The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1196: Shenlong Panzhu


read2();   The treasure of the North Sea calls the sea bell. According to legend, it was born when the northern world of the Taixuan land was first opened to gather the essence of the world, shaking its controllable North Sea hurricane, there were nine at the beginning.

   Every time the North Sea hurricane is summoned, one sea bell will be broken. Tens of thousands of years have passed, until now only three are left, and this third one was also just broken in Ao Fu's hands.

After Ao Bai and Ao Fu left, the North Sea Hurricane that lost control completely entered the most violent state, and the North Sea area under its raging became a place where gods and demons fight each other. The tragic battlefield.

Countless seas turned up to the sky, hovering in the air under the power of infinite laws, and on the other side, Qingzhi Guozun Shang Qingke and Yan Jue Guo were definitely not two kingdoms released by Zun Shang. When they collided, the cyan and red rays of light intertwined and disappeared, almost torn apart half of the void.

The law of    is annihilated, and the hands of heaven and earth are playing against each other on the sky. The colorful aftermath of the law, like brilliant fireworks, bursts in the night sky of the North Sea, and at the same time reflects the numb and horrified faces above the sea.

Don’t look at the entire Beihai night sky at this time has undergone earth-shaking changes, but in fact, all of this has been transformed in an instant. From the land gods and the fairyland to the sea, the competition for the multitude is only a few dozen. However, under the power of top-level overhaul, even the North Sea hurricane can only be used as a foil.

At this time, the competition for Master Duobao in the air in the North Sea has gradually become clearer, and even the overhaul of the Palm Edge Life and Death Realm above the sea can only control the warship under him to keep away from it to avoid Bombarded by the aftermath of the fighting.

When the Land Fairyland Master took the shot, the rest of the monks were left with the qualifications to wait and see from afar, and when the two great powers of Qingzhi Kingdom and Yan Jueguo fought in one place, only the main contender remained Got the other three land gods in the fairyland.

Three big hands covering the sky and the sun, at the same time smashed the violent hurricane from three parties, and grabbed the body of Master Duobao. And in the middle of the electric light and stone fire, Master Duobao who had fallen into a coma within the hurricane recovered. After losing his mind, he directly held something out of his arms, and said loudly:

   "As long as I smash this psychic ring, the hidden dragon fishing rod will be born directly, please stop!"

Master Duobao’s loud shouts rolled out, but how hard the mind of the land gods and gods was, unaffected by the words of the former, and continued to blast the hurricanes forward, holding the entire space firmly in Hands.

   For the terrestrial fairyland power, severe torture is the lowest level method. They can use the hands of heaven and earth to directly refine the master Duobao, and then spy on the memory in his soul. This is an easier and faster method.

  Once you step on that bridge between heaven and earth, your life level will be completely sublimated, and in the eyes of the land gods, the existence of monks like Duobao is almost as small as an ant!

   Just imagine, would a person make a condition with an ant? The answer must be no, so the three hands of heaven and earth surrounding the upper and lower quarters of heaven and earth did not hesitate, and continued to grab the body of Master Duobao.

   "Then the fish is dead and the net is broken!"

A scream came from Master Duobao, and then this glamorous woman who had exhausted all her physical strength directly smashed the psychic ring in her hand, and the next breath was the Tongtian where the Supreme Profound Land and Fengxian County intersect. Above the barrier, a pure golden glow rose straight into the sky.

   The glow of this glow is so abrupt, and accompanied by the psychedelic light that is clearly visible in the North Sea night sky, it is a shocking dragon roar that resounds in everyone's ears.

This dragon roar is more powerful and loud than the roar of the golden dragon transformed by the three princes, just like thousands of ancient dragons roaring together, and then the patterns within the golden glow gradually become clear, one piece after another. The fine dragon scales appeared in the beam of light, and from a distance, it looked like a dragon with the head and tail connecting the whole world and circled the nine heavens along the beam of light.

   "Yun Zheng Xiawei, Shenlong Panzhu, is a dragon fishing rod, this treasure is waiting behind me!"

When the shocking vision was revealed above the turbulent North Sea, almost all the people of the great powers turned around and looked at the North Sea enchantment. In the subsequent line of sight, the shadow of the dragon on the pillar became clearer and clearer. , At the same time, the infinite momentum that belongs to the treasure is getting stronger and stronger.

"This Master Duobao is really a strange person. At the moment of crossing this North Sea enchantment, under the lock of the great prince's divine sense, the gods unknowingly leave this treasure on the bottom of the North Sea. Nowadays, if it weren't for life-saving, it would be difficult for ordinary people to find out."

   with words of admiration came from the mouth of the old man of Shenji, and then this old man of Shenji Pavilion, who had been silently watching everything happening above the North Sea, stretched out his hand and stroked the white beard on his chest and continued to speak:

"Before these two immortal mountains were born, the shores of the North Sea have already become a mess of porridge. This is not a good sign. I hope that in a few days, the people of the holy court will reach Beihai County and be able to restrain them a little bit, otherwise the Central Kingdom will be gone. The disciple's battle for the position of position can directly break the extremely fragile balance of the Supreme Profound Land, and the old man has already seen a scarlet."

After   , the old man of Shenji retracted his gaze from behind, looked at the Master Duobao, who was covered by the three laws of heaven and earth, and the three princes of Central Shangguo who had almost been forgotten above the void, and continued to mutter:

   "The old man feels the variable, maybe something very interesting will happen!"

As soon as the voice of the old man of God machine fell, the three land gods who hesitated for a moment because of the birth of the fishing rod, began to make a decision after countless thoughts flashed, and gave up falling to the space crack. Master Duobao turned to grab the treasure of Shenlong Panzhu.

   The center of the entire Beihai battlefield began to change suddenly after a short while, and the Master Duobao who had been fighting for it was directly and completely ignored.

   But it is not always true. There are hundreds of thousands of thoughts on the land gods and fairyland, and countless possibilities can be considered every moment, so naturally a part of the power of the law of divine consciousness will be allocated to firmly nail the body of the multitude to the void.

   Then when everyone's attention was focused on the vision of the dragon fishing rod, the golden dragon statue was put away, and the three princes of the central empire standing above the void were vigorous, their burly bodies motionless, like a sculpture.

   As everyone knows, the third prince is a lunatic, and his motionlessness at this time, if people pay attention to it, it will be the tranquility before the storm, and this is true.

   Then only saw a sharp smile on the handsome face of the third prince, and opened his mouth and said:

   "Regardless of whether you are a **** from a terrestrial fairyland, if the prince feels unhappy, then fight!"


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