The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1239: The beginning of the upheaval


read2();   Taixuan’s northern Quicksand County, the sky is full of wind and sand. Although the northern enchantment can withstand the fog of Taoism above Beihai County, it has been eroded by countless years. The nearest Liusha County of Beihai County has gradually become barren and there is no grass. By this time, it has completely become a chaotic place with only casual repairs.

Whether Xiaoyao City is really as free as its name is unknown, but at this time, under the howling wind and sand, the countless casual repairs in the entire Xiaoyao City, all their heads raised and their mouths open, as if they were pinched by the throat, it is difficult to send out. Any sound.

At the end of the sky, the vast golden light rolled in at an extremely violent speed, forming a thick and dazzling golden sea. At the same time, that vast and magnificent aura pouring down from the sky, wrapped in yellow sand and poured directly into these dumbfounded pieces. Xiu opened his mouth.

   "Bah, baah!"

   The San Xiu who reacted a lot lowered his head and spit out the yellow sand in his mouth, then continued to raise his head and exclaimed:

   "The golden sea of ​​the holy court, burning the sky, really deserves its reputation, but I don't know what earth-shattering major repairs in the holy court?"

   "You don't understand this, but I know some inside information."

After the voice of    fell, an old man on the side showed a trace of mystery, and then the voice continued:

"This piece of golden sea from the holy court has been going north for two years above the void of the Supreme Profound Land. The golden light is all over the sky, and the momentum is huge, like the birth of a treasure, so it is inevitable that there are cultivators who are not long-eyed along the way. , A few times even angered the existence of Jin Hai. Guess what was revealed inside?"

   As soon as the old San Xiu Mai Guanzi spoke, the eyes of the others on the side suddenly lit up, and then they all asked:

   "Say the old man, what's revealed?"

   "It's a foot, covering the sky and sun, like the foot of a giant with the top of a huge mountain!"

As soon as the old San Xiu's words fell, the entire void on Xiaoyao City in Liusha County, the loud noise that was even more deafening than thunder blasted down once again, shaking the San Xiu mind below, and making the ground full of yellow sand begin to violent. Trembling, countless gravels fly across.

   "By virtue of his power, Guangguang can almost crush the earth. The existence within this golden light is really shocking!"

   The speed of the Saint Court Jinhai's northward journey was beyond imagination. In the blink of an eye, the golden light ocean, which was still at the end of the line of sight, had completely spanned the entire sky and appeared directly above Xiaoyao City.

Until this time, the power of this sea of ​​golden light was completely exposed in front of all the casual practitioners below, pouring down without reservation, and even knowing that the sea of ​​golden light is above the high cloud layer above, it still makes The scattered practitioners under the shroud have their hairs standing upside down, like a huge beast with exposed fangs, roaring and opening above their heads.

With a sharp sword hanging above his head, the higher the cultivation level, the higher the cultivator, the feeling of trembling becomes more obvious, and then all sides of Xiaoyao City are completely bathed in the golden light of the sky, and a thunderous roar from far to near indicates that With the behemoth within the golden light, it crossed the huge area of ​​Xiaoyao City in three or two steps.

The creatures of heaven and earth have five senses, especially the monks with cultivation bases. Therefore, after watching this behemoth continue to go north, the casual practitioners of Xiaoyao City who thoroughly felt the vastness and power all subconsciously sighed, and then someone asked. :

   "Everyone, this holy court golden light is undoubtedly coming from the chance meeting, that is, I don't know whether the holy court people in it go directly to the center of Beihai or to Shenxian City on the seaside."

   As soon as this person's voice fell, a terrified voice followed:

   "Neither, this golden sea has stopped, the feet are the feet of the giant!"

   The sound fell, and under the eyes of everyone, the sea of ​​golden light that was originally going north suddenly hovered directly in front of Xiaoyao City. With the violent rolling of the golden sea of ​​clouds, a right foot that was larger than Xiaoyao City directly stretched out and stepped on Guanghai.

The waves rolled, and behind the feet were the legs, waist, and the huge body of Jinhai Great Lord with golden light and dense runes. After ten breaths, Jinhai Great Lord's body stood upright in the northern enchantment. Before, from the sight of the San Xiu in the city below, the body of the Great Lord Jinhai was almost level with the northern barrier of the horizontal sky.

  The grounded body covered the scorching sun above it, leaving a large shadow on Xiaoyao City, but also blocking the squally wind from the north.

   Then the yellow sand flying in Xiaoyao City gradually weakened. Everyone was wondering whether the next move of the Great Golden Sea would be to crash into the North Sea enchantment or something else?

   At the next breath, everyone's brows jumped together, because the Great Lord Jinhai who was facing the North Sea enchantment suddenly turned his body, and the vast aura directly rolled down into Xiaoyao City below.


   At the moment when facing the Great Lord Jinhai, countless people in Xiaoyao City stepped back together, showing that this golden giant brought a strong sense of oppression to the creatures in this world.

   Then a very inconspicuous little figure appeared on the shoulders of the arrogant man. This person was young, not tall or short, and was wearing an ordinary black suit.

   An instant later, a flat, watery young voice spread directly across the world:

   "On the order of the Lord, the North Sea Opportunity Conference will be held on the banks of the North Sea in five days' time. All forces in the Taixuan region can participate, and the strong will win!"

   This extremely young voice seems to contain the most profound law, starting from outside the city of Xiaoyao, Liusha County, rolling outwards.

   At the same time, in the entire Taixuan land, within the city of 108 prefectures, countless sound-transmitting lights in the Shenji Pavilion flashed at the same time, and the same words came out, resounding in the ears of countless people:

   "Heaven and earth opportunities, the strong get it!"

   "Xianshan's chance has come, and the dramatic change of heaven and earth has finally begun, the sky has changed!"

A solemn voice came from the monks who heard the words, and then they got up one after another, leading a group of people who were already ready to go out of the gate mightily, and then left a cold voice on the spot. :

   "The earth is turned upside down, this is the opportunity I waited for, and when we set off at this time, we can just catch up with the late stage of this upheaval. The snipe and the clam are fighting, and the fisherman is profiting. This time, we must fight for the next ten thousand years of glory!"

  Such a situation is happening everywhere in the counties and cities of the Taixuan Land. These people are the existence between the top power and the lowest level casual cultivator. At the same time, they are also unwilling to be quiet and ready to wait for opportunities.

   Every drastic change in Qi Luck represents a change between the superior forces. No one wants to be indifferent as a fish. This is also the fundamental reason why the flames of war can sweep every inch of land in the entire Taixuan Land.

   As Ye Yi on the big ship of the rolling gold sect said, history will always repeat its development along the same track, time and time again!


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