
read2();   "As long as I stand on the vast land of Shenzhou, the flames of war can only burn outside the land of Daxia!"

Above the Huangji Temple square, the calm, but unquestionable voice belonging to the young emperor roared back and forth like thunder, resounding through the night sky, and then the Manchu cultural relics below Zhao Yu knelt together and kneeled to the forefront. Wei Guogong Xu Sheng raised his head and let out a loud shout:

   "I, Wei Guogong Xu Sheng, on behalf of all Daxia officials, swear to defend his majesty's will, defend the enemy outside the country, and protect Daxia's territory, without losing a single inch of land!"

   "We swear to the death to defend your majesty's will, and strive to protect the territory!"

After Xu Sheng’s roar fell, the roar of the cultural relics of Manchao immediately sounded. At the same time, in the camp at the end of the civil servants, a pair of dark blue eyes became brighter and brighter, and there was a burning flame in the eyes. .

   The owner of these eyes has a beautiful face that is close to a monster, and his white face is as transparent as the snow on the northern snowfield. He is a rapidly rising star in the Military Aircraft Department in recent years, Snow Half City.

However, at this moment, kneeling down on the square, raised his head and stared at the Xuebancheng, standing proudly on the high steps of the emperor's shadow. The white face was too excited, showing flushing after congestion, even Even the whole body was trembling slightly.

   In the next second, the ears of everyone on the square once again sounded the vast emperor voice of the young emperor:

"Among the documents provided to me by the Military Aircraft Department, almost all of their plans are based on defensive counterattacks. Therefore, the focus of these documents is how to conduct a complete defensive deployment within Daxia. However, I still need bolder and crazier ideas!"

   After Zhao Yuyu finished, he swept across the Manchu Civil and Martial Arts who were kneeling on the ground below with the scorching emperor's gaze, and then he reached out from Liang Po's hand on the side and received a fold. The voice continued to spread out:

"What is gratifying is that I really saw a unique book. The content recorded in it is bold and crazy, because the core of its strategy is not defense, but offense. This is inconsistent with my ideas. And he.

   "And the seal in my hand comes from a young man, Xue Bancheng!"

After    Huanghuang's voice fell, the Manchu civil and military officials suddenly uttered a loud cry, and then all turned their heads and looked at the young man who was kneeling at the end of the civil servants' array. His eyes were full of shock.

   Then, after taking a deep breath in Xuebancheng, which was under his gaze, he got up and said loudly after restraining his trembling body:

   "The minister is here!"

   "Why do you think that proactive attack is better than defensive counterattack?"

   "Return to your Majesty, because sometimes, offense is the best defense."

   Xue Bancheng’s loud response sounded with a strong sharp edge, and then he erected a somewhat thin body, and continued to respond:

"Your Majesty, the area of ​​the Great Profound Land is countless times wider than the vast land of our Shenzhou. It is even more difficult for living creatures to count by numbers, and even if one wave, two waves, and ten waves can be prevented, there will be another wave. , As long as the greedy heart of these monks in the Supreme Profound Land does not die, then the aggression will never stop.

   "The sharp blades in our Daxia's hands will be out of the sheath when they are late. Although defense is the foundation, offense and conquest are the best way to make all enemies fearful."

The words of attack and conquest in Xuebancheng’s mouth changed the colors of the officials on the square. Until this time, most officials who only heard the name of Xuebancheng could clearly feel the young man’s ratio. Under the woman's glamorous appearance, that sharp ambition.

   Thinking of this, a few more conservative veterans shouted to Zhao Yuqi above:

   "Your Majesty, the initiative to attack may seem brave, but in fact it is extremely risky. It is no different from taking chestnut out of a fire. If you make a mistake, there is almost no room to make up."

   After the loud words of these veterans fell, Sima Annan, who stood on the high platform of the Huangji Hall, also bowed to Zhao Yu again and said:

"The excerpt written by Xue Bancheng in your Majesty’s mouth was discussed by the subordinates and the officials of the entire Military Aircraft Department. The bold thinking and crazy ideas really amazed me. Therefore, the Military Aircraft Department carried out the first time. Sand table deduction."

   At this point, Sima Annan turned his head and looked at Xuebancheng, which was kneeling down respectfully, and then the voice continued to be heard:

  "However, in this deduction, no matter how I wait to kill the Quartet, there is always one thing I have to pay attention to, and it can even be called a defect. That is the internal defense of Daxia.

"I'm not sure how many land gods in the land of the Supreme Profound Realm, and once these major repairs standing at the top of the practice world strike together, the threat to Daxia is even greater than the so-called army of monks. A lot more, so this is a point that cannot be bypassed in the military aircraft department's deduction!"

   After the voice of Sima Annan's neither humble nor arrogant fell, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty nodded one after another. The number of creatures in the Taixuan Land was countless times that of the vast land of Shenzhou Daxia, and this was reflected in the number of high-level monks.

  In a sense, there is no real native land **** on the vast land of Shenzhou, which has become the biggest constraint in Daxia's strategic choice and deployment.

   The people of the Military Aircraft Department knew this, and Zhao Yu, the ruler of Great Xia, knew this very well. Therefore, the young emperor lowered his head slightly, staring at Sima Annan’s eyes in front of him, and slowly said:

   "If I have a way to solve the defensive weakness of Daxia Land?"

  As soon as this statement came out, the entire Huangji Temple Square broke out in exclamation. A number of officials suddenly raised their heads and looked at the young emperor on his face as usual. Then the young emperor’s voice continued to sound:

"Husband spring breaths and all grasses grow, and when the autumn is in full bloom, it is for the journey of heaven. The strongest and most powerful barrier on the vast land of China where we are waiting is everywhere between heaven and earth. The way of heaven, but it is a pity that the way of heaven has disappeared and disappeared recently.

   "However, the country cannot be without a ruler for a day, nor between the heaven and the earth. Since the avenue is hidden, I will create another heaven tonight!"

   When the deafening voice of the emperor shook everyone's minds, the void behind Zhao Yu suddenly began to circulate. In the next instant, a huge scroll slowly unfolded in all directions in the night sky.

   "Tonight, I will seal the map of mountains and seas, the first sacred artifact of the vast land of China, as a new way of heaven and earth to protect the living creatures in the four directions!"

Zhao Yu’s bright voice resounded through the sky, and the mountain and sea map behind it slowly rose into the sky. At the same time, the vast milky white light of Sitian Tower, where the body of the mountain and sea map in the middle of Shenjing City was located, soared into the sky, not only forming a clear sky. The huge beam of light of the earth, and this vast light, illuminates the entire Shenjing city like daylight.

   "Mountain and sea map, mountain and sea map, mountain and sea map!"

   Baiguan bowed forward and saluted. Under the cheers and shouts, Shenzhou Haotu's first artifact, the mountain and sea map, took a vital step toward the path of heaven!

   Maybe on the day when Great Xia Taizu Zao Wou-ki created it, this is its fate.


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