
read2();   Since the saint sitting on the nine heavens, in the ruins of the fairy palace, rarely announced his will to the entire Taixuan land, the Great Lord Jinhai spent a lot of time It took two years for the young man Xuan to step into this Beihai County boundary.

   For the creatures in the Taixuan Land, this is like the fact that within two years of Baiju's passing, countless creatures living on this continent can often hear a word, the world has changed drastically.

But what is the radical change of heaven and earth, different races, different forces, and even different cultivation bases have different understandings, but whether it is the lowest level of casual cultivation, or those high above, such as the four great powers, they all have different understandings. It was never expected that the beginning of this upheaval would come so violently.

   The northern enchantment rune is shattered, and the distance is completely shattered, perhaps in the next instant!

   The importance of this horizontal fence world, the northern barrier that isolates Beihai County, is self-evident.

Although its origin is unknown, it is said that all parties of the heavens are united for self-protection, and there are also rumors that the saints united with the world's top powers to arrange together, but it is undeniable that it has been like an indestructible one in the tens of thousands of years after the **** battle in the North Sea. The barrier prevented the abandoned fog from spreading southward in Beihai County.

   However, the drastic changes that are taking place at this time, for the entire Taixuan Land, especially the other fourteen counties in the Northland, there is no good or bad luck.

Just a few breaths after the Great Lord Jinhai crashed into Beihai County, the four counties of Fengxian, Meteorite, Quicksand, and Cold Rock directly bordering Beihai County, the enchantment of the sky was broken after the runes were broken. There began to appear one after another like screen-like holes, and a piercing sound of cracking began to spread out, which made people feel discolored.

In Xiaoyao City, Liusha County, the figure of the middle-aged man with the little girl has long since disappeared, but the countless casual practitioners in the city are still in terrible horror, and no one speaks. In fact, it is not just Liusha County, but Beihai. Among the four big counties at the border of counties, there are also countless people of forces and monks, standing in front of the broken northern barrier, not daring to act rashly.

Outside Fengxian County, on the increasingly turbulent sea, there are undulating ships one after another, exuding defensive runes. They are so large that they can’t even see the end at a glance, almost the entire depths. The sea is completely covered.

   These warships, which gathered like ants before the enchantment, came from the combined fleet of overseas islands and counties on the land in the southeast of the Taixuan Land.

In the land of the Supreme Profound Land, in addition to competing with each other for opportunities, they also have inextricable relationships with each other. Therefore, in the face of the heaven-defying opportunities that the whole continent participates in, most of the forces have adopted the approach of holding groups and uniting strong forces. , The representative of this is the GCC, which has come beyond the North Sea at this time.

At this time, there is more than the GCC fleet that is heading north over the sea off Fengxian County. If you take a bird’s eye view from the sky, you will find a group of large ships full of monks behind the GCC fleet. Rolling forward, at the same time, a banner representing the name of the power stood on the bow, flying in the wind.

After completely occupying Linchuan City, known as the Throat of the North Sea in Fengxian County a few days ago, Yan Jue Kingdom may not completely block the entire Fengxian County’s passage to the North Sea because it did not want to excessively stimulate the nerves of the land forces. A large number of forces can still sail to the North Sea. After all, sailing along the banks of the North Sea by water is faster and more convenient than crossing the barren land of Beihai County.

Subsequently, more and more fleets came under the Beihai enchantment full of sieve holes, but surprisingly they did not continue to move forward. No monk could see through the mystery in the Beihai enchantment, and at this moment When the barrier was shattering, the monks in these fleets were horrified, and no one dared to act rashly, for fear that the latter would suddenly shatter in the process of crossing the barrier, causing the space to split.

And the monks with such worries are not only the fleet outside Fengxian County, but also the northernmost city of Meteorite County. Below the sky-reaching barrier, a figure in a dark robe stands. When you go, you will find that even under the sun, the whole body of this group of people seems to be enveloped in a layer of black mist. In the black mist, the roar of ghosts will not stop, exuding a cold that makes the soul freeze.

In the next breath, under the Heavenly Enchantment where the cultivators of the Soul Burial Sect were located, the originally solid space suddenly began to emit extremely concealed fluctuations like a stream of water, just like a creature quickly shuttled through the deep space, followed by a cold snort. From among the monks of the Soul Burial Sect:

   "Friend of Wujiang Sect, this is the site that my Soul Burial Sect has already announced. You should know about it?"

   As soon as this fascinating voice fell, at the center of the Soul Burial Sect monk, a tall figure directly raised his hand and waved forward, the dense ghosts roared out suddenly, sweeping the entire side void.

   Under the impact of the ghost like a black wave, the fluctuations in the void became more and more severe, and then a transparent and fuzzy face appeared directly, and the young and handsome response sounded:

   "Look at the saint of the Soul Burial Sect, don't be annoyed, just come over and say hello below, but don't be malicious.

After the voice of    fell, the void continued to tremble violently, and the face shrouded in the black mist of ghosts disappeared directly. After reappearing, it had come to the other side of the soul-burial cultivator, and the young voice continued:

   "You and I belong to one of the Five Hidden Sects at any rate, and you will shoot as soon as you come up. Isn't it okay? Or is there a guilty conscience for the saint?"

   After saying this, the space fluctuated violently, and the face flickered in the void, and then a cold voice came from the mouth of the saint of the Soul Burial Sect:

   "No matter how loud you are, I will tear your mouth and draw out your soul to feed the ghost!"

   "Don't be so serious about murderousness, you and I are right, you should wait until the chance meeting."

   answered the sound, this spatial fluctuation was directly away from the outside, but there was still a sound rolling from a distance:

"But you waited for the scene where the second sisters of the Soul Burial Sect slaughtered the monks in Meteor County. I saw it with my own eyes. Such an unreasonable behavior is really frightening, and the saint must not forget, this Northland The star sect, the first major sect, only retreated, and most of its strength was retained.

   "This hatred of the sect is not shared, so the saint girl is away from home, be careful to make mistakes."

   After the playful voice fell, this spatial fluctuation completely disappeared, but the tall saint in the Soul Burial Sect cultivator's formation was cold and uttered a word out gently:

   "These slippery loaches from Wujiang Sect will break their legs sooner or later!"


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