The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 1280: Mountains and seas map out


read2();   "Li Chunfeng!"

   The imperial hall of the White Emperor Palace, the voice of the young emperor rolled down from the high platform, and then Li Chunfeng, the civil and military officer standing in the front, bowed forward and responded:

   "Your Majesty, the minister is here!"

   "How far have we traveled toward the sun and the moon in the vast land of China now?"

   "In response to your Majesty, according to the report every two hundred breaths of the Si Tianjian, I have already traveled 90 million li, and the speed is getting faster and faster, which can be called a tens of thousands of li."

Li Chunfeng’s old response was solemn, and at this time all the creatures on the vast land of China felt that the ground under their feet was like a big ship being pulled violently in the void. Everyone is Passengers on the bed moving towards the destination.

This is a mysterious and mysterious feeling. In the eyes of countless Ziming who stayed in the house and looked up at the sky in Daxia, the full moon above the sky is slowly growing and becoming more real. .

   "Walking toward the sun and the moon, removing the obstacles, is the real appearance of the world!"

   Around Daxia, countless monks who looked up at the sky one after another sighed like this. At the same time, they suddenly felt that their bodies were lighter, as if the shackles that enveloped them were gradually being untied.

   As we all know, advancing quickly in the turbulence of space will blur the perception of time by creatures. Therefore, for the people on the vast land of China, the night of the winter night of the 91st year of the summer is extremely long.

Suddenly, in everyone’s eyes, the dark night sky above Shenzhou Haotu, except for the full moon, began to change. Suddenly, there were countless twinkling stars, and it was accompanied by Shenzhou Haotu. As the dragon fishing rod continued to drag, the stars above the night sky became brighter and more dazzling, gradually forming a vast, dazzling and mysterious sea of ​​stars.

   "The sea of ​​stars, it turns out that this is the exact appearance of the stars we see when we look up."

Sighs came from the mouths of countless people, and what most people don’t know is that at this moment, the light is approaching quickly towards the vast land of Shenzhou. Every twinkling star is composed of tiny little stars. Cinnabar is aggregated with each other.

   The space barrier formed by these stars, which are born with the power to break the barrier, can be called the most perfect and most concealed barrier, and it is this barrier that has kept the existence of the vast land of China hidden for tens of thousands of years.

When the sea of ​​stars and sand clearly appeared above the vast night sky of Shenzhou, outside the imperial hall of the White Emperor's Palace, an official from outside the palace quickly ran in from outside the hall with mixed expressions. Outgoing:

"Sitian Pagoda is here to report that the vast land of Shenzhou is less than half a million miles away from the barrier of the star sand barrier. At our current speed, the Daiyuxian Island where we are waiting will directly hit this crystal after a hundred breaths. The Tianjian Supervisor is asking Master Xia to ask whether the power of the Heavenly Dao of the Mountain and Sea Map has been opened to the limit.

  Si Tianjian’s transmission ordered the secretary's voice to fall, and Zhao Yu's voice from the throne above the high platform rolled directly:


Then Zhao Yu turned his head to look at Liang Po, who nodded directly, and his burly body disappeared directly into the Palace of Huangji. After that, Si Si Chengyuan, who was standing with his hands hanging down in the hall, took a step forward and said loudly. Road:

   "Your Majesty, all Daxia possesses teleportation stone statue towers and altars are ready."

"The cinnabar sand is extremely strong. The immortal island where we are waiting directly hits at such a speed, and it will produce an unimaginable hedging force. Therefore, before the collision, I will open up the power of the mountains and seas to defend. The waiting time may only be a few breaths. You can breathe as much as you give me!"

   "The minister and all the teleporters will do their best!"

After   , the solemn-faced Yuan Bai opened his hand to shoot a secret order into the flying messenger hovering aside, and then the little pony waving its wings directly tore the void in front of him and disappeared.

At the next breath, the entire vast land of China suddenly began to tremble. That was the resistance of the celestial sand barrier to the two sunken celestial mountains. Under the night, the trees on both sides of the Huangji Square of the White Emperor Palace made a rattling noise because of the violent shaking. , Even the Xuantian Shenmu in the depths of the imperial garden began to swing from side to side.

   Then on the huge square of His Royal Highness Huang Po, Liang Po's burly body like a hill reappeared again, but this time, he had a gourd about the size of himself on his back.

   Then Liang Po took off the gourd, stood on the ground in front of him, looked up at the sea of ​​stars and light above the sky above his head, and said nothing.

   He is waiting, waiting for the endless stars of cinnabar to approach, and get closer.

As time passed by breath after breath, the vast land of Shenzhou was trembling more and more violently. At the same time, the gravel on the 36th State of Daxia, like an ant on a hot pot, bounced upwards, and at this time, it was in the cultivation base. In the eyes of the monk, it is even possible to see every shining star in the barrier like a giant net above the sky.

After an instant, Liang Po raised his huge right hand and patted directly on the huge gourd in front of him, making a muffled noise, and then a stream of light shot straight into the sky, turning into a big mouth, and began to swallow the countless stars above the void. .

At the same time, starting with the slap of Liang Po, all the big cities with stone towers and altars erected in the thirty-six prefectures of China, a loud drum sounded together, and then the blue and white light also came from the stone tower. It soars into the sky and runs through the entire sky.

These received light released by countless teleporters, relying on ancient stone statue towers, completely moved the floating sea of ​​cinnabar sand in the front barrier enchantment in an instant, and then a large number of cinnabar sands followed. Rolling down with the light.

No one in the vast land of China knows the special role of this celestial sand treasure better than Zhao Yu, because the master took the young emperor and scoured all the celestial sand of Daxia, and on the way to the throne of Zhao Yu, the celestial sand also played An indispensable role.

Under the will of the young emperor, the teleportation officials headed by Liang Po were madly absorbing the celestial sand above the sky, and in the sight of the mountains and seas in the Palace of Emperors, the extreme northern boundary across the sleepless giant ao Above the door, the layer of shining misty cinnabar sand barrier was already close at hand, and it was about to hit the Winter Snow Fortress immediately.

   "Your Majesty!"

In the Imperial Palace, the civil and military officials hurriedly uttered an exclamation. Between the electric light and flint, the usual Zhao Yu on the throne waved forward, and the vast expanse of China, the mountains and seas. The power of Tutiandao was released to the extreme in an instant, and a huge picture of mountains and seas appeared on the sky and the earth.

   Once the map of the mountains and seas, the first sacred artifact of the vast land of Shenzhou, was released, the four directions were stable. The mountains and rivers of the vast land of Shenzhou were trembling violently.

   An instant later, the fairy island where the vast land of Shenzhou is located crashed into the mighty star sand barrier in front of him.

   At the same time, on the North Sea of ​​the Taixuan Land, the Monarch of Xuemei Kingdom, who was pulling the dragon fishing rod backwards, let out a muffled snort again, his body covered in frost armor with numerous cracks, but he could no longer retreat.


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