The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1206: Do whatever you want


read2();  "The land-patterned tortoise family is said to be the descendants of the ancient Beihai Shenao, and after the Beihai fifteen Shenao disappeared, this family became synonymous with power, even in Under the condition that a dragon vein in the body is fully stimulated, mountains and lakes can be moved."

On the big golden boat in Linchuan City Square, Dong Yuan stared closely at the eight men standing upright in front of him, like a sculpture, of the horrifying tortoise family. They carefully looked up and down, and then the voice of several Jiazhen continued to be heard. :

"Because of the **** battle in the North Sea tens of thousands of years ago, this land-patterned tortoise clan gradually disappeared after migrating from the north to the inland of the Taixuan land, and occasionally disappeared immediately after a panic in history. I was able to find eight of them all at once, and I admire them."

   "You know a lot."

   Under Dong Yuan’s flattery, Jin Yuanbao’s round face put on a smug smile, and continued to speak:

"Actually, what Ben Shao found was not only the eight Terrestrial Tortoises, but the entire ethnic group. I exchanged enough coins for the entire ethnic group to live for a hundred years in exchange for the eight most powerful members of their family. Effectiveness."

After the words of    gold ingot fell, among the eight horrified tortoise races, the strongest one lowered his head, and said with an urn sound:

   "It is my family's blessing to be able to share the worries for Jin Daxiao."

After   , the eight men of the Turtle Tortoise Clan who were covered with earth patterns jumped directly from the deck of the big golden ship and slammed on the ground of Linchuan City below.

Don’t look at the figures of these men at this time, although they are only slightly larger than ordinary creatures, but the weight contained in their bodies is heavier than imagined. Even after falling on the ground, the whole earth trembles. Then the vibration ripples spread outward along the ground, causing a large number of monks gathered around the big ship to withdraw one step backwards.

   "The golden ship of the Jin Zong set off, everyone, please escape!"

A full-bodied roar came out from the mouth of the leader of the Diwenhaigui clan, and then the people heard on the square spread out to both sides, and a large area was vacated in front of the golden ship within a hundred breaths. space.

   "What do these guys want to do? Looking at their posture, they want to use the power of this mere eight people to lift the golden ship of the Jinzong and go, how can this be possible?"

Looking at the eight men who fell on the ground, they were quickly distributed along the big golden ship. The large number of monks who saw what happened around couldn't help but open their mouths to ask such questions. For them, this idea was too unbelievable, but the facts are facing them. Development as expected.

   After about ten breaths, the men of the land-patterned tortoise clan who had come to the front and back of the big golden ship, bent down and stretched out their hands to support the bottom of the big golden ship, the roar of the leader once again resounded through the sky:

   "Release the Taoist statue, get up!"

While    roared, there was a deafening roar on the square in Linchuan City, and then the earth cracks carved by the whole body of the eight horrified tortoise men showed a thick earthy yellow light.

The water is blue and the ground is yellow. After blinking, the strong earth power appeared in an instant, pressing on the hearts of all the monks. At the same time, a huge tortoise-shaped Taoist statue slowly emerged from the back of the men, roaring to the sky. .

"If I'm not mistaken, these guys actually come from the legendary land-patterned tortoise clan who can move mountains and seas. This is extremely rare, and eight statues appeared all at once. They are indeed rich and powerful! "

   "Where is the sacred tortoise family in this land, can hold such a heavy golden boat, why I have never heard of it before?"

   After the rumblings of one after another sounded around the big golden ship, a monk who understood ancient history opened his mouth and explained:

"You may have never heard of the name of this terrestrial turtle, but there is one kind of creature that you will never be unfamiliar with, that is the North Sea God Ao, and this land turtle is the heir of the North Sea God Ao. Inheriting the latter's infinite power, it should be no problem to lift this big golden ship!"

After this person’s voice fell, the eight men with horrified tortoises after the racial Taoist statues were completely released, continued to raise their heads and let out a roar that resounded in all directions. Then, under the interweaving of countless gazes, the racial Taoist statues behind these men directed towards It spread out, merged into one place, and directly became an even larger statue of the horrified turtle road with ground patterns.

   At the next breath, this statue, which occupies almost the entire ground under the Golden Rolling Sect, gradually solidified, and as the statue solidified, the big golden ship above the statue was gradually raised towards the sky.

   "Get up, get up, this terrible turtle really carried this big ship into the sky, which is incredible."

   "You are also rare and weird. This North Sea God Ao can even stand up to the legendary Wuxian Mountain, and as its descendant, the terrestrial turtle turtle, how strange is it to stand up to a large ship?"

   Regardless of how the monks under the big ship talk, but for Dong Yuan, who is standing on the deck and feeling all this, this is a completely different experience, even hard to describe in words.

The big golden ship was gradually lifted above the sky by the giant tortoise, and the whole line of sight slowly opened up. At the same time, the monks gathered under the big ship gradually became as small as ants. This is the place of the Supreme Profound Land. Almost every monk will be addicted. The feeling in it,

   is in the clouds, looking down on sentient beings!

   This small feeling of looking at the mountains made Dong Yuan's eyes feel in a trance. Suddenly, the roar from the mouth of the tortoise from the ground pattern below pulled back his thoughts:

   "Leave, go!"

After    roar, the eight men directly raised their legs and moved forward, and then the terrestrial turtle road image carrying the golden boat also stepped forward, and Linchuan City Square instantly began to tremble violently.

The tortoise is as large as a hill, so when this step is taken, half of its body directly traverses half of the Linchuan city square, and then the other foot of the tortoise takes a step forward again and puts its back on The big golden ship also crossed the entire square.

The entire Linchuan city suddenly started a riot. If you take a bird’s eye view from the sky, you will find this Fengxian County county city almost overcrowded by countless monks. At this time, a huge monster is starting from the central square and rushing towards the north sea. .

   This terrestrial tortoise carrying a golden ship goes straight to the north without any deviation in the middle, and even if the building in front is crushed and cracked under the feet of the tortoise, it can’t stop its progress.

   But the weird thing is that the building owners who were trampled by the tortoise did not show any unpleasantness, but laughed up to the sky, extremely excited.

   Then in front of them, a kit full of cents flew down from above, suspended in front of them, and exuded the light of colorful cents.

   This is the charm of Jinzong, the charm of taking money to open the way and doing whatever you want!


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