waiting for this to be walking a very dangerous tightrope!"

   Deep in the dark clouds of the North Sea, in the land of Tai Xuan, Ao Bai, who was flying in white, looked down at the violent North Sea hurricane below, frowned and continued to speak:

   "Not to mention the numerous palm-boundary birth and death masters on the sea below, we still don't know how many masters are paying attention to the bottom with their will."

After    Ao's vernacular voice fell, she was standing tall next to her, and she was gently shaking the girl Ao Fu who was calling Hailing. Her delicate face was also solemn, and then her red lips lightly opened, and the response came out:

"No one knows the Taixuan Land Beihai better than our disciples from the Five Immortals Sect. Now the chaos of this heaven and earth is extremely chaotic. Coupled with the cover of the Beihai hurricane, we have about three hundred breaths of time. This Master Duobao steals and exchanges posts."

The girl’s words were as stable as ever, and the same thing was that she was shaking Hailing’s right hand with the same frequency. At the same time, the whole body of the two of them, the faintly isolated black light, merged with the dark clouds outside. Place, regardless of each other.

   Beyond the tumbling black cloud, there was a roaring, blazing white storm thunder that pierced the void. Under such barriers, no monk could sense the existence of these two Five Immortal Sect disciples above the void.

   "Sister Fu, this time your actions are bolder than I thought."

   Next to the girl Aofu, a large mature young man Ao Bai turned his head and watched the former's side face with his lips tightly pressed. A hint of doubt flashed in his eyes, and then the girl's response sounded:

"Senior Brother Bai, I understand what you mean. In fact, you and I know that our so-called covenant cannot really restrain the hands and feet of these land gods. It’s just that the time has not come. The one a few years ago Guozun Yan Jue came to Shen Xiancheng is the best portrayal.

"So now I am taking action ahead of schedule. If I can get away with the Master Duobao who knows the exact news about the dragon fishing rod, it is naturally best, but if not, I will add a fire. After all, the master will give us. The mission is to make these forces coming to the North Sea as chaotic as possible, so as to delay the birth of the two immortals as much as possible."

   "In fact, there is one thing I still don't understand, why this treasure fishing dragon rod is so important to the birth of the two immortals mountain that so many forces rush to it."

After    Ao Bai finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and continued to convey the power of the source in the surrounding black mist, then raised his head, looked at the top of the sky and continued to speak:

   "Although this treasure is said to have innate restraint on all dragons, Taoism, and alien beasts, it is still not enough for so many land gods and wonderland venerations to gather here and look at it."

   "The purpose of the dragon fishing poles of the land gods above and below the ordinary forces seeking this is naturally different."

After Ao Bai's question fell, the girl in white responded immediately, and then she continued to shake the three small bells in her right hand, and controlled the power of the hurricane with her left hand to quickly sink Master Duobao's body to the bottom of the sea. , Continue to speak:

"I don’t understand that the **** forces in the North Sea tens of thousands of years ago may just be directed at the dragon fishing rod’s restraint on the dragon bloodline. If you are lucky enough to offer it, you can get a hundred times and a thousand times in return. Naturally, it is worthwhile. Okay, but those princes don't think so."

After    finished speaking, Aofu’s glamorous face became more solemn, and his solemn voice continued:

"The other role of this dragon fishing rod also involves another secret in the **** battle in the North Sea. At the end of the **** battle, the sky in the North Sea and the sea of ​​chaos fell down, and Sleepless Sect directly set foot on the land of the Supreme Profound Land. Above, at this moment, the saint who had been watching behind the heavy curtains turned out to be born, trying to save the people from the amidst the water, fire, and heaven."

   At this point, the girl Ao Fu’s eyes flashed with thick disdain, and then the voice continued to sound:

"The Lord needs to do one thing to save the common people, and that is to fill the sky, and the indispensable thing to fill the sky is the feet of the Ao. Therefore, the Lord breaks the giant Ao of the North Sea by the North Sea and it is enough to stand four poles. .

"Originally, I waited for the ancestors of the Wuxian Mountain to have 15 fixed sacred mountains. After being divination by the king of the Longbo Kingdom by fishing with the six aolets, the remaining nine died in **** battles, and only the only one was left with the Wuxianshan ancestor. Fleeing to land from the immortal mountain that is about to fall, you should be able to guess what will happen next."

As soon as    Ao Fu's words fell, the eyes of Ao Bai who was thinking a little about him suddenly widened, and blurted out:

   "The Holy Venerable killed the last god, and carried the **** of my ancestors!"

"At that time, Shen Ao had already withstood the violent siege of the sleepless people, spanning the entire North Sea and onto the land, but was attacked by the Lord from behind. Because of the large number of Wuxianshan orphans hidden in Shenao, he was seriously injured The sacred ao below can only protect the core main body, and thus was cut off by abruptly cutting off the four legs, giving the Lord the prestige of saving the world."

   Along with the narration of Ao Fu’s words, the breath of the trembling Five Immortal Sect Master Ao Bai’s breath stopped for two full breaths, and then his somewhat hoarse voice sounded:

   "This should be the shore of the North Sea, the origin of the Ao Jia relic where our Five Immortal Sect is located?"

   "Brother Bai, you guessed it, this Shenao has always sheltered our descendants from Wuxian Mountain, whether it was during or after death."

   A slight sigh came from the girl's mouth, and then the complex color in her eyes became thicker, and she continued to speak:

"Seeing that success is in sight, but he was sneak attacked to death by his own people, it is enough to see how much resentment Shenao was on the verge of death, and then under the erosion of the chaotic sea, Shenao directly turned into sleepless people!

"You should be very aware of the powerful brother Bai of the sleepless person. Therefore, in order to prevent it from causing harm to the world, Shenao's friend during his lifetime, the fairy palace bell to make the adults use their body as a mountain, turning them into the sleepless person's **** The adults directly hit the Yuanqiu and Daiyu two immortal mountains, and then followed the two mountains and sank into the bottom of the North Sea!"

   "There is this change in this?"

"This happened at the end of the **** battle in the North Sea tens of thousands of years ago, so there are not many people who know this secret, but some top forces are very concerned about it, and from this they thought of a way to pull out the North Sea and sink the two immortal mountains. "

After    finished speaking, Ao Bai changed his color completely, and then said in amazement:

   "This method is to use a dragon fishing rod to catch the sleepless giant that once sank!"

"After tens of thousands of years, the sea can turn into mulberry fields, so no one knows how this sunken mountain of two immortals has changed, but everyone is convinced that sleepless people do not die and never sleep, so this giant ao must remain the same. exist."

   After the girl Aofu finished speaking, she lowered her head and stared at the Master Duobao who was quickly sinking into the sea under the power of the hurricane, and then voiced word by word:

   "As long as the dragon fishing rod catches the position of the giant Ao, then the overhaul of the Taixuan Land can determine the position of the two immortal mountains in the endless North Sea, and everything becomes a matter of course!"


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