
read2();   Nine Heavens Blood Thunder, is the most powerful genus among the Heaven's Punishment Thunder, which acts on both the body and the soul.

When this thunder pierced the void from the sky, and the power of destruction was pouring outward, all the monks in Shenxian City who paid attention to all of this subconsciously closed their eyes, and at the same time, the entire sea of ​​knowledge was filled with Boundless **** red light.

As we all know, for a monk with a higher cultivation level, sometimes the divine consciousness that covers the whole body is even more important than the line of sight seen with the eyes. In other words, at this time, the blood thunder will be able to understand the monks in these nine days. Under the scorching, these monks from the big powers were like being thrown a flash bomb in front of them, unable to see anything clearly.

Therefore, the night on the west side of Shenxian City suddenly became rich. Few people noticed the abnormality of billowing darkness and ups and downs. Then, in the night that was almost condensed into substance, the girl Qingtian’s ears rang out. Unfamiliar and familiar young voice:

   "Take the sword, relax, and leave it to me."

When this young and steady voice fell, Miss Qing Tian felt an unprecedented sense of security for some reason, and the night that envelops her entire body became a solid armor at this time, even for the nine days above her head. The blood thunder tears down, but still doesn't feel any fear.

After hearing the words, the girl gripped the hilt of the jungle trial, and this time it was no longer pulling, but inserting the artifact back into the sheath. At the same time, the dense lines on her body suddenly disappeared, and they approached the one that dissipated together. , And the will of the mother of the jungle covering the west of Shenxian City.

   "No, this is impossible. Missy will be fine!"

The Qingzhi Guoshumei clan is most aware of the will of the mother of the jungle, so when the former dissipated, Qinglin directly let out a roar, not just him, the rest of the Qingzhi Guoshumei clan The same complexion was extremely anxious.

The dazzling and dazzling infinite light of the nine-day blood thunder enveloped the entire world of Shenxian City. The extremely violent destruction made it difficult to sense everything that happened in the front. And just as Qingtian fully inserted the jungle trial back into the scabbard, the girl was surrounded by In the darkness, a pair of huge Night Demon wings suddenly opened, and the night billowed more and more intensely.

In the world of the Night Stalker, all Qing Tian can see is pitch black, but for some reason, the young girl can clearly sense the outline of the huge wings spread in front of him, and then fly into the air to float in front of the young girl Ye Yi, lift up He raised his right hand and shook the nine-day blood thunder roaring from above.

   "Ancient taboo magical powers. Void!"

   At the next breath, the void above Yeyi suddenly began to twist rapidly in a clockwise direction, and a huge void vortex was formed in the blink of an eye. At the same time, the vortex opened and directly swallowed the blood thunder that fell from the scarlet roar.

If you look at it from a distance at this time, you will find this thunder of Heaven's Punishment that runs through the entire sky and the earth. It falls violently from the sky, becoming a scarlet beam of light that is difficult to see directly. At the place where the thunderbolt fell, a huge whirlpool formed by the boundless darkness of the night, like the huge mouth of a giant dark night beast, swallowed the former.


A light huh came from the depths of the South Palace, and after this light huh fell, the nine-day blood thunder that fell from top to bottom was even more powerful and more violent. At the same time, the columnar scarlet blood thunder was huge in an instant A full circle, like the breath of an ancient blood dragon spraying its mouth.

   The majesty of the vast and endless avenue is getting stronger and stronger, but no matter how strong the blood thunder is, it is still completely absorbed by the dark vortex above the void and there is nothing left.

   After a lapse of two years, the Night Stalker Yeyi once again cast out the ancient forbidden supernatural power void, which can be said to directly connect to the illusory dark pole, and at the same time move the powerful and extremely blood thunder directly outside the main plane.

The majesty of Heaven's Punishment rushed down violently from above, blowing Ye Yi's large robe behind her body, and the girl Qing Tian who was protected by the former's broad back and the spread of the night demon's wings. , But felt unspeakable peace of mind in the boundless night around.

   In a sense, Qing Tian's decision to accept the jungle has already surrendered his life directly to Ye Yi's hands. In the eyes of anyone, this move is so crazy and incredible.

   On the one hand, the blood thunder of Heaven's Punishment, which was personally cast by the Holy Court Nantian King, was so powerful, on the other hand, the time that Qing Tian and Ye Yi knew each other was only a few months away.

   Qingtian didn't know where Ye Yi came from, what purpose he had, or even the level of the former, and whether he could protect himself under this blood penalty thunder, but this did not prevent the girl from making such a choice.

   All the creatures in the Taixuan Land choose between rationality and sensibility, and on the stormy night in Shenxiancheng, Miss Qingtian's sensibility overwhelmed rationality, and it turns out that Ye Yi never let her down.

The blood thunder heaven punishment that descended from outside the southern palace, poured down for sixty breaths before it could be stopped, and for all the monks in Shen Xiancheng, these sixty breaths were so long and difficult, during this period of time , The entire Beihai city seemed to have experienced an apocalyptic catastrophe, and the holy court also showed its intrepid strength to the fullest.

Sixty breaths later, the ear-piercing thunder neighing dissipated, and Shen Xiancheng once again returned to silence. This time, the cultivators who slowly returned to their spirits amidst the vibrations of their spirits, shook their heads, and carefully Divine Sense peeked toward the west of Shen Xiancheng, and then their complexions changed suddenly.

I saw the west side of Shenxian City, which was originally full of buildings, was almost completely razed to the ground under the aftermath of the blood and thunder of Heaven’s Punishment, leaving only the bare ground, and countless divine consciousnesses intertwined and searched, but nothing Find any trace of Miss Qing Tian.

   "Could it be that the young Qingzhi Kingdom inheritance Taoist was evaporated by the Nine Heavens Blood Thunder and turned into a powder, why didn't he even leave a trace?"

   Countless thoughts of holding this idea were intertwined back and forth in Chengxian City, and at the same time the horror in my heart became stronger and stronger.

   These monks who came to the North Sea to participate in the chance meeting are all in high positions. Naturally, it can be inferred that if the Southern Heavenly King kills the Qingzhi Kingdom inheritance Daozi here, then the two forces will definitely have a life and death battle.

   "This, is this another North Sea fishing incident?"

The murmur of    came from the mouth of a monk. The King Longbo’s fishing fortune-telling started that **** battle in the North Sea that swept the entire Taixuan Land, making the entire Northland look like it is today.

   And this time, the fuse has been ignited before the chance meeting has started.

[58 Novel]  

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