The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1277: Deceive too much


read2();   "Your Majesty, the bead exuding the power of dragon calling was completely swallowed by the sleepless giant ao!"

   The Imperial Palace of the White Emperor's Palace, Li Chunfeng, with white hair and beard, stared at the Arctic Realm City, which was shaking at an unprecedented frequency due to the impact of the giant ao, and exclaimed.

   After he settled for a while, he continued to speak:

"The veteran can't imagine how such a small bead, even if it is swallowed by this sleepless giant ao, can make the vast territory where our Divine Land is located, directly above the sea of ​​the Supreme Profound Land? "

As soon as Li Chunfeng made this doubtful sound, the civil and military officials in the Huangji Hall nodded, and they were also very puzzled. Then Zhao Yu, who was sitting on the high platform and throne in the hall, looked at the frowning Manchu civil and military. The steady Di Yin Chuan debuted:

"You are waiting for this doubt, and the information sent back by Ye Yi just now has an answer. The bead that was swallowed by the sleepless giant is called the dragon's salivation bead, and it has only one function, that is, summoning the dragon, that is, summoning in Ling. The sleepless giant that was suppressed in Lake Bo."

   Saying here, Zhao Yu raised his head slightly, watching the scene of the far north in the mountain and sea map above, and the emperor continued to pass on:

"The key to the great monk in the Taixuan Land fishing out the Daiyuxian Island where we are waiting lies in the other end of this dragon ball, a treasure called a dragon fishing rod. This treasure is so strong that it can ignore the turbulence of the void and even Star sand barrier!"

As soon as Zhao Yu's words fell, the scene at the northern boundary gate of the vast land of Shenzhou changed drastically. After swallowing the Ambergris Bead, he fell into a quiet sleepless giant, and suddenly countless blue-gold charms appeared on the huge black body. Wen, and if you look at the shape of these runes carefully, you will find that each of them is a sharp barb that plunges into the body of the giant Ao.

In other words, the inside and outside of Sleepless Giant Ao's body were all caught in the hooks of countless dragon fishing rods. Such a change caused Giant Ao to start roaring to the sky, twisting his huge and boundless body frantically. Countless creepy cuts of flesh and blood suddenly sounded across the sky of the far north.

   "Although this giant ao has lost most of its consciousness because of its sleepless form, it still has instinct, so it also feels bad."

Zhao Yu’s voice fell in the Imperial Palace, and Juao’s body outside the gate of the Arctic Territory twisted more violently. At the same time, starting from Juao’s dragon mouth, a huge golden thread appeared directly, one side of this dragon thread Connecting to the inside and out of Juao's body, there are densely packed hooks, and the other side directly passes through the entire huge gate, and is connected to the dragon fishing pole held by the king of Beihai Xuemei in the Taixuan Land.

And when the giant ao on the vast land of Shenzhou bit the dragon's saliva pearl in one bite, in the depths of the North Sea of ​​the Great Profound Land, the beam of light that penetrates the entire heaven and earth changes in an instant, changing from the original golden , Instantly turned into a dazzling scarlet.

   "The dragon fishing rod is stained with blood, which indicates that the prey has taken the bait, and the monarch of the Xuemei Kingdom really caught the fairy island that sank tens of thousands of years ago!"

In Shenxian City by the North Sea, countless powerful monks watched the changes in the sky above the sky, and opened their mouths and roared. The thoughts that had been silent because of the vast and mighty power of the South Palace of the Holy Court began to boil suddenly, and a thought and choice sprang to the monk In our minds.

   The Sunken Mountain in the North Sea is now born before the chance meeting begins. Do you choose to wait until the chance meeting is over in Shen Xiancheng, or do you want to go north to the island first to grab the chance?

   Now in Shenxian City, all the forces that dominate the entire Taixuan Land, they naturally understand that for the great opportunity of Fairy Island, although the earlier it is to land on the island means the most dangerous, relatively speaking, the harvest is naturally the greatest.

  Thinking about this, the entire war had just ended, and the night of Shenxiancheng was re-shrouded, and the atmosphere suddenly became extremely weird, but in the silence, it brought an uncontrollable urge.

This kind of eagerness to move is as uncontrollable as thousands of ants crawling on the surface of the skin, and the commotion is unbearable, and as Ye Yi said, among the highly solidified classes in the Taixuan Land, those big fishes fighting desperately in the sea, The struggle for great opportunity or luck has reached a very morbid state, even if one cannot get it, others are not allowed to get it.

Therefore, in this strange atmosphere of Shenxian City, after the dragon-fishing vision in the depths of the North Sea became more and more dazzling, countless undulating thoughts began to boil like boiling water. On the one hand, a monk closely probed the rest of the surrounding forces. Every action of the people, on the other hand, is also watching, especially the movements of the people in the upper holy court.

Everyone understands that Xuemei Kingdom’s move to fish the island in advance has undoubtedly really put Shengting into a dilemma. It can be said that the slap she slapped on the face of Shengting at this time is more than the previous Qingzhi Guoqingtian. The head of Jueguo Daozi is even louder.

   "Elder Ge, the current situation has changed beyond everyone's expectations. This Beihai opportunity was born ahead of schedule. I don't know how Shengting will act?"

   On the top floor of the Shenji Pavilion of Shenxiancheng, the three-eyed Soul Race's question sounded, and then stood by the window, watching the entire Shenji old man in Shenxiancheng. After a few breaths of Shen Ning, the old voice of response came out:

"The strength of the holy court over the past tens of thousands of years is as unpredictable as an iceberg floating above the sea. Especially the will of the holy lord is truly unfathomable. Therefore, it is difficult for the old man to judge the holy court's acceptance. The way down."

   At this point, the old man of Shenji raised his hand and stroked the white beard on his chest. He looked up at the Shengting South Palace hanging above Shenxian City, and his voice continued:

   "However, the old man of the Southern Heavenly King, the Holy Court, still understands a little bit. This man is tyrannical and is not easy to provoke. Therefore, the people of the forces in Shenxian City want to rush to the north at this time.

   The voice of the old man with the magic machine just fell, and as expected, in the huge palace above Shenxian City, the majestic and cold voice of the Southern Heavenly King rolled directly down:

   "The chance meeting has not yet been held, no matter whether there is an accident in the two tens of thousands of years ago, no one is allowed to step into the North Sea!"

This extremely domineering voice came out, and a vast and magnificent momentum suddenly rolled down from the sky, and then one after another, the heavenly punishment thunder quickly flew out from the immortal gate of the Nanxing Palace, floating in the void. Flashing continuously, the power is pointing down!

The extremely rich power of Heaven's Punishment, accompanied by the voice of the Southern Heavenly King of the Holy Court, lingered in the void, and at this moment, the naked dominance of the Holy Court and the might of Heaven's Punishment hanging above their heads caused all the monks in Shenxian City to have His complexion changed drastically.

   Shen Xiancheng on the banks of the North Sea, under the eager undercurrent, suddenly there was a little more treacherous killing intent.

   "It's really bullying!"


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